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Page 32

by deMora, MariaLisa

  “Hoss,” she said, her voice quavering. Not from fear, but eagerness, and the look on her face nearly brought him to tears. Surprise and pleasure, warring with shock. Every time up to now he’d been careful with her, treating her as if she were fine china that would break at the slightest roughness. He wedged his knees wider, taking her legs with him and reached down to cup her calf, drawing her leg over his hip so her foot cradled against his ass. A new angle, and he was on the train with her now, riding the pleasure that zapped through his system to the end. It coiled heavy at the base of his spine, curling around his sac and up into his belly.

  “Gonna come with me, Cassie? Come with me, baby.” Her eyes dipped slowly, and then opened, still locked on his. “I’m close, honey. So close. You feel so good, hot and tight around me, and I wanna feel you. Wanna go with you. Come, baby.” He kissed her, and groaned when her tongue darted out to stroke against his. “Now who’s the tease?”

  She smiled up at him and he watched her jaw tense, neck arching as it had before. The first pulses of her orgasm pulled her walls tight around him, drawing him deeply as she milked his cock hard. “Hoss,” she cried, and he groaned at the sound, loving his name on her lips in the grip of passion.

  Then it struck and he couldn’t turn back, jerking inside her as his cock pulsed, throbbing in time with her racing heart. “Jesus, Cassie.” Every time it seemed his orgasm would begin to slow, she would clench around him and he’d find his dick throbbing again, until it was almost too sensitive to stay inside her. Slowly he pulled out, slipping over her hip to lay beside her. He reached down and cupped her pussy, just holding her protectively. She rolled her head to track him with her eyes and pursed her lips in an ask he was happy to answer, kissing her softly until she pulled back. She stroked his arm and shoulder with slow, even passes of her palm, a caress he adored. “I love you, woman.”

  “I love you, man.” She smiled. “My man.”

  “All yours.” He paused, then asked her for confirmation of what they’d discussed earlier. “When you wanna move in? Tomorrow too soon?”

  Her laugh broke all his fears apart, and he watched as the crystal rainbow reflections on his ceiling danced and shivered in response.



  She woke disoriented, eyes darting back and forth in the dark, trying to take inventory of where she was. The slow, heavy breathing beside her settled her, and Cassie rolled to her side, her gaze taking in Hoss as he lay sleeping.

  He wanted her here all the time, wanted her with him, to move in and be part of his life.

  When he’d shown her his studio, her heart had filled to the brim with happiness. Then, when he’d changed the lighting, she’d seen the sketch. Framed, hung in a place of honor, it was of her, and he’d drawn himself in front of her protectively, his hand reaching out for her face. He’d drawn himself into her world even before he’d really known her. A tender vignette, simple in design, but it had managed to capture the tentative eagerness she’d first felt around him.

  He brought me back to life. At times, she’d despaired of ever rejoining the world seen through her windows again. She’d fought against being the hermit her fear demanded and had battled to earn her right to stay in the light. But even then, she’d scarcely been existing, not living. Breathing and sleeping and working, but not living. No matter how she’d forced herself out and into the world, she’d always wound up creeping back home and hiding. Licking her wounds, bested by her own mind.

  But oh, after he’d rolled into her life, giving her ideas of freedom and then teases of the possibility of love? Step-by-step, she’d pulled free from the hold of anxiety. Terrified of everything, she’d taken each small victory and used that to anchor herself a little farther out into the world. Between Tugboat and Deke, Brute and Jase, Maggie, Sharon, and all the Rebel women—every one of them had supported her and shown her breath by breath they believed in her. None more than Hoss, though. At every turn he’d proven himself to be her staunchest supporter, willing to admit his own weaknesses and fears, showing her with everything inside him what she meant to him.

  He loves me.

  She’d be a fool not to listen to her heart this time, and she already knew her heart was beating only for him.

  I love him.

  His love and care made her stronger, and tonight in this bed, his bed—our bed—he’d helped her conquer the final hurdle. Slow and sweet, he’d carried her through and they’d made love. They’d made love the way she’d longed to do, and it had been everything she’d wanted to give him. All of me.

  All she had to do was take hold and keep believing in him. “Hold on.” She remembered his son giving her that advice, how he’d put himself out there for his father, hoping she could be what he believed his father needed. “Hold on,” she whispered as she reached out and threaded her fingers through his, clasping them tightly together.

  “Baby?” His sleep-roughened voice was pitched low, and she watched him blink sleepily. “You okay?”

  She snuggled in, placing her head in the curve of his shoulder that had been made just for her. “Mmhmm. I’m better than okay.”

  “Yeah?” His chin angled down, heat from his lips grazing her temple in a soft kiss. He tightened his grip on her hand, bringing it up to cover his heart as he asked, “Better than okay?”

  “Yeah. I’ve got a good man who loves me. Can’t get better than that.”

  “Mmhmm. We’re a matched set. I’ve got a good woman who loves me.”

  “Good night, Hoss.”

  He sighed softly, the sound so content and filled with love she had to blink away tears for the hundredth time that night. “Night.”

  ~ THE END ~

  Thank you, dear reader, for taking this journey with me. ~ML


  This is book #12 in a very well developed series about the hard lives of bikers and the women who love them. Throughout this series we’ve been introduced to so many wonderful characters. Folks who live in my head in a way that makes them seem real in many aspects. I hope you fell in love with Cassie and Hoss, I know I did. It’s hard to consider this the final piece in the RWMC saga, but as of now, it is. Thanks so much for coming on this ride with me.




  Raised in the south, MariaLisa learned about the magic of books at an early age. Every summer, she would spend hours in the local library, devouring books of every genre. Self-described as a book-a-holic, she says "I've always loved to read, but then I discovered writing, and found I adored that, too. For reading...if nothing else is available, I've been known to read the back of the cereal box."

