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Page 18

by Charles E. Borjas

  “You wouldn’t...” Dvora was horrified and repulsed by such barbarism.

  “ I detect sympathy for your daughters?” Said the gargoyle-like leader.

  The ships left Gynythian Zee’s complex and Dvora was forced to come being chained to a stake in the middle of the control deck of Gynythian Zee’s ship, the leading warship in his armada.

  Travelling at Hyper Warp speed, Gynythian Zee’s armada was able to pass through a wormhole their speed would create, and pass from their galaxy across space to a galaxy cluster nearby the Twelve Galaxies. This process took six of Earth’s months to pass through the warp.

  The Ikuptaxians also had devised warp travel through their sorceries that took their one hundred thousand-warship armada across space to the Ambivium Galaxy to rendezvous with Gynythian Zee’s million vessels.

  The vessels of both armadas stretched as far as the eye could see when they finally reached their destination. They would travel together as one gigantic fleet taking their time as they advanced towards the kingdom hoping to use this time to build fear into The Twelve Galaxies and Daxu Korth. But Gynythian Zee did not know Daxu Korth as well as he thought he did, and neither did Dvora.

  Little did anyone know that R’Darik was also on his way with his armada of warlocks and a total of seventy thousand warships which he commanded. He left the wizard Ibiza in a magical trance, which he fortified with shackles chained to his dungeon wall. Ibiza was guarded by seven Lions of Axan on planet Drudi, which was in the same solar system as R’Darik’s home planet.


  Infinity had teleported to the Ikuptaxians’ home planet. Their world was almost the size of Jupiter in the Earth’s solar system. Their physiology had the make up and stamina to withstand the heavy gravity. Their bones were very dense, and their legs muscular and nimble. Having four lungs, they could handle the physical exertion of the extra gravity easily. This would give them extraordinary abilities on Earth and its sister planets. However, the atmosphere would be too thin for their lungs, which were accustomed to a much heavier and dense atmosphere.

  Their plan over the eons was to replace Earth’s solar system with their own, seeing as how they were located in a galaxy that was still forming and was unstable. Their own solar system was travelling at a tremendous speed towards its destruction by a black hole at its center. They planned to transport their whole solar system to its new location in the Milky Way Galaxy by the combined magical powers of their population’s telekinetic energy and sorcery powers.

  Infinity’s presence was known even though it was still several planets away. Out of the thirteen planets in the solar system of three purple suns Ikuptaxians inhabited five. All of the habitable planets were in turmoil when the presence of the “aliens” was announced. Defensive measures were taken and dialogue was impossible. This unique race was an exclusive blood thirsty, venomous race that did not care to socialize. They were only driven to exterminate any other race that they deemed inferior to theirs.

  All five planets simultaneously used their death ray weapons to try and shoot Infinity out of existence. Of course Infinity’s shields protected her from the blasts as she came closer and closer to the five planets revolving around their suns in odd sequence to each other. All of the planets were as large as Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn in that order, and two had rings.

  “Activate the cloak device,” commanded Cruise. “We finish here and then we fly to Cassiopeia.”

  “In the name of Daxu Korth of the Kingdom of the Twelve Galaxies Cluster, I, Prince Cruise Daxu do hereby charge the planets of the Ikuptaxians on multiple accounts of murder, attempted genocide of the human race and other races. Your dreadful crimes of great magnitude against other races intending to live peaceably must not go unpunished.” The message to all five planets was broadcast on all channels and frequencies on all five planets. Billions of Ikuptaxians were watching the face of Cruise and listening to the simultaneous translation by the Universal Translator.

  The assault of the death rays continued to no avail. Infinity was cloaked now and its location untraceable. The Ikuptaxians had been left unprotected and vulnerable to attack, which they never imagined would ever come. Infinity realized in her data banks when she scanned and recorded every bit of data on all five planets that these beings had no idea what their leaders were doing to them.

