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Page 17

by Charles E. Borjas

  Lebag continued playing the hologram and Daxu Korth viewed Dvora learning the dark arts of sorcery. He saw the meeting she had with Hyukitron, the wizard Ibiza and warlock R’Darik. He sees and hears what Dvora does to Hyukitron and R’Darik, and her betrayal of everyone her life touches. He viewed everything Lebag had, even the resurrections of Hyukitron and R’Darik, the mission they set out to do and R’Darik breaking free of the spell he was under while in return incarcerating Ibiza.

  “The scientists of The Twelve Galaxies Cluster that came up with that Quantum Spying Frequency Accelerator have my thanks,” said Daxu Korth. “Your device can pick up any conversation anywhere in the kingdom and on the outskirts of it as well.”

  “It picks up the electrons and photons being emitted from a certain place, converts them into hologram audial and video instantly,” replies Lebag. “We live in amazing times, Daxu Korth.”

  “We must prepare for battle, Lebag. As the kingdom’s top defense and security statesman I ask you to alert Fleets one through a hundred and fifty,” says Daxu Korth. “We’ve got to crush these dangerous factions once and for all or the inhabitants of the Twelve Galaxies Cluster will never be safe.”

  “Daxu Korth,” says Lebag. “We will need more than fleets. We will be battling supernatural powers.”

  “Come now, I’m surprised, Lebag, that you have forgotten about our allies on the planet Shalaramya,” Responds Daxu Korth.

  “The shape shifters, of course. Salocina Gasette and the multitude of inhabitants of imps, pixies, fairies, elves, will o’ the wisps, dwarfs, and sprites,” replies Lebag. “How could I ever forget them? They helped your father in the war against Gynythian Zee and Caratrah eons ago, and he saved their planet from destruction. Ever since then they have been in our debt.

  “I was just a boy then,” said Daxu Korth. “I remember thinking how pretty she was.”

  “I’ll send for her. I’ll devise a battle plan with the fleet leaders,” replies Lebag.

  “I will also be joining you in the strategy room.” Daxu Korth winks.

  Chapter 28 The Ikuptaxian Battle

  Captain’s Chronicles: Upon learning of the Ikuptaxians, their attempted annihilation of the Earth’s solar system, and their alliance with Gynythian Zee, I have managed to learn their location. Utilizing the Ultra Quantum Cyber Interstellar, Infinity has created a closed frequency that aligns with the frequency of the Citadel on Cassiopeia. I sent a test message and received a reply from the communications officer who mans the Citadel’s Cyber Interstellar. He paged Daxu Korth and we talked for several hours concerning the situation. I was able, through the Cyber Interstellar frequency Infinity set up, to join in on their strategy meeting in the war room. I was just a cyber hologram, but I was there. Everyone agreed that I, being closer to the Ikuptaxians than any fleet could hope to be within the next several hundred time cycles, should use Infinity to take them by surprise and cripple their fleets. I convinced the council including my father, that Infinity had indeed evolved and was still evolving. Her systems were at optimal performance and she was now indestructible. There was no force known or made up of the elements in the universe that can penetrate her. That includes any attacks by sorcerers.

  “Infinity now has all the data she needs on the Ikuptaxians. She knows what is needed to repel their sorcery, or anything they can throw at us,” Cruise announces to the crew. “She can teleport us right to where their fleets are and in her cloaking mode we will attack.”

  Science Officer and First Officer Caleo turns to Cruise. “She is programmed and she knows what to do. She will deal them a blow they will never recover from.”

  Infinity was now able to take the data she has and calculate how to strike them, when to strike them and for how long. She also calculated the probable outcome. She was undetectable except when she was firing. The source of her laser torpedoes could be traced, and they would fire back. Using Quantum teleportation, Infinity could jump from place to place firing each time. The enemy would think they were surrounded by hundreds of cloaked vessels.

