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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 32

by Art Gulley Jr.

  Most of the atrocities committed throughout Mortalia could be attributed to them for theirs was the power of mental manipulation of the Mortal Races, and they had spent several millennia honing the skills that were currently being called into play against Earth's unsuspecting populace.

  A wave of unrest arose across the planet as Mankind was assaulted by dreams and omens showing the fall of what was being portrayed as a false deity, and the subsequent rise of a new religion helmed by two benevolent beings; one male, one female and both pictured with open arms welcoming the teeming masses to their bosoms.

  Churches and temples around the world were besieged as millions of people desperately sought the advice of spiritual leaders who were just as, if not more, conflicted as their constituents.

  At the height of the confusion, Dresden and Lie began the second phase of their scheme by manifesting their physical selves in areas they deemed suitably open to their new message of spiritual emancipation from an uncaring God.

  Occasionally they were met with resistance by the obstinate few that chose to cling to their own specific faith, but for the most part they were joyously accepted by a scared populace who took heart at the appearance of the subjects of their dreams; particularly in light of the distorted truth they were being told.

  "Our plan proceeds accordingly, my love," Lie commented to Dresden as he stepped onto the patio of his villa where the Halfling was scanning various news broadcast of their most recent public outing on the television; a technological device she had come to find quite fascinating. "The people are flocking to our cause in droves, even those stubborn zealots of the Muslim faith have begun to accept us."

  A pleased smile creased Dresden's thin lips as he also focused attention on the screen. "As I knew they would. The Almighty's influence on the world has waned of late and the masses have been looking for something or someone to believe in." He leaned down and placed a kiss on Lie's forehead. "We've simply fulfilled that need."

  "But at what cost?"

  Lie and Dresden were startled by the booming voice issuing from the nimbus of white light forming on the deck before them. The light quickly coalesced into the winged form of the Archangel Raphael.


  "Daughter," Raphael responded to Lie's incredulous cry before settling his baleful glare on Dresden. "And you must be Carl Dresden; the former Presbyterii Elder who now fancies himself a Celestial.

  "Not at all, sir," Dresden replied, nonplused by the Archangel's disdainful remark. "I'm simply a Mortal who's been given the opportunity to guide his people to a higher stature within that which you call The Creation."

  The deck was silent as the Keeper of the Talisman and the Archangel regarded one another. Finally, a ghost of a smile appeared on Raphael's narrow face. "Well played, Mortal. It is easy to see why my daughter has taken such a fancy to you."

  The Archangel's comment was met by another startled reaction from Lie. "You've been monitoring me?"

  "As would any father whose child was as prone to mischief as you are."

  Lie released a disgusted snort. "And is that why you're here; to call me to task for my aberrant behavior?"

  A bark of laughter escaped Raphael's lips. "Such an attempt would be futile, Lillian. You've long since proven yourself beyond my ability to tame. Your will is indomitable. In that respect you and Lillith are much alike."

  Lie noticed the slight twitch of her father's jaw after mentioning her mother's name, a testament to the intense feelings he still held for her. It was one of the few things they had in common. "Well if you're not here to chastise me then why have you decided to grace us with your Divine presence?"

  "To hopefully instill a bit of reason in both you and your paramour in regards to this dangerous course you've set."

  "And why would our separation from The Almighty and his Watch pose said threat. Carl and I are simply following in your glorious footsteps."

  "Hardly," Raphael snapped, his wings twitching with suppressed emotion. "I simply stepped away from the convoluted politics of The Hierarchy. You plan to supplant them."

  "And considering their mismanagement of the Realms, is that truly such a bad thing?"

  Raphael focused glowing eyes on Dresden. "Have a care, Mortal. Powerful and more knowledgeable you have become via the Talisman, but yours are recent enhancements. You would do well to refrain from commenting on that of which you have no true understanding."

