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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

Page 36

by Nancy Lieder

  magnetic monitors, with slowing because of this increased grip not yet evident, but the repercussions in weather and

  earth movements already evident. Those not willing or able to make changes in their lives before the Holidays may

  find the Holidays possible, but just barely, as the next sweeping arm of the Sun will put all doubt aside.[2/5/2012 9:56:41 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Travel Blocks

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  ZetaTalk: Travel Blocks

  written Dec 27, 2003

  Being that earthquakes and volcanoes are beginning to show up in 'not normal areas', is there any place(s)

  that will be hit harder by earthquakes, or natural disasters making it more difficult to travel through or to,

  getting to safe locations?

  We have consistently warned that waiting until the week or rotation stoppage to travel to safe locations is not wise, for

  several reasons.

  As the crust is stressed, the Atlantic Rift wanting to remain aligned with Planet X and the core continuing to

  turn, this stress translates to breaks along fault lines, increasing subduction, with consequent adjustments in

  places where rifts are developing. Snap, push, stretch, and all of this spelling disaster for creatures crawling

  about on the surface. The current earthquake damage, occurring not only along fault lines but in the centers of

  plates where a torque occurs, is but the barest taste of what is to come. Think of what transportation entails, and

  the weak links in the chain.

  Gas line breaks, only now as in China occurring where reserves are tapped, will explode along streets and

  destroy whole refineries suddenly, creating unexpected emergencies. No passage through the flames, no passage

  through the danger zone likely to explode next, and no blocking emergency vehicles. Loss of power results in

  traffic lights not working, gas pumps not working, toll gates not working, and each instance creating a backlog

  that prevents any single traveler from success.

  For roadway travel, the weak links are bridges, tunnels, and the roadway itself. Bridges will be the first to go,

  twisting off their footings or pulled apart into collapse, with tunnels impassable. This reduces travel to routes

  that will become clogged passage points, everyone taking the route that does not include overpasses or tunnels,

  so the roadjam makes progress impossible. Are those thinking of going to safe places after rotation stops

  planning to do so on foot?

  Ships do not encounter bridges and tunnels, but water is more unpredictable. It will recede from moorings,

  stranding boats in the mud, or reveal sandbars where none are on the maps. And due to magnetic flux, what

  guide to use in the volcanic gloom enshrouded sky? Ships at sea will be lost, not find their port to pick up those

  waiting, and will be engulfed in whirlpools and sudden heaping waves. A struggle to stay afloat, not a means of

  arriving at safe locations.

  Air travel, at a time when guiding systems will all falter, has greater risks because any failure results in a fall

  and certain death. Beyond the need to avoid increasing meteor and falling debris, are the winds, already

  unpredictable. Air fields will have their pavement buckling too, as with roadways, so landings results in a

  holocaust. Mechanical failure is most often the results of human error, and in crises times, distraction

  compounds these. Flight is a toss of the dice, indeed.

  Aside from the blocks to travel caused by moving earth, water, and air, are the blocks put in place by man,

  deliberately. Passage into or even through lands considered the property of the elite will be blocked, for hundreds of

  miles in every direction. Those arriving at the perimeter will find at best a gun pointed in their face, more likely

  minefields that leave the screaming injured as warnings to those that come behind them. If a city is the threat, the

  population, the numbers considered the threat, these will be eliminated by blockading the city so the residents die

  during the quakes or drown, or are forced into starvation in their virtual ghettos.

  Anyone thinking this will not occur has only to look to the track record of Homeland Security, when it chooses to rise[2/5/2012 9:56:41 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Travel Blocks

  the threat of Martial Law, the timing. May 12, operation TOPOFF, and May 20, level Orange. Now that the Sweeping

  Arms of the Sun show predictable earth change crises times, the last Nov 9-14 and the next expected Dec 25-30, level

  Orange raised its head again. Terror threats of course are not the reason. It is the need to control the populace, who

  paid for the guns Homeland Security will be using against them, in the employ of the elite.[2/5/2012 9:56:41 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Power Outages

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  ZetaTalk: Power Outages

  written Sep 29, 2003

  We, the Zetas, cannot take credit for the recent rash of power outages affecting all sides of the globe, as this is a result

  of equipment failure in all cases. That the authorities decline to announce the failure is due to the media blackout in

  place on all matters that point to earth movement, stretching or compression, volcanic awakening, earthquake

  frequency and intensity increase, or rising oceans. The news is closely monitored, and must be approved prior to

  release. In that the establishment, which includes as we have explained the major powers of the world and the hands

  that own them, the wealthy elite, has not come up with a proper excuse for these outages, they are left unexplained. On

  occasion an honest comment will slip through, but if it approaches the truth, it is countered, promptly. So what

  has been happening?

