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Merlin's Travels (An Untimely Error Book 2)

Page 6

by Tom Larcombe

  “I don't know, I could never have made something like Anguis,” he replied.

  A brief pulse around his throat told him that the little dragon had heard his name.

  Nimue beamed at the compliment and Merlin got back to the task at hand.

  “Gunter, hold this coin in your hand and you should remain unseen. If it loses contact with your flesh you'll become visible again. But you can use it repeatedly until the next sunrise, then it will stop working.”

  Gunter nodded his understanding and wrapped his hand around the coin. He shimmered and faded from view. Merlin walked over to the door, opened it, and stepped out. He looked around as though searching for someone before he stepped back in and closed the door.

  “Well, I trust Gunter not to do anything stupid but I fear that we won't learn much from his expedition,” Merlin said.

  “Learning anything would be good. This place just seems off. There are so many children compared to adults. The feel of the land is still wild. I haven't lived in a place where the land was so alive in decades,” Nimue replied.

  “I know what you mean. The land feels like it's still untamed.”

  “Can I help you people?” a woman asked in Welsh.

  Merlin answered in the same language.

  “William R. told us that my wife and I might find overnight lodging here. We have another companion who will be joining us in a while.”

  The woman's attitude made an abrupt reversal.

  “So happy to see you then. Call me Elena. Yes, we have rooms available since there aren't many travelers nowadays.”

  “There aren't many traveling for pleasure. We've been sent here on assignment. We'll only be staying overnight and then we need to continue on,” Nimue said.

  Nimue handled the business of securing the rooms. The room for Gunter was adjacent to that taken by herself and Merlin. Merlin made sure of that when he heard them talking about the second room. He knew that Gunter took his duties seriously and that being separated by more than single room would cause the man undue stress.

  The boarding house had a sitting room right inside the front door. After moving his belongings to the rented room, Merlin feigned keeping himself busy in the sitting room as he waited for Gunter. It was more than an hour later when his patience was rewarded. The front door opened and Gunter walked in.

  “Merlin, good. I have some news,” Gunter said.

  “Not here, too many people about,” Merlin replied softly.

  Merlin showed Gunter to his room. When Gunter entered, Merlin followed and closed the door behind them.

  “Now, you were saying?”

  “Amusingly enough, our shadows were worried about us. They believe we're German spies. Get this part, German wizard spies. Evidently the proprietor of the restaurant is familiar with wizards and recognized the aftereffects of your spells as such.”

  “What else did they say?”

  “We can expect a visit tonight. I don't know if they were talking about sneaking in on us, or someone actually showing up in person before bedtime. But if we don't receive visitors before bedtime, I suggest not sleeping.”

  “A wise suggestion. Did you have any idea as to why they intend to visit us?”

  Gunter shrugged.

  “They said to ask some questions. That can be taken a few ways though, so...”

  Merlin told Nimue what Gunter had discovered. After a quiet afternoon the three went back to the restaurant for dinner. As they were leaving the restaurant Gunter and Merlin exchanged glances when both of them noticed they were being followed again. They made it back to the boardinghouse and all three went to the larger of the two rooms. Several minutes later there was a knock on the door.

  “Who's there?” Merlin said.

  “A messenger.”

  “Well messenger, the door is unlocked, come in.”

  A red-headed girl, in her late teens, entered the room. Her fear was evident on her face.

  “What can we do for you?” Merlin asked.

  “I'm only a messenger.”

  “Please deliver your message then.”

  “You are to take yourself out of Anglesey, out of Wales, and back to the continent.”

  “I'm afraid that's not going to happen. I fought hard to get myself and my friend here off the continent and to Britain. My lady here had her own difficulties in leaving the continent. We'll not be going back because an anonymous message tells us to,” Merlin said.

  The fear eased from the messenger's face.

  “You're not going to rail against me or threaten me?”

  Merlin was unable to keep a hint of scorn from his voice.

  “No I'm not. I would suggest, however, that you tell whoever sent you as a messenger that they're a coward. Tell them I'd be willing to talk to them face to face, if they can bring themselves to stop hiding behind young girls.”

  Merlin slid a bit of his awareness from his body to examine the girl with his Sight.

  “Never mind,” Merlin said, “it seems they're using magic to discover what transpires in this meeting, so I've told them myself. And you are not the young girl you appear to be.”

  The form of the young girl shimmered and was replaced by that of an older woman, the hair was still red but the rest of her was much older than her previous appearance.

  “Well, a competent wizard that doesn't accept things at face value. But, are you a German or not? Your man here certainly is, but you don't have that feel to you.”

  “May I introduce myself and my wife?” Merlin asked. “My name is Merlin and my wife is Nimue. Our friend here is Gunter, recently of the German army until he discovered the truth about what was going on there.”

  It was difficult for Merlin to resist laughing at the woman. The scornful look on her face as he introduced himself told him that she didn't believe his claims. The brief glassy-eyed span told him that she was examining him with her Senses. The incredulous look on her face when she came back to herself was as far removed as possible from the scornful look she started with.

