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Striving for Normal (Striving Series)

Page 17

by Mooney, B. L.

  “Really?” I just looked at her. “You really think I’m going to drop it?” I smiled when she blushed. “Ooh, now you have to tell me.”

  “Oh, all right.” Terri finally turned to me and crossed her arms. I could tell she wanted to suppress her smile, but wasn’t able to. “Ever since you moved out, Mark has been a little . . .”

  “Adventurous?” I laughed when she turned a shade darker.

  “Shut up!” She rolled her eyes when I unsuccessfully tried to stop giggling. “Drew, come on.” She waited until I sobered up a little. “Anyway, he bought the boots and told me to wear them as a signal that I’m ready to try something new.”

  I smiled. “And you’re wearing them on the night Dennis and I are staying for dinner.”

  Terri smiled. “Yes. I want to drive him crazy for once. He’s going to have to wait until you two leave, and I’m not going to be pushing you guys out the door any time soon.” Terri winked as she heard the door open.

  “Aunt D!” Trevor came running to me.

  I picked him up as he jumped for me. “I just saw you at the center. How can you be so excited to see me again so soon?”

  He lowered his voice a little. “Because I know a secret I’m not supposed to tell you.”

  “Trevor.” Mark’s voice held a warning tone, and I looked to Terri. She just shrugged, not having any idea what was going on. I looked back at Mark, but his eyes were fixated on the boots Terri was wearing. He kept staring while Sally tried to get into the kitchen behind him.

  “Where is everyone?” Dennis appeared behind Mark, who was still staring at Terri. Dennis looked at the two of them and then looked at me.

  I looked over at Terri to suggest she take the boots off, but she was just as lost to us as Mark was. “You know what, Trevor? I have a surprise of my own. Uncle D and I are going to take you and Sally out to dinner.” I nudged Terri to break her spell and raised my eyebrows when she finally looked at me.

  “I’m sorry, Drew. What did you say?” Terri only glanced at me before she looked at Mark again.

  “May I borrow your van?”

  That got her to look at me. “What’s wrong with your car?”

  “Dennis and I are taking the kids out for dinner.” I smiled when she started patting herself down for the keys.

  “Purse.” Terri snapped her fingers in the air. “They’re probably in my purse.”

  I put Trevor down and grabbed Terri’s purse on the counter behind her. I handed it to her so she could give me the keys. It was amusing to see Terri out of control. Whatever adventures Mark had been taking her on must have been really something. I tossed the keys to Dennis for him to get the kids in the van while I stayed for a second to talk with Terri and Mark.

  Once I heard the front door shut, I snapped my fingers in both of their faces to get their attention. “Look, I’m only going to say this once, so please pay attention. We will be gone for a few hours, but I will call when we are on our way home. For the sake of your children’s mental health, please answer your phone and clean it up before we walk in.”

  I walked out and Dennis had just shut Sally’s side of the van. He turned and saw me coming down the steps. “What was all of that about?”

  I looked to make sure the windows were rolled up so Trevor couldn’t hear. “Has Mark discussed his brilliant idea of the red boots?” Dennis smiled and nodded. “I thought so. Well, she wore them to tease him tonight since we would be there to get in the way, and I guess it kind of backfired on her.” I wrapped my arms around his neck to finally say hello to him. “Hi.”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. “Hi. Do you want a pair of red boots, too?”

  I leaned in and licked his earlobe before biting it. I whispered, “I don’t need red boots. I’m always ready for whatever you want to give me.”

  Dennis groaned and whispered back. “The only thing I can give you now is an evening with children, but I’m thinking maybe I’m the one who should get some red boots.”

  Without hesitation, I licked his neck before whispering again. “You probably should.” I smiled and pulled away when I felt him swallow. The look of fear and desire that was etched across his face was priceless, and I laughed as I walked to the passenger side. It was good to know I could make him nervous for a change.


  “Okay, Trevor. One more time and then we really need to go.” I looked at my phone as Dennis took the kids to play one more round and silently yelled at Terri in my head. I jumped when it actually rang. “It’s about time.”

