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Romance: My Stepbrother's Plaything

Page 46

by Valentine, Annie

  Stephanie giggled and Hoss laughed along with her.

  “I doubt that,” she said, recalling the nun’s solemn expressions. She shifted her mind back to the present.

  “Well Mrs. Taft, you better get moving, we have a lot of work to do still,” Hoss said.

  She entered the room and fell into his open hands. How foolish of her not to have seen what was right in front of her. Except that Carter had a way of seeping into one’s imagination, Stephanie thought with a slight shudder. She was glad they were going away. It would be easier to love each other without Carter’s presence in the shadows.

  Chapter Twenty

  Melanie was on edge as she and her mother sat on a blanket laid over a patch of grass a little way from the river. Her father and Carter stood on stones, their rods swinging to and fro, as they chatted and fished. He had not said a word about his reason for coming. The three days had passed by in a confused muddle for her.

  Being with Carter every moment of the day reminded her of why she loved him so much. She loved how he and her parents had taken to each other and how they spoke like old friends. He seemed easy and relaxed as he went through each door with no firm plans. He went along with whatever activity her parents suggested.

  “Don’t let him get away Melanie,” her mother said softly. “And I’m not saying that because of the trip.”

  “You don’t understand mother,” Melanie said.

  “I understand and know love when I see it. The man loves you and I can tell that you love him too. He’s a wonderful man.”

  Melanie looked down moodily. She was a private person by nature and she could not confide in her mother what had transpired between them.

  “My legs are tired,” her mother said and struggled to her feet. “I’ll get your father to take me back home and we’ll leave you two for a while longer.”

  Melanie pretended not to see the wink her mother gave her. She watched as her mother went and whispered into her father’s ear. Her father turned to her and looked at her questioningly. Melanie nodded. She might as well get this over and done with. Carter could not stay in Columbus forever and it looked like he just might, if she didn’t do something.

  Carter did not move from his spot, even after her parents said their goodbyes. She grew irritated by the second. Her eyes strayed to a cove by the rocks and she felt tempted to go in there to hibernate for the winter to avoid dealing with everything.

  She stood up decisively and went and sat on the stone her father had occupied. Carter glanced at her and smiled and returned to his fishing. God! The man tested her very patience.

  “Carter?” she snapped.

  “Talk softly, your frightening the fish,” he said mildly.

  “I don’t care about the fish!”

  “Alright, what do you care about? Clearly not me either.”

  Melanie closed her eyes. “You don’t understand do you? You crossed the lines of decency with Stephanie.”

  He finally put his rod down and sat down on the stone facing her, his long legs folded under him.

  “I understand perfectly well,” Carter said softly. “I’m sorrier than you would ever know that I took up with Stephanie. It seemed harmless fun at first. I did tell her often than there was no future for us—” Carter lifted his hands when Melanie made as if to speak.

  “Let me have my say. I followed you all way here to be able to say these things to you. I should have stayed away from her. As you rightly said, she’s a young girl and is bound to want more than I could give her. If I could undo my past, I would but I can’t Melanie. All I have to offer is my future.”

  Her lower lip trembled and she bit it to keep it in place.

  “I love you Melanie Marriot and I will spend all my life loving you. You’re beautiful and smart and wonderful to be around. Please tell me you love me too.”

  Melanie inhaled deeply. Her heart told her to go with it but her mind told her to exercise care. She decided to follow her heart and throw caution to the wind.

  “I love you Carter,” she said softly.

  He looked at her incredulously. “Say that again,” Carter commanded. “And this time, say it louder.”

  “I love you Carter!” Melanie said.

  “Oh sweetheart,” Carter said. “Come here.”

  “Where?” Melanie said, her voice dry. “You’re seated on a stone.”

  They both laughed. Carter jumped to his feet and helped her down. Immediately her feet touched the ground, his mouth was on hers. Her hands flew around his neck and she sighed as his hot tongue entered her mouth. Then he stopped and her eyes flew open.

  “Why did you do that?” she asked accusingly.

  “Not for long my darling,” Carter promised. “What do you say to getting married here in Ohio? Just us and your parents”

  Melanie could not speak. It would mean so much to her parents. She nodded. Carter’s mouth fell on hers again. They kissed hungrily, as though making up for the days they had been apart. Her hands roamed over his back and she felt a freedom that came from allowing herself to love Carter again.

  His hands cupped her rear end and pushed her harder against him. He half lifted her from the ground and Melanie grinded her pelvis against his hardness.

  “Oh Melanie, I want you so badly,” carter groaned.

  “Have me then,” Melanie invited.

  “Where? Your parents might see us,” Carter said. His eyes searched the surroundings. He saw the cove and taking her hand, he led her to it, grabbing the picnic blanket on the way.

