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Taken Hostage

Page 40

by Hutchins, Hollie

  Erostis leaves her physically spent on the rumpled sheets. She enjoys a long dreamless night and awakens the next morning to the sweet smells of fresh brewed coffee and frying bacon.

  Sharon drags herself out of bed and jumps in the shower. She lets the water wash away the last 48 hours. She still does not believe the crap her parents told her, but if what they said was even half-true, then she had to make sure she didn’t go too far or she would lose herself to Erostis. She turns this thought over in her mind as she washes her hair and body. As she rinses off and a pang of hunger hits her. She needs to clear her head and take a nice long walk outside, but not before she devours an enormous breakfast. Sharon enters the kitchen and sees several of the monks cooking some of her favorites; waffles, eggs benedict, sausage, bacon, ham, biscuits, gravy and home fried potatoes.

  Turning toward one of the monks she says, “Everything smells delicious. Should I just grab a plate?”

  One of the monks motions toward a large dining room just down the hall from the kitchen. On one wall stands a colossal side bar where various juices, milk, coffee and teas are laid out next to fine Steuben crystal goblets and delicate Limoges coffee cups. In the middle of the room is an ornately carved dining table. The table is immense and has twelve straight-backed chairs on either side and a large armed chair at either end. Erostis sits at one end of the table reading the newspaper, sipping coffee and shoveling heaps of food into his mouth. Sharon locates her place at the opposite end of the table where a place setting awaits her. She picks up a finely crafted plate embossed with the same dragon crest found on the front door of the mansion. She walks toward the side bar where the monks have set up a morning buffet, complete with silver chaffing dishes. Sharon is in awe at the luxurious surroundings, stops beside Erostis before walking back to her end of the table, and asks, “Do you always eat like this?”

  He shovels another fork full of food in his gluttonous mouth and says, “No, I never eat like this. I am a God and have no need to, but after our countless rounds of love making, I seem to have developed quite an appetite.”

  She looks at him inquisitively and starts to ask another question but stops when she notices he is no longer the same shimmering beast he was when they first met. His form is more substantial, he is more bronze than golden. She thinks she knows why and heads toward her seat. She piled her plate high with all the buffet had to offer and looks down at the plate trying to decide what to try first when her hunger pangs subside. She picks at the food and half-heartedly tries the eggs benedict but the food tastes different somehow.

  Glancing down the table at Erostis, she finds his table manners repulsive as he continues to shovel food down his gullet, but he is an animal after all. Sharon feels a twinge of jealousy as she sees him thoroughly enjoying the feast she can barely taste.

  “So where are you headed today?” inquires Sharon.Making sure not to miss a morsel, he picks up his plate and licks it. “I’m going into the city. I have some errands to run.”“Will you be gone long?”“I will be back later tonight. Are you okay?“Yes, absolutely, why do you ask?“You’re acting strange.”

  Sharon scrambles to come up with a plausible response without raising suspicion. She decides to play into his gargantuan ego, “I was just thinking about how wonderful it was making love to you and I don’t know how long I can wait before having you inside me again.”

  Erostis has no doubt she is telling the truth. He is a god after all and he made it a point to pleasure her in ways she could only have dreamed of, but he needs more. He gets up from the table and looks into Sharon’s eyes, “I will fill your needs when I return.”

  Sharon smiles as he turns and heads toward the drive where he climbs into his golden Ferrari. He revs the powerful engine and launches down the long drive like a rocket. Sharon takes advantage of his departure to go outside and enjoy time alone among the flowers, trees and plants. She misses the farm and her parents and cannot believe only a few days have passed since her birthday. The weather has turned cool and Sharon decides to grab a jacket from her suitcase before heading out. She pulls the case out of the spacious walk-in closet and places it on top of the bed, which she notices is made, probably by the monks when she was down for breakfast. She throws the lid open and begins searching for the jacket when she notices all of her clothes have already been put away, and on a shelf in the closet is a gift wrapped box. She had not noticed the box earlier and grabs it from the shelf. A tag on the box reads, “Happy Birthday. Love Mom

  and Dad.” She opens the box and pulls back several sheets of tissue paper to unveil a ceremonial robe.

  Sadly, Sharon cannot remember what her mother told her about the robe. She carefully folds it and tucks it away in the bottom drawer of the dresser. Satisfied the robe is safe, she grabs her jacket from a nearby hanger and heads outside to explore the sprawling gardens that dot the surrounding landscape.