  “I would have called sooner if I had known you were waiting for me to make the first move.” Carl’s smug voice came through the screaming kids in the background. Anyone else I spoke with that night could barely be heard, but Carl, of course, came through loud and clear.

  “I’m busy.”

  “You’re pretty when your hair is down.”

  “What?” How did he know I took the ponytail out?

  “At first it was sexy to see you casual, but it gets tiring to look at all the time. You really should put your hair up in a more stylish fashion. I do love looking at your long beautiful neck.”

  “I’m busy.” I tried not to show my irritation with him, but it still came out through clenched teeth.

  “I see that.” Carl’s voice was right behind me, and I no longer heard it in the phone.

  I put my phone in my pocket and turned around. Carl had on a baseball cap and big sunglasses, but you could still see that his bruises hadn’t all gone away yet. Dennis still showed some signs that he’d been in a fight, but the low lighting helped him hide his. Carl must have really taken a beating from Dennis to still have bruises that he needed to hide.

  “I thought you would have called to check on me by now.” He reached out and touched my arm. I flicked it away.

  “I thought you would have gotten the hint by now. How many times do I have to tell you that I am with Dennis?” He started to speak, but I held up my hand. “Let me spell it out for you. I’m unavailable. I only want to date Dennis. Stop pursuing me and antagonizing Dennis.”

  Carl reached out again and I slapped his hand. “Why are you so afraid of my touch?”

  “I’m not afraid of it. I just don’t want it.” I crossed my arms. “Are you stalking me or did you come here with your daughter?”

  “Amy’s cousin is having a birthday party. This is a coincidence.” Carl looked around. I wasn’t sure if he was looking for Amy or Dennis. “This isn’t really the right setting to have this discussion—”

  “There’s nothing to discuss. I’m with Dennis.” I started to walk away, but he grabbed the belt loop on the back of my jeans.

  He pulled me to him and whispered in my ear. “When you can tell me you love him and make me believe he can give you what we’ve already shared, then I might walk away.” He put both hands on my hips and heat radiated all through me. “Until your body stops responding to me, I’ll keep trying.” I didn’t respond and walked away to find Dennis. We needed to go.


  I used the key I still had to Terri’s house to let myself in. I couldn’t believe they didn’t answer their phone. I walked in slowly and listened, but heard nothing. Still walking slowly and listening for any sound, I made my way through the living room and headed for the kitchen. On the counter were the cell phones I’d kept trying to call. I rolled my eyes and headed upstairs.

  I checked the bathroom, but it was empty. The next room was their room and it was empty. If they’d gone out to dinner and didn’t find a phone to call me, I was going to be pissed. I glanced in the kid’s room but didn’t really think I would find them in there. Some rooms were just off limits. I held my breath and slowly opened my old bedroom door.

  They were asleep with the sheet thankfully covering the bottom half of them. Terri was asleep on his chest, so I only saw her bare back. I took one step in and whispered. I didn’t want to startle them and make them lose any coverings. “Guys, wake up.”

Terri stirred and mumbled something I couldn’t understand. Mark mumbled, “Give me a few more minutes.” I’d given them all night. Their time was up.

  I covered my eyes and yelled. “Get up!”

  I heard a thump and Terri yelled, “Fuck!”

  I kept my eyes covered, but knew Terri had fallen out of bed. It served her right. “Oh, I think you’ve got that covered. Get your asses up. Your kids are tired, Dennis and I are tired, and I need to go home.” I stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

  “Hey, I need that.” Mark yelled from the bedroom.

  I could tell Terri was behind me, yelling at Mark over her shoulder. “Just go to our room and get something on before the kids come in.” She grabbed my arm to stop me from walking down the stairs. “Drew, look at me.”

  I turned around as Mark was going to their bedroom. I was glad he grabbed a pillow to cover himself. Terri had the sheet wrapped around her. She looked behind her to see what I was looking at. “Nice.” She rolled her eyes when she turned around. “What’s wrong?”

  I looked at my watch and looked at her. “I told you to keep your phones with you. What if something had happened?”

