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The Creation: Chaos Rising

Page 33

by Art Gulley Jr.

  Another spate of nervous mutterings circulated the sanctuary as those gathered continued to struggle with the fact that Mankind wasn't alone in the universe; a fact that some were finding even more disturbing than the dissolution of their flawed belief systems.

  "You also suggest that we as a people stand under your banner as you excommunicate yourself from the Tenets of God and his host, yet I can't help but wonder if the two of you truly understand the magnitude of the folly you are attempting."

  Dresden's eye's widened with surprise at the Pope's unexpected response. "Folly, you say?"

  "Yes folly," Pope James responded meeting the sudden hostility in the other's gaze with unflinching resolve. "You see today is not the first time that I've heard this incredible tale of our world's beginning."

  Dresden's sullen frown turned into one of incredulity. "It's not?"

  "No it's not," the Pope confirmed, his eyes shining with an inner light. "I was recently given access to the most remarkable book; the Journal of the Archangel Michael."

  Again Dresden was stunned. "Have you now; and who was it that gave you this...access?"

  The Pope's gaze shifted upward and a slight smile creased his lips as he pointed to Nina's allies hovering silently above them. "The Celestial entities that call themselves Dichotomy."

  This time it was Nina's allies who were stunned as they turned questioning eyes to their dichotomous friend.

  "When the hell did you sit down for a meet-and-greet with the Pope?" Cara demanded, her startled cry drawing the nervous attention of all those gathered.

  Dichotomy accorded the Pope a respectful nod. "We approached him at the onset of Dresden and Lie's psychic onslaught against humanity. As the ruling voice of one of Earth's most significant faiths he needed to be made aware of the dire situation The Creation now faces."

  "And as well he should've been," Dresden's thunderous voice overrode the sanctuary's excited chatter. "This is why Lillian and I have chosen to come forth at this juncture."

  The Pope's eyes flashed with anger. "No it isn't!" His sharp denial cut through the chatter like a laser. "You've chosen to reveal yourselves in the hopes that such a spectacular spectacle would divert the world's attentions away from the fact that, like so many megalomaniacs of the past, you seek to dominate those whom you feel are now inferior to you!"

  Dresden was taken aback by the Pope's vehemence. "You clearly misunderstand our purpose..."

  "And you clearly misunderstand just how much was revealed to me," Pope James cut him off. "Like the fact that the staff you carry, the source of your miraculous transformation, was not attained through the normal channels of enlightenment, such as perseverance or self-sacrifice. You took it by force; in much the same way you are now trying to take Mankind's spiritual allegiance!"

  "Have a care in the manner in which you address us Mortal," Lie spoke up when a rattled Dresden failed to respond. "Though the manner of Carl's acquisition of the Talisman was not without bloodshed, his intentions were and continue to be honorable."

  Pope James balked at the Halfling then turned hard eyes to Dresden. "Honorable," he ground out. "Is this what you call honor; aligning yourself with a creature who's sole purpose for countless centuries has been the disruption of the Mortal Condition; an allegiance that led to the deaths of your fellow Elders and the Talisman's rightful guardian? And now you seek to gain favor with humanity by using demons to invade and influence our dreams while at the same time persecuting God's chosen messenger because her purpose contradicted your personal views of how our service to Him should be. That's not honor; it's tyranny!"

  "You really laid it out for the old boy didn't you, Caleb?" Mayhem whispered while she and the others silently watched the drama unfolding at the altar.

  "Our observation of James has shown us that he truly is a devout believer of The Almighty's way despite his limited understanding of The Creation's true nature. The world will have need of leaders like him during the chaotic throes of this Reclamation. We felt it would be best if knew the entire truth so that he could come to an honest and unbiased decision on how best to proceed."

  "Well it looks like your plan may have succeeded," Quinlan said as he and the others took note of the rising voices in the sanctuary as other spiritual leaders begin to catch the Pope's fever of indignation, the more outspoken ones now directing outcries of anger and hostility toward Humanity's self-proclaimed saviors.

