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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 25

by Art Gulley Jr.

  "This is definitely going to take some getting used to," Tony muttered as he ushered everyone from the crowded parlor back to the large, screened-in deck built off the back of the house for what promised to be a memorable meal!

  Chapter 36

  "Still no word from Malakai?" The hopeful expression on Cardinal Tullis' face turned into one of concern when he received Cardinal Dresden's negative reply.

  "I've not heard from him or Joey since I ordered them to retrieve the harlot's book from Griffin."

  "You think they ran into trouble?" Cardinal Gianni spoke up, the tone of his voice reflecting his uneasiness with this whole affair.

  Shortly after dispatching Malakai and Joey on their mission of confiscation, Dresden had called an emergency meeting of the Elders at his private villa in Rome's sprawling countryside. None of them had been particularly pleased with their fellow's course of action but were now eager to see the results.

  "Ordinarily I would say that those two could handle just about anything thrown at them," Dresden said. "But given the fact that the heretic routinely associates with other-worldly beings I fear they may have been compromised."

  "Shot and nearly killed would be a more accurate description of what happened," a deep voice rang out from the nimbus of bright light appearing on the villa's patio where the four Elders were gathered.

  "God in Heaven," Tullis cried, clutching the silver crucifix hanging from a chain around his neck with trembling hands, the other Elders reacting in a similar fashion as they backed away from the glow that rapidly coalesced into three humanoid shapes.

  "Malakai," the soft-spoken Cardinal Milan gasped when the light had faded.

  Malakai's lips curved into a sinister smile. "The one and only." He raised his hands toward the unfamiliar woman standing beside him, who was radiating with an unearthly beauty that sent a sliver of desire through the chaste bodies of all four Cardinals. "Elders of the Presbyterii, I would like you to meet Lie, daughter of the Archangel Raphael, and revealer of Truth."

  "And what truth do you bring us?" Dresden asked the glowing woman, his constitution stronger than that of his quivering fellows.

  Lie's full lips parted in a sensuous smile that sent another jolt of desire through the Cardinal. "That of the world around you and the God you so selflessly serve," she told them while bombarding their addled minds with the same revelation she'd given Malakai and the now fully recovered Joey.

  "No," Tullis whispered his body trembling when the transference was complete. "This can't be real." He turned horrified eyes to his fellow Elders, praying that one of them would put an end to this obvious nightmare. "It can't be!"

  "I'm afraid it is, gentlemen," Lie's soothing voice penetrated the haze of shock and confusion encompassing the Elders' minds. "The book you so eagerly sought is in actuality a written account of the Creation's history authored by the Archangel Michael. Had you been allowed to read it you would have discovered that which I just revealed to you for yourselves."

  "But…why?" Milan's anguished cry echoed the feelings of confusion and betrayal mirrored on the faces of all the Elders. "Why would God perpetrate such deception?"

  Lie approached the trembling old man and placed a gentle hand against his cheek. "Because such is the Almighty's nature," she said, the soothing tones of her voice washing over him. "Our Creator is a callous one."

  "NO!" Tullis shouted. "God is not callous! He is almighty and it is not our place to question his judgment or his actions."

  "Meaning what, exactly?" Gianni's despondent voice broke the bitter silence following Tullis' proclamation.

  Tullis turned resolute eyes to the portly Cardinal. "The Manifestation of Nina Delcielo: The message of religious freedom that she's been spreading throughout the masses seems to indicate that our Lord has decided that we as a species are now ready to know this...this Truth. And if that is the case then we Cardinals have an obligation to support this Divine effort."

  "You're a fool, Calvin," Dresden's steel voice cut through the air of speculation that formed after Tullis' impassioned speech. "The evidence was just laid bare before you yet you still refuse to see the truth."

  Tullis regarded Dresden through narrowed eyes. "And what truth do you speak of, old friend?"

  The Cardinal's expression hardened. "The God we've sacrificed for, and devoted the greater part of our lives to, is nothing but a puppeteer making us dance to whatever whimsical tune he calls out while the rest of the universe, this so-called Creation, laughs at our collective stupidity!"