  As with derailing trains, which cannot be explained by any but earth movement, and exploding gas lines or broken

  water main, which likewise point to earth movement, electrical systems are fragile, a single broken point causing

  domino effects. But the problems are more than single breaks, they are massive breaks, of major cables running

  underwater between European countries, of entire connections across a seaway tearing apart, of whole substations

  fracturing so all connections coming in or out are essentially broken. Large mechanical breaks, and not the ones that

  should be the focus of concern. Electrical breaks result in lose of electrical power, the public being plunged into

  darkness or without communications, but far worse than this are breaks that are about to occur in gas lines and

  gasoline refinery and distribution networks. When these break, as break they will, there will be explosions and fires

  that will not be so easily corrected nor subdued. A holocaust, an inferno, one that spreads without abatement along the

  distribution lines, so hot and intense that none can approach.[2/5/2012 9:56:42 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Whomping Sounds

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  ZetaTalk: Whomping Sounds

  written Oct 14, 2003, during Lou Gentile live radio

  What on earth - or more accurately, what under the earth is causing a strange banging sound in west Seattle? The

  thumping noise is loud enough and has the ground vibrating enough to have people concerned and saying, what is

  that? None would go on camera to offer any kind of an explanation. Residents said the thumping stopped at about 1

  AM Sunday.

  Seattle, Oct 12

  This is a precur
sor to what we have described will be going on that week of rotation stoppage, the moaning. Why a

  rhythmic thumping? Because you are hearing rock snap. Plates are not a solid cohesive piece. Its more like a pie crust,

  flaked, overlapping. This is why you can have rifts occur, like the St. Lawrence Seaway separating, or the Red Sea or

  the African Rift, or down along the Baja Peninsula between that and the land mass of Mexico. It pulls apart, likewise it

  folds under. This is why Hawaii is rising as the Pacific compresses, registering in one island a 2 foot rise suddenly.

  The pie flakes are folding under and creating more bulk. So when you have, like the West Coast, a great deal of

  resistance because the subduction is a broad stretch, you don’t have an earthquake that suddenly moves all those

  Pacific plates under the West Coast, you have places that snap and break that have the greatest tension. This has been

  recorded in human history as a precursor to earthquakes, this kind of whomping regularity. You hear a whomp when

  there’s a break and the ground literally vibrates. You feel it, and it’s vibrating the air which is why you hear it, and it is

  over a broad area. Why the lull and then a repeat every few minutes? Because the pressure is built up and then there is

  a another snap. This is not a continuous affair, it’s like wave lengths of pressure and release, pressure building up and

  then another snap.[2/5/2012 9:56:43 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Supressing the Word

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  ZetaTalk: Supressing the Word

  Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

  Is the giant comet, the 12th Planet - the same planet as Planet X? Contrary to recent reports in the news, and contrary

  to what your scientists may be allowed to tell you, Planet X does exist, and it is the 12th Planet, one and The Same. In

  all fairness, we should point out that the tracings of this 12th Planet are faint, and as it is heading straight toward your

  Solar System, it appears to be standing still. It glows, slightly, being a bit incandescent akin to the Sun, though not

  radioactive, and thus it is able to support life as it travels through space on its long orbit, supplying its own heat and

  light. Thus, even to astronomers of average skill, this is considered a faint star, at a distance. As there is no way to

  measure distance, in space, except by rate of motion and seeing what objects cross in front of others, no one is the


  Why do your scientists buy into denying rather than trumpeting the truth? They fear for their jobs, their safety, and the

  safety of their families. In other words, they are being threatened by the establishment to avoid this subject like the

  plague. Don't yell fire on a crowded planet. Don't tell people about something they can't do anything about. Don't cause

  panic. Your governments have been informed, a long time ago, and told where to look and what to look for. They

  have been able to compare one picture against another, over time, and this shows a track. Distant stars do not move in

  this manner. In addition, the motion and trace is in concordance with our predictions. Your governments, and others in

  their confidence, know, with gut wrenching certainty, that the giant comet is approaching.

  There will be no end of confusion about the matter of locating the comet in the skies, particularly if one is trying to

  prove to the populace or the establishment that it exists and is traveling. Beyond the fact that assistance will not be

  given to anyone trying to locate this comet, is the resistance that will be given. The establishment knows it is there but

  fears the chaos that will erupt if the populace knows. Those in the establishment who are knowledgeable are personally

  planning escape routes and safe places, and will disappear when the time comes. Those who are knowledgeable and

  are concerned about getting the word out are brutally repressed. They know that any statements they make will be

  followed by personal discrediting, vicious in nature. Therefore, where individuals may locate what they think is the

  comet, they will not receive the assistance of those with access to high powered equipment, as all this equipment falls

  under the umbrella of the establishment in some way.

