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Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Rose Nickol

  Tasha felt relief for the first time in years. Maybe her nightmare would finally be over. Jason wouldn’t want to face criminal charges, and if the police were involved, maybe that would scare him enough to leave her alone. She was sure his father didn’t have any influence in Colorado, and she would not face the same battles. Not that it would be easy, but there was hope.

  “Do you think we can really get rid of him ? I would so love to go and see my mother.” She looked hopefully at Tim.

  Taking her by the hand, he pulled her to the couch, grabbing her laptop. He helped her find a flight at a good price, and then they booked two tickets. Tim would go with her, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

  Tasha was excited to go home and see her family. It had been hard for her being away. Maybe she could figure out who kept telling Jason where she was, not that it would matter. Tim was going to help her get rid of him.

  Since it was Sunday, the police wouldn’t take a nonemergency report until Monday. They decided to stay at Tasha’s place. Since Jason already knew where she lived, Tim felt that any more moves he made would happen either at her apartment or at the club.

  Chapter Nine

  Tim took Tasha to the police station on Monday, and a report was made. They couldn’t do anything. He had just sent her flowers, but the card was incriminating. All it said was, “You’re mine, bitch.” Not exactly a love poem. The police took a thorough history and promised to do everything they could.

  The flowers continued to come every day, but nothing more. Tasha carefully kept every card, and the messages became more and more threatening, but nothing more happened for several days.

  Tim arranged the schedule at the club so that they were on the same shifts, and before Tasha knew it, the weekend she was to fly home was upon them. She was very excited.

  Kyle drove them to the airport and promised to check on Tasha’s apartment and pick them up. It was only going to be a short weekend trip, but Tim had promised that after Theresa had the baby and was able to come back to work, they would take a longer one. They were only going for the three days the club was closed. If things were quiet the owners often closed the club Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

  Tasha was tired getting off the plane, but it felt good to be home. She was excited to show Tim her hometown and introduce him to her family. As they walked through the airport, she heard her name called. It didn’t sound like any of her family, and she had been very careful not to tell anyone else.

  Turning to see who had called her, she spotted Jason’s mother and father standing with their son. She gripped Tim’s hand tighter and told him what was going on. Since they had planned only a short trip, they didn’t have anything except carry-on bags and continued quickly through the terminal. Hoping to avoid a scene, she kept walking, head down.

  “Tasha, stop right this minute,” Jason commanded.

  Realizing that Jason was going to make a scene if she didn’t stop, she turned, still gripping Tim’s hand tightly.

  Jason stormed up to her and gave Tim a scathing look. “I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care. This doesn’t concern you. This is between me and my fiancée,” he stated roughly, puffing his chest out and standing as tall as he could.

  At six feet, he was an inch or so taller than Tim, but Tim was bulkier, and you could see he had more muscle than Jason. Tim also was not going to be intimidated by Jason.

  Tim looked Jason right in the eye and said, “I’m sorry, who did you say you were?”

  Puffing out even more, Jason answered, “I’m Tasha’s fiancé. Isn’t that right?”

  Tim started to say something, but Tasha stopped him with a hand on his chest. Turning to Jason, she plastered a saccharine smile on her face and answered him. “Apparently your memory is faulty. I broke off our engagement three years ago—right before I started running to get away from you. I am no longer, and never will again, be your fiancée. You need to get over it.” She turned to leave.

  Jason grabbed her by the arm, and Tim forcefully removed his hand from Tasha’s arm. “I don’t think you want to do that,” he threatened.

  “This isn’t over!” Jason yelled as they walked away.

  Tim could tell Tasha was on the verge of losing it and guided her to a quiet corner and pulled her onto his lap. “Just breathe, baby, breathe,” he told her, rubbing her back and holding her tight.

  Tasha took several deep breaths and tried to relax. “I can’t believe he had the nerve to show up here. How could he have found out I was coming home to even know to be here? I made sure I only told family and was very specific that they not tell anyone else I was coming. I have to find out who he’s talking to.” She was furious and thoroughly embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry about it, baby. We’ll figure it out.” Tim was concerned also but didn’t want to upset Tasha any more than she already was. Somebody she knew was working with the jerk, and Tim needed to find out who and why.

  They got their rental car, and Tasha gave Tim directions to her parents’ home. They would be staying at a local motel, but she wanted to see her mom as soon as she could.

  On the way to her childhood home, Tasha and Tim discussed whether or not to tell her parents about what had happened at the airport.

  “I think you should. Maybe they will have an idea of how he found out you are here.” Tim’s point was a good one.

  “I’m afraid I’ll upset my mom, and I don’t want to do that. I just want a good, quiet visit,” Tasha countered.

  “Let’s just casually mention he was at the airport and avoid any mention of the confrontation and see what is said,” Tim argued. Tasha agreed it was a good point and promised to work it into the conversation.

  The visit went well, but Tasha cut things short when she saw her mom was getting tired. Promising to be back early the next morning, they went and checked into their motel. Tasha made sure she told no one where they were staying. Her parents could reach her by cell phone.

  By the time everything was done, Tasha was so tired that she and Tim fell into bed and immediately were asleep.

