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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 22

by Art Gulley Jr.

  Dresden's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

  "We took up position across from the apartment's front lot where Griffin parked. I'm not sure what the Delcielo woman said to him, but he appeared to be a haunted man when he left. He was also carrying a large book."

  "Could you tell what it was?"

  "We were to far away to get a good look but the way he had it wrapped up in his arms makes me think that it was something important."

  All was silent for a moment as Dresden pondered the Neutralizer's report. "I'm curious as to what he was given by that witch."

  "We could...retrieve it for you," Malachi suggested.

  "Please do so," Dresden ordered. "Quietly if possible, Malakai. I'd rather not invoke a scandal."

  "We'll do our best, Your Grace."

  Chapter 31

  Lie stood quietly before the shimmering Window hovering in the center of her circular meditation chamber. Her piercing green eyes gazed intently at the scene displayed through the Window's space displacing expanse while a smile of amusement curved her full lips.

  And what mystery within Mortalia fascinates you today, Mistress?

  The Halfling's smile deepened at Kaela's question echoing through her mind. "I was merely enjoying the results of my little…addition to the skirmish between the two Jihad factions currently battling in the Land of Abraham. The heart attack I induced in the master strategist of the more dominant of the two should add a little excitement to the ongoing melee."

  Do you ever tire of toying with your Earthly brethren?

  A touch of contempt flashed through Lie's eyes. "Take caution with your words, Kaela. Though a drop of Mortal blood runs through my veins, I do not claim the vermin as my kin, nor will I accept that designation from you."

  Whether you accept them or not is irrelevant, Kaela sharply informed her agitated charge. You are a child of both the Celestial and Mortal worlds, and if you ever hope to achieve your lofty goals you must accept that distinction. Remember, the Morphling continued in less accusing tones. Your Celestiality is the source of your phenomenal abilities, but the Divine essence the Almighty infused within the Mortal soul is your greatest strength. Do not neglect yours.

  "Consider me properly chastised," Lie snapped. "Now was there something in particular you wanted or did you simply feel the need to exercise your maternal muscles?"

  The Seers have discovered that the former Celemor, Caleb is currently seeking an audience with your father, Kaela announced, unperturbed by the animosity radiating from her mistress. Long association with Lie's volatile nature had rendered the Morphling immune to the Halfling's petulant outbursts.

  A thoughtful frown covered Lie's face as she considered this information. "Where is the hapless fool?"

  At present he is his waiting in the Courtyard of Reflection.

  "How long has he been there?"

  From what I understand, several days; your father has yet to acknowledge him.

  Lie released a disgusted snort. "He will. The winged twit thrives on dramatic encounters. Now what could Caleb want with him?"

  Perhaps he seeks counsel on the new Halfling and her purpose within the Creation, Kaela speculated.

  "You're probably right. From what I've observed of my Celestial cousin, she's not even aware of her true heritage. She believes she's merely a Harbinger as does her guardian."

  That is a most unusual move on the Archangel's part. What advantage is there to leaving a Halfling ignorant of her status within the Hierarchy?

  "Nina's lack of knowledge has severely limited her Celestial abilities, which in turn has kept her from notice by the more prominent members of the Hierarchy."

  A ripple of surprise flowed through Kaela's mental voice. The Archangels wanted to hide her. But to what end?

  Lie frowned. "That's the question that needs answering. Have the Seers continue to monitor Caleb, and inform me the moment my father deigns to acknowledge him."

  Thy will be done. And what new chicanery are you planning within Mortalia? Kaela asked sensing a hint of mischief in her Mistress' aura.

  Lie chuckled. "I think it's time our dear Nina had a crash course in Celestial genealogy."

  A touch of concern flowed from Kaela. Take caution, dear one; if Nina is the recipient of special consideration the Archangels may not take kindly to your interference.

  Lie grinned. "Such is my nature. But fear not, Kaela; my interactions with Nina will be…discreet."

  Of course they will.

