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Club de Fleurs 6: Tasha (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Rose Nickol

  “Are you ready, baby? Do you know what I want to do?” he asked as he stripped off his clothes, grabbing the lube and a couple condoms. Watching her face, he took her mouth again and against her lips told her, “Baby, I’ll make it good for you. All you need to do is relax and enjoy the ride.”

  Slipping down her body, he kissed and licked his way to her slit. He was going to get her drifting before he took her. The bite of pain from the stretching tissues would be just what she needed to send her soaring.

  Licking and sucking her clit until he could tell by the noises she was making that she was close, he grabbed both of her hands, pulling them over her head, and fitted himself to her small round hole. Slowly he pushed his way in.

  “Oh, oh, oh, it burns, I…I don’t know if I can do this,” Tasha moaned.

  “Shh, baby, just relax,” he whispered and pushed a little farther in, stretching her more.

  “Oh God, I…” Tasha couldn’t speak. She couldn’t think. All she could do was feel.

  He pushed in slowly in until he got the head of his cock just past the rings of muscle there. He stopped and let her get used to the feeling. Even though they had been using plugs, he was bigger than anything they had used, and he could tell she was struggling. If she didn’t relax soon, he would have to stop until he could stretch her more.

  Holding still was torture for Tim, but he knew that if he moved too soon, it would be worse for Tasha. Her body needed to acclimate to the new feelings and new sensations she was experiencing. Tissues needed to be stretched, and she had to relax.

  Fingering her clit with featherlight strokes, he slowly watched her expression change and the tightness relax from her face. After giving her a few more seconds, he slowly pushed in another inch or so. “Better, baby?”

  She nodded and arched her body a small amount, taking more of him inside her.

  “Slowly, baby, slowly, we have to give your body a chance to get used to this. Just go easy.” He spoke calmly even though he was anything but. His body clamored to just shove himself inside her and be done with it, but he knew that could do severe damage to her, and there was no way that was happening.

  Fighting his urges, he slowly pushed himself in, watching her face, until he was as deep as he could go. Resting a minute, he slowly backed out and pressed forward again. Slowly in and out, he worked until he had established the rhythm he needed to achieve satisfaction.

  Still fingering her clit, but now with more pressure, he brought them both what they needed. He collapsed on top of her, both of them panting. Lying there, he let his weight rest on her for a moment, knowing that was what she needed.

  Tasha couldn’t believe what had happened. If you would have asked her if she liked anal sex, she would have slapped first and then ran. No way she would have agreed to anything like what had happened. But it was amazing, the feelings, the sensations, all of it. Tim made things wonderful. He made her feel special. He knew exactly what she needed when she needed it. Having him rest on top of her was just what she wanted. She needed the feeling of closeness and body contact.

  After lying on her for a couple long minutes, Tim rolled over, pulling her on top of him. Grabbing the quilt, he pulled it over them, enjoying the feeling of her head on his shoulder and her body on his. He needed the feeling of her on him as much as she needed him on her. He should get up and clean them up, but it would wait. Right now they both needed the closeness more.

  After a while, Tim moved a sleeping Tasha to the side and slipped out of bed. He checked to make sure the fire was out, picked up the wine and glasses, then got a warm rag to clean her with. Other than a small moan of protest, she didn’t move. Crawling back into bed, he pulled her to his side and tucked her into him.

  Lying there, Tim thought about all that had happened and what was going on. The police were moving slowly, as usual, but he hated to involve Kyle. Kyle had connections and could make anything happen. If something didn’t break soon, he would call Kyle. He had to protect his girl. Decision made, he relaxed and let himself fall asleep, cuddling Tasha close to him.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next day, Tim woke early but let Tasha sleep since they had to work that evening, and he planned on playing in the club after everyone left. While she was sleeping, he did some searches on the Internet. He wanted to see what he could find out about Jason Childs.

  There was a lot of information on the Internet, and with the help of a buddy, he was able to get into some secure sites. Mr. Childs had several restraining orders that had been served on him over the years. It appeared that he didn’t let things go easily. His father had bought Jason’s way out of most of the messes, and had almost bought his way into Congress before the mess happened with Tasha. This was probably one of the reasons they were so persistent about finding her. With the others, once Jason had been served with the restraining order, his dad had paid them off, and they had moved on. From what Tim could find, if Jason could reconcile with Tasha, then he would be much better off, and his seat in Congress would be guaranteed. Why, he couldn’t figure out, but there was something there.

  When Tasha woke it was late, but they still had several hours before they had to go to work. Tim insisted she try on several things he had gotten for her. It was more fun than shopping had been. By the time she was done trying on what he wanted to see, it was time to go to the club.

  He had not only picked up casual clothes but also some things for her to wear to work and some club wear, which she didn’t know about. He handed her the outfit he wanted her to wear to work and slipped the club wear into his toy bag. He would have her change into it before they played. It was Wednesday, and the club was typically slow, so they would be able to close early and play. The owners often closed the club on Wednesdays but not tonight.

