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Merlin's Travels (An Untimely Error Book 2)

Page 5

by Tom Larcombe

  “That sounds good John, thank you.”

  “One last thing. There isn't any appropriate soil for planting the tree on the base but the military has purchased several small cottages within a half mile of here, to keep bystanders in the dark in case of unexplained phenomena due to the wizards on base. Once we know the planting procedure I'd like you and Nimue to check them out and move into whichever cottage has the best location for the tree.”

  Merlin smiled.

  “Of course John, that won't be a problem.”

  * * *

  Merlin sat back and watched his newly planted tree. The procedure for planting it was quite simple. The hardest part had been finding a fully charged crystal that didn't have the anti-seepage ward on it. The magic leaking from the crystal fueled the tree's rapid growth and assisted it in developing its special properties. The crystal needed to be placed beneath the tree when it was planted. Since all the crystals he could find had the ward on them, he finally unraveled the ward from one of his own, charged it fully from several other crystals, and used that one.

  He'd spent the last week installing sun spotlights in pillboxes and marking out the best areas for them to recharge during the day. Nigel outdid himself and the spotlights now had a warning light for any non-wizard operators. Wizards could read the charge on a crystal directly; non-wizards couldn't. So Nigel used tiny flourite crystals at the base of the spotlights. When the charge on any given spotlight dropped below twenty-five percent the flourite crystal started flashing slowly with a lavender light, the lower the charge, the faster the flashes. Now non-wizards would know when to request one of the backup spotlights that were kept fully charged.

  Three flamethrower squads were formed as response teams. So far there were no casualties among the squads and only a few minor injuries. With wizards fairly rare, John and his superiors were very happy to have some non-wizards that could assist in fighting the spirit creatures. They weren't going to field man-carried flamethrowers to the continent any more. There were tanks equipped with flamethrowers that would be performing those duties. Any new man-carried flamethrowers would be kept in Britain to defend its shores.

  Wasn't that something, Merlin thought, that tank I saw. It compares to the trucks I've seen as a fully armored destrier carrying a knight does to a plow horse.

  His mind continued to wander, now considering the future instead of the past.

  Three days, he thought, in three days I'll be married. I wonder if Nimue is as nervous as I am.

  His thoughts were interrupted as a man walked around the corner of the cottage.

  “There you are Merlin,” Gunter said. “Since I've been assigned as your bodyguard, I really do wish you'd tell me where you're going.”

  “Sorry Gunter, I needed some time alone to think.”

  “You aren't having second thoughts about marrying Nimue, are you?”

  “I'd be a fool if I did and an even bigger fool if I admitted to them. No, I'm simply trying to determine if there's anything else I should do before Nimue and I go on our honeymoon. I've only got a few days left to take care of it if there is.”

  “From the way people talk, you've already done more than most others around here excepting John and Nigel. I wouldn't worry about it. If you, John, Nigel, and Nimue can't think of anything else that needs doing, there probably isn't anything.”

  “I'm sure you're right Gunter, but I keep thinking that there's something I've missed.”

  * * *

  John, Nigel, and the four men Merlin brought out of Germany with him were the only ones in attendance at the wedding. Merlin and Nimue had dispensed with most of the frills, but the ceremony was important to both of them. The only fancy thing about the wedding was the ring. Merlin had gone out of his way to track down a small bit of gold and used his magic to alloy it with a smaller amount of silver, forming it into a white-gold ring. He also placed a ward on the ring so it would act as a small power reservoir. When Gunter handed it to Merlin, he placed it on Nimue's finger and used a touch of magic to make it fit her perfectly.

  After the ceremony John pulled Merlin aside.

  “Congratulations Merlin. You two still intending to go to Wales?”

  “Yes, we are.”

  “I can make that a bit easier for you if you'll agree to a small favor,” John said.

  “What do you want John?”

  “Something simple. If you find the dragon you're looking for, and it's reasonable and rational, just ask it if it's willing to come and fight on the Allied side of the war.”

  “In exchange?”

  “I've got permission for the two of you to ride military trains if you're on military business. So, posing the request if you should find the dragon counts and I can give you this authorization if you agree,” John said.

  “I'll need to discuss it with Nimue but I don't see why not,” Merlin replied.

  “Well, you do that and then get back to me, will you? Meanwhile, I heard you didn't have much of a party planned for after the ceremony so I brought along a few things. I'll go get 'em.”

  Merlin quickly spoke to Nimue, discovering that she had no problems with John's request.

  “If it makes our travel easier and quicker, then we should certainly take him up on his offer,” she said.

  John returned with a couple of boxes.

  “There's something to be said for being both a source of supplies for Britain and for supplying the wizards that ensure particular shipments get through. We always add a few amenities to the wizard's luggage when we're called upon for that duty,” he said.

  John unpacked the boxes. One contained bottles of beer, apparently a home brew from the lack of labels. The other, smaller, box contained chocolates and other sweets.

