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The Pursuit of Italy

Page 54

by David Gilmour

  Hohenzollern dynasty 77, 176

  Holland 13, 137

  Holy Roman Empire 31, 54, 98

  struggle with papacy 55, 62–4

  Hugo, Victor 171, 269

  Humanists 76–8

  Hungary 185, 290

  Iberia 47, 48, 54

  Illy, Riccardo 371–2

  Imola 73

  Indian Mutiny (1857–8) 179–80

  Innocent III, Pope 62

  Innocent IV, Pope 63

  Innocent XII, Pope 90

  Innsbruck 292–3

  International Brigades 308, 324

  Iraq 378

  Ireland 254

  Ischia 17

  Isonzo, Battles of (1915–17) 287–9

  Isonzo, River 34, 285

  battles of 287–9

  Istria 9, 98, 203, 285

  Italian cuisine 14, 20, 22, 212, 239–40, 396

  Italian judiciary 363–5

  attacked by Berlusconi 384–5

  Italian language

  development of 30–35

  and dialects 28–9, 32–3, 35–8

  Italian League 74

  Italian nationalism 121, 234–7

  decline of 342

  under fascism 306–8, 315

  and Great War 290

  and Napoleon I 136–7

  the nationalists 279, 281, 286, 296–8

  papal hostility to 253

  in Piedmont 153–5

  propaganda of 258–63

  see also Risorgimento

  Italic languages 30, 43

  Italy, Kingdom of (1861–1946) 33, 215, 229

  absorbs Venice and Rome 207–9

  and the armed forces 228–33, 263–4

  colonial policies 267–9

  diplomacy of 216, 227, 265–6

  governments and parliaments 203, 205, 254–7, 271, 277–9, 298–9, 302–3

  proclamation of 203

  and war of 1866 206–7

  Italy, Republic of (1946– )