  Being outside helps Sharon focus. As a small child, her parents and the others that lived with them on the farm taught her about her people. Her clan possesses ancient knowledge that allows them to control the energy found in nature. Sharon has always had the ability to see auras around plants and animals. She always knew when a plant or animal was sick because their aura would change. Healthy plants have an energy field around them that glows a brilliant emerald green, and healthy animals shine like the sun. Sick plants and animals do not have a healthy glow; they put off a dingy gray hue that can only be healed with pure energy. On the farm, everyone had the ability to see when a plant or animal was sick. Sharon thought everyone could see these things, but she quickly learned the truth. One day Sharon was helping her mother and father sell fruits and vegetables at the local Farmer’s Market when she decided to wonder around the market looking at what each of the tents had to offer. There were homemade breads, organic produce, soy candles, free-range chickens, goat milk, scented soaps and various kitchen herbs in assorted pots and planters. One tent she explored had crates of rabbits. She loved rabbits and spotted a floppy eared cashmere rabbit lying all alone in its cage; its head resting on its two front paws. She could see the poor animal was sick and was curious why no one was helping him. She walked over to the cage and whispered, “It’ll be okay. I can make you better.” At that, Sharon closed her eyes and focused her attention on the sick animal. She stomped her feet and drew energy through her feet up through her body and out through the palms of her hands. A small group of people stopped and watched in amazement as fine filaments of energy could be seen shooting out of Sharon’s palms toward the rabbit. The gray cloud that had enveloped the bunny was quickly replaced with bright yellow light. Sharon lowered her hands and smiled when she saw the animal hopping happily about his cage. She then turned and saw the small group of people had multiplied and a sea of faces starred back at her. Her smile was replaced with a look of fear. Her parents came running over. Her mother swept her into her arms and took her back to the farm while her father retrieved their fruits and vegetables from the market stand. Once back on the farm Sharon’s mother explained not everyone had the special gifts her family had and outsiders didn’t always understand their talents. In fact, throughout history outsiders had deemed them as witches and burned them alive for displaying their talents in public. This terrified Sharon, which was her mother’s goal. She wanted her daughter to understand what could happen to her and everyone else in their family if anyone knew about their abilities.

  Grimacing at the thought Sharon shakes her head and stops to survey her surroundings. In the distance, she spots a labyrinth and walks toward the circular hedgerow. In the center of the maze, the bronze roof of a hidden gazebo reflects the sun. Lining the perimeter of the hedges are assorted rose bushes of every color imaginable. The sweet fragrance is intoxicating, reminding her once again of the farm. Soon after the market incident Sharon’s parents started home schooling her, reducing her contact with the outside world. At the time she thought they were just being overly protective, now she understood why. If only they
had told her what she was expected to do so she could

  have prepared. When her parents told her of the plan, some of the salient details were hurriedly explained and she did not have time to absorb everything they were saying. She needed to enter a deep hypnotic trance in order to recall the finer details of the conversation and could achieve this deep trance by walking the labyrinth. Sharon sees the entrance to the maze a few feet in front of her and stops at the threshold. She clears her mind and inhales deeply. She stomps her feet and grounds herself. She can feel the earth’s energy seep through her feet and up through her body. She begins walking the path and enters a deep meditative state. She then focuses on the conversation with her parents in an attempt to recall every word spoken. Her mind takes her back and she can hear her mother, “We are so sorry we didn’t tell you sooner and we had our reasons, but none of that is important now. What is important is the ritual you need to follow in order to destroy the Drago king.”

  Sharon asks, “How do I kill him?”Her mother glances at her father who nods his head slightly, “Go on, tell her.”

  Her mother blushes and clears her throat. “You have the ability to channel energy. We all do, but as a dragon slayer, you can hold the dragon’s energy and ignite it. The trick is his energy will make you less human and it is important not to hold too much or you will lose yourself.

  “How do I release the excess energy? No one from our clan has been able to figure out how to release the excess energy. That is why so many of us die during the energy exchanges with the Drago.”

  “Yes, all of that is true and we will send someone to help you defeat him, but for the time being he will assume you are special and are capable of holding enough of his energy without bursting into flames so he can have his fun as a human. He is a vile creature and I am so sorry this is the only way to kill him. This has to work, if it doesn’t and he figures out what we are attempting he will retaliate and enslave every last one of us.”

  This sobering thought brought Sharon out of her meditative trance. She was surprised to see the gazebo right in front of her. She remembers more of what she has to do and the more she remembers the more frightened she becomes. But there was something else. She had to be human and Erostis had to be human in order for her to kill him. But how was she supposed to kill him? She knew it wasn’t by having sex with him. The sex was necessary to deplete his energy so he could be killed. But how? Dammit, she couldn’t remember. While Sharon sat in the gazebo trying to remember the salient details of her mission, a young man riding a motorcycle approaches the closed gates to the estate. He stops and presses the button on the intercom.

  A disembodied voice answers, “Yes?”

  “Hi, my name is Sean and I am looking for someone that I think maybe visiting you? Her name is Sharon.”

  “Yes sir, unfortunately I am not at liberty to divulge the names of our guests. I am certain you understand.

  Sean hit the button and replies, “No, I don’t understand. It is imperative I speak to her if she is in fact here.”

  Firmer in his tone the voice coming from the intercom says, “I understand your frustration and can do nothing to help you. Thank you and good day.”

