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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 37

by Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Solar Opportunists

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  ZetaTalk: Solar Opportunists

  written Oct 30, 2003

  MSNBC's third report in three days about solar flares is interesting. Another flare, from the same region in the sun, is apparently

  heading our way. Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that the MSNBC reports are absolutely true, factual and accurate. If

  that is the case it raises a few important questions:

  1. Why the extensive and ongoing news coverage of a somewhat routine Sun event?

  2. What is causing the reported unusual frequency and high magnitude of flares at the present time?

  3. To what extent could a new planetary body near the Sun contribute to the frequency and size of such events?

  Planet X, and its presence between the Earth and the Sun, is not causing additional solar activity. The only additional

  activity is in reporting, and this is by design. The public should be aware of how complete control over news of solar

  related events is maintained. Outside of what can be viewed by the naked eye, sunspots which are cool dark areas that

  appear from time to time and are almost always present to some degree, or the minor radio static or magnetic flux that

  can result from the Sun, there is no data in the hands of the public not released from the central control of NASA.

  They control the SOHO satellite, have archives of past images to reach into when doctoring is required, can shut down

  the satellite for days at a time giving whatever excuse they chose, and the public cannot call them to account on any of

  it. In alliance with the Navy, which maintains the master clocks worldwide, and indirectly the magnetosphere monitors

  and earthquake monitors and reporting, they have all bases covered. They can manufacture an event, or fail to report a

  real event.

  For best results, to cover problems with the need to switch over to new satellites or an anticipated Planet X impact on

  earth, they would of course align their announcements of solar events with real solar events. The problem here is that

  Planet X may not cooperate, fail to cause power outages or quakes or whatever had been predicted, on schedule. Then

  the establishment is left with egg on their face, a poor track record, and matters are worse than before.[2/5/2012 9:56:44 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Solar Cover

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  ZetaTalk: Solar Cover

  written Oct 24, 2003

  D-TV signal in Southern NM is out! Blanked out at about 10:38 AM on Oct 23rd. The sky has been clear for four or five days and

  no cloud cover at all for past three days. Been almost two hours and no satellite yet, still searching for signal.


  Satellites, pagers, cell phones, and electrical grids could be affected Friday [Oct 24] by a moderately powerful ejection of

  magnetic material from the sun. It is expected to reach Earth about 3 p.m. EDT Friday, and its effects could last 12 to 18 hours.


  We have predicted that in the year prior to the shift that satellites will fail, consistently.

  ZetaTalk: During 2002, written Dec 15, 2001

  Solar Flares, an extended or anomalous solar cycle, has been planned for decades to be used as a distraction and excuse during

  this time. Where the 11 year cycle was to end in 2000, it was reported prior to its end to perhaps be a 14 year cycle, ending in

  2003. Where did the historical references to base this estimate come from? This is not provided, the conclusions provided, but not

  the data. In fact, there is no historical reference, as all previous solar cycles recorded or observed by man fall into the 11 year


  ZetaTalk: Solar Flares, written Jan 1, 2002

  We predicted in 1995 that solar flares would be used as a cover for much of what the government knew would occur

  approaching the passage of Planet X. Heroic efforts to maintain regular satellite service were thus done, in part due to

  multiples more satellites in service than the public is told exist, overkill to ensure steady service and maintain geo

  stationary sats in position, and this masked the problems this industry was having, greatly. Our prediction was loudly

  announced a failure, but it was only delayed. Steadily increasing complaints have been heard about cell phones that

  fail to connect or encounter noise, TV reception that disappears without explanation and is hours late in returning, and

  internet connections that drop and lose data. In addition to loss of fuel and mechanical damage to sats due to the dust

  and debris in the tail of Planet X, their electrical systems are subject to the same bombardment of electromagnetic

  particles that are causing power outages worldwide of late. Are these due to solar storms, retroactively?

  Where numerous countries around the world are hoisting sats aloft for the US, so as to mask the number required to be

  put into service and thus mask the amount of failure being experienced, this has not proved sufficient to address the

  problem. They are failing faster than they can be replaced. In addition, there are switchover problems, where one sat is

  taken out of service, another given duty, and all tests done during each switch to ensure operability. These switches

  require downtime, a few minutes, but the rate has caught up with the exhausted personnel. What to do? Schedule a

  mega solar storm! Explain to the public that outages should be expected! Do massive switchovers! Go out for a beer

  and laugh at how gullible the public is! Such is the state of concern over alerting the public that, for most, doomsday is

  arriving, and they will be the last to know.[2/5/2012 9:56:45 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Odd Atmosphere

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  ZetaTalk: Odd Atmosphere

  Note: written during the Mar 1, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  ABC News today talks about a mysterious new cloud in the upper atmosphere, not seen since the days of the Krakatoa eruption. Is

  this cloud the result of volcanic eruptions right now?

