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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 7

by Art Gulley Jr.

  "Indeed it does," Sanders agreed as Quinlan pulled the Ram into one of the angled parking spaces at the front entrance. "I think my opinion of Miss Delcielo just increased a notch."

  Quinlan shot his habitually cynical partner a surprised look. "Why is that?"

  Sanders nodded in the direction of the Center. "Anyone willing to invest that type of money and effort in an area like this can't be all bad."

  The two men left the truck and made their way toward the main entrance; their movements observed by the Celestially masked figure squatting atop the ornate canopy mounted above the double glass-doors.

  Quinlan and Sanders. Gabriel frowned. He had encountered the stalwart duo on more than one occasion. Their presence meant Nina's priest friend had alerted the Presbyterii of her abilities.

  The Seekers entered the center, and Gabriel released an amused snort. First the Disciples make a play for Nina. Now these two religious zealots show up at her door. I wonder who's gonna pop up next.

  He shifted his body through the Center's tiled roof so he could track their movements.


  "It's looking good, guys," Nina shouted to the group of workmen meticulously rigging decorations from the gymnasium's steel rafters. "This place is starting to feel real festive!"

  "Yeah, it's coming together," one of the riggers yelled back. "Another hour or so and we'll be done up here!"

  Nina flashed him an approving grin. "That's great news, Mike. What's the speaker setup looking like? You know we gotta have the place jumping tomorrow night."

  Mike flashed a toothy grin. "Art's already got you tight on that with those new sub-woofers. Trust me; you're gonna be rockin' half of downtown!"

  "Miss Delcielo?" a deep voice sounded, and Nina focused on the two men making their way toward her.

  "That's me," she said, studying the tailored-suit wearing duo through suspicious eyes. "And you are?"

  Quinlan offered her a polite smile. "My name is Thomas Quinlan, and this is William Sanders." Sanders dipped his head in silent greeting. "We represent the Helping Hands Organization, and are here to discuss your recent application for financial support."

  Both men presented their credentials, and Nina's face brightened instantly. "It's certainly a pleasure to meet you!" She eagerly took hold of Quinlan's outstretched hand. "I hope you're here with good news."

  Quinlan smiled. "As a matter of fact we are. You're application for funding has been approved."

  Nina stiffened as the man's words washed over her. "Did you say we were approved?" For a moment she was afraid that this was a dream she was about to wake up from.

  "That's correct," Quinlan said then steadied him self as the excited woman threw her arms around him in a joyous hug.

  "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you," Nina chanted until she remembered she was accosting a total stranger. "I'm sorry!" She smoothed the wrinkles from the front of his jacket then wiped away the tears welling up in her eyes. "It's just this whole thing's been nothing but an uphill battle from the start."

  "That's quite alright," Quinlan assured her. "And considering the Center's limited budget your reaction is perfectly understandable."

  "Quite frankly, were amazed at what you've been able to accomplish with this place considering the scraps the state awarded you," Sanders spoke up, casting appraising eyes around the gym's decorated interior.

  Nina released a frustrated sigh. "Yeah, they've been pretty tight on project funding this year. The Chrysler Corporation's been very helpful, but their support is contingent on a monthly review of their revenue. And with the big hit the auto-industry's taking these days their continued support may not be forthcoming."

  "Well the Center looks great so you've definitely made good use of your resources," Sanders noted. "I'm particularly impressed with the computer lab." He nodded in the direction of the small room off to the side of the gym's main entrance where some of the workers were setting up several computer terminals. "Those machines alone must've severely cut into your budget."

  "They really did! It's ridiculous what those hunks of plastic and wires cost. Fortunately I was able to liquidate a few personal assets to get what we needed." Nina gazed fondly at the lab's modest equipment. "I think it's important for kids to have access to the latest technology; particularly in low-income areas such as this one where their families may not be able to provide it at home."

  "We at the Double H feel the same way. The youth are our future and it's up to us provide them with the tools needed to…to…" Sanders paused when he noticed the stricken look on Nina's face. "Are you alright, Miss Delcielo?"

  Nina did not respond. She was totally focused on the vision burning itself into her mind.