  Infinity also detected that they have very powerful atomic weapons that can blow a chunk off a planet. Infinity would be protected and safe, but if she were near that type of explosion, the concussion would propel her away and the EMP may shut off a lot of the instruments including life support for the crew. Infinity would need a few minutes to recover before all systems would be normal again, but there would be no guarantee that while she was temporarily disabled, the crew would not be exposed to deadly radiation.

  Cruise gave the okay to go ahead with the attack, regardless of the risks. If the Ikuptaxians were not stopped they would succeed with their plans to blow up the Earth’s solar system. They were on their way to do that now, with a minimum number of spacecraft. Infinity counted twenty vessels now at the other end of the Andromeda Galaxy heading towards the Earth’s solar system. Infinity would intercept them there. She teleports and arrives cloaked. Firing, she moves, then fires again repeatedly. The Ikuptaxians are caught off guard. They never expected any resistance. Infinity disables all of their spacecraft without revealing her location.

  All is quiet, for the sorcerers are at work trying to listen and pick up any communications, any signal be it electronic or psychic. Their vessels are unable to continue. Infinity disabled their life supports and then, without the slightest warning emitted a bolt of energy that resembled lighting. The force targeted all of the vessels and pushed them towards the center of the galaxy. Infinity gave the momentum and sent them darting through space at the speed of light.

  “They will reach the center of the Galaxy in five hundred cycles, Captain,” Infinity said. “They are heading towards a black hole and will cease to exist.”

  “Fortunately for us they never even suspected where we were shooting from,” says Caleo, who was monitoring the guns. “They never even got a chance to start the sequences for any of their atomic weapons.”

  “Captain, I just picked up signals. There are more vessels coming this way at Super Hyper Speed. They will be arriving in approximately seven hundred cycles, too late to rescue the others, but my sensors tell me they know what happened to their fellows,” Infinity explains.

  “But how can they know?” Asks Cruise.

  “Their sorcery is very strong, Captain,” she answers. “I scanned the ones we just fought and learned the origin of their sorcery. I was able to glean much energy and data from their banks. That’s what made it possible for me to zap them. I can do sorcery now.”

  “Don’t tell me,” says Cruise.

  “What does Infinity mean, Captain?” Asks Glorainne, puzzled as everyone else is at the moment.

  “Infinity is still evolving, she’s learning new things, that’s all,” replies Cruise.

  Infinity headed straight for the fleet of Ikuptaxians headed their way. She meets them after cloaking and flies along side as one of them. They never even noticed they were joined by another vessel even though Infinity was twenty times larger than their largest warship. They had fifty vessels this time, and all of them were larger than the last fleet.

  Not a word was spoken. Through their data bases Infinity had learned how to repel any brain scanning they do with their ESP powers. In fact, in absorption of their data, which she was busy doing, she learned how to read their minds. She already had their physiology in her data banks and all of their secret codes and sequences for their atomic weapons. At once she disarmed the weapons and scrambled their codes. She read their thoughts; that they were in dismay and confusion.

  Infinity then disabled their weapon system and they had no weapons. She then reconfigured their course and sent them streaking straight into the center of the galaxy towards the black hole.

  “Captain, they will be past the point of no return in 50 cycles,” reports Infinity. “Their other spaceships have already passed it, and since their life support systems failed, they are dying. My sensors are scanning their minds now and it seems they are trying to use their incantation
s to save themselves.”

  “Are there any more of their spaceships coming this way?” asks Cruise.

  “I am picking up a tremendous force field coming our way at an incredible speed,” replies Infinity. “I am trying to absorb data from it. It was generated by the combined effort of the crew within the fifty spaceships of the Ikuptaxians. I am trying to counter it before it reaches us and redirect it, using the data it is emitting.”

  “Wow, you can do that?” Cruise is amazed, as is everyone else. “How far is it?”

  “Fifty of Earth’s light years away. Therefore I am rerouting its course. The Ikuptaxians were able to conjure it up from the energy contained in the stars they were passing. Now the force field is following them. I sense them trying to reroute it like I did, and I can sense that they picked up signals from me. My energy is similar to theirs now so it’s detectible.”

