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The Dragon’s Mage dm-1

Page 8

by Kelly Lucille

  "I need to be inside you.” He growled.

  "Yes." She said against his lips. His cock sprang out into her hand and she squeezed it wrapping her knees around his hips. Then he was pushing into her. Pressing her into the wall with his thrust. She wrapped herself tighter around him, her head thrown back while his teeth found her collarbone and pinned her there. He pounded into her as the rain poured down and the thunder crashed. The pressure built on each powerful thrust until she screamed her pleasure to the storm. Ladon joined her with a roar.

  His head fell to her throat while their heavy breathing fogged in the cool night air. As they calmed, the storm ended, the clouds dissipated and the clear night sky once again shown with stars.

  She grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and yanked. "Oww.” He said, laughing and nuzzling her neck.

  "You are an idiot." She said with bite.

  "I know that. Now." His voice back to its usual arrogance. "I told you that first day in the cave you couldn't resist me."

  "Of all the ridiculous, egotistical..." Ladon interrupted her with a hard kiss.

  "Enough." He said hoisting her higher in his arms without leaving his place inside her. He was already hard again and heading into the bedroom. While he walked, the wind answered his call, drying their hair in a swirl of warm air. Then on a breath of dragon magic, the rest of his clothes disappeared. "I've a mind to go back to your suggestion."

  "I've got a suggest..." He kissed her quiet again right before he fell on the bed with her under him causing the air to whoosh out of her.

  "I made my bed." He said on a truly diabolical chuckle, ripping away the flimsy dress and looking his fill. "Now I'm going to lay in it."

  Chapter 12

  When Eben flew in through the balcony, he changed in the air, so that the first step he took across his bedroom floor was on human feet. He didn't bother with clothes, not with the naked bounty that waited in his bed. He stopped and stared at the two of them, Ladon and Morgan entwined across his sheets.

  Morgan’s dark hair and cream skin gleamed like pearl in what was left of the night. Draped over Ladon, it contrasted with golden skin and the shimmery bronze hair that wrapped around her. She was so small wrapped in his arms. The curve of her hips and arch of her back so very female in comparison to his muscled form. They looked so perfect together that he hesitated to join them.

  Not you too. Morgan laughed in his head, even as she opened her eyes and smiled at him. I should be the insecure one in this trio. She looked pointedly at his perfectly formed male body. You are far too beautiful to need reassurance from a puny human.

  If you could see yourself through my eyes Shameaa. You would not doubt it.

  Morgan was going to snort her disbelief but then remembered. Her teasing smile disappeared. You went to war without even a kiss good-bye. You could have died out there.

  I was never in any danger. He said, sitting beside her on the side of the bed. It was so big he would have to crawl all the way on just to reach her. The blood mages have no magic that works against dragons.

  She sat up and wrapped her arms around her bent legs. So far. If they are working with a dragon that could change. Don't let your arrogance get you killed.

  He reached across the bed and grabbed her ankle, pulling her down the bed while she made a little "eep" sound and struggled for balance. Eventually he had her breathless and spread before him. He laid full length over her until he could feel every inch of her softness against his own hardness. I would have my kiss now.

  I just bet you would. Morgan said, smiling and grabbing his ears none to gently she pulled his head down to kiss his forehead. There. Happy now.

  Beyond description. He said drily making her laugh and Ladon roll over to his stomach and shove his head in the pillow.

  Any other time I would just join you but I feel like I haven't slept in weeks, so could you just kiss him, then fuck so we can cuddle and sleep?

  Young dragons have so little stamina. Morgan laughed at Ebens quip, but then he shifted so that his body was a caress all along her own and it had her sighing in pleasure. But his plan is a sound one. Come Shameaa let me have your mouth again.

  What does Shameaa mean?

  He took her hand from where it rested on his head and pulled it over the heartbeat on his chest. "My heart." He said aloud his voice a rough growl and his eyes bottomless.