  bureaucracy of 389, 394

  culture in 349–56

  economy of 356–8, 387–9

  governments and parliaments 339–44, 349, 364–6, 374–9, 390–92

  organized crime in 360–64, 388–9

  regionalism in 367–73

  Ivan IV the Terrible, Tsar (of Russia) 77n

  James, Henry 94

  James II, King (of England) 12, 75

  Japan 325, 356

  Jenkyns, Richard 45

  Jerusalem 48

  Jesuits 120, 140, 144

  Jesus Christ 54, 90, 217

  Jews (in Italy) 25, 48–9, 139, 144, 188

  and fascism 314

  and papacy 91

  in Venice 106

  John XXIII, Pope 223

  John Paul II, Pope 364

  Joseph II, Emperor 120–21

  Joyce, James 294–5

  Judaea 48–9

  Julius II, Pope 89–90

  war on Venice 108

  Justice and Liberty 315

  Justinian, Emperor 51

  Juvenal 24

  Kipling, Rudyard 288, 397

  Kitchener, General Herbert 330n

  Labour Party (British) 299, 347

  Ladin 36

  La Farina, Giuseppe 189, 196, 199

  La Maddalena 293

  La Malfa, Ugo 7

  Lamarmora, General Alessandro Ferrero 229

  Lamarmora, General Alfonso Ferrero 233, 257, 330n

  career 228–31

  Lamartine, Alphonse de 150

  Lampedusa, see Tomasi di Lampedusa, Giuseppe

  Lancaster, Burt 352

  Lane Fox, Robin 40

  Lanza, Giovanni 226, 254–6

  L’Aquila 368

  Lars Porsena 23

  La Scala Theatre, 146, 166–7, 171, 270, 273

  La Spezia 13

  Lateran Council (1513–7) 91

  Lateran Treaty (1929) 254

  Latin 37

  spread of language 30, 43

  persistence of 30–32, 76

  Latins 22, 41, 46

  and Latin rights 42–3

  Lauritzen, Peter 106

  Lausanne, Conference of (1922) 320

  Laval, Pierre 322

  Lazio 254n, 361, 388

  League of Nations 322, 325

  Lebanon 292

  Lecce 87, 391, 397

  dialect of 28–9

  Legnano (1176) 58, 62, 114, 149, 151, 208, 263, 369–70

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilich 299, 301

  Leo III, Pope 59

  Leo X, Pope 82

  Leonardo da Vinci 76, 80, 82, 85, 128

  Leone, Giovanni 364

  Leonidas, King (of Sparta) 192, 217

  The Leopard 247–8, 349, 355–6

  Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany 144, 159, 162, 176, 188

  Lepanto (1571) 13, 106, 109

  Le Pen, Jean–Marie 392

  Levi, Carlo 359

  describes life in the south 318–19

  Liberal Party 338, 344

  Libya, 267–8, 306, 314, 315, 329, 333

  fascists in 321

  Italian invasion of (1911) 281–3

  Liguria 37, 132, 133, 231, 359, 388

  Ligurians 22, 42, 46

  Lima, Salvo 361–3, 386

  Lissa (1866) 207–8, 233, 264, 279, 286

  Livorno 27, 92, 144, 159, 188, 299

  Livy 23

  Ljubljana 295

  Locarno, Treaty of (1925) 321

  Locorotondo 267

  Lodi 58, 128

  Lodi, Peace of (1454) 74, 107

  Lombard League 63, 73, 98, 149, 152, 173, 258, 369

  war against Barbarossa 58–9

  Lombards 50

  and Italian language 34

  in Italy 24–5, 52–3, 59

  Lombardy 17, 28, 57, 75, 128, 142–3, 153, 182–3, 186, 188, 206, 209, 220, 229–30, 250, 350, 369, 372, 394

  Austrian rule in 144–7, 156

  communes in 70, 73–4

  invasions of 115

  in war of 1848–9 159–61, 164, 169

  Lombardy-Venetia, Kingdom of 138, 144–7, 171, 180, 183, 269

  London 143, 157, 327, 357

  Mazzini in 157–8, 182

  London, Treaty of 285, 290–91, 296

  Lorenzetti, Ambrogio 66–7, 83–4, 260, 342

  Lorenzetti, Piero 66, 84

  Louis XII, King (of France) 108, 114

  Louis XIV, King (of France) 117, 126

  Louis XV, King (of France) 119

  Lowell, A. Lawrence 210

  Lucania see Basilicata

  Lucanians 22, 23, 42, 46

  Lucca 27, 30, 32, 67, 72, 74, 78, 83, 133, 138, 166, 340n, 397

  dialect 29

  Elisa Bonaparte in 135

  republic of 75

  rivalry with Florence 79–81

  statues in 261

  Lusignan, Guy de 126

  Lyon 4, 33, 99

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington 23

  Macedonian Wars 47

  Machiavelli, Niccolò 3, 44, 114, 124, 154, 214, 281

  views on Italy 80–81

  Mack Smith, Denis 2, 117

  views on Risorgimento 236

  Mackenney, Richard 115

  Mafia, mafiosi 19, 241, 250, 359

  and Berlusconi era 380, 385–6

  and christian democrats 361–4

  in 1860s 246n

  during fascist period 316–7

  Magenta (1859) 185, 187, 189, 229, 236, 259–60

  Maggiore, Lake 17, 219

  Maginot Line 328

  Magna Graecia 24, 25, 43, 240

  Magyars 55, 99

  Malamocco 97

  Malaparte, Curzio 354

  Malatesta dynasty 75

  Malipiero, Gian Francesco 310

  Malta 327

  Mameli, Goffredo 169

  Manchester 248

  Manfred, ruler of Sicily, 64, 70

  Manin, Daniele 169, 179, 181, 211, 261

  role in 1848–9 162–

  Mantegna, Andrea, 85, 114

  Mantua 38, 68, 75, 76, 113, 159, 186, 371, 397

  Renaissance in 85–6

  Virgil in 44–5

  Manzoni, Alessandro 150, 179, 263

  and The Betrothed 151–2

  and Italian language 32

  Marches, the 17, 68, 132, 183–4, 198, 221

  Maremma 19, 92, 120, 144, 394

  Marengo (1800) 131

  Marghera 37, 100

  Margherita, Queen (of Italy) 224, 239

  Margherita (Daisy Party) 377

  Maria Luisa, Duchess of Lucca 261

  Maria Sofia, Queen (of the Two Sicilies) 201

  Maria Theresa, Empress 119–20

  Marie–Antoinette, Queen (of France) 45

  Marie–Louise, Empress (later Duchess of Parma) 138–9, 171

  Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 280, 304, 331

  Mark Antony 45–6

  Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of 117, 226, 229

  Marsala 194

  Marshall Aid 340, 357

  Marsians 43

  Martin V, Pope 88, 91

  Martini, Simone 66, 84, 260

  Mary (Tudor), Queen (of England) 105

  Masaccio 84, 88

  Mascagni, Pietro 310

  Massa Maritima 66

  Massawa 267

  Masséna, André 129–30, 229

  Matera 87

  Matteotti, Giacomo 302, 315, 337

  Maury, Alfred 240

  Maximilian, Archduke (of Austria) 184, 295

  Maximilian I, Emperor 108

  Mazzini, Giuseppe 10, 144, 159, 169, 172, 176, 178, 180, 192, 208, 225, 286, 341–2, 390