  When they got to the club, it was busier than usual. The owners were having a meeting and had all brought their spouses with them. Kyle was there with Jenna. Then there was Sadie with her two men, Evan and Dave. Rachel and Craig were there, and although they weren’t owners, there was also Tina with her husbands, Kevin and Kurt, and of course Theresa and Alan. It was like a family reunion.

  “What’s up?” Tasha wondered out loud as they walked into the club. As usual, they had arrived early so Tim could set up the bar, and she was going to sit with him.

  “Just the usual bored, I mean board, meeting. The guys get together every few months and see if any changes need to be made. This must be it. Sometimes I sit in. Sometimes I don’t. Looks like all the wives are here, so this would be a good time for you to meet everyone.” He led her over to the table where all the women were talking and laughing. Leaving her with Theresa to make introductions, he went to start his duties.

  After telling everyone who Tasha was, Theresa sat and rested one hand on her distended belly. “He’s busy today.” She laughed.

  Jenna, who was also pregnant, laughed, and so did the rest of the women. Of the women at the table, Tasha and Rachel were the only ones not pregnant. Rachel had just delivered her son a few months before, Theresa was due any day, Tina was just a few months pregnant, and Sadie was soon to have her second child.

  “Lots of hormones at this table.” Tasha laughed, a little envious of all the babies.

  “Do you want children?” Rachel asked.

  “Yes, I do,” Tasha answered wistfully.

  “With Tim?” This came from Sadie.

  Tasha blushed and looked around to make sure none of the men were listening, and nodded shyly.

  “If I would have met him first, you might not have the chance. That is one hunk of a man,” Jenna threw in. She then told the story of how Tim had helped rescue her when she had been kidnapped.

  The girls sat and talked while the men had their meeting. Soon all the guys came over and escorted their wives out, and it was just Tim and Tasha in the club. There were still a few minutes before the club opened, so they sat talking. He asked her about Jason, and she gave him more details on what had happened.

  “It was pathetic, really. He didn’t understand why I wouldn’t see him after he told me about the other women. He wanted to have his cake and eat it, too. He wouldn’t leave me alone, bothered me so much that I quit my job and moved to the next city over. I wanted to stay close to my mom and family, but he made that impossible. He even told me that after we were married I could have affairs if I wanted to. Who wants a relationship like that? When I laughed at him, he hit me. I had bruises for days. That’s when I started running. He’s always found me. I know now that Kathy is giving him information, but I don’t understand why. She knows what he’s put me through and has seen what he and his family are capable of. I don’t know how he got to her.”

  Tasha leaned her elbows on the bar and rested her head in her hands. She wanted out of this nightmare.

  Tim came around the bar and put his arms around her. “We’ll get it fixed. You’ll stay with me, and I’ll protect you,” he said, kissing her softly. He hated to end this, and knew she was vulnerable, but they needed to open the club and start work.

  Tim walked Tasha out to the reception area and unlocked the door. The night was quiet, and they were able to close early, locking the doors at midnight instead of the usual 2:00 a.m. that they normally closed during the week. On Friday and Saturday, the club was open until 4:00 a.m. The club hours were changing again, and it would be better for all of them. They had decided to have the club open only on the weekends and the hours were going to be 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Thursday and Sunday, keeping the hours 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. Fri and Sat. It would be more of a set schedule for everyone.

  After Tim had locked up for the night, he and Tasha went to the bar for their usual nightly drink. It had become a ritual to sit and have a shot of bourbon every night after work.

  “Tasha, will you play with me tonight?” Tim asked as they sat sipping their drinks.

  Tasha was sitting facing the bar, with her head on her hands, elbows on the bar, and she turned on her stool to look at him. “Sure, what did you have in mind?”

  They hadn’t done much BDSM play. Tim had restrained her a few times and used a few toys, but nothing much.

  “I’d like to put you on a St. Andrew’s cross. I have a few floggers I want to try out.”

  “Floggers? Won’t that hurt?” They had watched a few flogging demonstrations, and Tim had explained to Tasha about subspace and the endorphins, but she still wasn’t sure.

  “Baby, you will have your safe word, and I will watch you very close. Do you really think I’d hurt you?” he asked, turning her so that her knees were between his legs, and pulling her closer to the point that her knees were up against his crotch.

  He framed her head with his hands and pulled her face so he could look into her eyes. “Please,” he pleaded before he took her lips in a persuasive kiss.

  The things this man did to her, how could she resist giving him anything he wanted? She couldn’t. Smiling and wrapping her arms around his neck, she answered, “Yes,” against his lips.

  The kiss continued for several long minutes before Tim broke it and held her, rubbing her back.

  “Come on. It’s just us in here. Let’s go play.” Tim walked her to the locker room. “I put a bag in your locker with what I want you to wear. Put that, and only that, on. Then come out. If I’m not here, wait for me. Do not move from this spot. If you do, I will punish you.” He was in Dom mode and looking forward to playing. He had been slowly introducing her to BDSM, and they had watched a few scenes but nothing extreme yet. He knew she wasn’t ready for those types of things.

  The outfit he had chosen was perfect for what he had in mind. Not that she would be wearing it long. He planned to get her naked as soon as he could but knew she would not be comfortable coming out of the locker room unclothed, even though it was just the two of them. Even at his house she refused to be naked, always afraid that someone would knock on the door or look in a window.

