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Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites

Page 10

by Gail Koger

  I let out dramatic shriek of fear. “Don’t hurt me! I’ve done nothing to you.”

  “Do you think me a fool? I know you are a Siren.” He jabbed at me with his sword.

  I scuttled around the toadstool, keeping it between us. “Me a Siren? No way. Like I’m psychic or something?”

  “You are lying.” He swung his sword, missing me by a good foot.

  “Wait! Doesn’t Radan want me alive?”

  The assassin shrugged. “Few survive this world.” His attention totally focused on me, the jerk failed to notice he was way too close to a thorn tree.

  I hid a smile. The idiot hadn’t activated his energy shield either.

  A branch snapped out.

  Whack! It caught dumbass across the back of the neck. He made a funny gurgling noise as the tree drained him dry.

  “See? The enemy is defeated, and I never laid a finger on him.”

  “Don’t get cocky. We still have five assassins tracking us,” Jaylan warned.

  A bloodcurdling roar was followed by an agonized scream. In my mind’s eye, I could see the Pantos chowing down. Hungry buggers. That was the second bad guy they had taken out.


  Poof! Jaylan stood in front of me. “Nicely done, my lady.” He took my lips in a kiss that was a devastating blend of hunger and gentleness.

  “So. How do you feel about adopting?”


  Jaylan’s bewilderment was almost comical. My question had come out of left field. “You know, taking in babies who have lost their parents.”

  “Madal?” Jaylan asked with a suspicious frown.

  “Nope. His mom’s still alive.”

  My warlord gave me a wary look. “Whatever you’re planning, the answer is no.”


  Jaylan reclaimed my mouth in a ravenous kiss. “I have one more explosive to plant. We’ll discuss this later. Stay out of trouble.”

  “On this world? Not gonna happen.”

  “Try.” Jaylan’s authoritarian tone rivaled Zarek’s.

  “Yes’um, boss.”

  Poof! He was gone.

  Rio and Cokie peeked out from under a ledge. “Safe, Momma?”

  “It is. Come on, babies.” I held my hand out.

  The kids scurried up my arm and settled on my head.

  Lordy, my furry critter hat was way hot. Sweat stung my eyes as I cautiously studied the area.

  Heat waves quivered across the terrain like restless spirits.

  I frowned and shaded my eyes. What the hell was crawling toward us? One look at the crocodile-shaped head, and I shivered in revulsion. Lucky me, it was back. A buzzing noise filled my mind. Oh my God, it was trying to communicate. I concentrated, and the static cleared.

  “Wait, Momma.”

  Momma? Not another one. “Go away, or I will shoot you.”

  The snake stopped. “You helped the other hatchlings.”

  “You’re not a baby.”

  “True,” the snake answered.

  To my surprise, I was intrigued, not freaked out. Had Jaylan’s unique penis cured me of my fear? Maybe. “What do you want?”

  “Off this world.”

  Gotta say I hadn’t expected that answer. “Okay, I’ll bite. Why?”

  “I’m a Shani from Derak,” the snake claimed importantly.

  I accessed Zarek’s data. Sure enough, the planet Derak was populated by a species of psychic snakes that had the ability to create mini wormholes. Which explained the disappearing laser bolts.

  Gramps had been trying to capture a Shani for years. Their feudal society was controlled by the Queen Mother. Her battle techniques were legendary, and she had never been defeated. “If you can create wormholes, why don’t you just zap yourself back to Derak?”

  “My abilities have not fully manifested as yet.” There was a mixture of embarrassment and anger in the statement.

  “Mine either.” I studied the Shani’s brainwaves. Definitely young and female.

  She curled dejectedly at my feet. “I want to go home.”

  “Me too, but that’s not going to happen anytime soon. What’s your name?”

  “I am called Rami.”

  “I’m Bree, and the little guys on my head are Rio and Cokie.”

  Cokie peered down at Rami. “Can we eat it?”

  “No! No one is eating anyone,” I instructed firmly.

  Rio scurried down the side of my head and perched on my shoulder. “Want to taste it.”

  “Absolutely not, and no stinging.”

  “You no fun,” Rio pouted.

  “And you have no manners. Say hello to Rami.”

  In unison, Rio and Cokie both parroted, “Hello, Rami.”

