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The Pursuit of Italy

Page 53

by David Gilmour

  and wreck of Campania 388–9

  Campania 8, 17, 24, 42, 360, 369

  and Camorra 388–9

  Campanians 22, 41, 46

  Campoformio, Treaty of (1797) 128

  Canaletto 111–12

  Caporetto (1917) 288–9, 330n

  Capponi, Carla 335

  Caprera 200, 220–21

  Capua 42, 196, 199, 229, 243, 259

  Caracalla, Emperor 43

  Caracciolo, Marquess of, 124

  Caravaggio 111

  carbonari 155–6

  Carducci, Giosuè 211–2, 279

  Carpaccio, Vittorio 25, 102, 110

  Carrara 135

  dialect of 29

  Carrillo, Santiago 347

  Carthaginian Wars 41–2, 47

  Casal di Principe 388

  Casanova, Giacomo 111

  Cassa per il Mezzogiorno 360

  Castiglione (1796) 128

  Castlereagh, Viscount 137

  Catania 88, 195, 385

  Catanzaro 35, 368

  Cateau–Cambrésis, Treaty of (1559) 116

  Catholic Action 315, 340

  Catholic Church 116, 121, 345, 381

  and christian democrats 340, 342

  and Counter–Reformation 90–91

  under fascism 315, 332

  in Risorgimento 160, 178

  and united Italy 252–3, 258

  Cato the Elder 41, 47

  Cattaneo, Carlo 153–4, 198, 367

  Catullus 46

  Cavour, Camillo 2, 33, 147, 157, 163, 225, 227, 228, 231–2, 236, 255, 259, 271–4, 342, 367, 392

  character and interests 212–14

  death of 203–4

  diplomacy of 215–16

  as legend 210–11, 261–2

  and Napoleon III 182–5

  as prime minster of Piedmont 178–81

  policies in 1859 188–90

  southern policy of 198–9, 242, 244, 246–7

  and war of 1860 193, 196–7, 242

  Celestine III, Pope 62

  Cephalonia 99, 331

  Chamberlain, Neville 35, 325

  Chambéry 125

  Charlemagne, Emperor 3, 11, 25, 56, 99, 131–2

  in Italy 53–5, 98

  Charles of Anjou, King (of Naples and Sicily) 64, 143

  Charles III, King (of Spain) 119

  as Charles VII of Naples 122, 262

  character 122–3

  Charles V, Emperor 35n, 54, 82, 85, 88, 91, 109, 114–15

  Charles VIII, King (of France) 113, 115

  Charles Albert, King (of Piedmont–Sardinia) 139, 154–5, 223–4

  loses war against Austria 159–62

  Charles Felix, King (of Piedmont–Sardinia) 139

  Charles Emanuel I, Duke of Savoy 116, 125

  Charles Emanuel III, Duke of Savoy 126

  Chigi family 89

  Chile 347

  China 266, 312, 354, 387

  Chioggia 99

  Christian Democratic Party (Democrazia Cristiana) 251, 347–9, 365, 367, 369, 388

  in government 338–44

  links with Mafia and Camorra 361–4

  Churchill, Winston 35

  Cialdini, General Enrico 230, 243, 255

  brutality in 1860–61 197–200, 229, 244

  Ciampi, Carlo Azeglio 366, 373, 376

  Ciancimino, Vito 361

  Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 312, 326

  Cicero 3, 31, 42, 47, 77, 78, 81

  idea of Italy 46

  Cimarosa, Domenico 145, 164

  Cincinnatus 217

  Cisalpine Republic 128, 130

  Claude Lorrain 45

  ‘Clean Hands’ campaign 365, 376, 388

  Clement VII, Pope 82, 91

  Cleopatra, Queen (of Egypt) 45

  Cobb, Richard 4

  Cognac, League of 109

  Cola di Rienzo 77

  Cold War 342

  Colleoni, Bartolomeo 103

  Collodi 34

  Comacchio 14

  Comintern 345

  communes, Italian 76, 396, 398

  wars against Hohenstaufen 57–9

  government in 65–74 passim

  Communist Party (Partito Comunista Italiano) 299, 308, 312, 315, 334, 336n, 362, 390n

