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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 8

by Art Gulley Jr.

  The remaining two Tigers tried to trap Gabriel between them in a pincer move. The Celemor responded with a flurry of fist and elbow strikes to various parts of their bodies, the ferocity of the attack astounding the crowd of people that had gathered around at the onset of the fight.

  By the time the Center's security team, led by Tyree, managed to press their way through the throng of onlookers, the five gang members were all sprawled on the floor in various states of consciousness.

  Nina hurried to Gabriel's side, searching his face for any signs of injury. "Are you alright?"

  "Oh, yeah," he quickly assured her. "It turns out the Tigers' roar was nothing more than a ‘meow'." His statement drew a chuckle from Nina. "Sorry about the mess though." He nodded in the direction of the gang, the ones still unconscious being carried away by the burly security guards while Tyree set about settling the crowd. "But I couldn't let them spoil our evening."

  Nina chuckled. "Yeah, I guess not." She favored him with an approving grin. "You know you're pretty good with your hands and feet, bud. I may have to put Heaven Sent Security on the Center's payroll."

  Gabriel smiled. "I'll make sure you get a discounted rate." The smile vanished when he noticed the sultry, platinum-haired woman staring at him from the opposite side of the room. "Mayhem," he growled, a slight glow emanating from his eyes as he watched her saunter toward one of the gym's rear exits. The Desomor blew him a kiss then slipped out the door.

  Nina noticed the sudden tension on his face. "Is something wrong?"

  Gabriel's eyes were still focused on the exit. "I'm not sure. Stay close to your friends and security, Nina." He gave her shoulder a brief squeeze. "There's something I need to check out."

  He dashed off through the crowd, leaving a stunned Nina to wonder what was going on.

  "You do throw one heck of shindig, Miss Delcielo," a familiar voice sounded in her ear.

  Nina whirled around and smiled at the unexpected sight of Quinlan and Sanders.

  "Ah, you made it!" She placed a gentle hand atop Quinlan's forearm. "Thank you so much for coming. I'm just sorry you showed up when things got ugly."

  "That little melee doesn't appear to have dampened any one's spirits." Quinlan waved his free hand at the people dancing around them. "But tell me; who's your athletic friend?" The seeker kept his voice neutral as his eyes swept over the crowd. "And where did he go? I'd like to shake his hand for standing up to those punks."

  Nina cast worried eyes toward the rear exit. "I'm not sure."

  Quinlan followed the direction of her gaze then looked pointedly at Sanders.

  The Seekers knew full well who her benefactor was, having encountered the enigmatic being known as Gabriel on other occasions.

  "Well maybe he'll come back," Quinlan said, turning his attention to one of the serving stations. "In the mean time I think I'll help my self to some of those tasty looking sandwiches."

  "That sounds good to me." Nina's polite smile didn't mask the concern in her eyes. "Would you care for something Mister Sanders?"

  "No, you two go on ahead." Sanders nodded toward the carnival booths set up along the back wall. "I think I'll try my luck at some of those games; see if I can win myself one of those vintage lava-lamps." He accorded them a brief nod then set off to start a discreet search.


  "I was wondering if you had the nerve to come after me," a feminine voice rang out from above.

  Gabriel shifted his gaze up to the glowing figure crouched atop a nearby streetlight. The Celemor checked to make sure no one else was around then propelled himself upward, coming to a hovering stop in front of his adversary. "Now you know I'd never pass up a chance to dance with you, May."

  "You always were such the gentlemen, Gabriel."

  He shrugged. "One tries. I take it you're the precipitator of that little incident back at the rally?"

  A wicked smile parted Mayhem's sensuous lips. "I just wanted to see if you were keeping yourself in shape, lover."

  "Always." He opened his hand to her. "Care to test the waters yourself?"

  "I thought you'd never ask!" She flashed him a girlish grin then launched herself from the pole.

  Gabriel met her charge head on, their bodies colliding amidst a blinding flash of energy that briefly turned night into day as they battled midair.

  "You're getting slow, old girl," Gabriel teased as he slipped through her defenses, slamming an uppercut into her chin. "Maybe you need to get out of the kennel a little more often!"