  The next morning they woke early and had breakfast before leaving to go to her parents’ house. When Tasha had casually mentioned that she saw Jason at the airport, her parents were as shocked as she had been. She was sure neither of them had said anything to anyone. She still needed to talk to her sisters. Either one of them could have said something.

  Tasha was the middle sister. She had an older sister, June, and a younger sister, Kathy. She had always been close to June, but Kathy was jealous of everything she did, something Tasha never understood. Her sisters were supposed to be at her mom’s tonight for dinner. Maybe she could talk to them then.

  Tasha enjoyed showing Tim where she had grown up and the different things in her hometown. When they finally got to her parents’ house, it was late morning. Tasha had a good time visiting all day with her mom, while Tim and her dad chatted about various things. Evening came, and her sister June arrived first. Tasha and June had a good time catching up, and about an hour later, Kathy arrived.

  Kathy swept into the house like a tornado, disrupting everything and everyone in her path. She had obviously been drinking, and Tasha was immediately embarrassed to have her meet Tim. Tasha and Kathy were similar in build, with Tasha being a couple inches taller and several pounds heavier than her younger sister, something that Kathy had always thrown in her face. This occasion was not any different.

  “I see you are still carrying that baby fat. Don’t you think you should do something about that? Jason would have never dumped you if you had been thin like me. He likes thin girls, you know.”

  Biting her tongue not to tell her sister off, Tasha hugged her and asked, “What do you know about Jason?” worried that there was something she didn’t know.

  “I know way more than you think I do,” Kathy answered defiantly.

  Tasha pleaded with her sister, “Kathy, please tell me that you don’t have anything to do with him. He’s dangerous. You know
what happened to Mom’s cat.”

  “You don’t know that he had anything to do with that. Besides, you don’t live here anymore, and we all know you don’t care about us or Jason or anything that happens here. It’s no longer any of your business!” Kathy screamed at her as she flounced off up the stairs.

  Tasha’s mom was upset, and the evening was ruined by the fight the two girls had. After they calmed her mom down, Kathy came back down the stairs. Tasha tried to talk to her but to no avail. Their flight back to Denver was early the next morning, and this was the only time she would have. Finally giving up, she explained to her older sister what was going on, hoping June could talk some sense into Kathy.

  “I hope she’s not seeing him,” Tasha finished before changing the subject.

  They left early the next morning, and Tasha was sure that Kathy was the one who had been telling Jason how to find her. “I’m worried about her, Tim. She doesn’t know how dangerous he can be.”

  Tim was worried also but couldn’t do much. They had alerted the police while they were there of what was going on and had been assured that they were working with the police in Denver and would keep an eye on the situation. Tim didn’t have much confidence, though. He knew how busy the police were and how understaffed most departments were.

  Chapter Ten

  When they got back to Denver, Tim took Tasha to her apartment. They were going to stay at his house, but she wanted to pick up a few things first.

  As they walked through the lobby at her apartment, one of the ladies stopped them. “I’m so sorry, dear. If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.”

  Tasha was puzzled at this but thanked the lady and continued to the stairs, Tim following closely behind her.

  They were stopped a couple more times, and the same sentiment was expressed.

  When they got to Tasha’s apartment, the door was taped over with police tape and a warning posted—Police Investigation in Process. Do Not Enter Under Penalty of Law.

  This stopped them in their tracks. Tasha turned to Tim. “What do I do now?” she wondered aloud.

  Tim was already on his cell phone making calls to see what he could find out.

  Within minutes, the police had arrived and were quickly explaining that one of Tasha’s neighbors had reported the break-in. They hadn’t been able to reach her and had processed the scene as they normally would. Tim could tell that this detective was new on the job and just following protocol, so he let it go, but they were going to the station, and he would be having a talk with someone. When they had filed the initial stalking report, he had given all his and Kyle’s contact information to the detective in charge of the case and should have been notified.

  The police escorted them through the apartment. Nothing had been torn up, but purple paint had been poured on everything. The paint was the exact same color of the roses that Jason kept sending.

  Someone had poured the paint on every piece of furniture and clothing, even opening drawers, and not an item had been missed. Whoever had done this had been here for a while and knew she wouldn’t be home.

  Tasha was sure Jason would have an alibi, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have paid someone to do the damage. She couldn’t even sit down. There was no surface untouched.

  Putting one arm around her, Tim turned her to the door, handing his card to the officer standing there. “Please notify us when we can have the apartment cleaned. I’ll be in touch with the detective we talked to at the station. You can reach Ms. Rivers through me.”

  Then he walked her down the stairs. She was still in a state of shock. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of everything,” he assured her.

  Loading her into the truck, he drove to the mall. Tasha was so shocked by what had been done to her apartment she hadn’t paid any attention to where they were going until he came around to get her out of the vehicle.

  “What are we doing here?” she asked in amazement.

  “Shopping. I know you will need some clothes, and this is the place to get them,” he told her, very upbeat. Tim loved shopping for a woman.

  Putting one hand on his arm, she looked up into his boyish face and sparkling eyes. “Oh, Tim, I can’t afford to buy new clothes.” She really couldn’t. She would have to pay to have everything cleaned, replace what couldn’t be, and the thought had dollar signs rolling in her head. Plus, she still had to get her car fixed.