  It is precisely this reaction of the establishment that has caused us to be so very noisy about the pole shift. At least

  people should be informed. Then, at least, they can make up their own minds if they wish to deny or believe, to ignore

  or take steps, to prepare or just party the time away. Folks should be given the option, in our opinion. As we expect our

  communications to be discounted by the establishment anyway, we will be allowed to speak. Humans, especially

  astronomers in a position to know, are the ones who will be leaned on to keep quiet. You are therefore left to locating

  the comet in the skies, and as the time of passage nears, being able to direct others as to where to look. This will be a

  lonely and fruitless ritual until the comet become visible to the human eye or backyard astronomers. Climactic changes

  - the heating up of the core of the Earth causing increased earthquakes, torrential monsoons and droughts, and volcanic

  activity - will have many wondering. At that time they will be more open to consider possibilities. However, even with

  all the proof in the world, denial or inability to act will find most of the world's populace vulnerable to the pole shift

  when it happens.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:56:43 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Solar Flares

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  ZetaTalk: Solar Flares

  Note: written during the Jun 1, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Solar Flares, an extended or anomalous solar cycle, has been planned for decades to be used as a distraction and

  excuse during this time. Where the 11 year cycle was to end in 2000, it was reported prior to its end to perhaps be a 14

  year cycle, ending in 2003. Where did the historical references to base this estimate come from? This is not provided,

  the conclusions provided, but not the data. In fact, there is no historical reference, as all previous solar cycles recorded

  or observed by man fall into the 11 year cycle. In order to create an environment where such speculation can be stated

  as fact, or taken seriously, there needs to be a climate of confusion established well ahead of time. Thus, where the

  one hand of NASA reported the solar cycle on schedule, and normal, or even rather mundane, the other hand went a

  bit wacky in their reporting. They muttered it seemed to be coming early, no, now late, no, now concluding, no, now

  continuing, and thus the public never has a firm basis for comparison. Any reports given that might be challenged are

  done so in the auspices of new satellites or probes, so comparisons can again not be made. The solar flares are also not

  anything man on the face of earth can recognize, thus can be made up freely as disinfo. Trust NASA, as they have the

  Hubble and probes and satellites, and will tell you what has occurred. Of course, they lie.

  What does all this mean? It means that any reason for the current weather, satellite failure, magnetic diffusion, or

  heating core along with volcanic and quake increases, are to be blamed on the Sun or Global Warming, or normal

  cycles detected in the past, causing Ice Ages or melting poles in history. And meanwhile, please just focus on the Israel

  situation, or perhaps Bin Laden, or perhaps a movie star recently divorced or murdered. Anything but the issues the

  common man should be made aware of. Why do the elite strive to confuse so, when the truth will eventually be found


  1. they hope the economic structure, which keeps them on top, will continue as long as possible.

  2. they hope the little man will continue in his jobs, in his home, until they have long left for their safe enclaves,

  thus preventing detection of or preventing their escape when the time comes.

  3. they hope to trap the common man, in masses in cities and along the coasts, in death during the shift, so as to

  reduce the need to poison them with chemtrails, which are proving difficult to manage and implement.

  Thus, you are told recently by Hazlewood, a disinfo arm setup to twist the message of ZetaTalk at this time, that the

  date will be later than anticipated. Thus, you have Planet X in the news, under every subject but the inbound planet

  that will pass on May 15, 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation] or shortly thereafter. Thus, you have confusion about the role of the Sun lately, such that it is surmised to be about to cause a pole shift, magnetic in nature, that will cause most

  of humanity to die off. The common man, exhausted after a long day earning a living, and not educated enough to

  challenge some of the sources of news, is confused. Will this continue up until the shift? Yes, and get worse, until the

  barrage of disinformation is overwhelming. Where will this end? It can possibly end in members of the media being

  disgusted, leaks from the government, and the truth being told increasingly. It can possibly result in some countries,

  perhaps France or Russia, presenting the truth to their people and the truth crossing borders. As with Enron facing the

  Bush Administration, pretending the information does not matter only goes so far. The truth has a ring to it, such that it

  is recognized, and passed on with great seriousness. Thus, this issue of disinformation is in play, and in the hands of

  man, and might jump any number of directions over the next very interesting year.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 9:56:44 AM]


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