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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 26

by Art Gulley Jr.

  Chton's shadowy form wavered for a moment. "Mortal's are a capricious lot. Are you sure your chosen can be trusted to carry through?"

  "Without a doubt," Lie assured him. "The Mortal I've chosen is an Elder of that foul group of misguided zealots known as the Presbyterii."

  Chton's glowing feline eyes widened at the news. "Do tell! And how did you manage that? Past dealings with that lot have shown them to be particularly devoted to their skewered version of the Tenets."

  "I simply revealed the true nature of the Creation and Humanity's place in it. The Mortal's anger over what he considered to be an inexcusable betrayal by the Almighty did the rest."

  Chton released a pleased hiss. "As always you prove yourself worthy of our respect, Child of Chaos!"

  Lie smiled at the title that the various beings inhabiting the Creation had long ago ascribed to her. "Then I will work hard to ensure that I do not loose it!"


  Standing amidst the various Celestial races that made up the Demonstratives, the Morphling Drift was careful to display the same enthusiasm as those around her as she casually moved away from their ranks.

  Like her sibling, Shift, Drift's loyalties were to Iblis, and it was he that had assigned her the Task of keeping abreast of significant events throughout the Sublimian subculture.

  If left unchecked, Lie's ambitions could shatter the very stability of The Creation and the Lord of Hell had to be warned. The Morphling just hoped that her warning would not come too late!


  "This place is incredible!" Nina's awed cry reverberated around the immense crystal dome that was the central hub of the Archangel Michael's personal Refuge.

  "It is at that," Willimena enthusiastically agreed. "It's been several centuries since my last visit, but the sight of this place never ceases to amaze me. Truly this is one Raphael's more distinctive designs."

  Nina glanced sharply at the Halfling. "The Archangel Raphael?"

  "The one and only; he's favored above all other Celestial Architects by the Almighty. Many of Mortalia's more prolific structures can be attributed to him; particularly on Earth."

  "Gabriel did tell me that he's the one that built Stonehenge."

  "Bah," Willimena spat. "That pile of rectangular rocks is hardly an indication of Raphael's creative genius. For a true example of his talent you need look no further than Egypt's Giza Plateau."

  Nina's mouth dropped open in astonishment. "He's responsible for the Great Pyramids?"

  "In actuality the Majority of Ancient Egypt's architectural splendor can be attributed to Raphael," Willimena said with a sigh. "Had it not been for the…insurrection which cost them The Almighty's favor they would've been Mortalia's greatest civilization."

  A puzzled frown appeared on Nina's face. "What insurrection; their making slaves of the Israelites?"

  "The fate that befell the Children of Abraham, your guardian's people," Willimena inclined her head toward the Celemor, "was a planned subjugation orchestrated by the Watch to temper their collective spirits. The insurrection I speak of is the Ancient Egyptian's deification of Raphael and other members of the Watch who frequented Earth in those times."

  "Before God put a stop to all the heavenly travel," Nina smiled. "Gabriel and I touched on this subject a while back," she responded to the puzzled look Willimena directed at her. "Plus the ‘Ban' as Mich…our father," she corrected with a shy smile, "called it is mentioned a few times in his Journal."

  "And who says you're not a reader," Gabriel teased then hissed in pain from the shock he received at the end of the punch Nina gave him.

  "Well that's new," Nina exclaimed starring at her hands which were now glowing softly in the dome's muted light. "How the blazes did I do that?"

  "Here on Nirvana the dampeners that limit a Celestial's ability in Mortalia are not present," Willimena explained. "As that daughter of an Archangel you have in a sense come home, Nina, and your body knows it."

  "Wow," Nina whispered, still studying her hands. "So what else can I do?"

  Her question was answered by the crackling of the energy field that engulfed Willimena as she launched herself gracefully into the air.

  "That, my dear sister, is what we're here to find out!"

  Chapter 38

  "What exactly are these Talismans that have been repeatedly mentioned throughout this section?" Dresden asked pausing in his study of the weathered scroll laid out across the large oak table situated in his villa's dining area.