  The courtyard was silent while the Elders considered the ramifications of Dresden's words.

  "And what would you have us do," Milan's tenor broke the silence as he focused his attention on Lie.

  Lie assumed a central position amongst them all. "I would have you be free of the Hierarchy's meddling."

  Gianni appraised the Halfling through calculating eyes. "And why are you so willing to help us? You're the daughter of an Archangel. How does Earth's spiritual position or any of our positions within this new world you've shown us benefit you?"

  Lie's expression hardened and her voice turned bitter. "Because I am half Mortal and have also suffered at the hands of the Hierarchy. The progeny of Raphael I may be, but I am also the daughter of the Mortal Lillith." Her revelation sparked another startled reaction in the Elders and she released a disgusted snort. "I see you've heard of her."

  "According to certain beliefs, Lillith, and not Eve, was Adam's first wife," Gianni's awed voice penetrated the stunned silence that had once again descended over the patio.

  Lie favored him with a knowing look. "Those beliefs are partially correct. In actuality the Almighty quickened several Mortal couples during the Starting time. Lillith and Adam were always considered the Primes, but her disagreement with the Almighty's Tenets in regards to Humanity's path led to her banishment and subsequent vilification by her peers and their successive generations."

  Lie paused as the anger she had nursed for so long over her mother's fate threatened to overwhelm her, and now was not the time. She needed her wits to bring to fruition the audacious plan that had taken root in her mind during her first encounter, and subsequent conversations, with the wounded Malakai. With a conscious effort, she calmed her mind and resumed her oration.

  "It was the Archangel Raphael who took pity on Lillith's plight and befriended her. Their dalliance led to my birth, but the continued persecution mother received from the Mortal populace, and the callous indifference of the Hierarchy, completely shattered her soul. When the time came for her to end her Mortal life she rejected my father's offer of a place in Heaven by his side, choosing Dispersion instead of Eternity."

  Lie paused again, but this time when she addressed them her voice was cold, her eyes blazing with Celestial fire. "My mother's story is but one of countless other tales of woe that have come as a result of the Almighty and his precious Hierarchy's relentless attempts to maintain the so-called Balance; regardless of how many lives they destroy along the way. I aim to see this era of indifference to the lesser beings of the Creation ended!"

  "Then I now stand with you," Dresden announced drawing startled cries from the other Elders.

  "Have you lost your mind, Carl?" Tullis ground out. "We are sworn to uphold the laws of the Father Almighty, not some bitter offspring of an Archangel!"

  "Indeed!" Gianni seconded, his rotund belly shaking with his indignation.

  "They're right Carl," Milan chimed in, grabbing Dresden's arm. "The Pope must be made aware of these developments. As leaders of the Catholic Church we must begin the process of reeducating the masses as to their Lord's true purpose for them!"

  "But that's just it!" Dresden yanked his arm free of Milan's grip. "We don't know His plan! And from what we've just learned, it's clear that we probably never will. I refuse to continue my service to a bunch of…creatures who can't even afford me the dignity of telling me the truth about who I am and where I come from!"

  "But you don't know her
plan either." Tullis jerked his thumb at Lie. "Who's to say she's not toying with our sensibilities? Her very name suggests such duplicity."

  "My given name is Lillian, Cardinal Tullis," Lie harshly interjected. "I chose ‘Lie' to reflect my ambivalence toward the Tenets. There is much you have yet to learn of the world around you, but I'm sure once you have a complete overview of the Creation and it's minders you'll think differently."

  "I'm afraid I won't," Tullis declared, drawing himself up straight. "Hearing you speak has convinced me more than ever that God truly does have a plan for us, and we must endure in our faith of that plan; even if we don't know what it is!"

  "Agreed," Gianni's solemn vow was followed quickly by Milan's fervent pledge.

  Lie studied the resolute trio for a moment then released a resigned sigh. "I laud your commitment, Elders but I'm afraid your position puts you in direct conflict with my goals."