  The Morphling's final comment, and the wave of suspicion that flowed from her mind, brought another smile to Lie's face as she returned her attention to the scene being played out within the Widow.

  Chapter 32

  The swirling haze that was common to Sublimia's erratic environment coalesced into a vaguely humanoid shape for a moment then quickly dissipated. The brief phenomenon went unnoticed by the peculiar Celestial hovering silently above the circular depression known throughout the Realms as the Courtyard of Reflection.

  Ages ago the Celestial had been mortal; a simple shepherd named Caleb who roamed with his herd across the grassy plains of the Sinai Valley eking out a modest existence for himself and his family.

  The life of a Shepard was not an easy one but Caleb was content, comforted by his belief that this was the path that the God of Abraham had chosen for him. But that faith was shattered by the crushing hand of the Egyptian empire sweeping across the country. Caleb's wife and three daughters had been snatched from their tents by the Pharaoh's hosts while the enraged Shepard was left to die from the multiple stab wounds received trying to defend them.

  As he lay there bleeding in the sand and praying for an end to his suffering, a glowing apparition appeared in the air before him. Caleb took heart that his journey to Heaven was underway, but such was not the case for it was not God or one of His angels hovering before him. It was the Celestial being named Iblis; an Archangel who had long since relinquished his prominent position within the Divine Watch, forever separating himself from the Almighty and His Tenets with the establishment of the city of Hell.

  It was Iblis who first opened Caleb's eyes to the truth of the world around him and the politics of Heaven and Hell; a revelation that would set in motion a chain of tumultuous events culminating with Caleb's transformation into his current dichotomous state.

  But that was in the past. Caleb, or Dichotomy as he now preferred to be called, was more focused on the future; particularly that of the Harbinger Nina and her Celemor guardian, Gabriel.

  Two Mortal years had passed since Nina's initial Emergence, and though her Celestial prowess continued to grow as did her popularity among Earth's religious subcultures, her Divine purpose had yet to be revealed.

  Generally speaking, once a Harbinger's abilities emerged, whatever Divine addition to the Tenets they were called upon to deliver was done so swiftly. Dichotomy was hopeful that the reticent Raphael could answer some of their questions.

  The blended being had communicated their request to the semi-sentient Mist swirling about the Courtyard, knowing that it in turn would alert the Archangel of their presence. As of yet, a response to their entreaty had not been forthcoming, but such was often the case when dealing with the upper echelons of the Hierarchy.

  Ages ago, the solemn Archangel had stood proudly beside his brothers amidst Heaven's gleaming spires. But the harsh treatment of Lillith, one of the first Mortals to walk the Earth and later Raphael's consort, following a disagreement between her and members of the Watch planted the seeds of doubt in Raphael's mind about the correctness of the path set for humanity. The near destruction of all life on Earth during the Great Flood allowed those seed to sprout, prompting the disillusioned Celestial to remove himself from the convoluted politics of the Watch and take up residence within Sublimia's erratic border.

  Dichotomy just hoped that Raphael's curiosity would prompt him to heed their call before it was to late for them to put whatever information they learned to good use.

; Their protracted wait came to an abrupt end with a sudden flash of light heralding the appearance of a tall winged male. The hovering being regarded Dichotomy through piercing blue eyes, his muscular body unaffected by the harsh winds whipping his long silver hair across his face.

  "Greetings Caleb," the Archangel finally spoke. His deep voice reverberated throughout the Courtyard as he settled to the ground. He fanned his immense wings out to their full expanse then collapsed them neatly against his broad back as he folded his arms across his bare, muscular chest. "I hear the two of you have been looking for me."

  "We have," Dichotomy said after according the Archangel a respectful bow.

  "What is it that you want?"

  "Some insight as to the reasons behind the Harbinger Nina Delcielo's recent Emergence."

  "Emergence?" Raphael's left eyebrow arched upward while his hands dropped to the braided lariat secured around the waist of his white loose-fitting trousers, its color and texture identical to that of his flowing mane. "I'd say it was more of an awakening."