  "They are the various items used by Harbingers and Prophets throughout Mortalia's history during the implementation of their respective Tasks," Lie answered the Cardinal whose easy acceptance of the arcane situation he now found himself in had greatly impressed her.

  "And what is it about these artifacts that make them so…significant?"

  "The Almighty infused each of the Talismans with a portion of his Divine Essence, granting the wielder access to His Celestial might."

  "Well if that's the case why haven't you or others of your particular…disposition used one of these conduits of power to better advantage?"

  Lie released an amused snort. "Only those born of Mortal blood may wield a Talisman."

  "You are half Mortal," Dresden pointed out.

  "I'm also the daughter of an Archangel. The energy contained within the Talisman is anathema to all Celestials save for the Horseman and the Almighty."

  "In other words God booby trapped the things so that none of you could abuse their power."

  Lie smiled. "Quaintly put but accurate, this is why I need your help in accomplishing my goals."

  "I think there's a little more to it than that."

  Lie's left eyebrow arched upward. "Meaning what?"

  "Meaning that if a Mortal was all you needed, Malakai or Joey would've easily sufficed. Why did you specifically target the Elders?"

  Lie studied the cunning Mortal. Dresden was a key component to her plans, but she had hoped to keep him from discovering that. Unfortunately the wizened Mortal possessed an unusually shrewd mind. "Actually it was you I wanted," she confessed, deciding that honesty might indeed be the best policy in this instance. "The other Elders, had they been amenable would've held prominent roles in the New Order, but their participation wasn't required."

  A chill ran down Dresden's spine at the memory of his fellows' demise. "Obviously not; and what makes me so special?"

  Lie accorded him a respectful nod. "Your ability to see beyond the lies of your existence; long have I watched Earth's more prominent spiritual leaders. You are unique among your peers in this regard."

  A lopsided grin appeared on Dresden's face. "Why, because I willingly abandoned all that I once believed in and attached myself to your cause?"

  Lie's expression turned tender as she leaned across the table and placed a gentle hand against his cheek. "Yes. Your unwavering devotion to what you feel is just, coupled with your charisma and ability to affect change, make you a valuable asset."

  Dresden savored the feel of her warm hand pressed against his flesh, invoking feelings of desire within his aged body. He swallowed hard several times, sternly forcing his mind away from long abandoned matters of the flesh. "And what happens when my…value runs out?"

  Lie reached up and drew his face closer to hers. "I don't foresee that day coming."

  The Cardinal's pulse quickened at the feel of her soft hands against his weathered skin. "What are you doing?"

  Lie's lips parted in a sensuous smile. "You cannot hide your emotions from me Carl Dresden," she purred. "For most of your life, you've remained chaste in accordance with the mandates of your faith, but I sense the stirrings of your soul; the desire my touch has sparked within you."

  "N-no," Dresden whispered as her lips moved closer to his. "I'm a Cardinal of the Catholic Church…"

  "Who now knows the truth of the world around him," Lie interrupted. "Your celibacy was a requirement of the lie you once held dear, but your eyes are now open. The time has come for you to que
nch the burning thirst of your flesh."

  "No…this is…wrong," Dresden muttered, but the Halfling silenced his protest by pressing her lips firmly against his.

  He tried to resist but in the end the needs of his body won out. With a display of strength and agility belying his sixty eight years, the Cardinal swept the Halfling into his arms, and laid her muscular body atop the table with no regard for the scrolls rolled out upon it.

  He fastened his lips upon hers for several seconds, savoring their delightful taste then pulled away; his groin hardening with an urgency he hadn't felt in decades. "What have you done to me you green-eyed witch?"

  "Set you free," Lie whispered, surprised at her sudden eagerness to feel him inside of her. Many were the Mortals lovers she had taken over the centuries, but none had ever resonated with her like this. She deftly undid his pants and shoved them down his narrow hips. "You may thank me if you like."

  Using his knees to spread her sinewy thighs apart, Dresden levered himself into position and did just that!