  “But they can’t break away from the course you set them on is that right?” asks Caleo.

  “They will pass the event horizon; the point of no return, very soon,” replies Infinity. “But they know now that they’re going the wrong way and are trying to turn around and correct their course. I froze the sequences so they are locked on the same course and they cannot decrease their speed. If they do, the force I sent their way will catch up to them and push them all into the black hole sooner. They have no choice but to maintain speed. Without instruments they have no idea they are headed towards a black hole.”

  “I think they’re about to find out,” says Caleo. “They should start quaking pretty soon. That would indicate they couldn’t turn around if that wanted to.”

  “The gravitational pull is sucking them in,” said Cruise.

  “Captain, I now sense two hundred more Ikuptaxian vessels headed this way,” reports Infinity. “They somehow got word from their comrades that they were attacked but they don’t know by whom. They are avoiding the black hole.”

  “You can say one thing,” says Glorainne. “They sure are ruthless and determined.”

  “I’m determined to keep them from ever reaching Earth’s solar system,” responds Cruise. “Here are new orders, Infinity.”

  “Yes, Captain, I am listening.”

  “Infinity, pursue and engage the enemy. Use everything you have learned and have at your disposal to blast those blood lusting space vampires out of existence. Vaporize them and let their dust wander the Dark Universe forever.”

  “I cannot calculate that far yet, Captain,” but I can blast them out of existence.”

  It was while the Captain took just a few seconds to talk to Infinity that the Ikuptaxians launched their ultimate weapon; sorcery induced neutron smasher. It was instantaneous and there was no warning. Not even Infinity detected it as it was ultra quantum in nature and once released, acted as if it was a living creature. The initial one hundred yottaton blast sent a ball of plasma hot as a star that surrounded Infinity.

  After Infinity told Cruise what was happening, she ensure that her shields were holding and repelling the heat. The giant ball half the size of Earth’s moon, moved towards the black hole at the speed of light. Infinity was spinning and twirling inside and all communications were cut off.

  “It there anyway out of this rotund inferno?” Cruise asked, as her shields went to 90 percent.

  “We will enter the black hole’s event horizon in 20 cycles, Captain,” I am mustering all of my energy, all of my data, and all of the power I absorbed from the assailants. I now have all of their knowledge; all of their books on sorcery and dark magic are in my banks.”

  “Then put it to use to get us out of here and destroy the enemy,” said the Captain. “That’s an order, and do it now.”

  The sudden attack on Infinity had momentarily thrown her into a defensive mode and within seconds she was temporarily confused. Shortly thereafter, she gained her composure and concentrated on the supernatural power that she had assimilated and now comprehended fully. Then Infinity started spinning in the opposite direction of the plasma ball. She went faster and faster while the crew were seemingly caught up in a no-gravity situation and suspended animation.

  Faster she spun until she became a quantum gyroscope. Spinning a hundred times the speed of light, she became more powerful than the ball of plasma creating a force that pushed the ball away from her center. Then, with the grip of the ball being loosened, she Quantum teleported herself to a location a thousand leagues behind the Ikuptaxians warships.

  While inside the ultra-hot plasma globe, Infinity analyzed it and learned how to make it herself. She used the torpedoes, enhancing them thousands of times, each one a powerful neutron smasher. She unleashed her new weapon on the enemy ships, the leader just realizing what had happened. The Ikuptaxians did not have the technology of Quantum Drive, and so they only tried to go faster to elude Infinity, now realizing that there was actually a real threat existing; there were actually beings who were fighting against them with powerful weapons capable of destroying them.

  It was anew concept for them and they were not used to defensive warfare, only being on the offense, quickly attacking and defeating their victims. Now it seems the tables had turned. They had now become the prey, and the predator was behind them. Before they knew what was going on, Infinity released her new weapon twice as powerful as theirs was. It engulfed all two hundred Ikuptaxian ships. They had no shields to protect them from the intense radiation of the neutron devices they released with their minds upon Infinity. The Ikuptaxians were getting a free ride into a black hole.

