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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 31

by Art Gulley Jr.

  Unfortunately Lie and her sycophants, including the Mortal that has taken possession of one of the Talismans, refuse to accept this universal truth. They see my Tenets and the steps I've taken to propagate them as outright manipulation and subjugation of the Races. It is up to you to show them the flaws in their logic and hopefully steer them from their disastrous course.

  Nina made no further comment as she struggled to process The Almighty's revelation. True, she had never subscribed to Earth's various religious doctrines, but she always accepted the fact that there was a Supreme Being in charge of it all. For her to have just discovered that there were actually three and that two of them were working at crossed purposes was a lot to digest even with the newly expanded parameters of her mind.

  "So why is uniting the Realm so important and how exactly am I supposed to do it?"

  Chaos' influence is most potent amidst times of disharmony. A unified Creation will be less susceptible to its machinations, giving Order a chance to assert its presence as well, thus restoring the Balance. But for this to happen, you must counter the flood of misinformation being fed to Humanity by Lie and minions.

  Nina released a resigned sighed. "Lucky me; and what if I'm unsuccessful in this...Task?"

  A sense of profound regret permeated The Almighty's aura. Then I will have no choice but to unleash the Horseman; a quartet of immensely powerful Celestials that I engineered for the sole purpose of restoring the Balance by whatever means necessary; even if that means expunging entire Races from The Creation.

  Nina swallowed hard. "And I take it that would be a very bad thing."

  Calling the Realms to heel in such a way would essentially rob The Creation of Choice, and Hope. Reality would continue but it would be a bleak one indeed.

  "Yeah, I guess it would," Nina uttered after releasing a resigned sigh. "It looks like I've got a lot of work to do in order to keep things from coming to that."

  A hint of humor colored Almighty's tone for the disparity in Nina's voice. Worry not, child. I have long foreseen such an occurrence which was why I charged Michael with the Task of engineering a being who would one day become Realities champion. That being is you, Nina, and your abilities have far surpassed even my expectations. They will stand you in good steed during the coming confrontation. All that remains is your final transformation.

  Another knot of apprehension formed in the pit of Nina's stomach. "Transformation into what?"

  That which you were always meant to be. As I said before, there must always be a balance. The Child of Chaos has already made her presence known. It is now time for The Child of Order to do the same!

  As The Almighty's proclamation thundered through Nina's mind, nimbus of blinding light formed around her body as The Creation's principle being reached deep within her essence triggering the final sequences of her unique genetic code.

  The nimbus flared even brighter and a cry of alarm escaped Nina's lips for the sudden pain as her body began to change...

  Chapter 46

  "My fellow Demonstratives," Lie's voice rang out garnering the attention of the multitude of beings gathered across the vast plains of the Sublimian wasteland known as the Gardens of Luna. "You have all met he whom I claim as equal." She indicated the softly glowing form of Dresden standing beside her. "And you have all bore witness to his mastery of the Talisman he now holds."

  A slight rustling echoed across the Gardens as the eyes of several thousand beings flicked briefly to the gleaming staff the former Cardinal was holding firmly in his left hand.

  "With his power now supporting us we need not fear the reprisals of The Watch as we implement our strategy." The Halfling's gaze settled on the sullen face of Chton, the dark crimson of his eyes an indication of the Wraith's excitement. "To you and your ilk goes the honor of the first salvo, Chton," Lie shouted above the roaring cheers her proclamation evoked from the masses. "The Realms have suffered the stifling taint of those putrid Tenets for long enough. Let the Era of Chaos begin!"

  Once again Lie's words were met with a roar of approval from the crowd with the exception of the Morphling who quietly separated her self from the main throngs.

  Drift's mind was racing with anxiety as she made ready to depart the gathering. The details of Lie's plans had been passed to her master some time ago; all that had remained was the moment said action was to commence.

  "And now that you have that information what will you do with it," a deep voice sounded as Dresden materialized before the startled Morphling, Malakai and Joey beside him. "Will you run back to your master's bland tower and report it in the hopes that he and his loyal sycophants can mount some type of counter-offensive?"