  "ENOUGH!" Dresden's bellow reverberated throughout the Chapel's hallowed ceilings as a nimbus of energy formed around he and Lie repelling several brazen individuals attempting to storm the alter.

  "Uh-oh," Cara muttered as she and the others pressed against a similar field that suddenly materialized around their hovering forms rendering them completely immobile. "I think the shits about to hit the fan!"

  As usual your observation is quite astute, Cara, Dresden's stern voice echoed in their minds. As Lillian pointed out, the five of you came here uninvited. In the spirit of cooperation I allowed you to stay, but considering the unfortunate turn these events have taken, I feel it would be best if these proceedings continued without you!

  Mayhem had just enough time to utter a profane oath before she and the others vanished from the sanctuary amidst a flash of blinding light.

  Chapter 50

  Dresden waited until the nimbus's glow faded away then focused his attention on the assembly, most of who had been shocked into silence following the abrupt expulsion of the quintet they had begun to look to for protection.

  "Lillian and I came here today with hope of mending our world's fractured spiritual state," he bit out, his voice harsh. "But instead of embracing our cause and joining us in the fight against the deity that has turned you into complacent puppets, you have the temerity to take umbrage against us! Clearly I was mistaken in thinking that any of you faith-driven fools would have the courage and fortitude to do what must be done in order to rid ourselves of the yoke of Divine oppression!"

  "As if life under your guidance would be any better," the Pope fired back, fear giving way to indignation as he freed himself from the dutiful priests that were trying to keep him away from the seething Dresden. "You claim to be a benevolent leader yet use spiritual and mental manipulation against the masses to achieve acceptance."

  "Which is no more than what The Almighty has done," a thoroughly incensed Lie interjected. "Carl may be new to the ways of Divinity but my life spans the breadth of Humanity's existence..."

  "Yet throughout all that time you've failed to notice the one key component in God's stewardship of us," the Pope cut her off.

  Lie regarded the wizened Mortal through narrowed eyes. "And this...component being"

  "The power of Choice."

  "Choice," Lie spat. "Do you truly believe that such power has been granted you?"

  "I do," the Pope stoutly declared. "Regardless of our understanding of our world has been up to this point, I still believe in my heart that God did not keep us ignorant out of spite, but rather as a precaution until we became mature enough to truly understand the path he has placed us on."

  "Are you truly that naive?" Dresden asked struggling to understand such illogical devotion from the man he had once held in such high esteem. "Considering the familiarity you claim to have already had with the way of the world, how can you see God's so-called plan for us as anything other than bondage on an evolutionary scale?"

  The Pope's focused steely eyes on Dresden's scowling face. "Because despite the Lord's ability to bend Mankind to his will, he hasn't. He put forth his commandments or Tenets as the Celestials term them, and allowed us to choose whether or not to adhere to them!"

  "Just as He chose to eradicate our ancestors with the Great Flood when they turned their collective backs on His mandates," Dresden ground out.

  "Granted God's wrath during that time was indeed harsh but He has since made restitution to Mankind for his rash decision in addition to making a pact to never again visit such destruction upon the
Earth; a fact that is present even in the Bible's distorted accounts of our universe's history."

  "Which is another bone of contention I wish to pick with our so-called God," Dresden charged, his eyes glowing with Celestial fire. "Why has He allowed so many variations of the Tenets to propagate unchecked throughout the millennia? Think of the countless millions that have been and are still being persecuted based on their religious beliefs. If God truly is the almighty deity you and countless others proclaim him to be, why hasn't he long since revealed the Truth of the Realms and put an end to this madness?"

  All eyes were on the Pope as he paused to consider Dresden's loaded question.

  "In truth I cannot say why God has allowed the Lie, as you put it, to continue throughout the ages. Despite the knowledge I have recently gained I do not proclaim to be all-knowing in such matters."

  Many nervous mutterings were exchanged after the Pope's admission and a knowing smirk appeared on Dresden's face.

  "But then I don't have to be," the Pope's confident remark echoed loudly through the sanctuary. "Regardless of the haphazard way we arrived at this critical juncture in our world's history, we have still arrived and in my heart of hearts I truly believe that such is as God intended, and the path he has set before us is the one on which we should remain."