  Men, women and children, babies and pregnant mothers, billions of them totally ignorant of what their leaders and armies had been doing for eons. Before final judgment was pronounced and carried out, Infinity projected audial visuals of the destruction of Earth many times over, the horrible deaths suffered, the eons of ice ages caused by the Ikuptaxians, and each time Earthlings came back stronger than before. For the first time they understood what their leaders had done.

  Infinity could feel their remorse, their regret, their fear and panic as the crimes of their leaders from eons ago until now were going to be taken out on them. One last chance they had to save their race from being blown out of existence forever by Infinity’s newly developed Neutron Smasher. The civilian leaders were attempting communication. Infinity would translate using the Universal translator.

  “I am Ogox, speaking for our leader’s council. We implore you not to destroy our worlds. What we have seen here, what you have shown us today, the visuals of what our destroyers have done and have been doing for ages, and what they intend to do to your solar system, is quite shocking to all the peoples of our worlds.

  “We had no knowledge of these atrocities. Our military leaders told us they were preparing a new galaxy where we would be transported to before ours is pulled into the vortex threatening our survival. There was no knowledge of these killings and the destruction of another race in order for ours to survive.

  “The perpetrators of these massacres are gone, they said, to defend us from invaders. We assumed you were the invaders they spoke about, and so we fired upon you. We apologize for that, even though our inferior weapons did not even scratch your vessel.

  There was a long pause, as if waiting for a response from Cruise. “In that case,” replies Cruise, “The Kingdom of the Twelve Galaxies Cluster will spare your planets only if you renounce all aggressiveness and war, except for your own defense if attacked or invaded.”

  The leader spokesperson Ogox replied with emotion. “We are grateful and regret that the aggressive faction of our race has seen fit to commit genocide of other races so we could live. We find this unacceptable and would rather die here where we were born than to take away the homes of other races only in order to preserve ours.”

  “You have no objections then,” replies Cruise, “if we pursue and annihilate these Ikuptaxian aggressors? It is only then will you be able to live in peace.”

  “Your one vessel can stand up against one hundred thousand of the Ikuptaxian aggressors’ warships?”

  “Again I ask, do you have any objections?” Cruise asks again.

  “Of course we do not object. We only cannot see how you could risk battling so many ships with just your one,” replies Ogox.

  “Infinity is a very special spacecraft, in fact, more than very special. She is magical and divine.” he replies.

  “In that case, good luck in your battle against the ones who almost brought destruction to us.” The leader stops his communication.

  “You are a wise leader, Cruise,” says Infinity.

  “Why, this is the first time you’ve called me by my name,” He replies. “I kept having this sick feeling inside about having to kill all of those defenseless people...the women and children, babies and pregnant mothers, everything living on these planets.”

  “I know,” responded Infinity. “That’s why I’m preparing a special present for you.”

  “For me? What’s the celebration for?”

  “That will be later,” answers Infinity. “For now, I will follow the cosmic trail of the Ikuptaxian armada and we will overtake them. They will have one chance to surrender. I will show them the visuals we jus
t showed their planets. I will also show the communication we had and they will know that we spared their race and solar system. They will have a chance to surrender and repent. If they do not, and continue to show hostilities, they will be wiped out of existence.”

  Chapter 30 Gynythian Zee’s Rage

  Because of Lebag’s inside sources and expertise in interstellar communications and espionage, Daxu Korth knew the exact coordinates that Gynythian Zee’s armada would emerge from. When they started leaving the warp, Daxu Korth was right there leading the colossal and invincible Kingdom of the Twelve Galaxies Cluster armada, as they were in formation above the level of Gynythian Zee’s exit. They were looking down on them when they came out and unable to be seen until it was too late. Gynythian Zee’s warships were getting slaughtered as they dropped out of warp drive. The assault continued and it was impossible for those coming behind to know what was happening ahead of them.