  #zetatalk IRC

  As humans aware of the Earth changes have noted, there are several signs that are unusual.

  1. One of the first noted was the White Buffalo syndrome, where albino animals, domesticated and wildlife alike,

  were born albinos or lacking color.

  2. A second trend noted, which we predicted, was increasing illness, which finally hit the news as whole cruise

  ships and military bases became ill at once.

  3. A third trend was melting poles and glaciers, talked about much in the news a couple years back but since

  repressed from reporting.

  4. A fourth trend was called crazed animal or insects or sea life, where passive animals would attack, such as

  attacking jack rabbits, and spiders spinning acres of webs.

  5. A fifth trend was the activation of volcanoes, known to be active at some point in the recent past, all activating

  in some manner simultaneously.

  6. A sixth trend was the erratic weather, with deluges and droughts alternating seemingly without reason.

  7. A seventh trend is the sociological trend, whereby governments wanting to placate a restless and confused

  populace do what is called saber rattling, pointing to a threat of war in another, or threatening war themselves so

  that their pollution backs up the leadership.

  8. An eighth trend were the booms and flashes noted shortly after ZetaTalk began, where heaving earth and seas

  created clapping in the atmosphere and methane gas released flashed momentarily.

A ninth trend was the increasingly diffusing magnetic field, which causes malfunctioning instruments, crashing

  plans, and wandering compasses.

  10. A tenth trend is slowing rotation, now notably about 1sec/day with moon phases starting to lag by a day or so.

  Yet another trend recently emerging is noted in the atmosphere, where imaging from above the Earth reports a sheen,

  or other abnormalities are noted. What is causing this new trend? If one reviews the other trends, one sees that many

  particle flows are involved in abnormal patterns, and one can assume that many particle flows not known by man are

  also so involved. The White Buffalo is thus, as we explained, because of a core emanation that signals cave creatures

  to forgo coloration. Increasing illness because the immune system is disrupted by particle flows. Certainly the warming

  of the Earth's surface, causing melting poles and glaciers, are because of disturbed heat particle flows. The atmosphere,

  from its blue hue to its swirling motion, is affected by many particle flows, as well as the normal composition of air

  flowing up or down. Should an accumulation of this or that chemical result, color and sheen, or the appearance of a

  cloud, will often result. What is a cloud, but water particles suspended, or if a dirty cloud, perhaps dust particles.

  We are telling you to expect that your upper atmosphere, your sky, may change color! May allow greater sunlight

  through, or create what seems to be a cloudy day suppressing sunlight even though no clouds can be seen! Expect the

  unexpected, during these last months and weeks before the shift. This cannot be explained simply as volcanic dust, or

  airborne water particles, it is more than these simple explanations. As the variety of reasons for this atmospheric

  disturbances will be many, we will not list them all, as there will scarcely be time for human scientists to even

  contemplate them. Thus, suffice it to say, odd atmospheres, as detailed above, and take this as another sign that the

  times are upon you!

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:56:45 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Odd Atmosphere[2/5/2012 9:56:45 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Winter Solstice

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  ZetaTalk: Winter Solstice

  written Dec 16, 2004

  The Earth tilts the North Pole away from the sun on the winter solstice

  creating cold weather in the Northern Hemisphere. Do our scientists

  have any idea as to why we tilt or what forces are at work to make us

  tilt? It all seems logical that we would be most vulnerable to an

  extreme tilt at this time, with the extra push by Planet X.

  Under normal circumstances, where planets orbiting a Sun coalesce coming out of a Big Bang, a magnetic planet as

  large as Planet X would not assume an orbit as close to the Sun as it comes during the passage. One of the reasons

  Planet X aligns with the Sun’s magnetic flow lines as it moves past the Sun during its passage are due to the press of

  the magnetic particle flows near the Sun, which has immense particle flow intensity in such close proximity. If the Sun

  bullies Planet X, Planet X bullies the Earth, as it stands between the Earth and Sun during its passage. This was the

  case during the last passage, the time of the Jewish Exodus, as it is today, and for good reason. Planet X uses the same

  route for passage, and if the Earth is anywhere near it during that time, it is trapped in a cup of particle flow turmoil

  and cannot escape the drama. It is the rare passage where the Earth escapes being caught, as the passage, for Planet X,

  is a struggle.

  For this passage, the Earth has again been caught in the cup, this time early in the process, and as the Earth is a

  magnet herself, she has increased the magnetic particle flow crowding around Planet X, all of which will be more

  explosive and violent when Planet X finally manages its exit.