  Drift quickly dropped into a defensive posture as Malakai and Joey assumed flanking positions around her.

  "There is no need for that," Dresden interceded waving the others away as he stepped toward the scared Morphling. "We are not enemies Drift, which is why I have allowed your continued presence among us." Dresden smiled at the startled look that consumed the Morphling's features. "Yes, I've been aware of you ever since my Celestial elevation."

  "But why...?"

  "Did I allow you to continue in your subterfuge?" Dresden finished the Morphling's question. "Like I said; I am not your enemy, nor is Lillian." He accorded the Halfling materializing beside him an affectionate smile. "In fact, I had hoped that continued exposure to our plan might help you to see the logic of it." Dresden studied Drift's face for a moment then released a resigned sigh. "But I can see by the defiance in your eyes that such is not the case; despite what you have learned you still do not understand why the coming revolution must happen, nor, I would hazard will your master. Go," he commanded waving his hand toward the sky. "Go and report to Iblis all that has transpired here today. My offer of an alliance between our respective forces still stands, but know this:" Dresden's eyes blazed with Celestial fire. "Though we have no wish to harm you or any of your compatriots, my mistress and I will tolerate no interference and will take whatever steps necessary to ensure the success of our plans."

  The ominous tone of Dresden's voice sent an additional wave of unease through Drift's formless body. "I will convey your offer to my master and your warning," she replied, her voice shaky. The Morphling then accorded Dresden and Lie a brief nod and promptly vanished.

  Lie studied the spot where Drift had been for a moment then turned questioning eyes to her mate. "Are you sure it's wise to let her go, my love?"

  "I am," Dresden assured her speaking loudly so that his voice carried to those that had gathered in a loose circle around them. "The one thing that I have learned during my recent meditations is that the entire structure of the Realms is predicated on Choice. For us to force others to our way of thinking would make us no less vile than those we seek to supplant. That is why the Task given to the Wraiths is so vital. My people must be shown the truth of the universe around them so that they may choose whether or not they wish to continue living the lie."

  Lie pondered his reasoning for a moment. "And what of those who refuse to accept it?"

  Once again Dresden's eyes flared and a stern look consumed his features. "Those that choose not to follow us will serve no purpose in the new order and will be expunged from the coming utopia, physically and spiritually. Lenience toward dissenters is a trait of The Almighty that I do not share."

  Chapter 47

  As one of Detroit's premier caterers the Scavelli's had attended numerous social functions and gala events over the years, but even the most spectacular of those paled in comparison to the small gathering currently taking place on their screened-in deck.

  After receiving Drift's dire report, Darius had called a meeting of Nina's allies at Toni and Maria's spacious home which had become the unofficial headquarters of the group much to the delight of the winsome couple. However the Scavelli's joy over their inclusion into what Tony had termed the Cosmic Calvary was taken to a whole new level with the appearance of the special guest the Desomor had summoned.<
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  "Dresden's calm reasoning gives further proof of his rapid adaptation to the Talisman's power," Iblis intoned after Drift had completed the retelling of her tale. "Of course given the fact that Humankind was specifically bred for that very purpose I would've been surprised if he hadn't."

  "What do you mean by 'bread for that purpose'?" Tyree asked, a slight flush rising to his face as the fact that he was addressing not only an angel but the so-called Devil himself once again threatened to overwhelm him.

  "The Almighty engineered your kind using a template of His own divine self," Iblis explained pressing his wings tightly against his back so as not to disrupt the deck's furnishing as he shifted his attention to Tyree. "It is the reason Mankind is held in such high regards by Members of the Hierarchy. It is also the reason Lillian seeks to subvert your collective spirituality," he continued to the room at large. "As the Creation's vanguard race, humans are destined to lead the other inhabitants of this Realm to a higher level of spiritual and intellectual awareness."

  "You mean once we grow up," Tyree interjected having learned a great deal on how the majority of the Celestials regarded Mankind.