  Rami raised her head. “Greetings, small ones.”

  Jaylan was going to have one hell of a hissy fit when he saw all my critters. “How did you end up on this hellhole?”

  Radiating shame, Rami slithered under a rocky shelf.

  “Hey, it can’t be that bad.” Moving into the shade, I collapsed on a rock and pulled out my bottle of water.

  “I brought great dishonor on my nestmates. My attempt to build a stable wormhole failed. The power fluctuation created a wormhole within a wormhole and…and the Queen Mother was accidently sucked inside.”

  “Ouch. Where did she end up?”

  “On a Coletti warbird,” Rami admitted in utter humiliation.

  Oh shit, there was no way? “A warbird with Zarek, the Overlord of the Coletti clans on it?”

  “Yes. He almost captured Queen Mother.”

  Damn. I bet Gramps was pissed she got away. “She sent you to Gansu as punishment?”

  “I am to die here!” Rami wailed.

  “That’s seems a little harsh. You’re still learning to master your talent.”

  “Queen Mother was very angry. She would not listen to my nestmates.”

  I took a long drink and sighed. Hell, what was one more critter? “Don’t worry. I won’t leave you here.”

  Rami poked her head out. “Promise?”

  “Yes.” Zarek would be overjoyed.

  Her forked red tongue scenting the air, Rami crawled up my leg. “Is that water?”

  “It is.” I poured some into the cap and held it out.

  She lapped daintily at the liquid.

  “Me want some,” Cokie exclaimed and scampered down my chest.

  Rio followed her down. “What’s water?”

  “Something Momma Bree and Rami need to survive.”

  “Don’t move,” Jaylan ordered in low, guttural voice.

  I looked up in surprise. “What?”

  “Don’t. Move. A muscle.” Jaylan’s expression was a mixture of horror and grim determination as he crept toward me.

  “Kids, this is Daddy Jaylan.”

  “Hello, Daddy Jaylan,” they responded politely.

  “Daddy Jaylan?” Relief and anger flashed in Jaylan’s eyes. “These are the kids you want to adopt?”


  “Never going to happen,” Jaylan barked.

  Cokie and Rio squeaked fearfully and burrowed into my hair.

  Rami hissed at him and curled protectively around my neck.

  I switched to English. “That Barat you killed was their mother.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Was she?”

  I laid a guilt trip on him. “She was, and they’ll never survive on their own.”

  Aggravated, Jaylan ran a hand through his hair. “And the Shani?”

  “The Queen Mother banished her here. The kids are sentient beings. We can’t let them die.”

  “No, we can’t,” Jaylan announced with a rueful smile. “The Tabors would never forgive me.”

  "Neither would Kaylee or Talree. They are best buddies with them."

  Boom! The earth shuddered under our feet. Boiling water shot hundreds of feet into the air, and for a brief instant, men screamed in agony.

  Yay! My booby trap had worked perfectly. Except for the Tai
-Kok and Rodan, I hated killing, but the assassins had left me no choice. No one hurt my family.

  Rio and Cokie both cried, “We scared.”

  I stroked their fuzzy bodies soothingly. “Remember? I told you there would be a big boom, and it would stop the bad men from hurting us?”

  Cokie clutched my neck. “Bad men gone?”

  “Not all of them, but Daddy Jaylan will kill anyone who tries to hurt you.”

  She peeked through my hair at Jaylan. “You keep Zoms away too?”

  Jaylan promised solemnly. “I will.”

  In that moment, I knew I loved my warlord. He would make a wonderful dad, and he needed me as much as I needed him.

  Rio hopped up and down on my shoulder. “Zoms come.”

  My Siren senses shouted a warning. I looked up, and my eyes widened in horror. A flock of what could only be described as flying purple lizards swooped down at us.

  Calmly raising his laser rifle, Jaylan quickly vaporized the entire swarm.

  “Nice shootin’, sweetie.”

  He shrugged. “I do what I must to protect my family.”

  “I don’t know why I ran from you. You’re a damned fine mate.”

  A delighted smile curved Jaylan’s lips. “You are my heart.”

  “I love you too.”

  Cokie crawled across my face and perched on my nose. “What love?”

  Fighting back the urge to sneeze, I held out my finger and urged Cokie to climb on. “It’s when two people hold great affection for each other.”