  "Mike……NO!" She turned from the concerned Seeker, and bolted toward the gym's rear wall. With desperate haste, she yanked open the steel door of the building's electrical closet, and studied the panel. She then shut off one of the circuit breakers, and half the gym lost power.

  "Hey Nina, what gives?" Mike yelled down waving his now dead saw in the air.

  Nina turned frightened eyes to him. "Check your blade, Mike! Just do it," she snapped when the puzzled foreman hesitated.

  Mike complied, and the color drained from his face. "The damn lock-bolt's broke!"

  "Damn, Mike," another workmen spat. "That blade could've popped loose and cut your head off!"

  "Yeah, no kidding!" Mike looked at Nina in amazement. "How did you know?"

  Nina became acutely aware that all eyes were upon her. "It was rattling when you started it," she lied. Now was not the time for awkward questions. "As many times as I've heard you crank that thing up over the last few weeks I knew something wasn't right."

  "Yeah, well thank God for your sonic ears," another worker called out. "With all the echoes up here we didn't hear a thing."

  "Alright people take five and check your tools!" Mike instructed his crew, a slight tremor in his voice. "Let's not look a gift-horse in the mouth on this." He refocused on Nina. "Thanks, Nina. You're my new guardian angel!"

  Nina released a nervous laugh but made no further comment.

  She waited until Mike gave her the thumbs-up sign then restored the power, after which she made her way back to Quinlan and Sanders.

  "Sorry about that, gentlemen. This place has been crazy the last few weeks with the rally and all."

  "I'm sure it has been." Quinlan was stunned by what he had just witnessed.

  "I'll tell you what." Nina motioned toward the gym's entrance. "Let's head to my office so we may continue our conversation in a more peaceful setting."

  Quinlan moved jerkily in the direction indicated, Sanders quickly falling into step beside him. The two Seekers exchanged looks, and Quinlan easily interpreted the excited gleam in his partner's eyes: Father Griffin had not been exaggerating!

  With Nina in the lead, they quietly left the gym.


  Sweeping up debris by the gym's entrance, her features partially concealed by a dusk mask, Mayhem studied the departing trio for a moment. A pleased smile parted her sensual lips. Her ruse as a maintenance worker at the Hell-forsaken place had finally paid off.

  For the past few days, the Desomor had maintained a discreet presence at the Center, carefully masking her Celestial aura so as not to alert the senses of the ever-present Gabriel. She had yet to observe anything phenomenal about Nina, and had begun to think that Iblis's interest in her was unwarranted.

  Nina's recent display of power had quickly cast all of the Desomor's doubts aside.

  During her Prophetic moment, the woman's body had become of a beacon of Celestial energy, nearly overwhelming Mayhem's heightened senses. Even now, tendrils of energy were still swirling in the air around her. Clearly she was more than a simple Mortal Touched by the Archangels. This woman had power.

  The Desomor was tempted to confront Nina on the spot, but Iblis's instructions on that matter where clear. She shot a quick glance at the gym's ceiling, and another smile parted her lips. Her
enhanced vision had caught a glimpse of Gabriel's translucent form passing through the gym's cinderblock walls.


  Gabriel watched the Seeker's truck pull away, and a wistful sigh escaped his lips. Their involvement would definitely complicate things.

  He contemplated taking them out of the picture, but they're pledge of financial assistant to Nina's center was a blessing for the beleaguered woman. He didn't want to risk her loosing it.

  "You seem troubled my friend," Omen's voice sounded softly in his ears. "Has the appearance of those two Presbyterii puppets put a snag in your plans?"

  "They always do," Gabriel answered the Overseer materializing beside him. "I tell you, O; I get so sick and tired of all these wannabe God-servers getting in my way. Maybe it's time I had an enlightening chat with that pair of idiots. Perhaps if they understood the full scope of my Celestial position they would let me do my job."

  "I doubt it," Omen told his irritated colleague. "Despite their good intentions, Quinlan's and Sanders' minds are totally immured in the lie of their reality. Their misplaced faith would not allow them to accept the truth."

  A wicked smile parted Gabriel's lips. "They would if I put a lightning bolt up their sanctimonious butts."

