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Taken Hostage

Page 41

by Hutchins, Hollie

  Flashes of memories flicker before him. Sean used to live on the farm with his mother and father. He used to play with the children on the farm and Sharon was his best friend. They played hide and seek, caught fire flies, flew kites and played on the giant tire swing hanging from an ancient oak near the northern property boundary of the farm. He loved playing with Sharon when they were children and he knew then they were destined to be together. He never lost sight of this not even when he was sent away to school a few months after his sixth birthday. The school he attended was in no way a traditional center of learning. It was much more. It was a magical place where he was taught about the mysteries of the universe. Specifically, that everything in the universe is based on energy and throughout the universe, there is a universal law that dictates for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That’s it, nothing more nothing less. Recognizing this makes dealing with the complexities of life much easier. During his time away at school, he was told about his clan and his purpose. He was destined to help Sharon free his people from their tormentors, the Drago. It infuriates Sean that Sharon’s parents had not done a better job preparing her for her life’s mission. Fortunately, he had undergone enough training for the both of them.

  Sharon saw the handsome young man swing his long muscular leg over the motorcycle seat and in one swift motion kick his kickstand in place. He was wearing straight-legged Levis, a white t-shirt, and a black leather motorcycle jacket trimmed with fringe. Emblazoned in red and gold silk thread on the back of the jacket is the image of a dragon engulfed in flames. Sean looks over at Sharon. Sharon senses something familiar behind the darkened Ray-Bans. Sean’s face erupts into a smile revealing straight, white teeth and deep dimples. His long, thick lashes frame his smoldering brown eyes.

  “Hello Sharon.”

  Surprised she asks, “Do I know you?”

  Sean stops at the base of the stairs leading to the front door and replies, “Yes, we know each other, but don’t feel badly if you don’t remember. After all, it has been a very long time.”

  Sharon grows more and more curious. She sees one of the monks lurking near the front door. She motions Sean inside the house. Once inside he looks around and a sense of impending doom slinks up his spine. He cannot believe he is inside the lair of their greatest enemy. An ancient and vile enemy that had brought death and misery to his people for millennia. Finally, the end was insight. He had to make sure they were prepared and that they were successfully in fulfilling their mission; to kill the fucker and scatter his energy throughout the universe, never to bother them again. According to legend, the only way to ensure this was by destroying the king, thus killing the remaining Drago. They had little time to waste. Sharon glances over at Sean and leads him to the cavernous kitchen where she instructs the monks to prepare a basket of cheeses, breads, grapes, apples and wine for a picnic down by the small pond she found during yesterday’s exploration of the grounds.

  The monks hesitate. Sharon spins on her heels and says, “Fine, I’ll do it myself.” She reaches for the handle of the stainless steel Sub-Zero refrigerator when the head monk nods toward one of the monk minions and says, “Prepare the basket, she won’t go far.”

  Sean and Sharon gather their picnic paraphernalia and walk in silence to the small pond Sharon found yesterday. Surrounding the small body of water are gently sloping banks of lush green grass. Delicate purple flowers dot the blanket of green. Sean helps Sharon spread a red and white checkered picnic blanket on the ground. Sean sits down Indian style and begins unpacking the whicker picnic basket. He grabs the bottle of red wine and uses the pneumatic wine opener to spring the cork from the amber bottle. Sharon retrieves the wine glasses from the side of the wicker hamper where they are held in place by a snap on a short leather strap that attaches to the side of the basket. Both sit silently sipping red wine and nibbling cheese. Sean breaks the silence. “So, do you remember me yet?”

  Sharon looks down at her wine glass. Her cheeks blush from embarrassment, “I really feel bad, but honestly, no, I don’t remember you.”

  Sean smiles, “Don’t beat yourself up, we were only 6 years old.” A look of confusion washes over Sharon’s face, “What?”

  Sensing her confusion and not wanting to cause her to act defensively Sean says in a soft reassuring tone, “I’m Sean. I used to live with my parents on your farm.”

  I wave of recognition swept across her as she places a hand over her mouth, “Oh my God. Sean. I remember you. Of course, I remember you. ”

  Sean is not convinced she remembers and pushes her, “Are you sure you remember?”