  She clung to my finger. “Is love for hatchlings too?”

  “It is.”

  “We love Momma Bree and Daddy Jaylan,” Cokie and Rio said as one.

  “Aw, you’re so sweet.”

  Rami made a hacking noise.

  Teenagers. With a sigh, I placed Cokie back on my head.

  Jaylan raised an inquiring eyebrow. “Any other surprises you want to spring on me?”

  “None I can think of.” Yet.

  My warlord kissed me hungrily. “Keep it that way.”

  I traced the sensual line of Jaylan’s mouth with my tongue. “I’m feeling kinda horny. Where’s that cavern?”

  “Not far.” Jaylan turned his hard gaze on Rami. “No biting, or you won’t like the consequences.”

  “If any harm comes to Momma Bree, neither will you,” she retorted.

  “Okay. Enough of that crap. We’re family. We don’t hurt each other.” One look at Jaylan’s incredulous expression, and I added, “Other than Malik.”

  “Hang on to Momma Bree,” Jaylan said and teleported all of us.

  Chapter Ten

  The cool dimness of the cavern was a blessing. I reveled in it for an entire ten seconds before chaos struck.

  Rio squeaked excitedly, “That fun. Do again?”

  “I think I’m going to hurl,” Rami croaked.

  “No puking on Momma Bree.” I hurriedly peeled her off my neck and placed her on the sand.

  Cokie and Rio bounced up and down on my shoulder. “Want do again.”

  Jaylan scooped them up. “Later, children.”

  “Want do now,” Rio insisted.

  “No!” Jaylan snapped with the steely authority of a Coletti commander.

  “You no fun.” Rio sulked.

  One look at Jaylan’s scowl, and I took the kids from him. I placed them on the floor. “I bet there all sorts of juicy bugs in here. Go find them.”

  “Yes, Momma,” they both exclaimed and crawled off.

  Rami hawked up bloody bits of the assassin’s nose.

  Ewww. Gross. I kicked some sand over the smelly mess. “Feeling any better, Rami?”

  “Yes. Coletti doesn’t agree with me.”

  “Good to know,” Jaylan commented drily.

  “Go keep an eye on the babies. Daddy Jaylan and I need some alone time.”

  Rami’s sigh sounded in my mind. “You want to boink him.”

  My jaw dropped. “Boink?”

  “Isn’t that the correct human term for sex?”

  “For some humans, yes, but what do you know about boinking?”

  Jaylan started laughing.

  Rami’s tone was one of utter disgust. “The Queen Mother insists we learn how other species mate.”

  “Sex education is important, but—”

  Rami cut me off. “Is he going to poke you with his thingy?”


  “I am,” Jaylan stated with obvious relish.

  “Yuck.” She quickly slithered off.

  I turned to Jaylan. “How do the Shani get it on?”

  “When the female is ready to mate, she releases a pheromone that attracts the male.” Jaylan’s wicked lips traced a sensuous path down my neck.

  “Kind of like my skunk spray, huh?” I unsealed my battle suit, giving him access to my breasts.

  “That scent is impossible for anyone to ignore.” Jaylan obediently sucked my nipples, sending an out-of-control rush of raw need tearing through me.

  Mentally, I cupped his balls and massaged them gently, smiling when his muscular frame began to tremble. “And when the horny snake finds her?”

  “The male wraps his tail around the female.” Jaylan yanked my sweaty battle suit down until it wrapped around my knees.

  “Does the female open herself for his possession?” I unfastened Jaylan’s grubby suit. As I eased it off, I rained love bites across his chest.

  Jaylan’s answer was a low, guttural moan. “Yes.” He toppled to the sand, taking me with him.

  The frill of tentacles undulated against my pussy, electrifying every nerve ending. I sucked in a shuddering breath and spread my legs wide. “What happens next?”

  “The male thrusts his two sex organs into her.” Jaylan’s thick penis shot deep inside me, and the tentacles vibrated madly.

  My back bowed. Oh God, he knew which spot to hit. Ecstasy exploded through me, and I dug my fingernails into his strong, corded back. “That’s…it?”

  Jaylan’s breathing was harshly ragged as I psychically nibbled on his man parts. “No. There’s the Shanis’ mating ball.”