  "Spoken like the arrogant Celestial you are," Dresden replied, the Celestial energy now flowing through his veins bolstering his confidence in the presence of his Divine antagonist. "The disdainful position in which you hold us have made the lot of you consistently underestimate our abilities throughout the Millennia."

  Raphael regarded Dresden through narrowed eyes. "And just what abilities might you be referring to; a Mortal's penchant for spiritual and moral disobedience, and self-destruction? From where I sit those seems to be your Race's primary pursuits."

  Dresden bristled at Raphael's insults. A part of him wanted to unleash his power against the winged buffoon but an inner voice prompted caution. Powerful the Talisman may be but there was still much he had to learn in terms of wielding it. Pitting his fledgling might against that of an Archangel would more likely be an act of suicide than one of defiance. "Say what you will, Raphael; the fact still remains that the Hierarchy's stewardship of us has been a comedy of cosmic errors, particularly the lie of Christianity we Mortals of Earth have been forced to submit to."

  Raphael's left eyebrow arched upward. "And you actually believe your judgment is greater than that of The Almighty?"

  "Is it really so hard to believe? After all, He did christen us the Vanguard Race of Mortalia. Who's to say what we could accomplish as a species if left to our own designs?"

  Raphael's respect for the intrepid Mortal went up a notch. Though he still disagreed with their methods he couldn't fault the logic of Dresden's reasoning, nor could he deny the fact that the Mortal's grievances mirrored his own in regard to The Almighty's Tenets governing Mortalia.

  Raphael studied Dresden's resolute face for another moment then shifted his gaze to his daughter. "I'm beginning to understand his reasons for instigating this aggressive campaign." He jerked his thumb at Dresden. "What's yours? Unless I'm mistaken, your goal has always been the demise of your Human kin, now you profess yourself to be their savior?"

  A slight flush darkened Lie's ivory features. "For centuries I placed the blame of mother's death equally between Mankind and the Hierarchy. I have since come to realize that my Mortal brethren's forced adherence to the Tenets is the true culprit. That is why Carl and I have taken up this cause; Mortalia needs to be freed of such Divine restrictions. Perhaps then the inhabitants of the Realm will be able to reach their true potential."

  Lie's impassioned speech prompted Raphael to regard her in a new light and he was pleased with what he saw. The malice which was once such an integral part of her personality was gone, as was her ambivalence for her dual heritage. His one regret was that such a change had come on the cusp of what could only be seen as monumental rebellion against The Almighty and his Hosts, though perhaps that was as it should be.

  Lillian and her compatriots would undoubtedly suffer sever retribution for their actions, but at least their destiny would be one of their own making. In the greater scheme of things, the benefits of achieving such freedom far exceeded the risks.

  "The two of you make a compelling case," Raphael addressed the stout couple. "I look forward to watching this particular drama unfold."

  Both Dresden and Lie were taken aback by the Archangel's unexpected accolade. "Does this mean we can count on your support should the need arise?"

  Raphael surprised his daughter again by tenderly taking hold of her hands and drawing her body close to his. "No it does not. Despite my...dissatisfaction with Celestia's politics I can not, and will, not lift a hand against The Hierarchy." Raphael took note of his daughter's disappointment, and he took hold of her ch
in and tilted her head up so that their eyes met. "Nor will I lift one against you."

  Lie's expression brightened. "Thank you, father," she whispered pressing her cheek against his the way she did when she was a child, before the politics of Reality erected the timeless barrier between them.

  Raphael savored the physical contact for a moment then gently disentangled himself from her embrace. "You're welcome...daughter," he whispered back. He accorded Dresden a slight nod then vanished from the courtyard.

  "That went better than I expected," Lie commented when the glow of the Archangel's carrier nimbus had faded.

  Dresden embraced the Halfling from behind and nuzzled his lips against her neck. ""Indeed it did, which surprised me considering your father's initial hostility."

  Lie opened her mouth to respond but paused when she felt his body stiffen. "Is something wrong?"

