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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 23

by Art Gulley Jr.

  The first was Lie's providence, as for the second and third: A cunning smile parted the Halfling's lips as she considered how best to obtain those as well.

  Chapter 33

  "And how long have you been having this dream?"

  "It started the day after the incident at the Fox."

  A look of consternation appeared on Shift's face. "Gabriel was correct in his assessment of this being a psychic transference, and your description of the being in your dream fits that of one of the Archangels. The question now is; why has this connection been forged?"

  Nina shrugged. "That's why I asked you to come over. Gabriel thought that you being a Morphling might allow you a different perspective on the whole thing."

  Shift cast her eyes at the Celemor leaning casually against the wall. "Your faith in my deductive abilities is flattering."

  Gabriel smiled. "I give credit where credit is due."

  Shift accorded him a nod of thanks then extended her hands toward Nina. "Come, my friend. Let us attempt a partial transference of our own so that I might gaze upon the residuals of your dream."

  A look of unease settled on Nina's face as she gingerly took hold of the Morphling's hands. "It's not going to hurt is it?"

  Shift chuckled. "Not at all; in fact, you probably won't feel a…Oh!" the Morphling gasped from the surge of energy she received from Nina when their hands made contact.

  "Shift!" Nina quickly reached forward to steady the staggering Morphling while casting concerned eyes to Gabriel who had also stepped up.

  "I am uninjured," Shift quickly assured them both. "Your body crackles with energy, Nina. It caught me off guard."

  Nina breathed a sigh of relief. "Were you able to pick up anything before my mind got to hot?"

  Shift smiled at the curious Mortal that she had grown to deeply respect over the past several months. "The man in your dream is the Archangel Michael."

  "Michael?" Nina turned troubled eyes to Gabriel. "Now why in the world would I be dreaming about him?"

  "Well you have been reading his Journal."

  "Hell, I've been reading that thing for two years and I've never had dreams about him before. Why should it matter now?"

  "It matters because your connection to the Archangel is more visceral than you realize," Dichotomy's voice boomed as the Celestial appeared in the apartment amidst a flash of light, startling Nina and the others.

  "The two of you thrive on dramatic entrances!"

  Nina's exasperated cry brought smiles to the faces of Gabriel and Shift. Dichotomy however was not amused.

  "Forgive our intrusion, Nina but there is much we need to discuss with you."

  Nina's stomach tightened with apprehension. "Concerning what?"

  "Your true heritage," the blended Celestial answered then proceeded to tell Nina and the others all they had learned from Raphael.

  "That definitely explains the dream," Gabriel broke the shocked silence that filled the apartment when Dichotomy had finished.

  "Indeed it does," Shift said placing a gentle arm around Nina's trembling shoulders. "Are you alright?"

  "Actually I'm not," Nina declared turning haunted eyes to Gabriel whose hand also rested on her shoulder. "Can this truly be real?"

  "I'm afraid it is, Nina," a soft voice echoed from the nimbus of white light appearing before them, coalescing into the winged form of the Archangel Michael.

  "Oh my God!" Nina gasped while Shift and Gabriel immediately accorded the Archangel a respectful bow.

  Michael returned the courtesy then focused his attention on Nina.

  "Then…it's true?" Nina managed to ask, still staring at him in shock and awe. "You really are my…my...father?"

  "I am," Michael acknowledged with a slight nod. "Though it is not the way I intended for you to learn the truth." The Archangel turned disapproving eyes to Dichotomy. "You overstep your bounds, Caleb."

  "Why?" Nina snapped, anger replacing amazement. She broke free of Gabriel and Shift's supportive embrace and took an angry step toward Michael. "Because they," she jabbed a finger at Dichotomy, "had the decency to tell me the truth about who, and what, I am? Why didn't you do it?"

  The damn that had been holding Nina's emotions in check burst. Tears sprang to her eyes as the resentment she had nurtured for so long poured out of her trembling body. "All my life I've been searching for my father, wondering why he abandoned me! Why the hell did I have to find out I'm some freak child of a stupid Angel from any one other than you?"