  The wave of passion created by Lie and Dresden's spirited mating reverberated through the Crossroads that bound the Realms of The Creation together. Amidst their nebulous substance, a sense of satisfaction flowed through the convergence of energy that was The Almighty.

  "I see your plans are preceding accordingly, Father," a voice sprang from the spattering of Celestial matter coalescing into a feminine shape.

  Yes it is, Twilight; though there is still much that must be set into place.

  "I still say you're taking a big risk with your manipulations."

  A ripple of impatience manifested itself in the Almighty's tone. As the embodiment of Celestial Energy, you above all others know the danger that approaches. My 'manipulations' are necessary if the Realms are to survive.

  Though The Almighty's fervor did manage to dampen Twilight's anxiety for the Creation's impending fate it did not totally remove it. "I hope you're right, Father," she said as her shape began to dissipate. "For all of our sakes!"

  As do I, The Almighty's fervent wish echoed through the ether.

  Chapter 39

  A massive ball of energy blazed in the skies above Nirvana's Silken Mountain Range. So great was its brilliance that even the members of the Angel Legions, long accustomed to such displays, watched in awe from the windows of their lofty aeries riddling the numerous peaks.

  "She's adapting to her powers far quicker than I would've imagined," Willimena remarked to Gabriel, their eyes focused on the hovering Nina effortlessly manipulating the swirling mass of light and fire she had created.

  "Her rapid growth reflects the effectiveness of your teachings."

  Willimena waved the Celemor's praise aside. "I only taught her the basics. I believe her phenomenal progress is due to the unique manner of her creation."

  Gabriel focused sharply on the Halfling's face. "What do you mean?"

  "Look at her." Willimena nodded toward Nina. "That conflagration could easily obliterate half the life on Nirvana yet she wields it with the casual expertise of one of the Horseman. Already her power dwarfs yours and mine. At the rate she's going I fear that my sister's abilities will soon overshadow those of our father."

  "And this concerns you?"

  Willimena gave him a sideways glance. "As much as it does you, Celemor, even though you've tried to hide it."

  Gabriel grimaced. "Apparently not well enough."

  Willimena smiled. "We Halfling's see deeper than most. And since we've both given voice to our fears, let us attempt to qualify them."

  Gabriel's features twisted into pensive frown. "I'm just wondering what the endgame is to all of this," he said as he watched Nina execute a series of complex aerial maneuvers with the group of angels that had decided to join her in the air once she had dispersed the energy sphere. "I get the feeling she's being primed for battle, but with whom and for what reason?"

  "Your thoughts mirror mine," Willimena said smiling in spite of herself at the high-flying antics of Nina and the Angels. "I've questioned Father repeatedly on the matter and he's yet to satisfy my curiosity."

  Gabriel grunted. "I don't like it when the Archangels initiate these cosmic games. It usually doesn't turn out well for the players."

  Willimena placed a gentle hand atop the Celemors heavily muscled forearm. "Then you and I must do our part to ensure that our beloved Nina is duly prepared for whatever they have in store."

  Gabriel nodded in solemn agreement and the two of them refocused their attention on Nina still happily frolicking in the air.


  Lie was troubled.

  Initially she had mated with the Mortal Dresden thinking it would further bind him to her cause. But in the weeks since their initial coupling, and the several other encounters they had shared, she had begun to feel an uncharacteristic attachment to him.

  The Halfling pondered her feelings as she watched Dresden dole out instructions to Malakai and Joey for their upcoming trip to Egypt. The time had come to recover one of the ancient Talismans. This was a key part of her plan yet Lie was anxious for their meeting to conclude so she could have her lover all to her self. What was wrong with her?

  Perhaps you'll find the answer to that question when you admit to yourself that the good Cardinal has managed to ensnare you, my dear one, Kaela's voice echoed unexpectedly through her mind.

  Nonsense, Lie dismissed the Morphling's notion. I am the Creation's first Halfling; the Child of Chaos. What possible attraction could this aged Mortal hold over me?

