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The Dragon’s Mage dm-1

Page 7

by Kelly Lucille

  The silence echoes after that little bomb was dropped. Either the council had not shared with the warriors or no one had believed it because everyone was looking at Morgan with new eyes. Not all of them were happy.

  "Are you suggesting that you mated a human and intend to desecrate our house by breeding her?" Lord Bochus' bellow was loud but not nearly as loud as the tension that followed.

  That's what he heard in all that?

  Eben and Ladon seethed beside Morgan, she expected any moment for the anger to burn. But since he had addressed Ladon it was Ladon who answered, though she could feel Ebens desire to rip and shred right beside him.

  "Speak of my mate like that again old man and you won't have to wait for the next new moon to face challenge."

  "Challenge?" Bochus blustered.

  "I have reached my adult molt Lord Bochus. As prince of my house I have the right to take my place on the council."

  "Your father..." He began, only to be interrupted by Ladon.

  "My father chose not to claim his place, rather desiring seclusion with his mate. He trusted you to uphold the family honor. I am not my father, nor am I so trusting. Not if that is your only concern after what Lord Eben just said."

  "Perhaps we can table the family business until this other matter is settled." Lord Graedon stated benignly.

  "Quite right." Bochus rallied. "A human mate has never been accepted into a dragon house. With all due respect Lord Kinkaid but even for you I do not see that changing."

  Did he just say what I think he said? Morgan was not the only one wondering that.

  "Are you saying, Lord Bochus, that mates have been found among humans before?" Ebens voice was low and intense.

  "A few here and there among the magic users over the eons. The family leaders have dealt with the matter privately. It has certainly never been brought before the council in such a public way."

  "Dealt with?" Morgan asked. But it was as if she didn't speak because Bochus refused to acknowledge her question.

  "My mate asked you a question Lord Bochus. How were they dealt with?"

  "I don't answer to human’s prince Ladon, no matter how you dress them up to ape their betters."

  "Then answer to me." Eben said his voice gruff with rage. "Are you actually saying that you knew some of our mates could be found among the humans and you not only kept that secret but killed them when it was discovered?"

  "As I said. It was house business how they dealt with their embarrassment. The council was not involved."

  "Besides the issue of mates,” Lord Topa interjected before the room imploded. "We cannot allow the blood sworn to kill the Earth, nor let stand the attack on Prince Ladon. Dragons have always been the protectors of the natural earth and all its magic. To ignore this pestilence is to court our own doom."

  "Melodramatic clap-trap. We protect our lands, the humans have always had dominance over theirs, or we would have wiped them out long ago for their abuse of it." Bochus brushed a hand across the problem as if it was insignificant. "We will deal with this problem when and if they ever cross the dragon gates and come here to try their filth."

  "You are a fool."

  The words spoken in the soft voice of a human mage was loud and the silence after the announcement frozen.

  "What did you say?"

  "I said you're a fool." Morgan repeated. "The Blood mages drink power. Their whole purpose is to bleed it from the land and people. Do you think when they are bloated from destroying the rest of us that they will sit quietly in their black castles and be content?" She was not aware that her control was slipping as she continued, but both Eben and Ladon stepped closer as the power built around them. "You think they aren't already after the magic in your blood? One of your own has betrayed you to the blood mages already. They are using dragon’s blood to further their dark cause and you prattle on about human inferiority. Are you arrogant enough to let this wound fester until the whole of the body is infected?"

  "That is enough of that. You are a human barely old enough to be called adolescent in our culture. You think to lecture and insult us?"

  "I think to lecture and insult you." She said distinctly, her magic rising further. "Your warriors would back Eben on this. I have seen the dark and cold they live in waiting for the warmth of a mate that may never come." She stepped forward and looked at the assembled nobles and their elite guard. "Young I may be, but I am mated to Ladon and Eben Kincaid. I have seen your warrior history through his eyes and your government through the eyes of Prince Ladon. And I am mage, with the stories of my people passed down." Her hair beginning to float around her building power. "I am not an insignificant thing. The Earth moves through me, wind speaks, and fire and ice answer my call. The blood mage is an abomination but they are not powerless. Ignore them; ignore us, at your own peril."

  Bochus threw up his hands and gestured to Morgan but spoke to the standing guards. "Do you really want this as a mate? This disrespectful thing? Even if it was possible?"

  Both Eben and Ladon stepped forward, the insult plain on their faces but before they could respond one dragon stepped away from his place guarding the wall and went to stand to look down on Morgan. She was so angry by this time her power was seeping out her eyes in mage light. Everyone was silent, as he looked her over, his face expressionless. Eben and Ladon moved even closer. Morgan refused to back down.

  "To hold such warmth as my own I would give much." Then he looked at Eben. "You have the support of the Elite Dragon Forces." That brought many of the council to their feet. And another roar from Bochus.

  "You have no right!" He bellowed. "The Elite Forces fall under the jurisdiction of the council. What you propose is treason."