  Michael stared at the seething woman…his daughter…and a feeling of regret settled heavily onto his broad shoulders. When he spoke his voice was filled with compassion. "There were so many times I wanted to make you aware of your true heritage, Nina; to…embrace you as a proper father should."

  Nina's anger subsided somewhat when she took note of the genuine regret in his voice and manner. "Then why didn't you?"

  Her burning entreaty pierced Michael's heart. He favored her with a mournful look. "Keeping you ignorant of your heritage was the only way to for me to ensure that you would have a normal life."

  Nina released a disgusted snort. "And how's that plan working out?"

  A regretful sigh escaped the Archangel's lips. "Not as well as I would have hoped."

  Nina studied his face, easily identifying her own features in his as she tried to reconcile this bizarre turn of events. Her father! The man she had spent her entire life trying to find was now standing before her, and he was a freaking angel! She tried her best to hold on to the anger she had held in her heart for so long, but it was no use. The sheer wonder of the moment eventually took over.

  She breathed a heavy sigh, the last vestiges of resentment draining away as she stared into the eyes that were so much like her own. "I'm trying very hard to hate you right now," she admitted with a resigned sigh.

  A slight smile creased Michael's lips and he took her hands gently in his. "And you have every right to, but I do hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me..."

  Michael's words were cut short by the sharp slap Nina dealt his face.

  "That's for leaving me in the dark about who and what I am," she responded to the stunned expressions from everyone in the room, the most poignant being the one on Michael's face. "And this is for finally showing up," she cried, tears once again springing from her eyes as she threw herself forward and wrapped her arms tightly about his muscular form, Michael eagerly returning her embrace. Both were surprised at how natural it felt.

  "Miguel Delcielo," Nina uttered, her head still lying against the sculpted muscles of his chest. "Michael of Heaven; now I see why mom never wanted to talk about you!"

  A wistful sigh escaped the Archangel's lips. "Evelyn Sanchez truly was an amazing Mortal."

  Nina pulled away so she could see his face. "Who was she; to you, I mean?"

  A tender smile played at his lips. "Originally she was just another Mortal whose tireless efforts on behalf of those around her caught my attention." He brought his eyes down to meet Nina's. "But over time she became much more."

  Nina took note of the tenderness in his voice. "Did you…love her; the way a man loves a woman?"

  A soft glow issued from the Archangel's eyes, and he pressed his lips softly against his daughter's forehead. "See for yourself."

  Nina gasped as a kaleidoscope of images assaulted her mind. They were images of her mother but she looked…different. She looked younger…Nina gasped again. This was her mother as a young woman!

  She watched in silent wonder as the story of her mother's life played out before her: Her work as an Army medic during various campaigns around the globe followed by a promising career as a medical researcher when she returned to civilian life. A bought with breast cancer at age thirty-two that left her bed-ridden, awaiting the release of death; the appearance of the winged Michael at her bedside telling her that the Lord at taken notice of her work on Earth and that she still had much to do; glimpses of the unexpected relationship that developed between her a
nd the Archangel shortly after her miraculous recovery and subsequent release from the hospital.

  The images changed to various shots of Nina as a child from what appeared to be an aerial view. Her pulse quickened when she realized that these images told the story of the Archangel's silent vigil over his intrepid daughter from the crystal spires of Heaven. The torrent of visual vignettes played on for several seconds before finally culminating with an image of her mother's entrance into the city of Heaven's Pearl-encrusted gates following the horrendous automobile accident that had claimed her life.

  "Why did He take her," Nina whispered, tears of both joy and sorrow flowing freely down her flushed cheeks. "Why did God take her away from me?"

  Michael enveloped his daughter's mind and body with a wave of compassion. "I've yet to learn the reason behind my His decision, but rest assured her soul will forever reside in a place of peace and honor in Celestia."

  Nina could sense the truth of his words through the psychic rapport that she realized now existed between them. That same connection also allowed her to extract the other reason for the impromptu visit. "You're here with bad news."