  The glow around Omen's eyes intensified. "You know an abuse of power such as that is forbidden!"

  "I was joking," the Celemor grumbled. "I guess I'm just tired of being treated like one of those troublemaking Demonstratives by a bunch of idiots who have no idea how the universe really works."

  Omen floated closer, his eyes glowing softly under his hood. "I know the Tasks you're given can often be untenable Gabriel, but you must not despair. What you do is necessary in order to preserve the Divine Balance."

  Gabriel's expression turned sour. "Yeah, old Death Boy explained the whole Order and Chaos thing to me when I took this job."

  Omen's form wavered slightly. "And I laud your decision to serve. Most Mortals would've found the mantle of Celemor to daunting of a challenge."

  Gabriel released a disgusted snort. "Well it's not like I had a choice, given the fact that my refusal would've led to the dispersal of Clarissa's soul."

  Omen placed a bony hand on the Celemor's shoulder. "You are still to be commended. Mortals are quick to pledge their lives for this cause or that, yet when the time comes, few make good on that promise. Your sacrifice to the Almighty on your wife's behalf goes far to dispel the belief held by the majority of my brethren that Mortals are nothing but bestial aberrations; undeserving of our Creator's favor."

  Gabriel cocked a cynical eyebrow. "So being the shining example of my race is supposed to make me feel better about all of this?"

  "It should," Omen said as his body began to fade. "Or at the very least proud," he added before disappearing completely.

  Chapter 12

  "Hey Nina, you got a visitor!" Tony fought to make his voice heard above the hard-driving music blaring from the Center's speakers.

  True to his word, Mike's audio tech had done an excellent job installing the new sound system. The multi-watt subwoofers, coupled with the strobe lights and festive decorations, had the Center's rally in full swing.

  "Here I come, Tony!" Nina burst through the Center's kitchen doors carrying a tray laden with sandwiches. Her face split into a huge grin when she saw who was waiting for her. "Gabriel! You made it!"

  The Celemor returned her smile with one of his own. "Are you kidding? I've been looking forward to this all week. Here, let me help you with that." He lifted the tray out of her hands. "Where do you want it?"

  Nina pointed to a set of black skirted tables situated toward the front of the crowded gymnasium. "Serving station number six."

  Gabriel nodded. "I'll be right back."

  "Man's got some moves," Tony commented as he watched Gabriel deftly weave his way through the frolicking party-goers. "Who is he?"

  Nina's eyes were also on the Celemor's muscular physicque. "Someone I met after I left your shop the other day."

  "Is that so?" charged the husky voice of Tony's wife, Maria, making her way from the kitchen with another tray of sandwiches. "And when were you gonna share the good news with us?"

  A smiling Nina opened her mouth to respond but Gabriel returned.

  "Delivery made, ma'am." He accorded Nina a slight nod then lifted the tray from Maria's pudgy hands. "I take it these are going to the same place?"

  "If you wouldn't mind," Maria said, batting a flirtatious eye at him.

  "Not at all," he chuckled then immediately set off with the tray.

  "My God, Nina, wherever did you find him?"

  Nina laughed at Maria's dreamy expression then quickly related the tale of her and Gabriel's introduction.

  "I like him already," Tony declared.

  "Me too," another voice sounded as Tyree, having caught most of Nina's tale, stepped from the kitchen, wiping his hands on the apron tied about his waist. "Strong, protective, and good manners to boot."

  "Not to mention gorgeous!" Maria's gush drew an indignant snort from her husband and a laugh from Tyree. "He definitely seems like a keeper, Nina. I just hope he's not gay."

  "Oh stop it!" Nina scolded the older woman as Gabriel made his way back to them. "Gabriel, I'd like to introduce you to my good friends, Tony and Maria Scavelli, and Father Tyree Griffin."

  "It's a pleasure to meet you all." He gave Tyree's and Tony's hand a firm shake, and Maria's a gentle kiss. "I understand you're the caterers of this affair," he directed at the Scavellis

  Tony wrapped a possessive arm around his wife's shoulder. "That's us: Tony's Gourmet Pizza and Sandwich Shop; best eating in the tri-state area!"