  Iblis favored the minister with a paternal smile. "Yes, although considering my Father's initiation of this process I would suspect that your 'growing up', as you termed, it is progressing to His satisfaction."

  "Is that why Lillian or Lie is so determined to convert us to her cause?" Cara asked, the slight tremor in her voice an indication of the internal struggle she was having trying to reconcile all she had been taught about the devil with this magnificent winged being standing before her.

  "It is. Lillian knows that, given your stature amongst the other Races of Mortalia, Mankind's disassociation from The Almighty and his Watch might prompt others to do the same which could lead to the destabilization of the Divine Order, an event that would be catastrophic for The Creation as a whole."

  "Excuse me for saying this," Tony spoke up in a tentative voice. "But isn't what Lie and this Dresden guy doing similar to what you did when you walked out of Heaven?"

  Iblis looked upon the stocky Mortal with increased respect. "Such an astute observation does indeed signify your Races intellectual evolution."

  Tony shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Uh...thanks; I think."

  Iblis smiled. "You're quite welcome, and in answer to your question: To some degree what Lillian is planning is similar to what my brethren have termed my Idealistic Revolt, though our intentions are vastly different. I only sought to question the effectiveness of the Tenets in the hopes of amending them. Lillian and her ilk wish to abolish them completely."

  "Which is what we must help Nina to prevent upon her return," Dichotomy intoned, the other murmuring their agreement.

  The Lord of Hell experienced a pang of regret as he gazed upon the former Desomor's blended form, knowing that he was in part responsible for the chain of events that resulted in Caleb's bizarre transformation. But such reflections were best left for another time. At the moment their primary concern was Lillian. "Indeed it is, Caleb."

  "When do you think we'll start noticing the effects of these Wraith things?" Quinlan asked, his gaze shifting between the five Celestials.

  "I would hazard a guess that it will be fairly soon," Shift spoke up in the thoughtful silence that followed the Seeker's question. She had reverted to her true form for the meeting; a process that still astounded Tony and Maria despite the fact that they had witnessed the transformation numerous times over the past several weeks. "Dream weaving is the most effective way to manipulate the Mortal masses and Chton's lot are particularly effective at invoking the chaotic scenarios that Lie is calling for."

  "They most certainly are," Iblis agreed with a snort. "That is why we must all do our best to mitigate the effects of their tampering until Nina's return, at which point we will then take the fight to them," he added, his wings twitching in response to his aggravation.

  "And speaking of which," Mayhem interjected as she shifted to a more comfortable position on the ornate oak bench beside Quinlan to whom she had taken a genuine interest in, much to the Seeker's delighted surprise. "Have we any estimates on when the chosen one will be making her return?"

  As usual the Desomor's remarks were met with a smattering of chuckles from the others who had gotten used to her acerbic personality; though Maria still kept a butcher knife handy and would brandish it whenever the hussy's attentions were focused overly long on Tony.

  "From what Silas has learned from his sources, I would say that Nina's tutelage in Celestia is drawing to a close."

  Iblis's reply elicited a chuckle from Mayhem. "I take it old grim-face has been swimming with the dolphins again?"

  "Their chatter is often useful," Iblis smiled in return. "At any rate I want you lot to remain vigilant while I return to Hell and continue to prepare as best I can for the coming struggle. Mister and Misses Scavelli," the Lord of Hell addressed the startled couple. "Again I wish to convey my gratitude for the support and hospitality you've shown my agents since your inclusion into this Celestial debacle. All of you," Iblis's gaze took in Quinlan, Sanders, and Cara, "are to be commended on your ability to rise to this Divine challenge. Clearly does my Father's Grace shine within each of you!"

  Iblis accorded them all a final nod then vanished from the deck amidst a flash of bright light.

  "Whew," Maria exhaled, her shoulders sagging in relief. "That is one intense individual!"

  "Yeah having wings tends to do that to a person," Mayhem snickered then turned her attention on Darius. "So what now boss?"