  It took what was left of Morgan’s breath. She rose up and kissed him. The playfulness was gone and his hands were spread down her sides as he took her mouth, their tongues dueling and twining. His hands moved back up along the curve of her body until he cupped her breasts, his thumb caressing each nipple, spearing heat through her before his lips left her mouth to trail down her neck and nip. Then he kissed both breasts, held one up like an offering while he pulled her nipple into the heat of his mouth.

  While he laved attention on her breasts, one after the other she twisted and moaned. Her hands finding all of him that she could reach. Her pelvis tilting trying to get pressure where she needed it most. But his big body held her in place. Then he was moving lower and he opened her legs and used his shoulders to hold her open while he palmed her pressing the heal of his hand in such a way that she was arching against him.

  "More." She said. Grabbing his hand with both of hers and trying to push him harder against her. Then he parted her seeping folds and pushed one of his fingers inside her while he caught her clit with his mouth and sucked. That was all it took. She was airborne, even before he started in with his tongue. She came again screaming and then he reared up and replaced it with his cock. He plunged in, out of control and hard with it until the pleasure was mounting once more. Then he came, biting down on her shoulder and the primal pain seared heat through her. She felt Ladon in her thoughts then, knew that he had joined them in pleasure from across the bed but she was too tired to turn and look.

  Was it good for you? He teased in her thoughts; his own filled with sleepy satisfaction. It made her laugh. She fell asleep held in the strong arms of one mate while laughing with the other. It was a good ending to a long day.

  * * *

  The next morning came too quickly. So when the door burst open they were all struggling to wake and it was only Ladon that had the presence of mind to throw the covers over them all. Rhune was bouncing on the bed a moment later forcing Eben to swallow back an angry bellow before he could set fire to the bed. Since she was wrapped up in both Ladon and Eben, she couldn’t have moved fast enough, if she had been awake enough to attempt it.

  “Hurry up and get out of bed Morgan.” Rhune yelled, bouncing between each word. “I’m hungry and no one can find the food.”

  “Rhune, you can't just run into every room…Oh goodness.” Melly’s voice trailed off. Then frantic. “Rhune get out of there right now.”

  “You’ve got a really big bed.” Rhune said in all innocence. “It’s way bigger then Melly’s. We should all sleep here tonight.”

  “Rhune! Come out of there at once!”

  Rhune breathed a deep aggrieved sigh. Then bounced once down to his butt and then off the bed. “I don’t see why you can yell when you tell me I have to be quiet.” Then Melly was making some wordless panicked sound and dragging him out the door.

  For a long time there was silence. “Please tell me that did not just happen?”

  “You mean the part where your brother and sister walked in on you in bed with two men or the part where we’re all going to sleep together in the big bed tonight?” Ladon asked, spooning her from behind, his face pressed into her hair. “Because I’m going to have to say it was the second that concerns me.”

  She reached back and slapped his shoulder, then had to laugh. “It’s not funny.”

  Lying across Ebens chest as she was with his arms around her she felt when it started to shake. “It’s not funny.” She tried again as she covered her face with her hand and tried to burrow into his body, laughing and embarrassed all at the same time. “Good Lord. Poor Melly.”

/>   That made Ladon chuckle too.

  “It seems I need to make a few adjustments to our home.”

  “You mean like bolts on the doors?” She asked through the hand still covering her face.

  “At the very least we’re going to need a cook.” Ladon offered, snuggling his morning erection against Morgan’s soft ass.

  “Not to mention a kitchen.” Eben added dryly. That made Morgan laugh again.

  “In the mean time we will have to see to feeding the hatchlings before your brother decides to come back and bounce upon the bed some more.”

  That had Morgan up like a shot hopping over Eben while he grunted at the impact and leaving Ladon floundering against the pillows.

  “Morgan.” Ladon growled, even as she was disappearing into the bath.

  “Don’t just lay there. Get up!” She yelled. “He could be back any minute.”

  Ladon growled again and Eben sighed. “Perhaps a small misdirection spell on the stairs to our chamber?”