  Sharon is still in shock but is coming around and says, “You are Patricia and Tom’s son, aren’t you?”

  With a sigh of relief Sean exhales deeply, “Yes, I am Patricia and Tom’s son.”

  Relieved Sharon tells Sean, “I just saw your parents; your mother gave me the most beautiful painting I have ever seen.”

  Sean stares and arches an eyebrow, “Better than the first tattoo?”

  “What do you know about my tattoo? You were long gone when your mom gave me the tat,” Sharon snaps.

  Sean senses her apprehension and says, “I would occasionally sneak back home to see my parents, but I had to do so under darkness of night or run the risk of being spotted by the Drago and used by them as a human energy bank. In addition, my mom gave me a dragon tattoo around the same time she gave you yours. Would you like to see it?”

  “A dragon tattoo?”

  “Yes, I have a dragon tattoo and my mother used it to cleverly conceal the birthmark that lies beneath.”

  Alarm replaces Sharon’s apprehension, “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Sensing Sharon’s confusion and anger Sean gently holds her hands, faces her and stares deeply into her eyes. “Sharon, you are not alone.”

  Sharon’s voice quivers, “I am alone. I have to do something, something terrible and I don’t know if I am strong enough to do it.”

  Sean nods, “I understand.”

  Yanking her hand out of his she stands up, looking down at him on the blanket. “You can’t possibly understand the crazy ass shit my parents told me the night of my birthday party. It feels like the party was years ago, but only days have passed. I want to run! In fact, that is exactly what I am going to do. This shit cannot be real. I have to go.”

  Sharon begins walking aimlessly not sure what direction to turn. Sean stands and hugs her. He holds her tightly. She begins to relax. For the first time in days, she feels safe and does not want the embrace to end. He continues holding her, stroking her long auburn hair, “You are not alone Sharon. I too am a dragon slayer. I was sent away because if either of us had been found by the Drago we would have been killed. It takes both of us to kill Erostis.”

  Sharon pulls herself away from Sean’s grasp. Pointing angrily toward the estate she screams, “You know I’m supposed to kill that mother fucker?”

  Sean had no idea Sharon knew so little about what they were expected to do that he had to expend every ounce of energy he had not to lose his cool, “Yes, I know what you’re supposed to do because it is my job to help you.”

  Frustrated and angry Sharon slaps her leg, “But how?” I don’t remember!”

  “We are vessels of energy. Separately, we can hold energy, we can channel energy, and we can even consume energy, but together is where the magic lies.”

  Sharon wants more, “What do you mean?”

  “But together, as dragon slayers, can we can transform energy. There are natural laws that control what we can and can’t do. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be changed. It is our job to take the energy Erostis has stored in you and scatter it to the far reaches of the universe. In order to succeed your energy needs to be perfectly balanced; too much and you are to god like to destroy him. Too little and Erostis is not human enough to kill.”

  Sharon believes him. She senses what he is saying is true.

  Sean pushes S
haron away to arms-length and spins her around as if under inspection, “Sharon, you have too much energy right now. You’re physical form is shimmering, and your aura is golden; god-like. You have to release some of his energy.”

  “But how?”

  “Physical contact between us will allow you to transfer energy to me. But we have to be careful how much contact we have. If you transfer too much we won’t be able to destroy him.”

  “Why can’t you use the energy I transfer to you and destroy him? What’s the damn difference?”

  Sean understands her confusion, “You would think that would work, but it won’t.”

  Sharon is losing patience with Sean and quips, “Of course not, it makes too much sense. So why is the most logical answer the wrong one?”

  “Only a female dragon slayer can transform the stored energy and scatter it across the universe. The male dragon slayer siphons off any excess energy from the female.”

  “That’s it? That’s all you do. And you had to go to school for that?”

  Sean laughs, “The male dragon slayer ignites the energy the female carries. It’s like you are the bomb and I am the fuse. One doesn’t work without the other.”

  “Okay, that sounds legit. I want to go home, so the sooner we kill this bastard the better. How do we siphon off the excess energy?”