  The Desomor shrugged "We do what the master said: We watch and wait."

  "Well in that case I'd better get lunch going," Maria proclaimed as she happily made her way to the kitchen. "I hear divine stake-outs can really give you an appetite!"


  Standing before the dimensional rift known simply as the Window, which was housed within the massive marble pyramid that made up Heaven's Seat of Authority, the Overseer Omen watched the events taking place at the Scavelli home with a growing sense of apprehension.

  One would think that a pledge of support from one of the most powerful beings in the Hierarchy would inspire a sense of confidence, yet Omen drew scant comfort from Iblis's involvement. Never before in the history of The Creation had a being attempted to use a Talisman in any way other than what The Almighty intended, let alone as a weapon in challenge of His authority.

  With the awesome might of the Staff of Moses now at his fingertips, the misanthrope Dresden was, for all intents and purposes an almighty being himself. Even considering the power that Nina now possessed as a result of her Divine heritage, how could she and her allies possibly hope to mount an effective counter-offensive against whatever it was that Lie and Dresden had in store?

  Omen was not fool enough to think that the information retrieved my Iblis's Morphling operative was the extent of their scheme.

  Nor has The Almighty revealed the extent of His, a silken voice echoed through the Overseer's mind as a sphere of pure Celestial energy appeared in the Chamber beside him.

  The sphere reformed itself into shape of a faceless humanoid woman and Omen released a startled gasp. "Twilight!"

  "Greetings Omen," Twilight switched to vocal speech, the aura emanating from her glowing form conveying a sense of pleasure as she extended her right hand forward. "It is good to see you again."

  "And you as well," Omen replied, his eyes flaring briefly due to the spark of energy he received after touching his open palm to hers in the Celestial Greeting of Equals. "What circumstances have afforded me the rare treat of your company?"

  "Your troubled thoughts," said Twilight. "As you know I am directly linked to the Members of The Watch and am therefore cognizant of increased levels of stress, and your levels have been extremely elevated of late."

  Omen released a weary sigh. "It's this whole business with Lie; I fear that her acquisition of the Staff has tipped the scales in her favor, yet ap
parently I am the only one. The Archangels do not appear overly concerned, and I cannot fathom the reason why."

  "Perhaps it is because they have faith in The Almighty's wisdom in regards to this matter."

  Omen's hovering form wavered lightly. "I have faith, though I must admit it has been sorely tested these past several months. I've also sensed similar feelings from other Celestials."

  Twilight laid a gentle hand atop the Overseer's forearm infusing her touch with a spate of soothing energy. She had always held Omen in high regards and did not like to see him thus. A part of her wished she could give him the same disclosure that Nina had received once her transformation to her Ultimate state had been completed in regards to the true nature of the Celestial Caste's relationship to The Almighty, but she knew to do so would be counter-productive. When the time came, all of The Almighty's 'children' would be made aware. Till then she would do what she could to offer the pensive Overseer hope.

  "Perhaps your having doubts is part of The Almighty's plan as well; to shake the very foundations of Celestial society as well as Mortal so that we may all journey toward a heightened understanding of The Creation and our individual place in it."

  The Chamber was silent as Omen considered her suggestion for a moment. "Perhaps you are right, my friend," he sighed. "And if that is the case then I will strive to remain resolute in my duties and my trust in our Creator's plan; whatever it may be."

  Chapter 48

  Throughout the ages the manipulation of dreams has always been the most effective way to convey The Almighty's decrees to the Mortal masses. To accomplish this, Members of the Watch would often employ the services of Wraiths, a race of Celestials endowed with the unique ability to traverse and manipulate the properties of the nebulous space between the Real and Ephemeral known as the Crossroads.

  In terms of Celestia's political structure most Wraiths were considered Demonstratives given the fact that they still acknowledged The Almighty's authority despite their minimal adherence to the Tenets. Then there were the Dissidents, Celestials that despised The Almighty's mandates, often carrying out specific Tasks that were in direct contention with His will.


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