  Dresden pointed toward the television where the Pope was issuing an unprecedented request for the nefarious duo currently professing them selves to be Mankind's new saviors to attend a gathering of the world's spiritual leaders at the Sistine Chapel, in the hopes of mitigating some of the chaos their appearance had caused.

  "I take it you mean for us to honor your Pope's request," Lie said when the story had played itself out.

  "Indeed I do," Dresden confirmed, his eyes glowing with Celestial fire. "Though not for the reason His Holiness expects!"


  Sitting in Nina's office at the Lafayette Rec Center, Darius, Cara, Sanders, and Shift cloaked in her Nina-persona were also watching the Pope's televised plea.

  "Do you think Lie and Dresden will go for it?" Sanders asked when it was over.

  A look of consternation appeared on Darius's face. "It's hard to say. On the one hand it would be the perfect opportunity for them to eliminate the competition so to speak, but considering the elaborate steps their taking with the Wraiths I get the feeling that using brute force to achieve their goal isn't part of their agenda."

  Cara, who was still adjusting to her body's new proportions, gave her muscular arms a brief stretch. "So what's the plan, boss; soft and subtle or smash and grab?"

  Darius smiled. "Actually a little of both; I'm curious to see how Lie and Dresden will respond to this collective effort on the part of Earth's primary religions. The two of you will head to Rome where you will quietly infiltrate the gathering, after you collect Mayhem and Quinlan from of course."

  Cara and Sanders exchanged knowing looks while Shift chuckled softly. "And what shall you and I be doing, my love?"

  Darius sighed. "Unfortunately we have to put in an appearance at City Hall. Nina's scheduled to speak at the meeting the Mayor's convened of all community leaders to discuss the current crisis."

  Shift sighed. "Another meeting? I must admit my respect for Nina has greatly increased these past few months. I never realized how much of her time was usurped by her philanthropic efforts. That woman's indefatigable."

  "Let us hope that same fortitude will carry her through the coming conflict," the blended voice of Dichotomy rang out as the Celestial appeared in the office. "For we strongly suspect she will need it."

  "That goes without saying," Darius said after according the newcomer a respectful nod. "I take it the two of you are here for the Rome jaunt?"

  "We have; our power will prove useful should the Vatican situation become untenable."

  "Considering the ease with which Dresden dispatched you lot during your first encounter I'm not so sure how much of a difference your addition will make. Not that I'm criticizing," the Desomor added hastily when he sensed the others taking umbrage. "I'm simply pointing out the fact that until Nina returns we're pretty much out-classed in the power department."

  A look of defiance crossed the blended being's face. "Then we will simply have to manage as best we can without her. Besides," Dichotomy continued, a peculiar smile playing at his lips. "All is not as one-sided as it may seem."

  Darius's left eyebrow arched upward. "Meaning what?"

  "Meaning that we have initiated certain...protocols within Earth's spiritual infrastructure," Dichotomy responded.

  The office was silent as Darius and the others took note of the decidedly smug look on Dichotomy's face.

  Mayhem released a contemptuous snort. "I take it you don't plan on elaborating on these...protocols of yours?"

  "We would prefer to wait for the appropriate moment."

  "Well I just hope that whatever the two of you have up your collective sleeves will have as much of an impact as you seem to think it will," Darius stated.

  A solemn look consumed Dichotomy's features. "As do we."

  Chapter 49

  Within the hallowed walls of the Sistine Chapel an unprecedented meeting was underway. Hundreds of Clergy men and women representing Earth's numerous religions had gathered at the bidding of Pope James in the hopes of peacefully confronting the enigmatic duo who where steadily usurping the world's spiritual infrastructure; a hope that was rapidly waning as the hours ticked by with no indication that the two intended to honor the Pope's request.

  Hovering above the crowded sanctuary, their presence Celestially masked, Nina's allies quietly observed the nervous throng.

  "The natives are getting restless," Cara commented to Sanders, her gaze ranging over the massive crowd. "What do we do if Lie and Dresden decide to opt out of this little holy meet-and-greet?"