  disillusioned with Italy 221–2

  and Garibaldi 218–20

  ideology of 152–4

  leader in Rome 1849 163–4

  as legend 210–11, 259, 261–2

  plotting in exile 156–8, 182

  Mediaset 382

  Medici, Alessandro de’ 91

  Medici, Anna Maria Ludovica de’ 93

  Medici, Cosimo de’ 78, 80, 92

  Medici, Cosimo de’ (Grand Duke of Tuscany) 91–2

  Medici, Cosimo III de’ 92

  Medici, Gian Gastone de’ 92–3, 119

  Medici, Giovanni de’ see Leo X, Pope

  Medici, Giuliano de’ 82

  Medici, Giulio de’ see Clement VII, Pope

  Medici, Lorenzo de’ 1, 81–2, 91

  Medici, Luigi 140–41

  Medici, Piero de’ 82

  Medici dynasty 20, 69, 78, 89–90, 115, 118

  as rulers of Florence and Tuscany 79–82, 91–3

  Melzi d’Eril, Francesco 131

  Memmi, Lippo, 66

  Menelik II, Emperor (of Ethiopia) 268

  Mentana (1867) 208

  Mercadante, Giovanni 165, 269

  Meredith, George 210, 218n

  Mesolithic people 21

  Mesopotamia 49

  Messapians 22, 23, 30

  Messina 17, 29, 87, 141, 161, 195, 250, 259

  Metternich, Klemens Fürst von 7–8, 139, 158, 172

  Michelangelo 76, 82, 84, 85, 89, 91, 97, 331

  Milan 10, 17, 24, 27, 37, 56, 68, 74, 78, 83, 84, 108, 116, 127, 140, 148–9, 158, 166, 180, 189, 205, 225, 240, 268, 277, 357, 370

  duchy of 86, 107, 115

  and Lombard League 58

  Napoleon’s treatment of 128

  and revolt of 1848 159–61, 168, 170–71

  Stendhal’s love for 145–6

  Milazzo 194

  Milton, John 45, 125

  Minghetti, Marco 257

  Modena 73, 75, 138, 154, 158–60, 183, 187, 189–90, 206, 263, 337, 346, 397

  dialect of 29

  Molise 17, 23, 368

  Momigliano, Arnaldo 49, 51

  Mondo, Il 344

  Mondovi 129

  Montale, Eugenio 355

  Montecatini Terme 273

  Montefeltro, Federigo da 86–7

  Montefeltro dynasty 75

  Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat 53, 120

  Monteverdi, Claudio 261

  Montgomery, General Bernard 314

  Monza 56, 277

  Morante, Elsa 345

  Moravia, Alberto 312, 355

  Morbelli, Angelo 260

  More, Sir Thomas 123

  Morea 98

  Moretti, Nanni 379

  Mori, Cesare 317

  Moro, Aldo 347–8

  Morpurgo, Vittorio 309

  Morricone, Ennio 351

  Morris, James (also Jan) 295

  on Venice 94, 104

  Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI) 336–7, 342, 375

  Munich Conference 325–6

  Murano 28

  Murat, Joachim 132–6, 140–41, 154, 172, 184

  Murat, Lucien 184, 193, 216

  Muratori, Lodovico 121

  Murge Plateau 8

  Mussolini, Alessandra 375

  Mussolini, Benito 2, 32, 150, 204, 211, 222, 236, 254, 278–9, 281, 287, 297, 299, 332, 335–6, 345, 351, 354–5, 356–7, 367, 375, 380, 381

  and the Church 315

  D’Annunzio’s influence on 296–7

  downfall and death 330–31

  on fascist ideology 304–6

  and imperialism 320–23

  inspiration of ancient Rome 307–10

  intervenes in Spain 323–4

  relations with Germany 325–6

  repression of regime 311–14

  and Second World War 327–30

  socialist career of 297–8

  and the south 316–17

  takes power 301–3

  Naples 4, 13, 16, 25, 28, 29, 38, 44, 68, 74, 84, 89, 111, 113, 115, 146, 205, 209, 330, 336–7, 373

  Bonapartes in 132–5

  Bourbon kingdom of 2–3, 122–4, 140–43, 156, 176, 192, 241, 263

  and Camorra 360

  character of 238–40

  civil war in 243–5

  Enlightenment in 122–3

  growth of 87n, 143

  northern views on 240–42

  occupation by Garibaldi 195–200

  Spanish rule in 87, 116

  Napoleon I, Emperor 3, 7, 54, 75, 108, 110, 131, 135, 139, 144–5, 151, 159, 182–3, 288, 297, 331