  “I... um, I.... need to talk to someone. I'm sorry for intruding upon you. May we call on you again in a few minutes?” she said.

  “Certainly, regain your composure and gather your compatriots. We aren't going anywhere until morning,” Nimue replied.

  When the woman left the room, Merlin couldn't hold it in any longer. His chuckle was infectious and soon the three were sharing a full belly-laugh.

  “Did you see the look...” Merlin began.

  “Her face pinched up like...” Nimue said.

  “That was pleasant to watch. Did you find her as disagreeable as I did?” Gunter asked, the only one to finish a sentence before falling back into laughter.

  It was more than a few minutes later when they heard another knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Merlin said.

  The door opened to reveal three individuals. One was the female wizard from the last visit, the other two were men that looked old. If they were wizards, that would suggest their age was two hundred or more.

  “What can we do for you?” Merlin asked.

  The voice was scratchy and wheezy and Merlin revised the estimate of the man's age to three hundred if he were a wizard. He spoke in English with a sprinkling of Welsh.

  “Our partner here gave us a chwerthinllyd story. We've come to get to the gwraidd of the matter.”

  It took Merlin a moment to translate the Welsh words to ludicrous and root. The language wasn't firmly enough ingrained in him yet for it to be automatic.

  “Not knowing what story she gave you, I cannot be of assistance. Unless, of course, you're questioning the identity of myself and my wife.”

  “She said you claimed to be Merlin and that your woman claimed to be Nimue. I say that is cachu o tarw.”

  Merlin barely resisted snickering when he translated the last to 'shit of bull'.

  “The Americans do have some wonderful colloquialisms, don't they? But I'm not sure that one translates well,” Merlin sai

  “So you do speak Welsh. We were told you didn't, then told you did,” the female wizard said.

  Merlin was tired of them not coming to the point. He used his Sight for a moment and verified that the two older men were also wizards.

  “I speak it now. I didn't this morning. Likewise for my companions. Why this amazement? I'm aware that you're all wizards. Is this not a common spell for you to use, the learning of languages? I, unfortunately, use it frequently, at least since I woke up.”

  “One of you is not a wizard, and also a Nazi. You expect us to speak freely?” the other older man said.

  “While Gunter may not be a wizard, he's fully cognizant of them. He accompanied me when I escaped the German research facility where they were studying the occult. He assisted me in destroying the same facility and making good our escape. He may be German, but I wouldn't call him a Nazi,” Merlin said.

  The female member of the three wizards threw her hands in the air.

  “I can't tell if he's speaking the truth,” she said.

  “How rude,” Nimue said. “Do you always disbelieve what people say? Or are you making a special exception to be rude to us?”

  “We have our reasons,” the raspy voiced man said. “Can you verify your claim for us? Any strong wizard can block truth reading but when the memories are shared, there can be no deception.”

  Merlin looked at Nimue, she shrugged.

  “If you will agree to only view the memories I make available to you, then I will consent,” he said.

  The older wizard nodded.

  “That would be satisfactory.”

  Merlin gestured the man to a chair and pulled the other chair over next to it. He sat down himself and thought about what to show the man. He decided that the series of events from his original poor choice of a spell trigger that kept him asleep for more than a millennium would be the start and he would allow the memory sequence to continue until he arrived at the airstrip in Britain at the end of his escape.

  “Go ahead,” Merlin said.

  The old man reached over and made physical contact with Merlin. His thoughts quested into Merlin's mind and Merlin guided those thoughts to the memory sequence he was offering. The whole process took under a minute. When he was done the old man looked at Merlin with startled eyes.

  “He speaks the truth. Or at least what he believes is the truth.”

  “I'm guessing that you know why I'm here now as well,” Merlin said.

  “Yes, and I will consider upon that.”

  “We merely want to speak with him and pass along an offer from my superior officer.”

  “Bah, what offer? The felltithio Brits turned us down when we offered the cream of our wizards for their war.”

  “I don't know about the cursed Brits, but my superior is an American. They aren't above recruiting those not from their own nation. If you have wizards who wish to fight in this war, I can speak to my superior and you wizards may still be able to join the war.”

  “The Americans? I fought alongside them in the Great War. Many would even have made good Welshmen. This is also something we shall consider.”

  “He speaks the truth my fellows. I suggest we guest them at one of our houses that we may all be more comfortable. There is much to speak of and consider. I believe they seek Praesagium.”

  The faces of the other two wizards hardened momentarily before relaxing again. At the same time Anguis briefly tightened around Merlin's neck.

  “Let us introduce ourselves. You have given your names already. I am Grigor, the woman is Brenda, the other old man is Gwyddon.”

  Merlin nodded slightly in acknowledgment.

  “Now let us go somewhere warmer and more comfortable,” Grigor said.

  Merlin, Nimue, and Gunter followed as the three wizards led them out into the night.

  * * *

  They found themselves ensconced in a small room, a fire burned on the hearth keeping it comfortably warm.

  “So now, there are two things we must discuss. The first is the war. You say that your superior may be interested in recruiting Welsh wizards? When we spoke to the British about such we were laughed at, despite having served well in the last war,” Grigor said.