  Lie's statement drew an indignant snort from Tullis. "I guess it does."

  "Then I'm afraid the three you shall reap the rewards of your righteous harvest." Her gaze fell upon the silent Malakai and Joey. "Gentlemen, if you would be so kind…"

  "It would be our pleasure, Mistress." Joey's his raspy voice sent a chill down Tullis' back.

  The Cardinal opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a word bolts of Celestial fire leapt from Joey and Malachi's outstretched hands, engulfing the three Elders, and quickly reducing their writhing bodies to piles of smoldering ash.

  When it was done, Lie looked pointedly at Dresden, his face pale with shock. "Now you know the stakes of the game you've chosen to play, Carl Dresden," she spoke in a low voice. "Are you still with me?"

  Dresden compressed his lips into a grim line, a pang of sympathy stabbing at his heart as he stared at the ashes of his of fellows. "The hand that serves the Lord must sometimes be dipped in blood," he grated out through clenched teeth, turning hard eyes to Lie. "But the Lord has shown Himself to be undeserving of such devotion. So my hand now serves you!"


  Standing before the Apex's Window, the Archangel Michael studied the scene unfolding on the wooden deck of the Scavelli home, and a smile of paternal pride split his face. He was less optimistic about the events that had just transpired between the offspring of his brother Raphael and the Mortal clergy; several of whom now lay dead, their souls a flutter against the Archangel's awareness as they Transitioned into the Afterlife.

  "It seems Lillian grows bolder by the century," the Archangel Gabriel's baritone voice sounded as he glided purposely into the spherical chamber that housed the Window. "Now she actively aligns her self with Mortals in direct defiance of Father's will."

  "The situation is a precarious one," Michael said, according his brother a nod. "Perhaps I waited to long to instigate Nina's tutelage."

  "At that time you thought what you were doing was best, and it might well have been had you not forgotten one important factor."

  Michael's left eyebrow arched upward. "And that factor being?"

  Gabriel's wing gave a slight flutter. "The lives of every being within The Creation are subject to His will."

  Indeed they are, The Almighty's voice sounded in the minds of both Archangels. And it is a burden I gladly bear.

  "Forgive me if I seemed…doubtful, Father," Michael quickly offered.

  You've done nothing warranting forgiveness Michael. Lillian's actions have become aggressive of late as have those of other key beings throughout the Realms, but such is to be expected given the fact that the convergence of Chaos and Order is upon us. However there is no need to fear. Nina is more than ready for the Task at hand. In fact she was engineered for it.

  A look of confusion consumed Michael's features. "Engineered...I don't understand."

  I've always known that the day would come when Chaos would overcome the Order I've struggled to maintain throughout the millennia, and when that time came, the Realms would need a champion to properly unite and shield them against its influence. Nina will be that champion for she is a creature comprised of the necessary blend of Divinity and Morality.

  "The necessary blend...?" Michael's wings whooshed open as realization hit him. "Nina's Mother...that's the reason I didn't sense the minute Traces of The Blood within her," he exclaimed. "You suppressed my senses!"

  And enhanced your attraction to her.

  Michael was stunned by The Almighty's admission. "I've always wondered why you never levered any censure upon me for Nina's birth. You manipulated my senses as well as my affections!"

  I did what was necessary to ensure the Creation's survival, The Almighty responded sternly. Lie became Chaos's advocate ages ago and has proven her self well suited to the role. The growing rate of the Mortals disassociation from the Tenets has allowed its influence to grow. Given the Realms current fractured spiritual state The Creation could very well slip into the Chaotic state I have fought to hold at bay.

  "But while all the games and Divine intrigue?" Michael finally voiced the question that had plagued his mind his entire existence. "You are The Almighty; why can't you just quash the spirit of Chaos once and for all?"

  Because to do so would rob the Realms of the fundamental element that is essential to ALL living beings: The power of Choice. That is why Nina's Task is so essential. The Races of the Realms must choose between her position and Lie's, and the outcome of that choice will decide the Fate of The Creation.