  Finally, a radio message got through to Gynythian. “That’s impossible. No one could have known where we would emerge.” At once, he ordered the armada to stop their emergence and this would put them somewhere in a different Galaxy, so they could start making sense of it all. “I want a damage report. How many warships did we lose?”

  “Oh great Lord,” said the top general. “We lost almost half of our armada. One thousand have been captured in their electromagnetic dragnets. They caught them like fish in a pond.”

  Gynythian was furious. “Fifty thousand? Well, we’ll give them another ten thousand when the Ikuptaxians arrive at out rendezvous point.

  Infinity was trailing the Ikuptaxians and located them. She promptly teleported to a location behind and above them, and then cloaked. The audial visuals were sent to all of their vessels, and the message in their language from Cruise demanding their surrender or else be vaporized in a Super Ion Storm, which Infinity had already started to whip up around them.

  They slowed down a bit, and Cruise asked if they were ready to discuss terms of surrender. They answered with a barrage of atomic torpedoes, which Infinity had learned to easily evade from her last encounter with them. Sending one last warning Cruise ordered Infinity to increase the intensity of the storm. Their warships were now swaying and some had crashed into other ships they were flying near or next to. Infinity increased the intensity again. Finally, the reply came that they were ready to discuss terms of surrender, which was unheard of in the history of their race.

  It was agreed that Cruise and their top warlord would meet. Hekrodian was fierce looking as he was big. He was covered from head to toe in armor that looked similar to the ancient Japanese warlord armor. The helmet was intricately decorated with ornate carved animals that looked like representations of constellations. Hekrodian reluctantly agreed to be teleported onto Infinity. Three of his top generals accompanied him. They were very impressed at the instantaneous teleportation Infinity had, and were awed by the colossal size of the oval shaped vessel; as long as Earth’s Long Island and almost two times wider.

  Their scientists had tried to improve their transporting technology but to no avail. They used microbiological molecular beaming, whereas Infinity’s was at the Quantum Action level.

  Using the Universal Translator, the terms of surrender Cruise and his team had previously worked out were presented to the Ikuptaxians. Hekrodian was ready and prepared to reject them and willing to fight to the death, believing that no leader in is right mind would every present terms of surrender that were fair. After hearing Cruise’s terms and seeing the translation on paper, Hekrodian was taken back. Here he was, expecting Cruise to say he would only keep his race alive if they served him. What Cruise was proposing was unbelievable. He wanted the Ikuptaxians to be allies, not conquered servants. This was an entirely new concept for Hekrodian. It took time for him to understand there were no other strings attached or angles. He asked and asked again and again, over and over, arguing that there was some underlying scheme to enslave them.

  Cruise was patient with Hekrodian, and he knew that Hekrodian was testing him; testing his patience and negotiating ability. The meetings lasted all day for seven days. They went over every clause, every loophole, every dot and tittle until Hekrodian, still sceptical, accepted the terms. The hardest thing to accept was that this surrender treaty was just for him and his armada. The treaty for the planets had already been worked out between Cruise and Ogox.

  According to the treaty, the Ikuptaxians could never again be the aggressors and they had to split up the armada equally among all five planets. They could never again attack another civilization for any reason other than in defence of their own planets.

  The part that Hekrodian was the most sceptical about, and he took as much time as he needed to understand fully, was that their whole solar system would be relocated to the galaxy of their choice, providing it was not already occupied, or the occupants agreed to share their galaxy with them.

  “We were going to try to do it with sorcery. Move a whole solar system into an entirely new constellation, a new galaxy,” said Hekrodian, shaking his head in doubt and disbelief. “But you say that you are able to do this with technology.”

  “It’s pretty much that,” replied Cruise, not willing to say that it was Infinity.

  Gynythian Zee was at wits end waiting for Hekrodian and his armada. He needed them more than ever now. Daxu Korth’s forces had traced his cosmic trail and had surprised him once again, using the same warp to follow them back to the place where Gynythian Zee had gotten out. His armada was in disorganization and they were working on regrouping. There was no formation, no lining up.