  The Celemor's taunts spurred Mayhem to greater efforts, but she was still no match for his superior speed and technique. Frustrated by her own failings, the Desomor released a staggering blast of Celestial energy. Gabriel, twisted out of the way, but his awkward position left him unprepared for the elbow smashing into his jaw.

  Seizing the advantage, Mayhem wrapped her arms tightly about his waist, and flew them higher into the air. "My turn to lead, lover," she crowed then plummeted straight down, reversing positions at the last moment so that Gabriel hit the ground first, plowing a deep furrow in the street's pitted asphalt. The impact was more than Mayhem anticipated, and she staggered backward, trying to regain her equilibrium.

  It was Gabriel's turn to unleash his Celestial power. The blast fired from his trembling hand caught the Desomor full on, its concussive force sent her crashing through the plate glass windows of the boutique on the opposite side of the street.

  All was quite for a moment then a bloodied Gabriel rose unsteadily to his feet. He stumbled across the street to where an equally battered Mayhem lay unconscious amidst the rubble her passage had produced. "I guess this dance is over, May."

  "Don't bet on it, Celemor," a cold voice declared as Azreal stepped from the shadows of a neighboring store, the two Disciples from the altercation at Tony's flanking him. The trio swiftly took positions in front of the boutique's demolished window, forming a protective wedge around the injured Mayhem.

  Gabriel squared his shoulders, wincing at the pain the motion caused him, his eyes glowing with Celestial fire. "Okay, Azreal. Let's see if you and your dogs fair any better than your girl."

  "You got balls, Gabe, I'll give you that," Azreal chortled, a crackle of energy forming around his clenched fists. "It's too bad I gotta rip ‘em off!"

  The Disciple and his minions attacked in unison, raining blows upon the beleaguered Celemor at superhuman speed.

  Though Celestially Touched by their Master, Disciples were not nearly as powerful as a Celestial Mortal of Gabriel's caliber. Normally he would have had little trouble repelling their onslaught, but the injuries sustained in his battle with Mayhem were beginning to take their toll. Within moments, the Disciples had the Celemor on the verge of collapse. A final kick by a zealous Azreal knocked him to the ground.

  "You're good Gabe, I'll give you that. But today we're just a little bit better!"

  He took a menacing step toward the downed Celemor then screamed as a nimbus of white light suddenly engulfed his body, searing the flesh from his bones. The remaining Disciples met with similar fates, and a startled Gabriel watched as their writhing bodies were quickly reduced to piles of smoldering ash.

  "It appears we have arrived just in time," Dichotomy proclaimed, his glowing form solidifying on the scene. He spared the charred remains of the Disciples a brief glance then kneeled beside the injured Celemor. "Still getting your self into trouble, Gabriel?"

  Gabriel managed a weak smile. "You know me." He regarded the Celestial's illuminated form through half-lidded eyes. "I see you're wearing the Caleb suit."

  A ghost of a smile appeared on Dichotomy's lips. "We felt it best to assume our pre-Celestial form while we aid you in this Task."

  Mention of the word "Task" brought a flash of fear to Gabriel's eyes. "Nina…!" He tried to raise himself up, but Dichotomy placed a restraining hand atop the Celemor's chest

  "Fear not, Gabriel. She is currently in the company of her friends and subordinates. When she leaves their protection,
we shall continue to watch over her until you've recovered."

  Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Caleb. I owe you one; both of you," he added with a smile before slipping into unconsciousness.

  "Anytime, old friend," the Celestial whispered. A bemused smile parted his glowing lips as he studied the Celemor's bruised face. "We were right about Gabriel's feelings toward this woman." Dichotomy gently lifted the Celemor's prone body off the ground. "Perhaps it is time for us to meet her as well."

  A low moan signaled Mayhem's return to consciousness, and Dichotomy shifted his glowing gaze in her direction. The Desomor looked around in uncertainty then stiffened when she met Dichotomy's sullen frown.

  The Celestial regarded the haggard Desomor through contemptuous eyes for a moment then disappeared amidst a flash of blinding light. His departure produced a flood of relief within Mayhem, until her eyes fell on the numerous charred piles on the street before her.