  “We are obligated,” Cruise announced to the crewmembers on Infinity, “to take this war to the home planet of the Ikuptaxians. If we do not, they will send even more ships and we only have one Infinity. With Infinity’s ever evolving nature, she is more powerful than ever. But what can she do against one thousand of those ships, or two thousand?”

  “Captain,” interrupted Infinity, “You underestimate me.”

  Chapter 29 Indestructible

  Gynythian Zee received word of the Ikuptaxians’ failure from his top officers. “What manner of spacecraft can defeat the undefeated? What manner of being can destroy the indestructible? We must change plans. Earth and its solar system is no longer our target. The Twelve Galaxies Cluster must be brought to its knees or be destroyed.”

  “You underestimated my step sons. I imagine they’re now working together,” surmises Dvora.

  Dvora knew her daughters were living somewhere within the Twelve Galaxies Cluster now but she knew not where. She decided she could not let Gynythian destroy her daughters along with the Twelve Galaxies Cluster.

  Gynythian Zee had an even greater armada than the Ikuptaxians. At once he contacted their leader Aza Caxatro, the ruler and second most powerful evil warlock of their kingdom.

  “You have failed, Aza Caxatro. I am forced to take things into my own hands. You will send all of the rest of your warships to the Twelve Galaxies Cluster. It is our last chance to destroy Daxu Korth and all that is his; his sons and daughters, and all he holds dear; and then lastly him. I will enjoy this immensely.”

  Dvora cringed at the words when she overheard him mention “daughters”. She would go with him and be by his side, but she would never have his babies. She worked on his confidence and pride, knowing that he would never hurt her. He valued her too much. She knew that, and so she had her little wedge stuck in his heart. When the time was right, she would push it all the way in like the long sharp dagger of Irra, forged in the Radioactive Mountains of Aullurror, on The Metallic Moon of Ragutis.

  The Warlock R’Darik had stopped in orbit around his home planet to gather reinforcements. It was there he would keep Ibiza in his dungeon. Subjugator he would free from his spell. “I could use his help now that he has the power of a wizard. This battle is going to take a lot more than atomic torpedoes to win.”

  Daxu Korth sent an encrypted transmission to Cruise. This was a time of war and even closed circuit face-to-face frequencies could be hacked. The message said to co
me back to Cassiopeia and help defend it from Gynythian Zee.

  The Ikuptaxians obeyed their commander and sent every last warship they had, all one hundred thousand. Gynythian Zee’s Armada commander Wawry Toz boasted of a hundred fleets of a thousand warships each.

  “With our superior numbers alone we will command victory over all other opposing forces,” proclaimed Gynythian Zee with gleeful confidence.

  “Yes, my dear, your forces are much too far superior,” says Dvora. “Daxu Korth will not let you destroy his beloved kingdom. He will surrender to you.”

  “ know him well. He has a soft spot for his subjects. Well, we will capture him, and all of his offspring, including your daughters too,” responded Gynythian Zee. “You will have a first hand account of how we treat the enemies of our kingdom. You will also be tested this way so I can see that you are truly loyal and devoted to me now.”

  “Oh?...How do you pan to have me tested?” asks Dvora, biding her time.

  “You will watch while your daughters are tortured and ravished. They will be violated in ways you have never imagined before your very eyes, and their blood will quench the thirst of my beloved pets.” He claps his hands and a curtain opens revealing a large yard just beyond his terrace.

  There are large animals there. “They look like the dogs of The Crystalline Desert of Muuhi II,” Dvora shudders.

  “Their eyes are white and their teeth are sharp as razors,” explains Gynythian Zee. “Their fangs bite deep and they slowly drink their victims to death by sipping their blood. They only take enough to satisfy, and leave their prey until the next day. The process takes two weeks and the pain is excruciating. But I will only give them to the pets after they have been repeatedly violated by my insatiable guards.”


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