  One that makes your half-Mortal heart flutter every time you gaze upon him, Kaela stated. You've always denied the emotional aspect of your psyche, but the time may have come for you to acknowledge it.

  I've had numerous Mortal lovers over the centuries, Kaela.

  You've had numerous toys over the centuries; playthings to satisfy the inherent lust that beats in your heart. Dresden is the first Mortal to actually stimulate you on an intellectual level as well as physical.

  I cannot deny that he has sparked something within me, Lie replied, a slight flush coloring her cheeks at the affectionate wink the Cardinal gave her when their eyes met. Never before have I encountered a Mortal with such confidence in his abilities or station. My life stretches across Earth's entire history yet when I gaze into his eyes it's as if I'm the child. I know he senses my...vulnerability yet he takes no advantage of it. Nor does he seek to assert his control over me which is generally the case with Mortal males.

  That's because he has embraced you for who you are and not what you are, said Kaela.

  And who exactly am I, Kaela?

  The daughter of a passionate Mortal woman and an equally intense Archangel; their blood fills your veins as does their wants and desires. Perhaps it is finally time for you to address those needs; to know the pleasures of communing with a kindred spirit.

  Lie considered Kaela's words while studying the Cardinal's chiseled profile. "And you think Dresden is that spirit?" she whispered.

  What I think is irrelevant, dear one. What matters is what you think.

  In truth I cannot say, Lie slowly admitted through the privacy of their mental rapport.

  Then discovering this particular truth should also be among your top priorities, the Morphling suggested, and Lie found herself once again in agreement with her Handmaiden's sage advice.


  Iblis' gaze ranged across the onyx towers and quartz structures that made up the City of Hell's distinct skyline. Normally the view of his domain filled him with a sense of contentment, but today he felt only apprehension in light of the disturbing message he had just received from Silas.

  "And your sure of this?" he asked the Morphling hovering silently beside him.

  "The report came from Drift herself," Silas confirmed. "After her discovery of Lillian's recruitment of other Demonstratives she felt it best to remain close to the key elements of the cabal in the hopes of uncovering any further information that might prove useful."

  Iblis frowned. "Well she certainly accomplished that. The thought of Lillian acquiring one of the Talismans is even more disturbing than her collaboration with Chton and his ilk."

  A look of disgust appeared on Silas' narrow face. "The Wraiths have always been a bothersome lot."

  "That they have, my friend! Did Drift give any indication as to which Talisman Lillian's targeted?"

  "No but considering her father's connection to Egypt, I would hazard a guess that she'll be going after the Staff of the Prophet Moses."

  "Yes that would follow; particularly if she intends to use her Mortal puppet, Dresden, as a figurehead to recruit other Mortals to her venomous cause."

  Silas pursed his lips. "That's the other note of interest in Drift's report. She believes that Dresden is far more to Lillian than a simple herald."

  Iblis looked sharply at Silas. "What do you mean?"

  "Your worrisome niece seems to have taken a curious liking to Dresden, to the point of even deferring to his judgment on certain matters."

  Iblis' folded wings twitched at the news. "Are you saying he's become her…paramour?"

  "From what Drift indicated it's quite possible."

  "Interesting," Iblis whispered while mulling over this unexpected development. Dalliances between Mortals and Celestials, though generally frowned upon by The Watch, were quite common, but Lillian's profound distaste and contempt for her Mortal kin made his Morphling spy's observation astonishing to say the least. "Out of curiosity, how has Drift been able to maintain such a close scrutiny of Lillian's activities?"

  A wicked grin appeared on Silas' bony face. "Lillian and her sycophants have taken refuge in Dresden's remote country domicile. The dwelling's substantial size requires a staff of domestics which has afforded Drift a suitable supply of subjects to mimic."

  Iblis smiled. "And Lillian hasn't sensed our cunning Morphling's presence?"

  "Not at all," Silas confidently assured his Master. "Drift's manipulation of the deceptive Veils we Morphlings generate is equal to her sisters and nearly as adept as mine."


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