  Mark stepped out of the bedroom pulling a shirt over his head. He had jeans on and squeezed by Terri and me. “I’ll just go get the kids.”

  Terri pulled me to her room to get dressed and shut the door behind us. “Something did happen. What was it?” She went to her dresser for some pajamas.

  I crossed my arms. “Nothing happened. I’m just really tired. We stayed out for you, and the kids are really tired and whiny. I just want to get them to bed.”

  Terri and I had changed in front of each other before, but not usually so close after being intimate. It was more in dressing rooms or getting ready to go out. I looked away to give her privacy. Once she was finished, she came over and put her hands on my arms above my elbows. I kept my arms crossed, but I looked at her.

  “I’m sorry we forgot our phones.” She looked around the bedroom.

  “They’re downstairs on the kitchen counter.”

  Terri looked back at me and gave me a half smile. “I’m sorry, really sorry. Please forgive me.”

  “You’re forgiven. Can I go now?”

  Terri let go and stepped back. “Sure. Thank you for tonight.” She paused and I turned to go. “I’m here for you and I love you, Drew.”

  I stopped with my hand on the doorknob when she said she loved me. She knew exactly when to inflict the most guilt and support at the same time. I started crying. Terri pulled me over to her bed and started to set me down. “I’m not sitting on that.”

  “We never made it in here. It’s clean.” Terri pulled on me again and made me sit next to her. “Now tell me why you’re really upset. Did you argue with Dennis again?”

  “No. I really am just tired, and I was frustrated when I couldn’t get in touch with you.” I turned to reach for a tissue on her night stand, and my phone fell out of my pocket.

  Terri bent down and picked it up. “How many times did you try to call us?” She looked through my phone and raised her eyebrows when she turned to me. “I’m really sorry, Drew.”

  I waved her off and took another tissue. “The kids really were great. You know I enjoy spending time with them.” Terri handed my phone back to me. I knew she had seen the call from Carl, and I was debating whether I wanted to talk about it or not. I was supposed to be relaxing and not having heavy conversations.

  I looked at Terri, and I knew she was waiting for me to come clean on what the call was about. At least she knew I wasn’t the one that reached out to him. I decided to tell her everything. “He was there.”

  “What? Why?” Terri shook her head.

  “They were there for a birthday party. He said he’s not giving up, Terri.”

  She hesitated a second, but looked me in the eye when she asked, “Do you really want him to?”

  Trevor burst through the door. “Mom, Mom, Mom.” He was in front of her bouncing up and down.

  Terri gave me a look that said this conversation wasn’t over before turning to her son. “I thought Aunt D said you were tired.”

  “Not me. Sally’s tired, but not me.” He was tugging on her hand. “Come on. I want to show you my stuff before Dad makes me go to bed.”

  I stood up. “I really should be going anyway.” I bent down to Trevor and hugged him. “Thanks for being such a great big help tonight. It was fun.”

  I walked back downstairs ahead of Terri and a chatty Trevor. Taking my purse from Dennis, I leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Thanks for going with me tonight, but I’m headed home.”

  His eyes narrowed a little. “Everything okay?”

  “Yes. I’m just tired.” I leaned into him a little more.

  Dennis pulled me closer and whispered in my ear. “If I had a pair of red boots, I’d be wearing them right now.”

  I pulled away and smiled. “Not tonight, okay?”

  “Drew?” I could tell Terri was close before I turned to her. “Call me tomorrow?”

  I nodded before I kissed Dennis and walked out to my car. I had just opened my car door when Dennis came out. “Drew, wait up.” He stopped running down the steps when I put my hand up.

  “Not tonight, Dennis. Please.” I knew I shouldn’t have taken my frustration out on him. I felt rattled every time Carl touched me. I just wanted to go home and be alone.

  He started walking down the steps again, slower this time, and I didn’t stop him. He was just inches from me, and I suddenly felt safe and warm. My mind flashed back to what I felt when Carl stood this close. It definitely wasn’t safe or warm. Carl could make me burn from the inside out, but the air felt cold and suffocating. I shut my car door and flung myself in Dennis’s arms.