  "Well from the comments I overheard at the serving stations, you're definitely living up to that reputation," Gabriel told the shop owner. "In fact, I'm about to find out for myself." He unwrapped the sandwich he had grabbed from the tray, took a generous bite then sighed in appreciation. "Oh, this is delicious! I haven't tasted corned-beef this lean in years."

  "Glad you like it," Tony beamed proudly. "I buy only the finest cuts from the butchers. It's a little pricier, but it makes all the difference."

  "It most certainly does." Gabriel raised the sandwich to his mouth for another bite. "Uh, oh." He nodded toward the beverage bar set up by the gym's rear entrance. "Look's like someone's not happy with their drink."

  Nina glanced at the bar and sighed as she observed what appeared to be a disagreement between her staff and a group of patrons. "There's always something." She wiped her hands with a towel. "If you all will excuse me; I'd better go see what the ruckus is about."

  "Wait." Gabriel finished his sandwich in two, quick bites. "I'll join you."

  "Me too," Tyree chimed in, hastily removing his apron.

  "That's okay, guys, I can handle it. Besides, Ty I need you to keep the Carlson twins out of trouble." Nina nodded toward the two teenage girls arguing furiously with on another in the kitchen.

  Tyree took one look at the squabbling pair, and groaned. "Not again. I wonder what it is this time."

  "They probably can't agree on how to place the sandwiches on the tray," Maria chuckled as the Minister made his way back into the kitchen.

  Gabriel turned to Nina. "I guess that just leaves me."

  "No Gabriel. You're supposed to be my guest, not one of my staff!"

  The Celemor gave his mouth a perfunctory wipe with his napkin. "I'm happy to help. Plus I need something to drink."

  The Scavellis grinned at his statement, and he and Nina headed toward the bar.

  By the time they arrived the situation had escalated into a full blown argument, and Nina was glad Gabriel had accompanied her. Several of the young men involved were sporting leather jackets embroidered with the logo of the Crimson Tigers; one of the more prolific gangs in the area.

  "Hi guys," she spoke pleasantly, placing herself between the angry gang members and the nervous bartenders. "I'm Miss Delcielo, the head facilitator here. What seems to be the problem?"
/>   "The problem is your girl back there asking me for my I.D.," one of the Tigers snapped. "All I want is a stinkin' beer!"

  Nina offered the man a polite smile. "I do apologize for the inconvenience, but we have to adhere to the state's guidelines in terms of alcoholic beverages. I'm afraid if you can't verify your age we can't serve you."

  The glowering Tiger took a step toward her but found his way instantly blocked by Gabriel.

  "That's enough, bud," he firmly told the disgruntled youth. "If you and your sect don't agree with the Center's drinking policy then perhaps you should leave."

  One of the other Tigers, a comely female, laid a hand atop the angry youth's shoulder. "C'mon Tip, let's bounce. This party's lame anyway." Her comment broke the tense silence between her fellow and Gabriel.

  "Yeah, alright, Ray," Tip growled. He gave Gabriel a final scowl then turned menacing eyes on Nina. "You watch yourself, lady. I'm the big dog in this hood."

  He turned away, and Gabriel leaned closer to Nina. "And all this time I thought Tigers were cats."

  He meant his comment for her ears alone, but an unexpected pause in the music allowed Tip to hear it also.

  The angry youth swung back around to face Gabriel. "Bad move dissin' the Tigers, bitch. Now I gotta teach you some manners!"

  Tip lunged forward, crashing headlong into the bar's mahogany counter after Gabriel angled out of the way. The dazed youth slid quietly to the ground, and the remaining Tigers surged to his defense.

  Gabriel spared Nina, who was yelling for security, a quick glance to be sure she was safely out of the way then turned his full attention on the attacking youths.

  Tip's female companion reached him first. The Celemor easily blocked her wild punch, countering with a quick back-fist to her temple, effectively rendering her unconscious. She slumped against him, and he lowered her to the floor, rolling sideways to avoid the kick of another Tiger trying to take advantage of his awkward position. Gabriel's low sweeping kick knocked the youth's legs from under him, and he crashed to the floor, air whooshing from his body.


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