  "Azreal!" she cried in agony when the residual essence of the Disciple's spirit brushed against her awareness. A hard knot formed in the pit of her stomach. Iblis was going to be furious once he learned of this debacle brought about by her flagrant disregard of his orders.

  With her mind preoccupied on the dire fate that awaited her, Mayhem failed to notice the excited presence of the man crouched behind the hulking frame of a delivery truck parked up the street.

  Sanders had arrived on the scene just as the fight between Gabriel and the mysterious woman had reached its climax. The Seeker had quickly found what he hoped was a secure spot then focused amazed eyes on the heavenly spectacle.

  He now watched in rapt fascination as the woman placed a gentle kiss on her fingertips, and waved them over the piles of ash that had once been her comrades. Within moments a strong breeze rose up around her, scattering the ashes through the air. After all remains were dispersed, the woman breathed a heavy sigh then quietly faded away.

  Sanders held his position for a moment to make sure no other glowing creatures were going to appear then carefully abandoned his hiding place. He surveyed the damaged area, and an awed whistle escaped his lips.

  First Miss Delcielo's clairvoyant moment at the Center, now a battle between Divine beings! This was turning out to be one prolific Manifestation.

  The Seeker retrieved the small, digital camera from his jacket's inner pocket, and took a few shots of the battle ravaged area, all the while berating himself for not thinking of the camera earlier. A recording of tonight's events would have been an invaluable addition to the Presbyterii archives. He gave the area a final glimpse, released another awed whistle then hustled back to the Center.

  Chapter 13

  "….and I just wanted to thank you and Maria again for all your help," Nina spoke into the phone pressed painfully against her ear as she prepared herself a cup of tea. "No, I haven't heard from Gabriel yet, but I'll let you guys know as soon as I do. Yes, Tyree followed me home…Okay; take care, Tony." She let the phone drop to her hand, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Whew, what a night."

  Despite the altercation with the Tigers the rally had been a huge success. She even managed to secure some additional funding for the Center from the Detroit chapter of the Junior League. By all rights this should be a time of celebration, but the fact that Gabriel had not returned from his abrupt departure had Nina in a state of worry. Where could he have run off to?

  The answer to her question came sooner than expected as a flash of blinding light and a rush of cool air signaled the arrival of Dichotomy with the subject of Nina's anxiety cradled in his arms.

  Nina dove for cover behind the kitchen counter, her hand grabbing the knife she had used to cut the lemon slices for her tea.

  "Fear not, Nina Delcielo," the Celestial soothed the terrified woman. "We are Dichotomy, and we mean you no harm."

  The intense light radiating from his body, coupled with the curious resonance of his voice had a calming effect on Nina. She lowered the knife, and slowly stood up. She still had no idea what was happening, but sensed that she was in no danger.

  Dichotomy gently laid Gabriel on the sofa then stood back as Nina knelt beside him.

  She gasped at the sight of the numerous lacerations on the exposed parts of his body. "Oh my God." Nina wiped the streaks of blood away from Gabriel's face with the sleeve of her shirt. "What happened?"

  A hard look appeared on Dichotomy's face. "He was injured during a confrontation with the Desolate Mortal known as Mayhem." His expression softened at the concerned mirrored in Nina's eyes. "Do not worry. Despite the severity of his wounds, Gabriel will recover shortly."

  Nina studied Gabriel's face for a moment then turned incredulous eyes to the glowing being beside her. "Who, or…what are you?"

  A slight smile crept into place on the Celestial's face. "As we said, our name is Dichotomy. We are friend to the Celestial Mortal, Gabriel, who has been given the Task of protecting you during your time of Emergence."

  Nina stared at him through dumbfounded eyes. "My time of what?"

  "Emergence," Dichotomy repeated. "As you might have already surmised, you have been chosen by the Almighty to become the latest in a long line of Harbingers charged with the task ushering in significant changes to the Tenets here in the Realm of Mortalia." Dichotomy took note of the deepening confusion on the woman's face, and a regretful sigh escaped his lips. "It is obvious through your reaction that much has yet to be revealed to you, including the true nature of the universe."