  in De Gasperi’s government 338–9

  electoral strength of 344–6

  and Italian culture 350–51

  policies of 346–9

  Como 36, 58, 173, 310

  Como, Lake 17, 331

  Conrad, Joseph 397

  Conrad IV, Emperor 64

  Conradin 64

  Constance, Queen (of Sicily) 62

  Constance, Treaty of (1183) 58

  Constantine, Emperor 48, 55

  Constantinople 10, 51, 52

  sack of 96, 98

  Constituent Assembly 339

  Córdoba 106

  Corfu 11, 98, 109, 157, 320, 324

  Corelone clan 362

  Corradini, Enrico 281

  Correggio 129

  Corriere della Sera 257, 317, 357

  Corsica 9, 21, 47, 284

  Corsignano 84

  Cortenuova (1237) 63, 69

  Cosenza 35, 158, 198

  Craxi, Bettino 382

  as socialist leader 349, 365

  Crema 28, 58, 107

  Cremona 28, 63, 75, 272, 397–8

  and music 260–61

  Crete 98–9, 109

  Creuzé de Lesser, Auguste 240

  Crimean War (1853–6) 179, 182–3, 216, 226, 228, 231

  Crispi, Francesco, 33–4, 198, 211, 257–8, 263, 274, 304, 321, 332, 357

  foreign policy of 206, 248, 265–6

  and colonialism 267–8

  with Garibaldi 191–2, 194

  policy towards Sicily 250–51

  Croatia 294, 326

  Croce, Benedetto 17, 279, 296, 301, 312, 332

  Crusades 57, 59, 61, 96, 98

  Culloden (1746) 26

  Cuneo 335

  Cunliffe, Barry 21

  Curzon, Lord

  opinion of Mussolini 320


  first battle of (1848) 160, 169

  second battle of (1866) 206, 208, 230, 232–3, 244, 286

  Cyprus 98

  Cyrenaica 281, 321

  Czechoslovakia 313, 325, 346

  Daladier, Édouard 325

  Dalla Chiesa, General Alberto 348, 363

  D’Alema, Massimo 376

  Dalmatia 13, 15, 25, 98, 109, 285, 292

  Dandolo, Enrico 98

  D’Annunzio, Gabriele 280, 286, 291, 305

  personality 295–6

  and seizure of Fiume 297

  Dante Alighieri 3, 37, 45, 49, 67, 68, 73, 75, 80, 150, 152, 260, 262

  on government in Italy 69–70

  and Italian language 31

  Danton, Georges 127

  Daru, Pierre 95

  Datini, Francesco di Marco 14

  Daunians 22, 23

  Debra Libanos 323

  De Felice, Renzo 325

  De Gasperi, Alcide 360, 374, 392

  as prime minister 338–45

  Del Boca, Angelo 323

  Della Rocca, General Enrico 230, 244

  Della Rovere family 84n, 89–90

  Dell’Utri, Marcello 386

  De Niro, Robert 353, 362

  Denmark 328

  Depardieu, Gérard 352–3

  Depretis, Agostino 360, 374

  governments of 255–7

  as naval minister 232

  De Sica, Vittorio 350

  De Sivo, Giacinto 241

  Diamanti, Ilvo 393

  Diaz, General Armando 289, 302

  Dini, Lamberto 376

  Diocletian, Emperor 9

  Di Pietro, Antonio, 376–7, 385, 392

  Di Rudinì, Antonio 268

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 92, 106, 210, 245, 276

  Dodecanese Islands 282

  Dogali (1887) 267

  Dolci, Danilo 9–10

fuss, Engelbert 324

  Donatello 88

  Donation of Constantine 55, 77

  Donizetti, Gaetano 164–6, 172, 174–5, 269

  Du Camp, Maxime 199

  Duccio di Buoninsegna 66–7, 69, 84

  Duggan, Christopher 139

  Dumas, Alexandre 171

  Durando, General Giovanni 160

  Eco, Umberto 379

  Economist 377

  Edward VII, King (of the United Kingdom) 249

  Egypt 2–3, 48, 129–30, 322, 326, 329

  Einaudi, Luigi 27, 281, 338–9, 341

  Elagabalus, Emperor 47

  Elba 11, 135

  Elcho, Lord 26

  Elizabeth, Empress (of Austria) 201

  Elizabeth Farnese, Queen (of Spain) 119

  Emanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy 125, 223

  Emilia 36, 55, 73, 190

  Emilia-Romagna 299, 360, 372

  communist strength in 346

  England 91, 105, 129, 157, 182, 211, 237, 258

  Cavour in 213–14

  Garibaldi in 217

  sea defences of 11–13

  ‘Enlightened Despotism’ 120–23

  Enna 309

  Ennius 46

  Eritrea 267–8, 283

  L’Espresso 34

  Este, Isabella d’ 86

  Estensi dynasty 75

  Ethiopia 325

  Crispi’s invasion of 268

  Mussolini’s invasion of 319, 322–3, 355

  Etna 16, 88

  Etruria 10, 22–3

  Etruscans 22–4, 30, 40, 41, 43, 46, 67

  Eugène of Savoy, Prince 226

  EUR (Esposizione Universale di Roma) 310, 326