  Sean turns his bike around and before racing down the long drive looks back over his shoulder and makes a silent promise, “Don’t worry Sharon, I know how to kill the bastard. I’ll be back for you, I promise.”

  Sharon enjoys the rest of the afternoon exploring the grounds. As the sun sinks in the sky, she can hear the revving motor of Erostis’ golden Ferrari racing down the drive. She heads back toward the house to see how his first day of being fully human went.

  Erostis is in his den enjoying a glass of scotch when Sharon finds him.

  “How was your day?”

  He looks at her quizzically, “What do you mean?”

  Sharon rolls her eyes in exacerbation, “Simple question how was your day? Was being human everything you were expecting?”

  Yes, I made love to women, I’ve been sucked off by the sweetest mouths of young men, have done drugs and consumed vats of alcohol feeling the effects, but I need to feel more.”

  Sharon knew that meant he would need to release more energy.

  Sharon closes her eyes and takes a deep breathe. She did not want to take in more energy. She knew she was too close to becoming more divine than human. She knew there was a way to release the energy to maintain the needed balance in order to kill him but she couldn’t remember how! She couldn’t refuse his request because he would simply take what he wanted. That was the Drago way.

  “Your parents are true to their word, you are an excellent vessel. I am so glad your sole purpose in this life is to allow me to experience pleasure.”

  “Yep, lucky me.”“You are lucky. Never forget that!” Erostis grabs her wrist. She winces, “Stop that hurts!”

  Erostis grabs her other wrist. He pulls her toward him and spins her around. He hugs her tightly and hisses in her ear, “I will take what I want when I want and there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

  Erostis bends her forward over his Louis the 14th desk. He unbuttons his jeans and begins rubbing his flaccid penis against her jean clad ass. It wasn’t working. He wasn’t getting hard. Angrily he spins her around and slaps her across the cheek. He feels something stir, so he hits her again. Sharon weeps silently as he throws her like a rag doll down on the desk grabbing her legs and shoving them apart. He lays on top of her. He takes one of his enormous hands and wraps it tightly around both of Sharon’s wrists, pinning her in place. He uses his free hand to squeeze her breasts, hard. He rips her bra off and begins sucking and biting her nipples. Sharon desperately tries to escape her reality but she can’t. He continues his assault. His hand reaches between her thighs and grabs her pussy. He needs to fuck her. He unbuttons her pants, lowering one side and then the other revealing a hot pink thong. His penis becomes larger and harder. He grabs the thong’s elastic band and rips off the barrier. Taking his middle finger, he shoves it deep inside her vagina. She wasn’t wet enough. He lowers his head and begins licking her clitoris. He licks hard as he lifts her ass toward his hungry mouth. He rotates her hips as he sucks her clit. An involuntary moan escapes her lips and he knows he has her. She can’t help herself, he thinks, as he plunges his finger inside her once again. This time when he pulls his finger out of her hot cunt, it glistens with cum. He thrusts his hard cock inside her. He lifts her legs over his shoulders so he can thrust deeper. He pumps harder and faster. Sharon keeps her eyes shut tight and occasionally winces as Erostis pounds her as he tries to climax. Unable to achieve satisfaction Erostis stands her up and takes her from behind. He places his hands on her hips, bends her forward and begins thrusting deeper and harder. She was once again becoming dry. Erostis reaches around and begins stimulating her clit. Erostis continues thrusting harder and deeper until he screams with ecstasy and fills her with his semen. Spent, he lies on her back, panting. Finally, he pushes himself off her, picks up his clothes and leaves. He heads to his Ferrari, leaving Sharon naked on the desk, weeping silently as she tries to figure out what she has done to deserve this.

  In the morning, Sharon goes down to the kitchen and feels a wave of relief wash over her when she sees Erostis’ car is still gone. She notices the monks have not gone to all of the trouble they had the day before in preparing a huge breakfast. She spots a pot of coffee and pours herself a cup. A loud buzz from the intercom pierces the silence. One of the monks answers the call and Sharon can hear a young man’s voice on the other end asking to see her.

  The monk tries to turn him away but Sharon instructs him directly to let him through the gate. The monk stares at her.

  Sharon says in a menacing tone, “If you do not let him in I will march down to that goddamn gate and open it myself.”

  Sensing she was dead serious, the monk pushes a small black button on the intercom and says, “Sharon will be waiting for you, proceed through the gate.”

  Sean hears the motorized whir o
f the gate as it glides open along its track. He twists the throttle on the handlebar of his Harley Davidson Softail and launches down the drive. The door opens. He swings his leg over the rich black leather seat and kicks down the stand that does not seem strong enough to support the full weight of the tricked out bike. The chrome pipes reflect silver rainbows as the sun shines down. The fringe on the leather saddlebags are still swinging from side to side when Sharon opens the door and

  sees Sean standing in front of her. Sean could not believe how much she had grown. He was six when his parents sent him away.


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