  A regretful sigh escaped Michael's lips. "I'm afraid so, my child. Events have recently transpired that I fear will introduce a fair amount of turmoil into your life, and you're tutelage is incomplete."

  Nina reluctantly disentangled herself from his embrace. "Tutelage in what?"

  "The use of your Celestial abilities; as Caleb explained earlier, you're dual heritage makes you unique, and there is much you need to learn in order to reach your full potential."

  "Can't these guys teach me what I need to know?" Nina indicated the silent forms of Gabriel, Shift, and Dichotomy, now standing in a protective semicircle around her.

  Michael spared the trio a brief glance then gave a negative shake of his head. "Powerful and wise your comrades and guardian may be, but they are woefully ignorant to the ways of Halflings, let alone one such as you. For that you will need a guide thoroughly versed in such matters."

  Nina regarded her father through suspicious eyes. "And just who might that be?"

  A touch of humor appeared in the Archangel’s eyes. "Your sister," he said then abruptly vanished, only to be replaced by a dark-skinned Mortal woman approximately Nina's age; her brown eyes and attractive features somewhat familiar.

  "And you are?" Gabriel asked taking a protective step in front of Nina.

  "Like Michael said," the woman spoke, a mischievous smile tugging at her thin lips. "Nina's sister; half-sister if you want to get technical."

  Nina stiffened as the familiar timbre of the woman's voice brought instant recognition. "Misses Watson?"

  Willimena inclined her head toward Nina. "The one and only; now I suggest you all get comfortable." Her gaze widened to include Gabriel, Shift, and Dichotomy's glowing form. "The story I'm about tell you may take a while!"

  Chapter 34


  "Yes Kaela?" Lie answered her handmaiden's call; her attention focused on the startling events playing out in Nina's apartment.

  The Seers have just come across a unique situation involving one of Nina's contemporaries that might be of some interest to you.

  "Which one?"

  The Priest.

  A spark of excitement flowed through Lie's body. She and Father Griffin had had dealings in the past though she doubted if the fledgling priest knew that it was Lie who had secretly helped him expunge the demented Demonstrative from a beleaguered Mortal whelp named Katey. "Show me," she commanded, watching eagerly as the image in the Window reconfigured itself.


  "My God," Tyree whispered as he poured over the faintly luminescent pages of the Journal. "Everything we've been taught…everything I believed in…it's all a lie!"

  "What's the matter, Father," a raspy voice sounded from the office's doorway. "The story you're reading not to your liking?"

  Tyree jerked at the unexpected appearance of the two men entering his office. One was tall and muscular with auburn hair tinged with gray while the other was short and stocky, the muted light of the office reflecting from his bald head. "And who might you be?" the Minister asked.

  "Associates of Bishop Dresden," the taller one answered drawing another startled look from Tyree. "I'm Malakai and this is Joey."

  "How did the two of you get in here?" Tyree asked a feeling of unease settling upon him as he took note of the hostility radiating from the man's eyes.

  Malakai released a contemptuous snort. "The locks on your front door are a joke. You really should invest in a more secure entry."

  "Apparently I should," Tyree grunted regretting his steadfast refusal to the Vestry's idea of hiring a security team to patrol Saint Christopher's grounds during the after hours. "How may I help you gentlemen?"

  Malakai nodded toward the Journal. "I'm afraid we're going to need that book."

  Tyree stiffened, his eyes flicking briefly to the Journal. "And for what reason do you require it?"

  "Let's just say we're with the religious preservation department of the Presbyterii," Joey responded, his raspy voice sending additional shivers down the Minister's back.

  The two men had to be members of the Neutralizers that Cara had warned him about. The fact that they were currently standing in his office inquiring about what could very well be the most significant religious tome in history did not bode well. "You didn't answer my question," Tyree stalled while he contemplated his next move.

  "Cardinal Dresden is very interested in what that book contains," Malakai clarified as he and Joey moved further into the office. "After all, it is the job of our Elders to ensure that no heretic ramblings be allowed to influence the minds of the faithful."