  “Are you sure?” he said.

  Melanie nodded. She had no doubts whatsoever that she wanted Carter to take her. She wanted their bodies to be one with each other as were their hearts. She wanted to feel his manhood inside her. Carter pulled her down to the blanket he had laid out. She sat astride him and watched his hands tremble as he undid the buttons of her dress.

  She grinded against him suggestively and he groaned. She was going to enjoy being Mrs. Taft, Melanie thought as she helped him by lifting her dress above her arms and over her head. His hands fell on her exposed breasts and that was the last coherent thought that formed in her brain.


  12. Conceived at her Bachelorette Party

  By: Sheila Bolton

  Conceived at her Bachelorette Party

  ©Sheila Bolton, 2016 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

  If you are under 18 years old, or are not comfortable with adult content, please close this book now.

  Chapter 1

  People say time is a relative concept and sometimes forever can be only a second but in the case of Nicholas Wright and Hannah Johnson; it was true in its most literal sense.

  “Honey, he is just a high school sweet heart!” Mrs. Johnson had laughed over the evening drinks one day to her then eighteen-year-old daughter, “They come and go!”

  But he had stayed.

  When they had gone to prom together with their arms interlinked – their faces alight with cheesy smiles and thei
r hands around each other, their friends had made a bet right there that even though they were so loved up now, college would inevitably break them apart.

  But it hadn’t.

  Leaving the little bubble of security and comfort that college inevitably provides you with was hard. Stepping into the real world was even harder when faced with the pressure of finding employment straight out of school and people thought they would not be able to take the heat and eventually break up.

  They proved everybody wrong by instead deciding to rent an apartment in the city and moving in together.

  All their life, their love for each other had been sickening sweet – they were the couple you usually saw at parties in a quiet corner sucking each other’s faces off. But only difference was, they had been doing this for the nine years they had been together. The spark did not die and everyone around them was finally starting to realize that perhaps, there was such a thing possible as two people being together forever.

  Nick fumbled with the black velvet covered box in his hands, turning it over repeatedly as he waited in a semi-lit up room. He was convinced that this was the next step the two of them needed to take to further their relationship – there was no one else he could imagine seeing himself with. Hannah was it for it him – his one person.

  They understood each other to levels of madness and Nick finally wanted to cement that bond with marriage. He glanced nervously at the door – she did not have any idea that he had planned this out for her.

  Eventually, the door hinged open and Hannah walked in to find the apartment bathed in darkness except the small candles that were lit on the floor, leading up to the living room.

  “Nick?” she called out, her nose crinkling in confusion, “Where are you?”

  But then finally entered the living room and there he was right in front of her. Seeing her, he could not help but feel his nervousness wash away and a grin spread out across his face.

  He held out a hand for her to take and she just breathlessly walked over, only now realizing the events that unfolding around her.

  “Nick,” she whispered out and her breath hitched, as Nick started to bend down to sit on one knee and fished out a small velvet box from his pocket.

  “Ssh,” he told her, still maintaining eye-contact as slowly opened the box up in front of her, “Hannah,” he said slowly then there was a pause.

  It seemed that they did not need any words at that moment as they both gazed into each other’s eyes – drinking the other in as though this was the first time they had seen each other. Nick gulped loudly.

  “Hannah,” he said again, now holding out the ring in front of him, “You are my life and you have been since they first date when we were both eighteen – when we snuck out of your parents’ house to kiss in the rain. That was the day I realized I love you and there is no one else I want to be with than you – that day and today; my feelings have not changed.”

  Hannah could just feel the tears forming in her eye but they were happy tears.

  “Hannah,” Nick started again in that same low and intense tone, “Will you marry me?”

  Hannah could hardly control her own self as she lunged forward to meet him in a warm embrace, “Yes, yes, yes!” she whispered against the base of his neck, leaving a kiss each she said the word, “I do and I will always.”

  Nick laughed in delight, “I love you, babe,” he said and then took one of her thin fingers into his hands and slid the ring on.

  She held out her hand and examined the ring, with Nick’s arms still latched around her waist, “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

  “You are the one that’s beautiful,” he replied back – he could not help but be a little cheesy. After all, the love of his life had just agreed on marrying him.

  She grinned back, “Carry me, Nick,” she said turning to him with a devilish glint in her eyes, “We must get to the bed now!”

  Nick laughed, “But babe, I put out champagne for us to drink,” he told her but then noticed by the intense expression on her face, she was dead serious. Instantly, the thought of champagne left his brain as he stared back into her gorgeous brown orbs gazing into his.

  He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the door, bridal style – stopping only to move down and kiss her lips for a brief moment before he turned the door knob and swooped her in, coming to a rest at the base of their bed.

  “I love you, Nicholas,” was the last thing she said to him before pulling him down on the bed with her, leaving him no time or reason to protest.