  Several cries of "Amen" went up from the crowd following the Pope's stirring words. Dresden stared at his former superior and mentor for a moment then allowed his gaze to range over the crowd, most of whom where once again shouting cries of outrage against he and Lie. He refocused on the Pope and a resigned sigh escaped his lips.

  "I see now that there is no reasoning with you, Vincenzo," he spoke softly addressing the Pope by his birth name in much the same way he did when they were classmates at the seminary so many decades ago. "Your faith and that of the majority here, which seem to have sided with you, though laudable is sadly misplaced. The time for change is upon us, and if you and those that follow you cannot accept that than I'm afraid your usefulness has come to an end."

  Before the Pope or any of the other clergy could respond, Dresden brought the edge of the Staff down hard against the glistening marble that made up the altar's base, the resulting shock wave created by the blow knocking most of the assembly to the ground.

  "For centuries The Sistine Chapel has been a symbol for religious order and authority," Dresden's thunderous voice boomed above the growing rumbling created by the sudden violent shaking of the hallowed church's foundation. "But that age is coming to an end. The time has come for a new Order to arise; one that I had hoped all of you would've been a part of, but alas such is not to be."

  Several cracks appeared in the numerous frescoes lining the sanctuary walls as the once magnificent structure began to slowly break apart. Those gathered raced frantically for the exits only to discover that they were all completely sealed trapping them inside the collapsing sanctuary.

  The Pope's eyes locked with Dresden's. "In the name of God, Carl, you can't do this," he cried fighting to make his voice heard above the horrified screams of the terrified mob surrounding him.

  "I'm afraid you've left me no choice," Dresden coldly responded as a nimbus of energy encased him and lie and they began to fade away. "Like the callous God who you so blindly serve, I too gave you a choice. Unfortunately you chose wrong!"

  With a final flash of brilliance the carrier nimbus vanished leaving the foremost religious leaders on Earth to perish as a loud crack signaled the final collapse of the chapel's famously painted ceiling.

  As he watched Michelangelo's masterpiece come crashing down upon him, Pope James closed his eyes and uttered a final prayer. "Father I know not why you have allowed these events to transpire, but my faith in you remains. I pray that you allow my soul and those of my fellows into Heaven's gates this day!"

  Sorry Your Eminence, but your work on Earth's not done yet!

  The Pope gasped at the feminine voice echoing loudly through his mind. His eyes snapped open and he stared in horrified amazement at the tons of plaster and metal suspended above his head.

  "In the name of God," he whispered as he and the others trapped with him watched in stunned fascination as the collapse of the sanctuary slowly began to reverse itself like a movie that was now being played backwards.

  Within moments the Chapel was completely restored and the Pope and all those gathered within stared in awe at the nimbus of blazing white light now hovering before them. Eventually the light coalesced into three beings: One was a tall athletic woman, her sharp features and dark skin color similar to the tall muscular man standing beside her.

  The final being was also female though unlike any the Pope or his colleagues had ever beheld: Prominent cheekbones set in an oval face that was dominated by a set of intense hazel colored eyes that combined with the mocha color of her skin giving her an exotic beauty that was breathtaking to behold. Like her companions she was also extremely fit, but what completely set her apart from them were the pair of enormous glowing wings protruding from her back.

  "Who...who are you?" Pope James managed to croak when he finally recovered from the shock of being saved.

  "Fear not, Your Grace," the winged woman spoke, her rich contralto voice carrying easily to the back of the sanctuary. "This is Gabriel and his daughter Gabriella." She indicated her companions. "And like me they have come to aid you during these dark times."

  "But...who are you?" the Pope asked, a look of incredulity covering his face

  The woman straightened her shoulders and her wings slowly began to fade away as did the glow radiating around her. "I am the daughter of the Archangel Michael and the Mortal Evelyn Sanchez, the Child of Order, and Harbinger of the Final Reclamation!" Her face softened after she finished her proud proclamation, and she favored the Pope with a friendly smile. "But you can call me Nina…"

  That’s all for now but Nina’s saga continues in

  The Creation: Order Restored

  Coming soon!

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