  “And a three headed dog on the landing.” Ladon added shortly.

  * * *

  After taking care of her morning routine as quickly as possible Morgan left the bath to find the men already cleaned and dressed. Eben was in his customary black tunic trousers with knee boots and Ladon in a brown tunic with gold edgings and some kind of supple leather pants in knee boots. They looked like pure fantasy come to life.

  Morgan shook her head at the sight they made. When she was dressed in another simple day dress, this time with embroidery on the scoop collar and slippers that matched; they headed downstairs.

  Her young siblings were in the great room. Melly admonishing them not to beak anything as they explored.

  They all stopped moving completely when Eben began to conjure a dining room table and chairs. Then a feast was added of breakfast meats and porridge. Soft fragrant breads and fruit of all varieties. In under a minute there was enough food there to supply a village feast.

  “That was amazing!” Rhune whooped heading for the table at a run. “Do something else.”

  “Rhune!” Morgan admonished as soon as she could speak over her own wonder. “Attempt to be a gentleman.”

  “But did you see…”


  “Very well.” He said will ill grace. “Thank you for breakfast Lord Dragon.”

  It made Ladon laugh, and had Morgan rolling her eyes.

  “You are welcome, Lord Mage.” Was all Eben said. It made Rhune giggle. They all sat down. Clare and Melly both looked at the food as if they had never seen it before. At least they had never seen so much at one time. Morgan thought. Though they had never truly starved, they had gone hungry a time or two. It made her both sad to remember and anxious that their new good fortune wouldn't last.

  While the blood mages had been defeated, there were still so many things to deal with to keep everyone safe. The council. The prejudice against humans here and they still did not know who wanted Ladon dead or why.

  Shameaa. You are not alone with your worries any longer. The hatchlings will be safe.

  She blew out a calming breath. I can’t seem to help myself.

  “Perhaps after we eat you would accompany me on a tour of my lands.” Eben invited everyone. “It would be good if you knew the boundaries and the dangers.”

  Dangers? Morgan thought, even as the others agreed to the outing with enthusiasm. What’s dangerous to dragons? She wondered picturing wild beasts and bottomless pits.

  Nothing so scary as all of that. Eben assured her, even as she felt his humor.

  I know you’re laughing at me. She warned. How come you can hear my every random thought and I just hear what you want me too.

  You project very loudly, Shameaa. Eventually you will learn to keep me out, but for now, I am enjoying the advantage it gives me.

  And we definitely need every advantage we can find to keep up with you. Ladon interjected.

  “I’m done.” Rhune suddenly bellowed, making everyone but Eben jump. “Can we go now?”

  “Rhune!” Three female voices sounded at the same time in the same exasperated tone.

  Perhaps we can try that misdirection spell on the front doors while we’re outside exploring. Ladon joked in an aside to Eben. Or the three headed dog.

  I suspect that we would only turn to find Rhune riding him up the castle walls.

  Just because I can’t hear the conversation you both are having doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re having one. Morgan interjected.

  I was just remarking how good it is that I built this castle with dragons in mind. Eben said drily. Your brother would have a normal dwelling crashing down around our ears within days.

  Morgan sighed long and loud. That's the honest truth.

  “Can we go yet?” Rhune asked, bouncing up and down in his seat. “I want to see the dangers.”

  Eventually they went.

  * * *

  They spent a good part of the morning flying the boundaries of Ebens territory. Ladon in his dragon form road herd on Clare and Rhune in their flying forms. Clare as a gos hawk and Rhune a baby dragon. Melly rode with Morgan on Eben and they all laughed at the antics the other three got into.

  Eventually there was a messenger who showed up looking for Eben and they were forced to land. He chose a valley beside a flowing brook. As soon as the women disembarked, he changed so that he could read the missive and speak to them all at once.

  “I have been called to council.” Eben shared, motioning to the young dragon knight who had landed and watched them all so curiously, still in his dragon form.