  invasions of Italy 4, 10, 126–9

  Italian legacy 136–7

  reorganization of Italy 131–4

  treatment of Venice 95, 102, 112, 128–9

  Napoleon III, Emperor 190, 193, 204–5, 216, 226–7, 270–71, 274

  attitude to Italy 182–4

  role in 1859 184–7

  in 1870 208–9

  Narses 51

  National Alliance (Alleanza Nazionale) 375, 377, 391

  National Liberation Committee 338

  National Society 181, 189, 220

  nationalists see Italian nationalism

  NATO 341, 347, 357

  ’Ndrangheta 364

  Nelson, Admiral Horatio 130

  Neolithic people 21–2, 29–30

  Nero, Emperor 47–8

  Netherlands 90, 91, 112, 137

  Ney, Marshal Michel 297

  Nice 125, 183, 190–91, 284

  Nicolazzi, Massimo 393

  Nicotera, Giovanni 257

  Nitti, Francesco 297

  Normans 12, 30, 53, 57

  and Sicily 60–62

  Northern League 36, 376, 392–3

  allied to Berlusconi 374–5, 377

  policies 369–72

  xenophobia 372–3

  Norway 328

  Novecento 351–4

  Noto 87

  Novara 131

  Novaro, Michele 169

  Oberdan, Guglielmo 293

  Octavian see Augustus, Emperor

  Odoacer, King (of Italy) 50, 52

  Oliphant, Laurence 191

  Olive Tree coalition 366, 376–8

  Olivetti 356

  Olmi, Ermanno 350

  Omar Khayyam 44

  Omar al-Mukhtar 321

sp; Omodeo, Adolfo 236

  Opéra (Paris) 168, 180, 273

  Orlando, Vittorio Emmanuele 290

  Orsini, Felice 182–3, 270

  Ostia 18

  Ostrogoths 24

  and Italian language 34

  rulers in Italy 49–51

  Otranto 7, 11, 146

  Otto I, Emperor 56

  Otto IV, Emperor 59

  Ottoman Empire 53, 98, 109, 215, 226, 267, 281–2, 320

  Ottone, Piero 343, 356–7, 389, 392

  Oxford Union 326

  Pacini, Giovanni 165

  Pacino, Al 362

  ‘Padania’ 371–3, 393

  Padua 75, 107, 262, 314

  Paganini, Niccolò 135

  Palagonia, Prince of, 123

  Paisiello, Giovanni 164

  Palermo 19, 25, 28, 30, 140, 151, 161, 174, 207, 246, 261–2, 385, 387, 396–7

  Belle Epoque in 249–50

  Garibaldi in 195, 204

  nobles of, 88, 117–18, 123–4

  Normans in 61

  ‘sack’ of 359, 361

  Palestine 292, 313

  Palestro (1859) 229

  Palladio, Andrea 96–7

  Pallavicini, Oberto 75

  Palmerston, Viscount 184

  Pamphilj family 89

  Papacy 184

  and Counter–Reformation 90–91

  in Renaissance 88–90

  rejection of united Italy 252–3

  rise of 54–5

  struggle with Hohenstaufen 62–4

  Papal States 74, 84, 132, 138, 142, 154, 189, 206, 229, 253, 263, 373

  expansion of 55, 83, 89

  misgovernment in 124, 139, 346

  Piedmontese invasion of 196–7

  Papini, Giovanni 280, 286, 331

  Pappano, Antonio 275

  Pardini, Angelo 4–5

  Paris 4, 87n, 143, 328

  Paris Peace Conference (1919) 290, 294

  Parker, Roger 170, 174

  Parma 63, 73, 118, 154, 159, 271

  duchy of, 90, 119, 129, 131–3, 160, 183, 189–90, 206, 270

  Parri, Ferruccio 338

  Parthenopean Republic 130, 140

  Party of the Left (Partito della Sinistra – PDS) 375–7, 382, 390n

  Party of Action 338

  Pasolini, Pier Paolo 349, 354

  on dialects 36

  Pasternak, Boris 349

  Patrimony of St Peter 55, 205

  Paul III, Pope 85, 89–90

  Paul IV, Pope 91

  Paul V, Pope 104

  Pavese, Cesare 312

  Pavia 52–3, 56, 75, 114, 129

  Pazzi Conspiracy 81

  Peck, Gregory 357

  Peel, Sir Robert 214

  Pellestrina 99–100

  Pellizza da Volpedo, Giuseppe 260

  Pepin, King (of Italy) 53, 99

  Pepin the Short, King (of the Franks) 53, 55

  Perpignan 26

  Persano, Admiral Carlo Pellion di, 193, 196–7, 200, 268

  career 231–3

  Perugia 55, 75, 83, 367

  Pescaglia 5

  Pescara 330, 368

  Peschiera 186–7

  St Peter 54

  Peter II, King (of Aragon and Sicily) 64

  Peter Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany 120–21, 130, 144

  Petrarch 9, 31, 77


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