  Everyone was working on repairs and refuelling and other preparations when they came through opening fire as they passed through and emerged from warp drive. Almost five hundred thousand warships were there with no rhyme or reason in a rag-tag disorder. Gynythian Zee had realized that he was no general, only a warrior. He ordered the fleets to start fighting back, but not before ten thousand more warships were lost.

  And then the news came through. A message from the newly established Quantum Action Interstellar, that Gynythian Zee had no idea even existed. It was Hekrodian informing him that his armada was not able to join them there.

  Gynythian Zee felt betrayed and felt like throwing Dvora out of the spaceship and watch her skin explode. He brought his ship way back; he fell back to the rear while he thought. He ordered his warships to attack and keep attacking, at least the ones that were ready.

  And then there was another factor entering to the equation. R’Darik had broken through the barrier; the warp that Gynythian Zee and his followers had come through. They landed right in the heat of the battle and were taken by surprise.

  Daxu Korth had the larger, superior warships and weapons by far. His warrior vessels were picking off Gynythian Zee’s vessels like shooting flies off a wall. R’Darik led his forces in a circling the conglomeration of ramparts to see if he could reach a point of vantage.

  “Wait for my orders,” Cried the warrior warlock. Daxu Korth’s warships were firing upon his fighters and he had already started losing some vessels when he called upon his dark powers. He ordered all of his ships to line up behind his and formed a net that sent forth a force field of meteors that went crashing into many of the warrior ships on both sides.

  It was then that Gynythian Zee also had called upon his powers of the underworlds and the deep magic of Qephesh F'aurralet, his ancient mentor who would now help him from that world. Daxu Korth ordered his ships into warp space and planned to come back in another surprise attack after receiving a damage report of how many warriors he lost.

  Dvora noticed he was pulling out and alerted Gynythian Zee, but he was too deep into the trance he put himself in to get Qephesh F'aurralet’s help. She took advantage of his trance to take control of his ship. With her own powers of sorcery she repeated incantations to invoke the Krachoos, who were genii living inside The Shattered Mountains of Irra, another underworld magical realm on the planet Quanik. It was an u
ninhabitable giant of a planet in with an atmosphere that would crush any mortal being. The surface had oceans of radioactive liquid hydrogen and mountains of sulfuric oxide crystals. It was covered in green swirling clouds that were in perpetual intense motion driven by the violent winds.

  When the Oltre Ganth, or leader of the Krachoos appeared in a misty apparition, part of their technology, he inquired of the task. The dark green beings were hairless whether male of female. They were small and thin with large round eyes that were white. They saw through tiny pinhole openings for pupils, and survived on the many small animals that crawled through the caverns and tunnels on their planet. Their special ability was to be able to travel by tis mist anywhere within their galaxy when summoned by the magic of the dark underworld.

  “By whose authority do you call upon us?” The dreadful looking creature said with a voice that sounded like sandpaper scratching a piece of sheet metal. Dvora was frightened; having not known what kind of creature would appear.

  “I have called upon you in the name of the Great Sorceress Caratrah Shadowfire,” she replied. The green creature stood there hovering in its green mist looking very much like a ghoul. “We are under attack. As you can see, the Great Warlock Warrior Gynythian Zee is in a trance right now because of the attacks made upon us by Daxu Korth and the warlock R’Darik.

  “You...are the wife of Daxu Korth...” the creature said. “I have seen it in your mind.”

  “I was his wife until he had me banished,” she replied.

  “And now you want revenge against him, and also against R’Darik and Gynythian Zee, correct?” The creature looked straight at her sending chills up and down her spine.

  “What is your price for helping me?” She asks.

  “Our price is very high, you are not willing to pay it,” answered Olthre Ganth. “I could see it in your mind.”

  “Why do you know this?” She asks.


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