  “He accepted two German wizards who fled the Nazis. He accepted Nimue, who is French. He accepted myself as well and I cannot claim any nationality. Why would he not accept the Welsh also?”

  “If he is American he may well do so. They are all about equality from what we hear. Those I served with in the Great War seemed to confirm that to me,” Grigor replied.

  “I can attempt to contact him and ask if you would like,” Merlin said.

  “Please do so,” Grigor said.

  “I will get us some refreshments. They're less than normal due to the war but I will offer what I may,” Gwyddon said.

  Grigor began to speak again before he noticed that Merlin was lost in concentration.


  I haven't contacted his mind before, hopefully I know him well enough for this now, Merlin thought.

  {John?} Merlin sent again.

  Merlin's sending received a reply. The thoughts were somewhat scattered and the mind felt groggy.

  {Merlin, is that you?}

  {Yes John. I'm sorry for interrupting you but I found something that may be of interest.}


  {Wales offered wizards to the British for the war effort, but they were turned down. They were even laughed at from what I was told. Would our branch be interested in recruiting more wizards?}

  John's mental voice sounded eager when he replied.

  {How many and will they need training?}

  “Grigor, John would like to know how many wizards you're talking about and how well trained they are,” Merlin said.

  “You are far speaking to him? I've not seen that skill used in a century. They are many. There are twenty-five or more I can offer within three days if they are still willing. They range in skill, perhaps five will need training, the rest have solid skills already.”

  Merlin relayed the information to John.

  {Good, bring them with you when you return. I gave you a blanket travel authorization just in case. I thought there would be fewer than that but it will still cover that many. Will the dragon be coming with you as well?}

  {I don't know. We've yet to meet him. But we have a name now and someone who appears to know his location. Grigor has yet to determine if we will be allowed to meet Praesagium.}

  {Twenty-five wizards, many of them already trained, will be a godsend. Even if the dragon doesn't return with you, your trip has already proved its worth. I need to get back to sleep. If you want to contact me again, please do it during daylight hours.}

  {Sorry John, goodnight.}

  John cut off his side of the conversation.

  “Yes, he's eager at the thought of more wizards to join, especially those that will not need to be trained,” Merlin said. “He's asked that they travel with us on our return. We don't know when we'll be returning yet but you can tell them to be ready to go and we'll give them a day or two notice before we leave.”

  “Then we should get to the business of Praesagium. Why do you seek him?” Brenda asked.

  “The Germans have a dragon. I'm unsure of its relation to them but it's either working with them or using them to its own ends. Either way, it works out that they have a dragon assisting them. Worse still is that the dragon is mad. She's totally insane as far as I can tell, but functionally so. If Nimue and I are correct, this dragon goes by the name Ave.”

  Gwyddon spat into the fire.

  “She's been a curse on mankind for all of history.”

  “You know of her?” Nimue asked.

  “Always she has some plan to bring misery and suffering to humans. She hates them with a passion but finds that she must emulate them and work with them to get anything done. So she does, but she brings misfortune on those she works with as well as those she opposes.”

gium has spoken of her in the past. Evidently humans caused her pain and suffering long ago, so she fills her life with vengeance upon them,” Grigor added.

  “As I was saying, we want to find out more about what occurred to the rest of the dragons. So we wanted to speak with one. John, my superior, required that we ask if the dragon wanted to assist in the war as a condition for our receiving easier travel arrangements. This trip is a combination of a honeymoon for Nimue and myself, and a search for the dragon I suspected was here.”

  “How did you know?” Brenda asked.

  “Before I found out what the Germans were truly doing, I was identifying some magical artifacts for them. One of them was a power repository, made from the scale of a dragon. It was listed as being found here in Wales in 1928. From the other data on the sheet I narrowed it down to Anglesey.”

  Merlin paused for a sip of the beer Gwyddon placed in front of him.

  “We thought we'd come and search near the sea cliffs. It was my guess that a dragon would choose to live in that type of area with the potential of caves it could enlarge in case it wanted to stay in its natural form for any length of time,” he said.

  Brenda shook her head.

  “That information may explain the Nazis we've discovered in the area. They try to recruit our wizards as well as searching the countryside. We've more wizards per people living in the area than anywhere else in the world, so they can't help but encounter them.”

  “It makes sense,” Merlin said. “The dragon is seeding magic into the area. That would attract more wizards. If he's been living here a long time then the percentage of wizards in comparison to normal humans would be much higher.”

  Grigor laughed, a high-pitched laugh that was close to a cackle.

  “Your John missed something though. Praesagium is already involved in the war effort, whether the military knows it or not. Many a German ship and U-boat has gone missing in the area near Anglesey. That's what happens when a flying dragon drops a massive rock onto the filthy Nazi devices.”

  “Well, if we're allowed to see him, I will still make the offer. I promised that I would. Besides, if he's already doing the work, he should receive any benefits from it, no?” Merlin said.

  “I think that due to your primary reason, he will wish to see you,” Gwyddon said.


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