  Her question was rendered moot by the spectacular arrival of the couple in question. Several of those gathered uttered cries of shock, amazement, and fear while a scattered few possessed of cooler heads, though still awed, regarded the glowing arrivals with more than a hint of skepticism.

  "Greetings my fellow spiritual leaders," Dresden's voice rang above the nervous mutterings that echoed throughout the sanctuary when the glow faded and he and Lie's features were revealed.

  "Cardinal Dresden," the Pope gasped in open mouthed astonishment. "Is it truly you?"

  "It is indeed," Dresden replied according the shaken head of the Catholic Diocese a respectful nod. "Though I believe former Cardinal would be a more apt title."

  Standing beside the Pope, Rabbi Horowitz, also an associate of Dresden, voiced his own confusion. "But...what has happened to you Carl?"

  Dresden favored his former friends, colleagues, and superior with a paternal smile. "I'm glad you asked." He then launched into a narrative of his startling transformation from dutiful Catholic sentinel into the Divine being now standing before them.

  "Shouldn't we be doing something?" Mayhem asked as she and the others observed from their hidden cloaked position.

  Quinlan placed a restraining hand atop her shoulder. "Not yet; let's wait and see how the religious masses respond to the load of crap being dumped on their plates."

  The Desomor drew the Seekers hand to her lips and placed a kiss in his palm. "As you wish my pet," she said shooting a menacing look at the snickering Cara and Sanders.

  "Focus," Dichotomy scolded. "A momentous event is occurring below us and all of our energies should be directed there."

  Agreed, Lie's disembodied voice penetrated their startled minds. Worry not, my friends, the Halfling continued, her tone laced with humor for the sudden apprehension her presence evoked in her adversaries. Though you have appeared at these proceedings uninvited, neither Carl nor I bear you any malice. And that being the case, you need conceal yourself no longer!"

  A collective cry of amazement went up from hundreds of throats as Lie deftly removed Dichotomy's Celestial concealment spell rendering them visible to all.

  "Fear not my fellow leaders," Dresden called over the frightened voices. "Like my companion and I the beings before you mean you no harm for they too are part of the greater universal truth that I am about to reveal to you!"

  Amidst the numerous looks of confusion Dresden raised the Staff above his head, the resulting flash released from it bringing all conversations to a halt. He then proceeded to reveal to the gathered clergy, much to th
e surprise of Nina's allies, the true history of The Creation.

  "And that is why Lillian and I have initiated this awakening if you will; to free Mankind and the rest of our Mortal brethren among throughout this Realm from the shackles of ignorance and servitude placed around us by a fickle deity and his callous band of Celestial sycophants."

  The sanctuary was silent as those gathered struggled to absorb Dresden's incredible tale. Then like a slowly cresting wave voices started to rise as the clergymen began to discuss their former peer's disturbing revelation.

  "The man does know how to move a crowd," Sanders noted as he and the others tried to gauge the reactions of the crowd below who had all but forgotten the hovering quintet during Dresden's mesmerizing oration.

  Cara released a disgusted snort. "Yeah the Cardinal's always had a silver tongue. The question now is; how will the masses respond?"

  "It would seem that we are about to find out," Dichotomy announced as the Pope raised his hands for silence.

  "Much has been revealed to us this day," he addressed the crowd when they had quieted down. "And what we have learned has forever changed the spiritual landscape. We now have irrevocable proof of our Lord's existence which means that for the first time, in the history of Mankind, our people's can stand united under one faith."

  Several cries of "Amen" went up from the assembly as many realized that the Pope's words did indeed ring true.

  "The question now becomes," he continued over the din of conversation. "What faith shall we choose?" Pope James turned solemn eyes to Dresden and Lillian. "You propose that our stewardship under God and those you call The Hierarchy has been detrimental to our world and the worlds of the other varied Mortal races that inhabit this so-called Realm."


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