  He held me tightly. “Next time we take the kids out, we’ll take them somewhere a little less popular.”

  I must have seemed like a terrible person to Dennis. He thought I was upset because of the place we had decided to take the kids. It wasn’t the sounds of the games or the excited children that bothered me. It was the promise—or threat—and touch from one of the parents. I pulled back a little to see his eyes. “No, tonight was great. I really enjoyed spending time with you and the kids.”

  Dennis looked at me skeptically. “Really?”

  I nodded and smiled my first smile since seeing Carl. “It made me think of a possible future that I thought was lost—until you.” I kissed Dennis and could feel his smile. I love making him smile.

  Terri opened her front door and yelled out, “Get a room. We have neighbors, you know.”

  I didn’t break the kiss, but waved my hand for her to go back inside. I reluctantly stepped back when I heard her slippers coming down the steps. I wiped the lipstick off Dennis with my thumb right as Terri came up to us. I tilted my head and gave her the same tone she gave me. “We gave you the space you needed, you know.”

  “Oh, you can have your space. I just need a minute.” Terri looked at Dennis. “Please?”

  Dennis nodded and looked at me. “Your place or mine?” He started smiling. “I’ve always wanted to say that.”

  “Yours is fine. I’ll be there soon.” I kissed his cheek and turned to Terri as I leaned back against my car.

  She waited until Dennis left before talking. “I know you’re not supposed to talk about things this week, but please don’t bottle this up. I’ve got time coming to me, I’ll get someone to cover my shift tomorrow, and you and I’ll go—”

  “Go to work, Terri. Don’t use your leave on me. I’ll be fine.” I got off the car and opened the door.


  I turned and startled Terri when I hugged her. “I’ll be here to watch the kids as I always do on Saturday morning. Go to work and we’ll talk afterwards.”

  Terri hugged me back. “I would suggest you just stay in your old room so we could have talked tonight, but you already made plans with Dennis.”

  I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. “I
f you think I’ll ever stay in that room again, you are so wrong.”

  “Why? Oh, sorry about that.” Terri started laughing. “I forgot. We never intended on you finding out about that.”

  “Why the hell were you in there anyway?” It wasn’t my room anymore, and I shouldn’t have been so protective of it, but it was hard to let it go. I’d spent the last four years in that room.

  Terri shrugged. “To make more room, you pushed the bed against the wall in the corner of the room. We needed the wall support.” She turned to go back in and I let her, but she was going to answer more of my questions if she wanted her own answers.

  I pulled up to Dennis’s house, but didn’t get out right away. I should’ve just gone home. It wasn’t fair to Dennis to make him put up with my mood. I got out and slowly walked up the steps to the porch. I realized the lights weren’t on and turned to make sure his car was in the driveway.

  “Are you staying out here forever?” Dennis opened the door and startled me.

  “I was just looking for your car. It’s dark. I didn’t think you were home yet.”

  Dennis pulled me into the house and kissed me. He didn’t say another word as he led me to his bedroom, undressing me the entire way. I wouldn’t have said I was in the mood before, but since he started showering my body with attention, there was nothing I wanted more.

  “Lie down on your stomach.” Dennis led me to the bed and pointed before walking to his dresser.

  I smiled. “You weren’t kidding about the red boots, but I think you’re a little overdressed.” I did as he requested and turned my head to watch him.

  “I don’t think red boots are what you need tonight, but you’re right about the clothes.” He quickly undressed, but left his boxers on. He took something off his dresser and walked back to me. It was too dark for me to see what he had, but as soon as he reached me, I felt the warmth of oil dripping on my back.

  I moaned as I felt his hands massage my back, rubbing the oil deep into my tight muscles. I felt the bed dip as he straddled me for easier access. He put his weight into it, starting at my lower back and pushing the tension out of my body, and then bringing his hands back down. His thumbs were magic as they worked their way through the knots. With each pass he took, his fingertips tickled and brushed lightly against my ribs and breasts.


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