  European Coal and Steel Community 341, 356

  European Economic Community 341

  European Monetary Union 376

  European parliament 348, 390

  Italian MEPs in 391

  European Union 112, 372, 378, 390–91

  Ezzelino III da Romano 75

  Facta, Luigi 300–301

  Falange 354

  Falcone, Giovanni 363–4, 385

  Faliscans 22

  Fanfani, Amintore 343

  Farinacci, Roberto 305, 311, 327, 336

  Farini, Luigi Carlo 189–90

  in Naples 199, 241

  Farnese, Alessandro (Cardinal) 90

  Farnese, Alessandro (Duke of Parma) 90

  Farnese family 89–91, 118

  fasci (in Sicily) 250–51

  fasci di combattimento 298–9, 353

  fascism, fascist regime 235, 331

  and art and architecture 310–12

  ideology 304–6, 332

  and imperialism 321–3

  inefficiency of 327

  inspired by ancient Rome 308–11

  popularity of 314–15

  in the south 316–9

  Fascist Party (Partito Nazionale Fascista) 298, 336–7

  Jews in 313

  takes power 300–302

  Febvre, Lucien 21

  Fellini, Federico 350–51n, 394

  Feltrinelli 349

  Fenice Theatre 95, 166, 269

  Ferdinand, Duke of Genoa 223–4

  Ferdinand II, King (of Aragon) 108

  Ferdinand II, King (of the Two Sicilies) 33, 141–2, 193, 198, 259, 270

  in revolt of 1848–9 158, 161, 176

  Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany 130, 138, 144

  Ferdinand IV, King (of Naples), also Ferdinand III of Sicily and later Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies 118, 119, 130, 154, 156

  rule of 140–41

  Ferrante, Don 87

  Ferrara 14, 75, 86, 355

  Jewish community in 313–14

  Ferrari 357

  Ferrari, Giuseppe 242

  Ferruccio, Francesco 151

  FIAT 356

  Fini, Gianfranco 375–6, 392

  First World War see Great War

  Fitzgerald, Edward 44

  Fiume 290–91

  Italian seizure of 296–7

  Florence 18, 20, 32, 46, 85, 87n, 102, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 140, 144, 146, 148–9, 162, 180, 184, 228, 240, 357, 367

  capital of united Italy 205, 254

  in communal era 67–75

  in Renaissance 76–84, 86, 88, 110, 149

  revolution of 1859 188

  Florio family 249

  Fogazzaro, Antonio 275

  Foggia 35

  Fornovo (1495) 113–15

  Forster, E. M. 307, 361

  Fortunato, Giustino 249, 251, 268, 281, 399

  Forza Italia 374–6, 381

  France 33, 35, 112, 125, 142–3, 154, 163, 166, 179, 182, 207, 213, 215, 221, 226–7, 265–6, 292, 296, 321, 324–5, 336, 341, 358, 387, 390–91, 399

  attacked by Italy (1940) 328–9

  and Great War 284–9

  invasions of Italy 53–4, 108–9, 113–16, 126–7, 130–31

  rivers in 17

  stereotypes in 26

  and war of 1859 183–7

  Francesco II, King (of the Two Sicilies), 193, 243–4

  at Gaeta 195, 197–9

  surrender of, 200–201

  Franchetti, Leopoldo 247, 249

  Francis I, Emperor (of Austria) 144–5

  Francis I, King (of France) 114

  Francis I, King (of the Two Sicilies) 141

  Francis II, King (of the Two Sicilies) see Francesco II

  Francis Stephen, Duke of Lorraine 119

  Franco, General Francisco 276, 301, 305, 308, 323, 325, 354–5, 389, 392

  Franks 25, 50, 58, 60

  Franz Josef, Emperor 186–7, 208, 293

  Frederick II, Emperor 3, 59, 70, 73, 88

  struggle with papacy 62–3

  wars against communes 63–4

  Frederick I (Barbarossa), Emperor 62, 149, 369

  invasions of Italy 57–9

  Freedom of the Press report 383

  Frei, Matt 393

  French Revolution 121, 126–8, 332

  Friuli 17, 34, 38, 107, 285, 287

  Friuli-Venezia Giulia 36, 207, 367, 371–2, 394

  Futurists 280–81, 286, 296, 298, 304

  Gaeta 162, 195, 197–9, 229, 243, 259

  Galileo, Galilei 31, 116

  Gallone, Carmine 351

  Gandhi, M. K., 156n, 217

  Garda, Lake 331, 388

  Gargano 13

  Garibaldi, Anita 219–20, 308

  Garibaldi, Francesca Armosina, 220

  Garibaldi, Ezio 307

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe 2, 16, 118, 137, 144, 156, 168, 172, 176, 180–81, 207, 208, 223, 225, 228, 230–32, 234–6, 241, 243, 270, 297, 304, 333, 374, 391