  The General roared and it silenced the whole of them. "If the council is proposing that we let our mates die among the humans than it is the council that turns traitor. To our entire race." He turned to face the head of the council. "She is right. A Dragon betrays one of their own. Dragon blood is used to fuel dark magic. The earth beyond our borders is desecrated. The enemy is at the gate. We cannot pretend they are not."

  "You don't have the authority..."

  "I am Solan Fire-Eater." He roared. "General of the dragon armies and dragon knight of the Light. I have given my oath to protect the earth just as Eben Kincaid and every warrior here. Unless we are more human than Dragon that still supersedes politics and power squabbling." He pulled his sword and the councilors leaned back. But he just turned and knelt before a shocked Morgan.

  "I give my oath that I will destroy the dark and protect the Light as is my duty as a dragon knight." The rest of the warriors stepped away from the wall and pulled their own swords, they knelt as well.

  "I must protest...” Lord Graedon started.

  "How?" Ladon said looking around at the warriors. "You have no fighting force left to protest anything."

  Eben finally spoke. "It is done." He said ignoring the sputtering council. "General, if you have no objections, I propose we leave now and handle the dark mage issue before the traitor can inform his conspirators. We strike at their powerbase and we strike now. We destroy every dark mage stronghold and free all the light mage we can find. The soldiers, and as many of the blood practitioners as we can find, will die tonight."

  The General rose and sheathed his sword, his men followed suit.

  "Agreed." He said, "My men and I will route out this abomination and end the dark mages. The light Mage I leave to you and your lady to sort out." He bowed low from the waist to Morgan then his hand went to the pommel of his sword. "As of right now, we are war."

  Chapter 11

  It ended there for the warriors. They left with Eben and General Solan to make war. Morgan was left sputtering when Eben gave her formally into Ladons arms with a warning to keep her safe. Then he was just gone. No kiss goodbye- be safe going to war. Nothing.

  The council continued to fight amongst themselves with Lord Bochus on one side and Lord Topa on the other. Mostly it was just Bochus contin
uing to bellow while Topa tried to talk sense into him. Occasionally Lord Fahlion would wake up and contribute but from Lord Graedon there was nothing. He merely watched everything. Mostly he watched Morgan.

  Do they not realize the decision has been made? She asked Ladon. So much for Dragon superiority.

  Ladon laughed. Come on puny mage I will feel better when you are safe with the hatchlings. He pulled her into his arms. You stay here you might start another war.

  Very funny. Then hesitantly. Do you think Eben will be all right?

  The Dragon executioner and the Dragon Elite Knights against a few pesky blood mages. The only thing that might happen is he laughs so hard at their defenses that he falls out of the sky and breaks a wing.

  Funny. When they were at the entrance, something made Morgan turn and look back. Lord Bochus was giving her a glare so full of hate it singed. Lord Graedon was gone.

  * * *

  Eben could still hear Ladon cursing him through their bond, even this far inside a mountain of rock that overlooked the Valley of Silence. But he didn't regret maneuvering it so that he would stay behind with their mate. They were hardly going to leave her alone.

  "You speak to your mates?"

  "More like they speak to me. They do not care for my leaving them behind and going into battle."

  "What was it like? To finally find your mate?"

  Eben was quiet so long General Solan had already turned back to his maps assuming he wouldn't answer. "Like being entombed in ice for centuries and finally escaping and seeing the sun. It is painful and wondrous at the same time."

  "Painful?” Solan asked still bent over the maps but with his intense eyes on Ebens face.

  "When feelings return it is...intense. I find in myself a savagery that was absent before. It is not an easy thing to love such a fragile being. The thought of losing her is...all consuming at times. But I would not choose another."

  "And if she chose another?" Solan had stood to his full height his face glacial in its absence of expression. When Ebens eyes started to glow and his power pulse between them Solan spoke quickly. "I would want no misunderstandings between us. I am not challenging you, I ask because I...should I be lucky enough to find my mate...I doubt that any such would want what the centuries of battle have made me...I am not an easy dragon."

  Eben calmed, then gave the question the consideration it deserved. "I more than most understand this worry General. I too have dealt blood and death to the ruleless for so long I feel painted in it. I can only say that you are a Knight of the Light. A bringer of death and an honorable man. Perhaps your mate will have need of all those things."

  Before Solan could say anything to that, there was a call from outside.

  "Enter." General Solan and Eben both called. They grinned wryly at each other. Both were used to commanding. Eben dipped is head in acknowledgment that this was General Solans command.

  "General Solan, Lord Kinkaid." Ryall stated saluting. "The Knights are deployed to all three of the remaining black castles. They report their readiness, and their...disgust. It is as Lord Kinkaid reported. The land is dead for miles around. Nothing could survive that did not live on death."

  General Solans face was bitter as he met Ebens. "This should have been dealt with long ago. In our old age we become complacent and apathetic in our duties."

  "I thought the same when I saw the first. It is a hard lesson but one we must learn now."

  "Vigilance." Solan said with bite.

  "And not just with our enemies." Eben agreed. "But that is for another night. Tonight we have an enemy we can see."