  “The snakes have a dance?” I ran my nails down his slit.

  Shudders rippled through Jaylan’s body. “Competing males will swarm the female, wrestling for the chance to mate.”

  “Sounds like an orgy.” I teased his nipple with my tongue.

  “Nothing wrong with a good orgy.” Jaylan tugged my head back, and his mouth closed over mine in a toe-curling kiss.

  I broke the kiss and glared at him. “How many have you participated in?”

  “Not nearly enough.” The predatory glint in Jaylan’s eyes set off warning bells.

  “Wait a minute, you man-whore. The only one you’re doing it with is me, and I’m not into the kinky stuff.”

  “Kinky can be fun.” Jaylan slid his penis out, then drove into me so deeply I climaxed with a scream.

  Spasm after spasm of absolute rapture shook me. One look at the smirk on Jaylan’s mouth, and the sexual fog vanished. He wanted to play? Game on. Drawing on my warlord’s sexual prowess, I retaliated and smiled in glee as I conjured several ghostly tongues to lick his balls and magic wand.

  Jaylan’s spine arced, and a husky growl of arousal rumbled in his throat. Pinning me with his weight, he pumped into me harder and faster.

  I scraped phantom teeth over the tender flesh of his cock.

  Jaylan convulsed violently and howled his release.

  A hot liquid filled my womb. My breathing was a frantic mixture of gasps and mewling cries as waves of bliss crashed over me. “Oh God. It’s. Too. Good.”

  Tremors still rocked Jaylan. “It gets better.”

  “Not possible.” Little shocks of excitement sizzled through my belly when dozens of urgent hands suddenly caressed my body.

  His mind surged into mine. “Relax and enjoy.”

  Ghostly strips of leather whipped across my butt. I writhed at the pleasure-pain. “Paybacks are a bitch.”
br />   “Bring it on, my lady warrior.”

  Okeydokey. I borrowed his flogger and whacked his taut ass repeatedly. My core pulsed with hunger. I was getting off on it.

  Jaylan laughed. “Very good.”

  I squeaked when a cock pressed against the tight flesh of my anus. “Hey! Wait!”

  The tenacious little tentacles jiggled their way inside my opening and did the cha-cha. I felt myself softening, opening for them, and a curious hunger built.

  My warlord caught me by the back of my head and kissed me hungrily.

  I felt the little buggers slip deeper inside me, creating an exquisite torment almost too much to bear. I tried to wiggle free.

  Jaylan tightened his grip. “Easy. I would never damage you. What happens is only in your mind.”

  Only in my mind, huh? I conjured up my own vibrating fuck buddies and invaded his butt.

  Jaylan bucked against me, and his hot psychic cock penetrated my ass fully.

  “Yeow!” The pain gave away to an erotic fire. “Oh. Um. That’s. Kinda nice.”

  “Kinda nice?” The two penises fucked me in deep, hard strokes.

  The delicious friction had me screaming, “More. More.” Jaylan’s hips pumped faster and faster, until absolute rapture claimed me. “Hallefrickinlujah!”

  Jaylan gave a hoarse shout of triumph and collapsed on top of me.

  “Whatcha doin’?” Rio’s curiosity vied with worry.

  I squelched a whimper. "Talk about bad timing."

  “You’re the one insisting on adopting them,” Jaylan groused.

  “I know.”

  Cokie pounced on Jaylan’s head with her stinger held high. “Are you hurting Momma Bree?”

  “No! Do not sting Daddy Jaylan. He isn’t hurting me.”

  “You screamed.” Rio’s stinger quivered.

  “They are mating.” Rami’s revulsion was quite obvious.

  Rio and Cokie peered at me. “What mating?”

  “You want to explain it to them, Studley Do Right?”

  “No. It’s the mother’s job to teach the young.” Jaylan slid his penis out of me.

  “Snake, Daddy Jaylan!” Cokie cried in alarm.

  “Me kill it.” Rio charged down Jaylan’s chest.

  Rami hissed in delight.

  Jaylan quickly scooped up Rio. “I need my snake to mate.”

  “I don’t have a snake,” Rio whined.

  I rubbed my aching forehead. “That’s because you’re not Coletti. You inject your sperm with your mandibles.”


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