  Sean takes her hand and leads her to the picnic blanket. He guides her to the ground and lays next to her. Sean props himself on his elbow and caresses her cheek. She closes her eyes, enjoying the gentle touch. He rubs his thumb over her bright pink lips. He brushes his lips across her forehead, then her nose and stops just above her mouth. He can’t resist any longer. He kisses her. Her mouth opens inviting his tongue to explore the sensual darkness. The passion is electrifying. When the two dragon slayers touch brilliant filaments of energy, entwine around both bodies, creating a magical cocoon of bright white-hot light. Sean nibbles Sharon’s ear and she moans as she pulls him on top of her. He runs his hands over her breasts. She can feel he is hard and she yearns to have him inside her. She reaches down to unbutton his jeans but he stops her.

  He grabs her hand and pushes it away, “No, not yet!”

  Sean grabs her and holds her next to him, both wanting more, but refusing to give into temptation. The Drago would hunt them and destroy ever last member of their tribe if their assassination attempt on Erostis was unsuccessful. Sharon’s stomach began to growl. She is finally hungry. Rummaging through the picnic-basket, she finds a sliver of cheese and a small piece of bread. She pops them in her mouth and relishes the sharp taste of the sharp cheddar. Her body needs more sustenance.

  Sean shakes his head and laughs softly, “Your energy levels are where they need to be, but you need more to eat.”

  “No argument from me. I’m starved. Let’s go back to the house and see what we can rustle up.”

  Sharon and Sean gather the blanket, basket, and head toward the house. Sharon and Sean enter through the service entrance trying to avoid being seen. They sneak into the kitchen and Sharon flings open the refrigerator rummaging for food. In a large Tupperware container is left over fried chicken. She lifts off the lid and takes a leg in one hand and a thigh in the other, gnawing wildly at both in a feeding frenzy.

  Sean laughs as he watches her devour the food. She finishes and burps loudly.


  “Ha, ha.” Sharon licks her fingers, grabs a dish towel and wipes her hands and mouth.

  “Okay, now what?” asks Sharon.

  “We need the ceremonial robe.”

  Sharon’s eyes widen as she points excitedly toward Sean, “Yea, what’s up with the robe? My mother never got around to fully explaining that one.”

  “Believe it or not, I don’t fully understand the robe and honestly, it sounds a little sketchy. According to legend, the golden threads used to weave the robe are magical and the female dragon slayer needs to wear it during the ceremony to channel the energy somehow. Other than that, it is a mystery. Regardless, we have to hurry. Erostis will sense the change in energy.”

  As if on cue, the powerful Ferrari races down the drive. A look of terror crosses Sharon and Sean’s face. Sharon grabs Sean’s hand as they run up the back stairs to her room. She closes the door behind her and runs to the closet. She frantically opens the dresser and yanks the robe from its resting place. She grabs it, draping it over her arm. Sean grabs her hand and yells, “Run!”

  Sharon and Sean run toward the back staircase when the entire house shakes from the force of the mammoth front doors being thrown open with such force they bounce off the interior walls, cracking the plaster and causing the door to hang crookedly on its hinges.

  Sean stops before entering the kitchen. He turns his head slightly and says, “Erostis is pissed.”

  Sharon looks at him and whispers sarcastically, “Ya think?”“We need to get out of here and perform the ceremony or he is going to kill us.”

  Sharon nods in agreement. Footsteps echo down the hall. Sharon and Sean silently creep toward the service entrance. They make it outside and head toward the dense forest that runs along the eastern edge of the estate. In the middle of the dense forest is a small stream. Running alongside the bubbling waters, they find the perfect spot. A huge Weeping Willow tree stands near the banks of the tributary, providing them with ample cover from anyone looking for them. They had to hurry.

  Sean pushes back the drooping branches and ushers Sharon inside. The tree provides the perfect cover.

  Sharon looks at Sean, “Now what?”Sean tosses Sharon the robe and says, “Get undressed and put on the robe.”

  “So much for romance,” she says under her breath as she strips naked. Sean follows suit, peels away his clothes and kneels on the grass. He finds a stick lying on the ground near him and he picks it up. He uses the stick to trace a pentagram in the grass around them to create a ring of protection. He lays the stick down and extends his hand to Sharon. Sharon kneels in front of him. Sean holds out his hands, palms toward the sky. Sharon asks, “What are you doing?”