  During the last pole shift, during the time of the Jewish Exodus, the Earth had arrived suddenly on the scene in the Fall

  to find Planet X already at the Ecliptic, and experienced only short months of an Earth tilt simulating Spring up to the

  time of Passover before a pole shift occurred. As we have explained, only a slight crust displacement occurred because the Earth snapped out of and back into alignment with the Sun quickly. During the years following a passage, little

  calendar record keeping is done, but in memory, Passover occurred when it was assumed to be Spring and there is it

  found today. The days of darkness when the N. Pole were pushed away were brief, with the pole shift following

  closely. Taking the path of least resistance, a 23° tilt to the Ecliptic, Planet X held what had been a spot close to the

  former N. Pole of Earth glued to its exiting S. Pole for days, until rotation in the Earth had restarted. When the

  swirling core of the Earth finally settled into a position consistent with the Sun’s magnetic dominance, the poles did

  not line up with the geographic rotation of the Earth, thus the lopsided rotation Earth has today in this regard.

  This current passage found several planets crowded in front of Planet X as it started its rise to the Ecliptic, and thus

  more crowding, and a slower passage, has resulted.

  Enter the influence of magnetic particle flow crowding. The Sun, and Earth and Mercury, are not magnetically aligned

  as they are, pointing off into space in the same direction, by accident. The Sun does not rule, in her solar system, but is

  under rule from the larger Universe, in this matter. As we have explained, Magnetic Trimesters exist for the Earth,

  driven by the Sun. During the Summer Trimester the Sun appears most magnetically active, because the Earth is

  pointing her N. Pole at the Sun during this time, an abrasive action when encountering the magnetic flow from the

  Sun’s magnetic flow lines above the Ecliptic. In contrast, the Dec 21 Solstice is a quiescent time, as the N. Pole of

  Earth is pointed away from the Sun. The Earth is accommodating during the Solstice, by pointing her abrasive N. Pole

  away from the Sun. Thus, in this position, it is staged to be most accommodating to Planet X as it swings its N. Pole

  around to face the Earth to complete its 270° Roll. All this facilitates the roll into 3 Days of Darkness and days of a

  Sunrise West as the N. Pole is already leaning in that direction, and the Polar Wobble can comfortably increase.[2/5/2012 9:56:46 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Winter Solstice

  How long it will take for Planet X to pass the dither point at the Sun’s middle, the point where the Sun’s magnetic

  flow lines change from a flow in of the particle toward a Sun S. Pole to a flow out of magnetic particles from a Sun N.

  Pole, is a matter we hold close, as the establishment is still not sharing what they know about the coming cataclysms

  with the common man, whom they still hope to enslave during the coming turmoil. We would suggest that the

  establishment will find themselves in turmoil, and adrift in the company of the common man, all unprepared. The plans

  the elite have laid for themselves will not succeed, as those of good heart on the Earth are the only ones to be assisted.

  Assist the common man, and you assist yourself, is our message to the elite.[2/5/2012 9:56:46 AM]

  ZetaTalk: The Long Wait

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  ZetaTalk: The Long Wait

  written May 15, 2004

  For those alert to the Ea
rth changes and watching them trend toward our prediction of a pole shift in the near future,

  matters are progressing too slowly.

  Those who have made major life changes, moving to a safer location with perhaps a drop in life style and taking a less

  interesting or lucrative job, in the main do not have regrets as they have this change behind them, not ahead of them.

  In a market where inflation is now running rampant, jobs increasingly hard to get, and the dampened economy making

  selling off real estate difficult, those having made their moves early are at an advantage. Those having made these early

  moves will also not be considered strangers in a new community when times get tense, but will be considered

  residents, neighbors, and friends. Those trying their hands for the first time at gardening or raising livestock have made

  their mistakes with time to correct them, the learning curve behind them. Thus, though impatient, those making early

  preparations are on a more solid footing

  Those who have hesitated are most often those who are enjoying their current life style on the coastlines, with their

  mild breezes and beach access, or in lively cities replete with entertainment options. Give us a date, they plea, at least

  a time frame, so I can deprive myself of all this only when it is necessary. For them, the wait does not matter, as in

  any case they will be making the move only when they are pried from their comfort by fear, their coastlines awash or

  their cities collapsing around them. Thus, though demanding, those who have decided to cling to their toys and

  comforts until the last minute are not harmed by the wait, but at an advantage as some in this category may reconsider,

  and have the time to make real preparations. For them, the wait has been an opportunity.

  Those who cannot move, for the many sad reasons that modern society imposes on those who would be free to move,

  have two options, both enhanced by the wait. The mother on welfare, the father with a tenuous job and few skills to

  market elsewhere, the extended family with a home open to many who would have no place to live if the home were


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