  “It isn't champagne and wedding cake but we do what we can,” John said. “Help yourselves, bride and groom first.”

  Merlin found himself with a bottle of beer, a bar of chocolate, and a small bag of hard candies. Nimue was similarly equipped. As Merlin tasted his beer, he sighed with contentment. The local brew wasn't rationed but it was watery and bitter. This beer was thick and rich, and Nimue echoed his sigh as she took a drink.

  “Americans.... As I claimed, irritating but somehow they frequently manage to come through,” she said. “Although I may need to change my mind if we're to become such ourselves after the war.”

  Ernst, Anselm, and Johann had duty later in the day. As each one left for work, he stopped by to congratulate the couple.

  John was the last of the guests to leave. On the way out he turned to Merlin.

  “So, do you have an answer for me?”

  “Yes John, we'll do it,” Merlin said.

  “Good, stop by my office before you leave in the morning and I'll give you the authorization to use the rail system as needed.”

  * * *

  Merlin and Nimue knocked on John's office the next morning.


  They walked in and Merlin's jaw dropped. There was a pile of crystals, fifty or more, sitting on John's desk. From what Merlin could see they were all completely filled, and the new ward was on them so the power wouldn't drain away.

  John saw Merlin's glance, and reaction.

  “That's right, I never did tell you why our occult branch is part of the USO. You know the USO's other duty is entertainment for the troops?”

  “I was vaguely aware of that.”

  “Well, at all of our shows, we have wizards capturing the excitement of the crowd and storing the energy from them in crystals. Since most people don't believe in magic we don't actually ask first. Since the energy is normally used to assist in fighting the war that the people generating the energy are fighting, we take that as tacit permission to use it for such,” John said.

  “That makes sense. Do wizards actually ask about such? They didn't used to and I haven't been,” Merlin said.

  “No, they don't normally ask but we prefer to set it up so that if we did the answer would be yes. But that's why
we're part of the USO. We use lesser-talented wizards to do the setup for shows and such. That way they're present to capture the energy as well.”

  John gestured to the pile of crystals.

  “We had a big show last week and I just got the crystals from it yesterday. Now I have to get them to the wizards that need them. You okay on power?”

  “Yes John, we're fine. We just need the railway authorization.”

  John dug several papers from under a pile on his desk.

  “Here you go. Just show those to whoever is in charge at the station and tell them where you're trying to go. They'll take it from there.”

  “Thank you John. We hope to return with additional information and maybe the new recruit you wanted,” Nimue said.

  “You're welcome. Now, I've got paperwork to do.”

  John waved them out as he picked up a stack of papers from his desk.

  Nimue and Merlin, with Gunter along for their security, caught a ride on a military truck that was going to the nearest train station to pick up supplies. Despite the blanket authorization they were provided, it still took two days for them to get to Anglesey in Northern Wales.

  * * *

  Chapter 5

  “You said you have the dragon's location narrowed down?” Nimue asked.

  “Yes, it's somewhere on this island.”

  “Wait, when you said narrowed down I thought you meant to something less than three hundred square miles.”

  “I have more information on the location itself, but the general area? This is the best I could do. The dragon is located near a massive sea cliff, which removes all the inland areas from the possibilities. So we have significantly less than the three hundred square miles you mentioned, although I will admit that the area to search is rather large,” Merlin said.

  Gunter cleared his throat.

  “In situations like this, I would normally send my troops out to speak with the locals. Ask for any particular place that was reputed to be haunted, or where unexplained things frequently happened. The type of things associated with wizards. What would the type of things associated with dragons be like? Perhaps we can inquire of the locals as to those happenings,” Gunter said.

  “That idea has merit. At least for narrowing down the possible locations,” Merlin replied.

  “I'm hungry, so why don't we stop in a restaurant and we can talk to the staff after we eat,” Nimue added.

  Merlin went to the station master and asked about the nearest place to eat.

  “There's only one restaurant here in Gaerwen, it's down three streets and over one.”

  The man gestured helpfully.

  “Hope you speak Welsh though, you won't find many speaking English hereabouts,” he added.

  Merlin sighed inwardly.

  There'll be headaches for all of us shortly. We need to learn the language if we're to continue the search. I imagine that if there are few people that speak English here, the areas we'll be traveling to will have fewer still, he thought.

  He returned to Gunter and Nimue.

  “The station master told me where we can purchase a meal. He also warned me that there aren't very many people that speak English around here. So our first thing will be to pick up the language.”

  “I imagine the proprietor at the restaurant will speak English. He'd miss out on lots of business if he didn't. He's liable to speak Welsh as well, so we can acquire the language from him,” Nimue said.

  “It's an efficient use of time. I like that,” Gunter added.

  The three followed the directions they were given and arrived at the restaurant. When they entered, the proprietor noticed them immediately.

  “Beth allaf ei gael i chi?”

  He saw the blank look on their faces.

  “English perhaps? What can I get for you?”

  “Thank you, yes English please,” Merlin said. “We need food.”