  Dichotomy's form wavered briefly. "We don't understand."

  Raphael's eyes narrowed slightly as he studied Dichotomy's face. "No I guess you don't." He shook his head from side to side. "Poor Caleb, so desperate to distance yourself from the Hierarchy yet still tangled in its deceptive web."

  "The Hierarchy no longer dictates our actions," Dichotomy replied stiffly. "Like you we have chosen a life of separation from the structure of the Tenets and the duties of the Watch."

  "Yes, but unlike me the personas that reside within your mingled form consistently involve themselves with Watch affairs. Why else would you concern yourself with the likes of Nina Delcielo?"

  "The majority of our concern lies not for Nina but rather her guardian," Dichotomy admitted, the dual personas within him struggling to keep the growing irritation out of their voice. Like his brothers, Raphael was quick to take offense with those he considered inferior. "Gabriel's time with Nina has far exceeded that of a normal Task of this nature, as has the revelation of the Harbinger's purpose."

  "Ah, but that's the problem," Raphael shot back. "Nina is not a Harbinger, at least not in the traditional sense of the word."

  Once again Dichotomy's form wavered with uncertainty. "If she's not a Harbinger then what is she?"

  Raphael's wings twitched against his back. "The daughter of my brother Michael."

  The Archangel's revelation washed over Dichotomy like a tidal wave, causing his form to morph rapidly between the male and female halves of his personality. It took the Celestial several seconds to regain their composure at which time their features coalesced once again into those of Dichotomy's pre-Celestial Mortal form. "Are you saying that she's a Halfling?"

  A devious grin parted Raphael's full lips. "Yes but unlike any that has existed in the history of The Creation do to her Mortal lineage."

  "How so?"

  Raphael's wings gave another shudder. "Unbeknownst to Michael at the time of his...indulgence, the Blood of Abraham flowed through Nina's mother's veins and was subesquently passed into those of the child they conceived. Nina is a totally unique creature with the bearing, temperament, and soul of a Mortal coupled with a Divine might that, once fully developed, could rival that of The Almighty Himself."

  Dichotomy was stunned. Dalliances between Celestials and Mortals were common but were goverened by a rigid code of conduct. In the history of The Creation such a thing had never occured. "But…how is that possible, and why would The Almighty allow such a being to exist given his ban on the blending of certain Mortal bloodlines and the potential threat said being might someday pose?"

  "Only He can answer that question, but I would assume it has to do with her current position in the infrastructure."

  "Which is," Dichotomy pressed when Raphael failed to elaborate.

  "Nina's purpose is to disrupt Earth's fragmented religious structure to the point where it implodes. Only then will the Mortals be tenable to the reintroduction of the Divine Truth."

  Dichotomy's form wavered again. "Are you saying that her purpose is the same as that of…the Son?"

  "Not quite," Raphael stated. "The institution of Christianity was The Almighty's attempt to clean up the distortions of the Journals perpetrated by the unrighteous; to gently redirect Humanity back onto their preordained path. Unfortunately Mortalia's spiritual malaise has progressed too far for such niceties. This time there will be no subtlety in the matter. Nina is the Harbinger of what could potentially become the Final Reclamation."

  Dichotomy’s eyes widened. “Final…but that would mean…”

  “That the Last Rising is upon us,” Raphael finished the distressed Celestial’s sentence.

  The Courtyard was silent for several minutes while Dichotomy slowly digested Raphael's disclosure. The Last Rising...? Just the thought of it chilled the blended being to his core.

  "And what is to become of Nina once her Task is complete?

  A solemn look consumed Raphael's sharp features. "That depends on her. I would assume that once this Divine undertaking is complete she will occupy a position of significant authority in the New Order; providing she's up to the Task. Or to put it in a more direct term: She will either restore the Balance or be consumed by the coming conflafaration; a fate similar to that of He whom you once held so dear."

  "What?" Dichotomy's shout reverberated throughout the Courtyard. "But…why? Why must she suffer the same fate as Christ?"