  Also by MariaLisa deMora

  Neither This, Nor That MC Series

  Legends are born from moments like these. Folktales spun around a single point in time so perfect, you can almost hear the click resonating through the universe as things align. Meet Twisted, Po’Boy, Retro, and Ragman, good old boys from southern states who have many things in common.

  First, is a bone-deep love of the biker lifestyle.

  Second, would be their love of the brotherhood, and knowing that you trust the man at your back.

  Finally, these men have the love of a good woman. None of these come without a price, and it is our pleasure to journey along with them as they discover the blessings that can be won, and lost along the way.

  Raving Reviews for NTNT book one:

  This is the Route of Twisted Pain

  "This is the Route of Twisted Pain is an exhilarating, gripping romance novel contrived of incredible world building, complex yet relatable characters, and a unique, captivating plot.

  Gifted storyteller MariaLisa deMora beautifully balances exciting suspense, fast action, intriguing secrets with delicious, blazing hot romance scenes.

  Readers will be up all night with this riveting page-turner."

  ~NY Literary Magazine

��Bloody superb ... as beautiful deep as it is

  hot, romantic, and fierce.”

  ~Becky Johnson

  Executive director and CEO, Hot Tree Editing

  “Getting a book that gives you that all-encompassing, can’t put it down, want to live in that world feeling is the holy grail for a reader

  and this book has that.”

  ~Miranda J.

  Mommy’s a Book Whore

  “This story has it all. Enough drama to keep you hooked, enough spice to light you up, and an incredible amount of emotion that just seems to pour off the pages.”

  ~Erin B.

  FMR Book Grind

  “It's addictive and exciting as you travel the route of twisted pain. It's an experience you do not want to miss.”

  ~Rosa S

  iScream Books

  “I loved this book and the characters so much. I can't wait for more of the Incoherent MC.”


  Naughty Moms’ Story Time

  “Theirs was an all encompassing love ready to stand together and at times stand for each other.”

  ~She Heart’s Books

  “There are a lot of things that I could say about this book: The plot? Exceptional. The sex? Some of the best I've ever read. The characters? Impressive. This Is The Route Of Twisted Pain has every ingredient of a great book but you know what REALLY makes this an extraordinary book? The words. MariaLisa deMora has an uncanny talent for evoking your senses with words. You feel every. single. one.”

  ~Jamey W.

  Confessions of a Serial Reader

  “This is not your typical love story but let me tell you this is how a love story should be. ... I would give this book TEN stars if I could. Can't wait for the next installment of the Neither This, Nor That series.”


  “This may be the best book I read all year. These people...they're not characters, they're real... have stuck in my head from the day I met them. MariaLisa deMora can throw words down that'll Twist (hehe) your insides up till you can't breathe for waiting to hear what's next!”

  ~DeLane C

  “I enjoyed the ever-loving-heck out of This Is the Route of Twisted Pain.”

  ~Angela G.

  Wicked Reads

  “I love MariaLisa and the way she weaves a story!”

  ~G.M. Scherbert


  “This is a wild, gritty ride and I loved every moment of it. I was hooked from the first page and madly in love with ‘Twisted’ George Bell by the end of the first chapter…I devoured this story in a single afternoon and fell in love with a new to me author before I’d finished this first book. I love the characters, I love Twisted’s world and I can’t wait for the next book.”


  Wicked Reads

  “Fantastic!!! This story drew me in from the very beginning and held me on the edge to the very end. MariaLisa deMora did a great job setting the tone from the very beginning. Penny was one of the best heroines I’ve ever met. She was absolutely fearless! I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.”


  “First off, let me state that there was one thing I didn't like about this book and that is the LAST PAGE! I hated for it to end. I dearly loved this book and its characters as well as their setting. Thank you dear authoress. I am a very happy reader for having been so entertained whist living vicariously through the lives of the characters in this book. It is indeed; a book I'll reread many times down the road.”

  ~Colleen M

  “I was pulled into this story from the very beginning and couldn't put it down. The dishes, laundry, housework all got put on hold until I could finish this book. This is first book from MariaLisa and certainly won’t be my last.”

  ~LeAnn F

  Cherry O Blossoms Promotions

  “... it’s so dirty, dirty hot!!”

  ~Melissa M.

  Alpha Book Club


  Please note that books in a series frequently feature characters from additional books within that series. If series books are read out of order, readers will twig to spoilers for the other books, so going back to read the skipped titles won’t have the same angsty reveals.

  Neither This, Nor That series:

  This Is the Route Of Twisted Pain, #1

  Treading the Traitor’s Path: Out Bad, #2

  Trapped by Fate on Reckless Roads, #3

  Shelter My Heart, #4

  Rebel Wayfarers MC series:

  Mica, #1

  A Sweet & Merry Christmas, short story #1.5

  Slate, #2

  Bear, #3

  Jase, #4

  Gunny, #5

  Mason, #6

  Hoss, #7

  Harddrive Holidays, short story #7.5

  Duck, #8

  Biker Chick Campout, short story #8.5

  Watcher, #9

  A Kiss to Keep You, novella #9.25

  Gun Totin’ Annie, short story #9.5

  Secret Santa, novella #9.75

  Bones, #10

  Gunny’s Pups, novella #10.25

  Never Settle, short story #10.5

  Not Even A Mouse, novella #10.75

  Fury, #11

  Christmas Doings, #11.25

  Gypsy’s Lady, #11.5

  Cassie, #12

  Road Runner’s Ride, novella #12.5

  Occupy Yourself band series:

  Born Into Trouble, #1

  Grace In Motion, #2 (TBD)

  What They Say, #3 (TBD)

  Other Books:

  With My Whole Heart

  Alace Sweets

  Hard Focus

  More information available at




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