  “This is Balin. He is messenger for the council. Balin. My mate Morgan, and her sisters Melisande and the hawk is Clare. Her brother is the small dragon who keeps spitting at you. Though I think he is just attempting to speak in his altered form and means no true insult.” Eben turned back to Balin. “Please inform the council I will be there momentarily.”

  Balin the dragon bowed and then turned and launched himself back to the sky.

  “Balin.” Ladon said shaking his head. “For a messenger he never seems to have very much to say.”

  Eben hugged Morgan, understanding she was worried without her having to say it. “Stay here and enjoy the sunshine. I will be back in a short span.”

  “Shouldn’t someone go with you?”

  “They have questions about the battle. General Solan has also been summoned. There is nothing to fear.” He kissed her forehead and then stepped away. “Enjoy the valley. I’ll be back before you have time to get bored with it.”

  Chapter 13

  The day was a lovely one. In Dracon where the magic floated on every breeze, the sky seemed to shimmer it was so bright a blue. Morgan was lying with her head in Ladons lap and watching the few clouds go by. He was twining his fingers through her hair and watching the hatchlings play hide and seek. It was especially funny because they had agreed to use their powers. Right now Clare was a large red wolf sniffing the ground on the hunt for Rhune, who had changed into a hedge mouse and hid among the brambleberries.

  He could see the wind swirl about where Melly was attempting to confuse the wolfs nose by fiddling with the air around her.

  Ladon chuckled when a particular strong breeze wafted dandelions into Clare’s sensitive wolf nose and had her chuffing.

  Morgan smiled softly whenever he laughed, but otherwise just watched the clouds. Then they started forming shapes that had her gasping. "Did you see that?" She asked with excitement. "It turned into a flower." She pointed. "See, now a bird."

  "What is it now?" Ladon asked just as the clouds reformed into a dragon with the most lascivious look on his face.

  "Ladon..." She warned, laughing at the trick. "You're impossible."

  As she watched, it transformed into a man with a really big...

  "What are you looking at?" Clare called having transformed back into her normal form. She looked up, but just like that the man disappeared and a wolf was in its place.

  Morgan wa
s going to scold him but he had the most sheepish look on his face. She burst out laughing instead.

  I forgot.

  Serves you right for teasing me anyway.

  "Hey there's another dragon." Clare’s voice had barely trailed off when Morgan felt a spike of pain in her chest. She gasped and looked for Melly. She found her in the middle of the clearing head back as wind and light swirled around her. Morgan jumped up and started searching for the danger.

  "Clare! Change now and hide with Rhune!" She called. Clare didn't argue, knowing that when Melly was wind called it meant trouble followed.

  "What is she doing?" Ladon asked standing up and following to stand with Morgan.

  "She's wind called. The last time this happened the villagers tried to burn Rhune at the stake." She looked him in the eyes. Deadly serious. Then she pointed to the north. "Do you recognize that dragon?” In the distance, but coming fast, was a red dragon.

  When he was close enough to recognize Ladon growled.


  Melly fell out of her strange trance and fell to the ground. Morgan ran to her, collapsing beside her and pushing back her hair. "Melly? What did you see?" She asked gently but with insistence.

  "He's poison." She gasped out, tears falling from her exhausted eyes. "He's going to kill him with poison."

  "Who? Melly is Bochus going to kill Ladon?"

  "One or the other. She gasped out. "One or the other will die. The Dragons will fall. The beginning of the end." Melly grabbed her arm so hard it would hold a permanent mark. "Morgan, stop him! He's too young! Poison...” Then she passed out.

  "Melly!?" Morgan shook her trying to revive her. "Who will die? Who's too young? Melly?!" But it was no use. She looked around for Ladon but he was across the meadow looking very tense, talking to Bochus. Morgan prayed, even as she ran towards them, that she could get to Ladon before it was too late.

  Eben! She sent out the mental call as loud as she could. We need you!

  * * *

  Morgan was almost to Ladon when he spoke through their bond.


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