  "But she has not been properly trained to assume such a glorious position," Michael protested, his fear for Nina overshadowing his shock at the Almighty's actions.

  A failing I'm confident will shortly be rectified, The Almighty replied. Is that not the reason you entrusted her tutelage to Aken'ama?

  "I did that in response to Lie's continued interest, and the ripple of awareness I've begun to sense in other notable Demonstratives throughout the Realms. Had I known the true role you intended her to play I would've long since removed the blinders of ignorance from her mind in regards to her heritage."

  Worry not Michael, The Almighty soothed. Lillian's actions are both expected and necessary, but Nina's abilities will easily see her through the trials ahead.

  "And what if Nina fails in her Task and the Realms succumb to Lie's influence.

  A deep sadness filled the Almighty's presence. Then I will have no choice but to unleash the Horseman and bring the Races to heel in order to ensure their continued existence.

  The contact was broken and Michael turned troubled eyes to Gabriel. "I'm afraid I do not share Father's confidence on the outcome of this matter; particularly in light of this new insight."

  "That's because your affection for Nina has eroded your objectivity," The Bringer of Death cajoled his brother.

  "My feelings for Nina notwithstanding, this situation just became a lot more complicated," the Keeper of Benevolence angrily fired back. "Perhaps if you had ever deigned to sire a Mortal child you would understand the anxiety that I currently feel."

  "Such twaddle is the very reason I avoid such dalliances," Gabriel gruffly returned as he leapt gracefully through the Window's borders. "Retaining an emotional detachment is best when dealing with Mortals; especially the Humans," his disembodied voice echoed through the shimmering expanse.

  Michael released a frustrated sighed.

  Gabriel's steadfast refusal to see the inhabitants of Mortalia as anything other than children to be led would never allow him to empathize in matters such as this. But there was one Archangel who could relate to Michael's ambivalence. Perhaps it was time to reestablish communication with the reticent Raphael; particularly since his daughter was also involved. Maybe together they could discover a way to bring about a conclusion to this simmering conflagration with minimal damage to either of their progeny. Or at the very least contain the coming inferno.

  Chapter 37

  Celestial society was divided into two primary categories; those that subscribed to the Almighty's Tenets and those that, for whatever reason, did not. General
ly speaking, Celestial's that chose to live apart from their Creator, while not living in accordance to his doctrines, still acknowledged his authority and accepted the limitations in regards to Celestial interaction with Mortalia.

  The large group of beings gathered on the black-grass plains of Sublimia's Infinity Basin were of the group who not only resented the Almighty's authority but actively sought ways to circumvent it. To the Hierarchy, these sordid beings were known as Demonstratives; to the inhabitants of Mortalia aware of their existence, the name ascribed to them was far less flattering: Demons.

  "My fellow Demonstratives," Lie's voice rang clearly across the plains. "I've summoned you all here to share with you a bit of information that I've recently stumbled upon that could potentially alter our dismal standing within the Creation."

  "And that information being," the Morphling known as Kiyan spoke up.

  Lie favored him with a mischievous grin. The Morphlings of Kiyan's tribe were known for their vicious natures as well as their impatience. "Another Rising is upon us!"

  Murmurs and grunts of surprise and consternation circulated through the crowd. "And how did you learn of this?" Chton, leader of the Celestial shadow race known as Wraiths called out.

  "My methods of discovery are irrelevant," Lie replied. "What matters now is how those of us who have grown tired of living under the Hierarchy's heel can put the upcoming Creational turmoil to use."

  Lie then explained her plans to the listening crowd, reveling in the positive psychic backlash she received as their skepticism turned into eager anticipation.

  "And how soon can you set your scheme in motion," asked Chton above the excited murmurs.

  Lie favored him with a cunning smile. "I already have."

  "You do realize that if you wish to counter the power of the Hierarchy you will need one of the Talismans, and a Mortal to channel its energies," the Wraith pointed out.

  "I do and the Talisman has already been located, as has the Mortal for the Task of wielding it."


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