  A fine bead of sweat broke out on the Minister's forehead. "The book is not mine to give, gentlemen so I'm afraid I won't be able to honor the Cardinal's request."

  "Look, priest, we need that book," Joey snapped, his lips drawing back into a feral smile. "Now why don't you just hand it over, and we'll be on our way; no fuss, no muss."

  "If it's no fuss you want then maybe you guys had better take off," a feminine voice rang out.

  The attention of all three men was drawn to the office's door where Cara now stood, her prized nine-millimeter Beretta trained on Joey and Malakai.

  Malakai shook his head from side to side. "Bad move, Car. You know what happens to those lost souls who turn their backs on the Cardinal's orders."

  "All too well but in this case I'm gonna have to take my chances. Come Father." Cara jerked her head at Tyree. "Let's get you and your glowing book to a place that's a little less hostile."

  Tyree didn't know what miracle had brought the burly woman to his aid, but now wasn't the time to question such divine providence. He quickly gathered up the Journal, and began making his way toward her. As he moved past Malakai, the man's arm shot out and his hand tightened painfully on Tyree's shoulder.

  Before the Minister could react a thunderous rapport filled the office and Malakai staggered back, frantically clutching at his throat.

  "Oh my God," Tyree gasped when it finally dawned on him that the man had just been shot.

  "Come ON, Father!"

  Cara's urgent call broke the Minister's shocked paralysis. He moved hurriedly toward the office door while Cara kept the gun trained on Joey who was easing the wounded Malakai into one the chairs in front of Tyree's desk.

  "You know it's not over." Joey's voice caught Cara before she backed out of the office, and the two locked eyes. "No one betrays the Elders; No one!" The feral smile reappeared on his face. "I'll be coming for you, Car; real soon!"

  For Cara, the seething fury radiating from the Neutralizer's steely gaze gave mute testament to the line she had just crossed. Neutralizers were relentless when it came to accomplishing their assignments and none more so than Joey. Cara knew that her sadistic former colleague would hunt her until the End of Days and no matter how far she ran would eventually find her.

know you will Joey," she said, a note of resignation in her voice. "And that makes my next decision a lot less difficult." She sighed then squeezed the trigger three times, putting all three bullets in the man's chest.

  Joey slumped to the ground, and Cara turned the gun on Malakai.

  "Don't," Tyree's soft voice reached her ears at the same time the Minister's trembling hand rested atop her arm. "He's already down. Let's just…let's just get out of here!"

  Cara maintained her position for another moment then returned the Beretta to the holster strapped under her shoulder. "Okay," she whispered, and followed him out of the office without a backward glance.

  The two quickly made their way to Cara's waiting Stratus, parked on the street in front of the church behind Joey and Malakai's Durango. They jumped in and Cara engaged the engine, shifted the car into drive, and sped away.

  "Where are we going?" Tyree asked as they merged smoothly with the evening traffic.

  "To Quinlan and Sander's place," she answered keeping her eyes on the road. "I'm hoping they'll be able to help us out of this mess."

  "Ah." Tyree shut his eyes and pressed further into his seat, the memory of Joey's body being riddled with bullets playing repeatedly in his mind. "Did you have to shoot him?" he asked after they had been driving for a while.

  "I couldn't let Malakai get the upper hand."

  "I'm not talking about Malakai," Tyree snapped.

  Cara's hands tightened on the steering wheel. "Joey was a killer, Father, and a sadistic one at that. There's no telling the lengths he would've gone to satisfy his thirst for vengeance. He had to be stopped."

  "Granted," Tyree said opening his eyes. He studied the woman's sullen frown reflected in the Stratus' windshield. "But did you have to kill him?"

  The light in front of them turned red and Cara brought the car to a gentle stop. "Yes, I did," she said after a brief pause.


  Cara cringed at the anguish in the Minister's voice. "Because it's what the Elders trained me to do," she answered softly.


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