  “I am casting the spell that will bring Erostis down.” Sean begins chanting, “Light flows, resistance gone, the soul’s journey not alone, Heaven above, earth below, light shines, love grows, yearning fulfilled, powers unleashed. Surrender now, love and light come to me.”

  Sharon can’t believe what she is seeing as Sean casts the spell. Fireflies emerge from the evening twilight and join them under the willow tree. The space glows with a supernatural light that is calming and powerful. When Sean finishes he opens his eyes. They are full of light. His body radiates heat. His aura glows a brilliant silvery blue. She stares down at her hand and realizes she too is glowing. But she is radiating the color of liquid gold. Erostis’ energy. Sean places his hands on her shoulders and gently leans her back. She lays on the ground, the ceremonial robe falling open revealing her nakedness. Sean rolls on top of her, gently kissing her mouth. He traces his tongue over her neck and over the soft mounds of her breasts stopping at her rock hard nipples. He gently cups her breast in his hand and suckles her nipple. She moans with pleasure. She draws his head toward her mouth. They kiss deeply. She rolls on top of Sean and begins kissing his neck. She traces her tongue over his hard pecks and down his ripped torso. She can feel his hardness against her stomach and descends to his throbbing member. She grabs it firmly in her hand and begins stroking it up and down, faster and harder as he becomes more and more aroused. She slips his hard erect penis into her mouth and she begins sucking harder and deeper, swallowing his manhood. Wanting him deep inside her, she straddles him and gently glides his cock inside her. She sits up, forcing more of him inside of her. As she leans backward, rocking her hips slowly from side to side, she grabs her breasts and starts playing with her nipples. Sean slips his thumb into her crevasse and finds her swollen clit. He rubs it slowly as she thrusts her hips back and forth, faster and harder. She can’t hold back any longer. She groans loudly as she reaches climax, gushing hot sticky cum acros
s his pelvis. Sean lifts Sharon and mounts her. He is more aroused than he has ever been in his life. He plunges his rock hard cock deep inside Sharon’s dark, slippery wetness. He pushes faster and harder. She joins his

  rhythmic thrusts, working as one, losing themselves in one another. Sean and Sharon cry out in perfect harmony as they both approach orgasm, alerting Erostis to their presence. He can see the filaments of energy entangling the lovers as he peers through the slender leaves of the willow. He rears back his head and bellows in anger, “NO!!!!”

  Sean and Sharon experience a rush of pleasure that takes their breathe away. A tingling sensation envelopes their bodies and build and builds until it crescendos in an enormous bolt of energy that zips through the air striking Erostis in the distance. Erostis face contorts in pain as the bolt of energy strikes him, throwing him high in the air. A rush of air escapes his lungs as he hits the ground hard. He tries to stand but can’t. The lower half of his body erupts into flames and spreads upward. His human body quickly disintegrates revealing the form that lies beneath, a hideous monster. The dragon tries to charge toward the magical lovers, but erupts into a million points of light and disappears before their eyes. The beast was gone. They did it. They killed the mighty Erostis.

  Sharon and Sean quickly gather their clothes and dress. Sharon takes the ceremonial robe. They both run toward Sean’s motorcycle refusing to retrieve anything of hers from the house. She wants nothing more than to go home. She climbs on the back of his motorcycle and hangs on to his waste as he revs the engine, propelling them down the drive and along the coast, back to the farm where they both lived as children.

  As they approach the farm, the whine of the engine echoes down the road drawing the attention of Sharon’s parents. A blinding reflection of the sun’s light off the chrome pipes of Sean’s bike cause several onlookers to shade their eyes. As the couple approaches members of their clan rush to meet them. Mary does not wait for her daughter to dismount the bike before smothering her in hugs and kisses. Sharon’s father pries his daughter away from his wife and holds her tight. She squeezes back and begins to cry. Sean and Sharon have saved their people but they both sense their time to celebrate will soon come to an end as new enemies emerge from the shadows.


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