  “Baby, I’m shopping for you. That means I’m buying.” He looked like a kid at Christmas.

  “Okay.” Tasha knew she would figure out a way to pay him back, and she would need clothes for work. And a place to stay. Maybe she could stay with Tim again. Yes, she’d ask him.

  “Tim, before we go in, I need a favor.”

  “Anything you want, baby.” He was excited to be able to help her and that she hadn’t fought him on the shopping.

  “Can I stay in your spare room until I can get back in my apartment?” She hoped he would say yes.

  “No, I don’t think that would be a good idea,” he answered without any inflection in his voice.

  “Oh, okay,” Tasha answered, dissapointed. What was she going to do now? “I can pay you,” she answered, hoping he would change his mind.

  “Tasha, you are not staying in my spare room,” Tim answered.

  “Okay, I get it.” She was starting to get upset. Now what am I going to do, she thought looking down at the ground.

  Tim could see the hurt in her eyes and knew he had to explain. Turning her face up to his, he brushed her mouth with his lips and pulled her close. “Tasha, you are more than welcome to stay at my house, but I want you in my bed, not in the spare room.” He kissed her again and, grabbing her hand, pulled her into the mall. Shopping was going to be so much fun.

  They spent the afternoon going from one store to another until Tasha couldn’t keep up anymore. Collapsing on a bench in the mall, she pulled Tim down beside her, laughing. “Enough. I can’t take anymore.”

  “Oh no, my dear, when we get home, you will be doing a fashion show. I have a special surprise for you,” he said, pulling her up and heading for the door.

  “Fine, but you have to feed me first.” She giggled.

  Tim took her to his house so they could change, and she put on one of her new outfits. She had more clothes from one shopping trip than she had ever had before. She didn’t believe how much fun shopping with Tim was. They had gone into every clothing store in the mall, and Tim had purchased something in every store. He had even taken her into a store specializing in bath products, and they had picked out several different scents of shampoo, bodywash, and bubble bath. She truly felt pampered.

  They enjoyed a quiet dinner and then went back to Tim’s place. Grabbing a bottle of wine, then he started a fire and pulled her down to sit on the floor beside him. The fashion show could wait. Handing her a glass of wine, they sat back to relax, just enjoying the fire and each other’s company. No words were needed.

  They sat for a few minutes before Tim reached for her glass, setting it and his on the table behind him. Settling down so that he was half sitting, half lying against the couch, he pulled her to lie with him, nestling her head against his shoulder. Taking a deep breath and breathing in the scent of her hair, he held her closer.

  “This is nice,” he murmured, soothing her with his hands.

  Tasha nodded, agreeing. It was nice to be able to just relax and not worry about anything. She was safe and protected. Nothing and no one could hurt her in this time and place.

  They lay like that for several minutes, watching and listening to the fire, in their own world.

  Tasha looked up at Tim and smiled. “It seems like you are always rescuing me. Thank you.”

  “I like rescuing you.” He pulled her to lie more fully across him and, threading a hand through her golden-brown hair, pulled her mouth to his. Deepening the kiss, he slowly explored her mouth, mating his tongue with hers, stopping to softly nibble on her lips. He gradually moved them until t
hey were lying on the floor and rolled them to their sides, lifting her blouse slowly up her back.

  Still exploring her mouth, he ran his hands slowly over the skin of her bare back. Deftly unfastening the back clasp of her bra, he lifted it away from her breasts and gently palmed the pale globes of flesh.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered against her skin, leaning down to taste. Barely touching her nipple with the tip of his tongue, he moved back and forth between the two mounds, gradually touching more of her flesh each time, until he was taking each nipple between his teeth and gently tugging on them.

  Tasha writhed and moaned, wanting more but not wanting what was happening to stop. It felt so good to have him worship her breasts, the gentle bites and tugging driving her further and further toward the peak of her arousal.

  With tiny nips and bites, he worked his way down to the apex of her thighs, removing her pants and panties as he went, pulling them down her body and encouraging her to lift her hips for him. Once he had her clothing removed, he rolled her onto her back and caged himself over her, raising up on his hands and knees to look down into her face.

  Taking her mouth again, he worked his way down her body. He had to taste her essence. Lifting her legs, he placed the heels of her feet close to her hips and pressed her knees back toward her chest, lifting her bottom to expose her little round hole.

  Taking one finger, he traced her lips until she opened her mouth and sucked his finger. When it was wet, he pulled it out and drew it slowly down her body to her spread thighs, tracing her folds there. Still using just one finger, he moved it through her sex, gathering the cream there and pulling it to her small opening.

  Watching her face, he rimmed the area with the one finger, slowly applying more pressure. They had been working with plugs for a few days, and tonight he was going to take her.

  Standing up, he lifted her and carried her back to his bedroom. Laying her on the bed, then he went to the closet and got the bolster he kept there. It was firm enough to support her, but the soft material would not hurt her skin. Carrying it back to the bed, he placed it and a couple pillows under her back Then he lifted her bottom so that it was at the correct angle for him.


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