  attempts to divert Tiber 18

  on Caprera, 220–21

  character and achievement 221–2

  commander in Rome 1849 163–4, 170

  early career of 219–20

  as legend 210–11, 216–17, 259, 261–2, 308

  in Naples 1860 195–200

  Rome or Death!’ 204, 208–9, 221

  in Sicily 1860 191–5

  Garigliano, River 373

  Gaulle, Charles de 26, 343

  Gauls 24, 30, 41, 42

  Gava, Antonio 364

  Geneva 91

  Genoa 13, 38, 72, 75, 83, 100, 102, 130, 133, 142, 152, 156, 192, 218, 228, 259, 263, 284, 396

  extinction of republic 138

  memorials to Garibaldi 216–17

  rivalry with Venice 98–9

  Genovesi, Antonio 122

  Gentile, Giovanni 284, 305, 315, 322, 331–2, 336

  George II, King (of Great Britain) 226

  Germany 91, 176, 215, 233, 260, 265–6, 315, 341–2, 369, 389

  emperors from 56–62

  and Great War 283–90

  under the nazis, 310–11, 313–14, 324–6

  and Second World War 328–31, 334–5

  Ghibellines 59, 98

  Giannone, Pietro 121, 126

  Gibbon, Edward 48, 53, 126

  Gibraltar 327
br />   Ginsborg, Paul 394

  Gioberti, Vincenzo 153–4, 159, 163, 181, 315

  Gioia Tauro 360

  Giolitti, Giovanni 258, 297, 301, 315, 374

  last government of 299–300

  and Libya 281–3

  opposition to Great War 285–6

  opposition to Mussolini 302–3

  political ascendancy 277–9

  Giotto 84

  Giudecca 29

  Gladstone, William 142, 184, 210

  criticism of Naples 141–2, 193

  Gobetti, Piero 235, 279, 332

  Godse, Nathuram 156n

  Goethe, J. W. 150, 240

  journey to Italy 123–4

  Goldoni, Carlo 32, 110

  Gonzaga dynasty 69, 85–6, 114

  Gorbachev, Mikhail 349

  Gorizia 285, 292, 372

  Gothic architecture 96

  Govone, General Giuseppe 230

  Gracchus, Gaius 42

  Grahame, Kenneth 218

  Gramsci, Antonio 235, 315

  Grandi, Dino 326, 336

  Graziani, Rodolfo, 321, 323, 329, 330, 336

  Great War 34, 280, 298, 319, 327, 352

  Isonzo battles 287–9

  Italian casualties 289

  Italian entry 283–6

  Greece 14, 22, 47, 320, 329, 345, 388

  Greek language 22, 30

  survival in Italy 35

  Greeks 30, 60, 61, 241, 281

  city states in Italy 22–4, 41, 70–71

  Gregory I, Pope 55

  Gregory VII, Pope 59–60

  Gregory IX, Pope 63

  Gregory XVI 139, 154

  Grimani, Antonio 102

  Grimani, Marino 102

  Grosseto 66

  Grossi, Tommaso 151

  Guadalajara (1937) 308, 324

  Guardi, Francesco 112

  Guascone, Felice 136

  Gucci 357

  Guelphs 59, 73, 98

  Guerri, Giordano Bruno 114, 396

  Guerzoni, Giuseppe 217

  Guicciardini, Francesco 73–4, 94, 113, 121

  Gustavus III, King (of Sweden) 270

  Habsburg Empire 112, 116, 153, 176, 233, 293, 296

  and Great War 284–92

  rivalry with Bourbons 117–19

  rule in Italy 137–9, 144–5, 147, 154

  and war of 1848–9 159–62

  and war of 1859 185–8

  and war of 1866 206–8

  Habsburg-Este family 138

  Hadrian, Emperor 48–9, 70

  The Hague, Treaty of (1720) 118

  Hague Conventions 281

  Haider, Jörg 392

  Haile Selassie, Emperor (of Ethiopia) 322

  Hannibal 10, 42, 47

  Hare, Augustus 252

  Hauteville, Robert Guiscard de 61

  Hauteville, Roger de, 61

  Hauteville dynasty 60–62

  Hayez, Francesco 151, 234

  Henry III, Emperor 60

  Henry IV, Emperor 60

  Henry VII, Emperor 70

  Henry VII, King (of England) 108

  Henry VIII, King (of England) 108, 258

  Hepburn, Audrey 357

  Herodotus 8, 11

  Hitler, Adolf 57, 301, 306, 309, 311, 313, 322, 325, 335

  Hohenstaufen dynasty 30, 56, 59, 61

  papacy’s struggle against 62–3


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