  The air around Dichotomy's hand shimmered for a moment then a large, leather-bound book appeared before him. "This volume was taken from the Journals of the Archangel Michael," he explained as the book settled gently into Nina's open hands. "Perhaps it will help lessen your confusion and indoctrinate you into the workings of the Hierarchy."

  Nina stared at the unearthly tome for a moment, a knot of apprehension settling in her stomach. "And just what exactly is this...Hierarchy?"

  Dichotomy favored her with a solemn look. "The Creation's ruling tier, which you are now a part of."

  Nina gaped in astonishment. "Me?"

  Dichotomy inclined his head respectfully toward her. "As a Harbinger you are now a living conduit of the Almighty's will, hence your inclusion."

  Nina swallowed hard several times, trying to digest all that was happening. She glanced uncertainly at the heavy Journal still clutched in her hands. "But…why did God pick me?"

  "The reasons behind your selection are unknown to us, but we are certain that all will be made clear to you in due time. For now, we shall take our leave."

  "Now?" Nina turned worried eyes to Gabriel's battered figure. "What about him?"

  Dichotomy's solemn expression shifted into one of affection. "As we said before, Gabriel will recover soon. Farewell Harbinger. We've no doubt that our paths shall cross again."

  The Celestial disappeared amidst another blinding flash, leaving a dazed Nina sitting numbly on the floor, trying valiantly to make sense of all he had told her.

  She spared Gabriel a concerned look and stiffened at what she saw. A soft glow was emanating from his body, and his injuries were healing at an incredibly accelerated rate. Within seconds, all traces of them were gone.

  Nina blinked several times then lifted troubled eyes to the ceiling. "Why on Earth did you choose me?"

  She got no reply.

  Not really knowing why she placed the journal gently on the table and opened it. Sparing Gabriel's glowing form a final glance, she focused wary eyes on its iridescent pages and began to read: "In the Beginning of all Beginnings there was the Event, a molecular cataclysm that spawned all that exists including the infinite expanse of Celestial Energy known as The Void.

  It was from The Void that The Almighty drew forth the raw matter to fashion The Creation; a system of three intertwining dimensional Realms to contain and nurture the myriad forms of sentient life developing around Him…"

  Chapter 14

  Tullis stared hard at the small speaker resting on the tab
le's tiled surface. The look of incredulity on his face matched those of his fellow Elders. "And you're sure this being was Divine in nature?"

  "Without a doubt," Sander's disembodied voice echoed throughout the closed-in patio of Dresden's Roman country villa where the four Cardinals were gathered. "After he incinerated the three late-comers, the creature lifted Gabriel off the ground and literally disappeared."

  "Amazing," Tullis whispered. "And the woman?"

  "She recovered a short time later," Sander's replied. "She used the wind to scatter her companions' remains then vanished herself."

  An uneasy silence settled over the room as the Elders exchanged nervous looks with one another.

  "And you say Miss Delcielo's abilities are also viable?" asked Dresden, his mind still reeling from the Seeker's incredible tale.

  "Extremely," Quinlan's voice joined the conversation. "She had a vision which probably saved one of her worker's lives while we were standing there. We haven't had time to ascertain her religious standings, but on the surface she appears to be a decent woman."

  "Then let us hope that in this case, appearances are not deceiving," Tullis called out. "I must say this is exciting news, gentlemen. We will confer on this matter at once, and contact you when we determine a course of action. In the meantime I want you to drop the Double H facade, and reveal yourselves to Miss Delcielo."

  "Are you sure that's wise, Your Grace?" A note of concern colored Quinlan's voice.

  "Yes I do. Considering Miss Delcielo's antipathy for the Catholic church, our first step toward swaying her to our cause must be the establishment of her trust in the Presbyterii. The two of you must now begin that process."

  "We understand, Your Grace, and we'll take care of it," Quinlan assured the Cardinal then disconnected.

  "So what do you think, brothers?" Milan's tenor broke the poignant silence surrounding the table.

  "That we're dealing with something profound," Dresden observed, his pensive features drawn into an even tighter frown.


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