  He had told her it was fine, and as an example, he often went without clothes in the house, but she was not comfortable with it, so he didn’t do it often. He hoped that over time she would get used to it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tasha felt a little trepidation as she went to change. She knew in her heart that Tim would never hurt her, but fear of the unknown was hard to overcome. Watching a few scenes with Tim on her breaks, he had always made sure to explain everything that was going on, and she often spoke with the participants afterward.

  She knew that the club charter contained the words “safe, sane, and consensual,” and had seen people removed from the club for breaking it. It didn’t happen often, but if someone hurt another person, or was doing something without consent, they were removed from the club and most of the time not allowed back in. The rules regarding consent and safety were very strict, and no one ever broke them without consequences.

  Tasha briefly wondered for a minute what would happen if Tim were to break the rules with her but knew he would never do anything like that. Not only would he risk his job but he would possibly face prison time. Though she was new to the club, she knew that there were security cameras in several areas of the club, but none in the play areas that she was aware of. Somehow, someone would know if something happened.She wasn’t sure how, but they would. Tim wouldn’t hurt her anyway so she didn’t need to worry about it.

  Giving herself a good shake, she told herself she was just being silly. Nothing bad would happen. Maybe she needed another shot. She’d ask Tim for one after she changed.

  She walked up to her locker and grabbed the small package there. A red leather bra and red satin lace thong. That was it, nothing else. Looking again to make sure nothing else was in her locker, she resignedly changed into what had been left for her. She walked out to the spot Tim had told her to wait and wrapped her hands around herself protectively. It wasn’t cold. She just was uncomfortable.

  She was glad there wasn’t anyone in the club. There was no way she could wear this outfit in front of anyone, although some people wore a lot less. There were a lot of people who went naked or nearly naked. She had become more adjusted to it the longer she worked at the club, and Theresa had told her that it wouldn’t be long before she was wearing the same things. She wasn’t so sure.

  Theresa had giggled and said she was the same way before she met Alan, wearing jeans and sweaters when she worked reception. After they had started dating, he began dressing her. All the men dressed their wives. Theresa and the other wives loved it. Tim had already started with her, buying her outfits and telling her what to wear.

  Tasha didn’t have long to wait before Tim came striding up to her. Giving her a long look up and down, he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward where he wanted to play before she had a chance to ask for that drink.

  “Come on, baby,” he said, grinning.

  He walked her over to the cross he wanted to play on and sat on the love seat there, pulling her onto his lap. “I want to talk a little first. Do you remember your safe words and what they mean?”

  “Yes, ‘red’ for ‘Stop, I can’t take any more.’ Yellow for ‘Slow down. I need to talk or something needs adjusted,’ and ‘green’ for ‘I’m good.’ Please continue.’”

  Tim had been talking to her and teaching her all about BDSM. Not only did he want her to know for a personal reason but as receptionist at the club, there were times she needed to answer questions from new members or perspective members. The club offered a class for submissives and Doms. She and Tim were taking the next one. In the meantime, Tim was mentoring her, and Kyle had given her several books to read. She had also talked to Theresa several times.

  Standing up, Tim stood her on her feet and walked her over to the cross. “We’ll start with you facing the cross. I’ll turn you around later,” he told her. “From now on, you do not speak unless I ask you a question or you need to use a safe word. Do you understand?”

  Tasha nodded, afraid to answer.

  “When I ask you a direct question, I want you to respond verbally
. I may not see a shake of the head, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered quietly. She was starting to tremble from anxiety, not sure she could do this.

  Standing behind her, Tim pressed his body to hers and licked the shell of her ear. He wrapped his hands around to cup her breasts, then he whispered in her ear, “You’ll do fine, baby. I’m here.” He pulled both her nipples with his fingertips.

  Even though she was still wearing the bra, she could feel the pinch and arched into the sensation.

  “Good girl,” Tim praised her and lifted one arm above her head, fastening it with the strap there. Making sure it wasn’t too tight, he did the same with her other arm. Trailing his fingers down her arms to her sides, he cupped her breasts again and leaned close. “Okay, baby?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Tasha answered a little breathlessly.

  Giving each of her nipples a tweak, he trailed his hands farther down her body to her sex. Slipping one finger inside her thong, he found her clit and pressed inward.

  “Ahhh,” she moaned and arched into the finger, going up on her tiptoes to relieve the pressure.

  Tim bit her ear and laughed. “Did you like that?”

  Not sure whether she should answer or not, she just moaned at the loss of his finger when he moved down to spread her legs and fasten her ankles to the cross. Checking to make sure the straps were secure and not too tight, he then ran his hands up the back of her legs until he got to the tops of her thighs. Slipping a finger under the thin satin string of her thong, he slipped it into her crack, lightly rimming her back hole.

  Again she arched and moaned.

  Removing his finger, he slapped her bottom, watching the skin redden slightly. Leaning down, he kissed the area he had smacked, licking the reddened skin, then taking a small bite, pinching the skin between his teeth, just enough to leave a slight mark.


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