  Raphael's expression softened. "You of all people should know that the Mortals define their existence through their struggles, and the sacrifice of their heroes. Such is the way of their world."

  "No!" Dichotomy screamed, thinking of the anguish such an event would cause Gabriel, and Nina whom the blended being had also grown quite fond of. "We will not allow our friends to suffer the pain of such martyrdom!"

  Raphael favored the enraged Celestial with a stern look. "Such may be her destiny, Caleb."

  "Then we will do all within our power to change it!"

  "I know you will," Raphael whispered in the wake of Dichotomy's abrupt departure.

  The Archangel allowed his gaze to range over the Courtyard for a moment then a regretful sigh escaped his lips. "I do not like this game you've initiated," he uttered softly. "Such manipulations on your part are what led to Caleb's fractured state, and my subsequent abandonment of the Watch."

  I know, my son, The Almighty's voice echoed through the Archangel's mind. But such duplicity is necessary for my Mortal children to achieve their true potential. The time has come for them to take their rightful place amongst the Realms as the Shepards of the Balance, but to do that their metal must be tested. The turmoil wrought by the current Reclamation will provide that test.

  As Raphael pondered the ramifications of The Almighty's words a slight flutter impinged upon his awareness.

  The Archangel's eyes flared briefly and the surrounding Mist began to undulate, taking on a humanoid shape. "It is impolite to eavesdrop," he coldly told the ethereal being now quivering before him. "I suggest you and your kin remember that. The next time I catch you meddling in my affairs my reprimand will not be tempered with mercy."

  "My apologies Raphael," a wispy voice replied. "Such a transgression will not happen again."

  "For your sake let's hope not."

  The form coalesced once more as the Archangel released his hold over it then completely dissipated.

  "I'm afraid word of your true intentions for Mortalia will soon spread to dissident ears, Father," the Archangel ground out. "I sensed my daughter's taint upon that creature."

  Worry not, my son, the Almighty replied and Raphael was surprised by the satisfaction in his Creator's tone. Lillian's involvement was expected, and, as you know, necessary.

  The feeling of unease that had resided in the pit of the Archangel's stomach ever since The Almighty had made him privy to the true ramifications of The Rising increased two-fold. "I've never been overly thrilled with that situation eithe

  I know that as well, but such has become her fate. And though you're heart has always been saddened by the road she now travels you must never forget that she was the one that chose it. Such decisions are never without consequences.

  The Almighty removed His presence from Raphael's mind, leaving the Archangel alone in the Courtyard to ponder the significance of his daughter's involvement in the upcoming cosmic events.


  Lie dismissed the formless Seer with a curt nod then contemplated his report. The revelation of Nina's position as well as the Almighty's intention to initiate the Final Reclamation was unexpected; especially given the fact that her father appeared to be a prominent player in this unfolding drama as opposed to that benevolent fool, Michael. Usually such Creation-changing events fell under his providence.

  Her thoughts turned to The Rising. Long ago, before their relationship had soured, Raphael had shared with her the workings of what was essentially a battle between the forces of Chaos and Order that permeated the Realms. The Final Relcamation was the culling of the various races of the Creation to prepared them for that event. Those deemed worthy would be allowed to continue in their evolutionary advancement within Mortalia's new infrastructure while those found wanting would be forever expunged from the Creation as the Realms progressed to their next evolutionary stage in the Reality left behind following the Rising's wake. Left out of that disclosure was the prominent role the misbegotten inhabitants of Earth would play in the upcoming Diaspora.

  Lie's pulse quickened. For centuries she had sought various ways to punish those wretched curs for the numerous indignities both she and her mother had suffered at their uncaring hands. Engineering their expulsion from The Creation would be the ultimate vengeance.

  How to proceed was the question. The glimmerings of an idea began to take shape in the Halfling's mind, and she took a moment to mull it over. Such an audacious undertaking would take careful planning, a core of trusted allies, and a significant source of power.


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