  That was six months ago and the engagement was still solid. Hannah sipped on her iced coffee, typing away on her phone as her raven haired best friend sat across her.

  “I cannot believe you are getting married in two weeks,” Hayley, her best friend said, “That’s far too soon for me to even wrap my head around!”

  Hannah chuckled in response, “Stop being so melodramatic!” she replied, “It’s not like anything will change once I get married, I’ll still be living in the city.”

  “Well, yeah,” Hayley said, her teeth scraping against the inside of her cheek, “Not like that it won’t but I meant – you know, you’ll be officially off the market,” she concluded with a rather concerned look on her face.

  Hannah had to laugh – of course this was the sort of reaction she expected to receive from her best friend of two decades who entirely repelled any form of commitment.

  “I’ve been off the market for the past eight years, if you haven’t noticed,” Hannah replied chuckling.

  “No – well you could always have gone on a break and sowed your wild oats with some rebound guy when you he was only your boyfriend,” Hayley said casually, “but now! It’s going to be different – you’re going to divorce him before you decide to go bar hopping with some hot piece of meat.”

  Hannah was still laughing – her best friend’s commentary on most things in life was at the most entertaining. “Hey – I already have a hot piece of meat waiting for me back home,” she said, self-assuredly.

  Hayley made a small gagging gesture at that, “Gag me with a spoon, will you?” she said and then her eyes lit up as though suddenly she remembered the one thing they had been discussing for the past ten minutes, “Oh god! You’re getting married in two weeks! We are going to Las Vegas!”

  Hannah bit down her lip and then took another sip out of her cup as she let her mind wander. Both Nicholas and Hannah had agreed they did not want their wedding to be an average boring affair where they just walk down the chapel, eat cake and then head back home.

  To add a little excitement, they decided on a Las Vegas wedding at a free standing chapel but close by to many pubs and casinos. So that once guests attended the boring altar ceremony, they could cut loose and enjoy themselves a little fun with gambling. Hayley and their other friends thought it was a fantastic idea and soon, they had booked themselves a date two weeks from now.

  But as the wedding loomed closer, so did the pressure. The thought that singlehood was slipping away was not so much of a concern to Hannah as it was to Hayley. And so, she had taken it upon herself to plan out her best friend’s bachelor party.

  “I’m going to let you go out with a bang though,” Hayley said grinning, “Your bachelor party is going to be a blast!”

  “Oh god – how many strippers have you hired?” Hannah said laughing and slightly horrified, “Do I even want to know?”

  “You’ll find out,” Hayley said coyly, “All in due time though.”

  “I can hardly wait,” Hannah let out sarcastically.

  “Shut up,” Hayley quipped back, “You know you are going to love me for this!”

  Chapter 2

  Hayley had been Hannah’s best friend for the past two decades – they had met in kindergarten when Hayley decided to borrow Hannah’s blue crayon without asking. They had fought that day but after that, they had been best friends ever since.

  Hayley, unlike Hannah, refused to settle down at th
e age of twenty-seven but she appreciated her best friend for her loyalty and love for Nick. Hayley was known for throwing her wild parties where people usually got drunk out of their minds in college but since graduating, the sobriety levels at her parties had significantly risen and now her parties featured more wine instead of cold brew beer in red solo cups.

  Nick and Hannah entered the party hand in hand, just as you would expect from a soon to be married couple that was absolutely smitten about the other. Hannah’s eyes glanced over the part crowd fleetingly, trying to search out for her best friend but she was nowhere in sight.

  “You want me to get us some drinks?” Nick offered as she continued her search for a familiar face.

  She nodded, finally having spotted Hayley from across the room. “Yeah, you go,” she told him, “I’ll catch up with you.”

  Upon seeing Hayley, she noticed her sister Ashley was also in town. Skipping over to the pleasantries, they both greeted each other with a smile.

  “I haven’t seen you in years,” Ashley said, “Last time I saw you, you and your boyfriend were in our basement making out.”

  Hannah had to laugh at the memory of her high school days, “Well, fiancé now,” she corrected her.

  “No way!” Ashley gasped, “Show me the ring!”

  Hannah flashed her diamond ring in the air and Ashley clapped her hands together in excitement.

  “Oh Hannah!” she said, “That is wonderful; you guys really went for the long haul.”

  “Yeah, they did,” Hayley replied looking rather sour at the prospect, “they sure are gross and in love,” she said in her usual cynical tone.

  “Oh don’t listen to her!” Ashley said quickly, “My sister has always been so against long term relationships but I think you will agree with me, once you find the right person; there is truly nothing else better.”

  Hannah nodded, she felt the same way and felt reassured that Ashley, who had been married for five years now, still felt this way regarding her husband.


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