  “I will be with you in a moment. Please be seated.”

  The proprietor went through a door into the kitchen and the group seated themselves.

  “Gunter, it will be a few minutes before I can give you the language. I'll give it to myself first but won't be able to repeat that until the headache fades. Is that alright?” Merlin asked.

  “I'd prefer you not have to give it to me at all, I remember the headache from when I learned English.”

  “It's always worst the first time. It will still be painful and uncomfortable, but not as much and the discomfort won't last as long.”

  The proprietor came back into the room and approached their table.

  “We have the following available...”

  Merlin tuned the man's words out as he grasped a crystal in his pocket. He sought out the man's mind and found the language that wasn't currently in use. The surge of power that enabled the spell preceded the surge of pain as he copied the Welsh language from the proprietor to himself.

  Merlin winced, his brow furrowing as the language flooded in. He managed to speak softly in the midst of it.

  “Nimue, please order for me.”

  Then he gave himself over to the absorption of the language. Giving in to the process reduced the pain to a manageable level.

  When Merlin's head cleared he could see that Nimue was now bent over the table, massaging her temples.

  “Thank you for ordering first Nimue, I didn't stop to think that I wouldn't be in any shape to order after acquiring the language.”

  She nodded at him.

  “My, this language is very different to those I already know. Some similarity to French there but only at the root,” he said.

  “Merlin? Could you perhaps talk about that later? We're getting some odd looks from the proprietor,” Gunter said.

  Merlin looked over at the proprietor, who was staring at them in return. The proprietor saw his glance and walked over again.

  “Are you alright? I don't want any illness in my restaurant.”

  “Food will take care of it,” Merlin answered. “We spent the last two days on trains getting here.”

  “Why would Americans spend two days on a train to get to Anglesey?” the proprietor asked, noting their uniforms.

  “We're looking for someone, on assignment from our superiors,” Merlin replied.

  “Ah, I'll ask no more.”

  The proprietor turned and left.

  “Merlin, I think you convinced him that we're looking for spies,” Gunter said.

  “What he believes is not my affair, I only spoke the truth. But I do think he's reassured now as opposed to worried about us being ill.”

  Gunter nodded.

  “Your turn Gunter,” Merlin said.

  Gunter closed his eyes, winced, and shuddered.

  “Go ahead.”

  Merlin drained another crystal and gave Gunter the knowledge of the Welsh language from his own mind. Gunter turned slightly pale and clasped his head in his hands. Fortunately, he was recovered before the proprietor returned with their food and drink.

  * * *

  “So, now what?” Nimue asked when they left the restaurant.

  “I've been giving it some thought. Why did the dragon move here? I would have known if he were here before my long sleep and he wasn't. So he moved here since then.”

  “I don't know. I wasn't aware he was here until you told me about the scale. Even now we aren't sure, are we?” Nimue asked.

  “No, we aren't sure, but I know he was here or nearby in 1928. That's when they listed the scale as being found. I know he's still alive, or was just before I left Germany. So, unless he moved, he's here. Now, why would a dragon move here?” Merlin replied.

  “Depending on when it was, it could've been during Camelot's crusade against the dragons.”

  “If not then, it's possible he figured out Ave's trap and fled from there. In either case if he were hiding here instead of on the mainland, he would have gone as far away as he could. Which means the western or northwestern coast. I think that's where we should start.”

  “How do we get there?” Gunter asked.

  He was always good about the practical matters.

  “We take the train to Holyhead. Then we'll work our way west and south along the coast. Transportation off the rails might be tricky but we'll work something out even if we have to walk,” Merlin said.

  They went back to the station and discovered that the next train for Holyhead wouldn't leave until the following morning.

  “Merlin,” Gunter whispered, “I don't want to alarm you but we're being followed. There's a man that's been close to us since we left the restaurant.”

  Merlin whispered back.

  “A woman as well, although she seems better at it, I've only seen her a few times. The man may just be a distraction.”

  Merlin turned to the station master.

  “Can you recommend overnight lodging nearby?” he asked loudly.

  “Sure, right across the street there.”

  He pointed to a building.

  “Make sure to tell them William R. sent you.”

  “We'll do that, thank you,” Merlin said.

  The three crossed the street and entered the boarding house. But they found no-one immediately available.

  “Gunter, would you like to follow our followers? I can shield you so they won't see you,” Merlin asked.

  “I would like to know why we're being followed,” Gunter said.

  “Then I'll shield you. No violence to them though, they haven't offered any to us. We just want to know why they followed us.”

  “Use the new spell I showed you Merlin. It will save your power and allow Gunter to dispel it when he needs to,” Nimue said.

  Merlin nodded. He pulled a coin from his pocket and placed a ward on it. Nimue shook her head.

  “Did I do it wrong?” Merlin asked.

  “No, you did it just fine. You also took less than half the time I would to do it, and it's my own spell. I think you're just more naturally suited to wizardry than I,” Nimue said.


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