  "Then let us be done with this." Solan turned to the soldier still waiting. "Ryall. The call is made, be sure that the contingent searching for light mages are ready for the rescue before the walls come down. Then total annihilation. I want nothing crawling away from this fight." He turned to Eben. "Shall we?"

  "Indeed. They call so prettily for blood and death, let’s give them what they ask for."

  By the coming of dawn there was nothing left of the blood mages strongholds but ashes and poisonous black smoke. They had been razed to the ground, no mercy shown the people there. It was a purging. In the melee, only six light mages were found alive. Though thousands of bones were discovered webbed into the walls. Finding that, the Dragons lost whatever restraint they had and not a single black rock escaped their fire. After the destruction, all six rescued mages elected not to go into exile with the dragons.

  Unable to convince the light mages they would be safer with fire breathing dragons than their own people the dragons journeyed home, victorious with nothing to show for it but the destruction left in their wake.

  * * *

  Morgan was in the children's playroom when Ladon came to find her. Clare and Rhune were arguing over who was the fastest shifter now that their powers had returned. Meanwhile Melly laughed and refused comment. Instead, she watched them while stirring the air around her so they all stood in a cool breeze. Ladon was unsure if she knew she was doing it or not. Something about the magic that lived here was stirring them all up. Strengthening their magic and loosening their control. Or perhaps it was just that they could let loose here. They were free to be themselves without hiding.

  Morgan had changed into a simple blue cotton dress and stood barefoot. Still she took his breath away. She was not comfortable with the pomp and ceremony he brought to the table as a Prince and future council member, and she had such a look of sadness on her face. He wondered if she was regretting becoming his mate, but then he hadn't really given her a choice. Would she have been better off with just Eben as mate? Maybe. Right now, she was looking out the window towards the South, towards Eben. It made him lose his smile.

  He almost looked into her head to see what she was thinking but he decided against it. Maybe he was better off not knowing she was in love with Eben and just tolerated him.

  Why not? What could he possibly add to her life that Eben Kinkaid couldn't do just as well? Instead, he backed quietly out of the room before he could intrude on their family time.

  Morgan felt Ladons withdrawal even as she was turning to look for him. He felt...lost.

  She found him on the balcony of their bedroom; one they had yet to share. She'd seen it earlier of course, but walking through it now still had her eyes bugging in her head. Everything was formed from stone like in the rest of the castle, and covered with opulent jewel toned down cushions and throws of the softest furs. She felt once again her insignificance. Would there be an echo if she called out?

  When she finally made it across the cavernous room, past the bed that was big enough to hold a family of ten, a large sitting area and a fireplace big enough to roast a steer, she made it to the balcony. The view was enough to astound her even before she breathed in the crystal clear air that simmered magic.

  Eben had an amazing vista as far across as the North Gate and the Ice Mountains. But it was hard to see any of that when Ladon was standing there in nothing but a pair of slacks and knee boots. The wind and starlight playing through his hair like licks of fire. His skin, moon kissed over hard muscle.

  He belongs here. She thought. Amid all this splendor, and I so do not.

  Even as she ate him with her eyes, it made her wonder about his home.

  "We have not discussed where we'll live." Thankfully, her voice was more composed than she felt. She walked up to stand beside him. "The rest of us have no real place but you probably have a home you value. Will you be content living here?"

  "Will I be living here?" He turned as he asked the question his back against the low wall that separated them from open air.

  The question made the bottom drop out of Morgan’s stomach. She had to swallow thickly before she continued. "You don't want to?" She tried searching his feelings out through the mate bond but he was closed up tight and she lacked the time and practice needed to break through.

  She licked her suddenly dry lips. "I mean, I suppose you are a prince, you have your own castle."
She said. "I guess I just assumed you would stay here. With us."

  "You assumed that or you wanted that?” Still there was nothing in his voice, but she was feeling something now.

  Was the great arrogant dragon insecure? Or was that just her projecting? It made her blink and think about how little time they'd been together. Had it been just these past three days? Somehow, the mate bond made it feel that they had always been together. "Both"


  "I both assumed you would stay here and want you to stay." When she heard how shaky she sounded, she raised her chin, getting angry. "But I now assume that since you've shut me out that you don't feel the same. Well tough. You hear me dragon?” By the end, she had worked herself into a good froth. "You’re the one who wanted this bond; you forced the issue and now you're stuck with it." She stepped closer and poked him in his perfect chest. Her ire finding new heights as the sky clouded behind them. "I may not be dragon princess material but you made me fall in love with you, against my better judgment, I might add." Another poke to the chest. "So now it’s done. You aren't getting rid of me, or fobbing me off on my other mate. You made your bed and now you’re going to lay in it."

  "My fierce little falcon..." He whispered, before wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her high to his chest. His lips slammed down on hers and devoured. Lightning flashed and the dark clouds burst open drenching them in seconds.

  Morgan struggled, ready to scratch out his fickle eyes just as Ladon finally opened himself up to the mate bond. Flooded with his relief and love, she sagged in his arms. Then with a groan was kissing him back as if she could absorb all of him through his lips.

  He turned and pressed her against the stonewall, pulling up her dress even as she fumbled with his buckle.


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