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Interview with a Billionaire: Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 4

by Brooks, Sarah J.

  “That’s the viewing platform I was on about guys; see how it looks right down and across to the very top of the waterfalls below?” Cody said, looking toward Eliza and Mia but not catching Mia’s gaze at all.

  “He’s as awkward as you are Mia,” said Eliza as though she were reading her mind.

  “Well, he probably shouldn’t have kissed me in full view of you lot if he didn’t want to feel awkward,” Mia answered, feeling confused by the whole situation.

  There wasn’t long to dwell on her emotions, though, as they were soon standing on the platform looking at the beauty of the waterfalls cascading into the waters below.

  “Would you two like a moment alone?” one of the group joked as Mia and Cody stood at the edge together.

  “Hey, look, I’m sorry, Mia. I thought if we kissed it’d shut the jerks up for a while, but my plan seems to have failed miserably,” Cody whispered as they both stared at the majestic waterfall. For a moment, Mia was able to forget the others were even there with them: it was a very surreal moment for her.

  What should she say? Tell him she enjoyed the kiss and to hell with the group?

  She glanced quickly at him and said quietly, “Don’t apologize, Cody; I was taken aback for sure, but I for one liked your plan and enjoyed your execution of said plan.”

  Cody laughed, really laughed so much that Mia could feel everyone staring at him.

  “Well, that’s okay, then. You sure do have a journalist’s way of talking, young Mia.”

  “Yeah, it’s in my blood. Look, you ever have another plan like that, just let me know as forewarned is forearmed,” she chuckled under her breath as she spoke.

  “And how exactly will you prepare yourself?”

  Mia thought for a moment before answering his question. “I’ll brush my teeth first!”

  Now Cody laughed so hard she thought he was going to fall straight over the guard rails and into the deep water below, “You’re a funny lady, Mia. There aren’t many girls who make me laugh.”

  “And I expect you know many,” really, did it matter? What a dumb ass thing to say.

  Now his laugh turned quickly to an awkward silence as he mumbled, “No not really. We better make a move.”

  It was obvious she’d made him edgy with her dumb words, and Mia wished she could take them back, but she couldn’t. What was said was said. She did wonder how many girls he knew, though. He was filthy rich, hot, funny, and possessed a gentle side rarely seen in public. Most girls would love to be involved with him.

  There was nothing she could do right now other than follow him to join the others. She could kick herself for her insensitive words, but she only stated that she expected he knew many girls—was that seriously such a crime? Sensitive little thing, isn’t he?

  She felt like a sulky little teenager as she followed the group off the viewing platform and headed toward where they were all gathered.

  “So how are we all feeling at the moment? Up for going further to the Ink Pots?” Cody asked.

  “What are the Ink Pots?” Shane asked, who’d been quiet up to this point.

  “Glad you asked Shane. They’re a group of pools that contain mineral springs, which are a beautiful green color. It’s a great hike as it’s usually quiet. We can eat snacks up there cos the pools are in a meadow,” Cody answered.

  There were a few moans and groans from the group, but the overall opinion was to go on the Ink Pot trail.

  “You up for it Alice?”

  “Yes, Cody, I’ll be fine.”

  Mia needed to talk to Cody. She didn’t like to think they’d fallen out, and especially so after they’d shared such an intimate moment.

  She caught up with him before they started moving forward, “Hey, can we chat a minute?”

  “If we must.” He sighed, looking at her as though she were a piece of trash on the forest’s floor.

  “Look, I never meant to upset you, and I’m sorry if I did, can you just slow down already?”

  He was walking so quickly, and she knew why—so he could hopefully leave her behind as his legs were so long compared to hers.

  “Okay, there I’m stopped,” he snapped coming to a standstill and glaring down at her with no softness in his pale blue eyes at all.

  “Thank you. If I offended, I’m sorry. All I was trying to say was that I bet you know a lot of girls, that’s all,” she said softly.

  “Why cos I’m rich?”

  “No, that’s not the only reason, but you must attract a lot of feminine attention through having money.”

  He nodded his head slowly, “Yes, I guess I do, but not all of it; in fact, very little of it is welcomed with opened arms, trust me. Why do you need to know anyhow, you jealous little Mia?”

  “Oh, you think you’re a friggin smartarse don’t you? Turning it around so that I’m made out to be some sort of jealous psychotic girl.”

  “Nobody mentioned you being psychotic, Mia; is there something you want to share?” he said. Now she didn’t know how to take him, was he making fun of her or being serious?

  She rolled her green eyes skyward and played with the wispy strands of hair around her face like she’d done on the bus.

  “You do that often with your hair don’t you?”

  “It’s a nervous habit, I guess.”

  “So now I make you nervous?”

  “I give up!”

  “Awww, don’t do that, we were just getting to know one another.” There was a small smile playing on his soft lips as he spoke.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but we were all chatting, and none of us brought any snack,” said Eliza, looking awkwardly at both Cody and Mia.

  “Not a problem, and I wondered when someone would actually have the intelligence to work that out!” Cody chuckled as he spoke to Eliza.

  “Right, listen up gang. Don’t sweat it about snack as I’ve got it covered. I’ve packed up sandwiches, potato chips, cookies and even some candy, so we’ll all be fine and won’t starve!” He smiled.

  Eliza smiled at Mia and then walked off to join Dwayne. Mia was pleased to see that they’d sorted out their differences concerning Cody. Dwayne was probably more settled now he figured Cody was with Mia.

  Cody and Mia were still standing in the same spot and hadn’t really noticed that everyone else had walked by.

  “Shit, we better catch them up or else I’ll end up with a load of lost teenagers wandering around the forest at nightfall. Come on, we can walk together if your little legs can keep up.” He laughed.

  “Oh there’s a challenge!” she retorted, feeling warm all of a sudden and wishing that she’d chosen a loose fitting shirt instead of the fairly tight pale green T-shirt she’d opted for that morning.

  She began at a good pace, matching Cody’s stride well, but after a little while, Mia began to ease back from him. Walking behind Cody certainly had benefits, though; like staring at his tight firm buttocks as he walked, and the way his hips swayed effortlessly with each confident step.

  5. Chapter Five

  It was a fair hike along the Ink Pots trail but, as Cody had said, it was a great hike. They only saw one other group of people walking it, with their small black dog trotting behind them who had a tail that never seemed to stop wagging.

  A sigh of relief ran through the group when the Ink Pots came into sight.

  “Right, pick a spot on the grass and collapse for a while!” ordered Cody as he began unpacking his backpack. “Toby, could you give me a hand mate to pass the snacks around?”

  “Sure thing,” Toby replied, seeming only too happy to help Cody out.

  Mia ensured she was sat close to Cody, and he didn’t object by moving away, so she thought that was a good enough sign that he was comfortable with her joining him.

  It wasn’t long before he started a conversation, “You know, I’ve been thinking Mia, and I’ve arrived at the conclusion that you presume to know a lot about me and yet you hardly know me.”

  Not quite the conversation opener she
was hoping for, “I’ve heard rumors, that’s all.”

  Cody shifted with his jean clad legs underneath him now. He’d removed his raincoat from around his waist, and his orange and black shirt was now coming untucked from his jeans; he looked casual and relaxed.

  He leant toward her now and got so close that Mia could smell his freshly scented cologne and feel his warm breath on her silky smooth cheek.

  “What was that word you used? Oh yeah, ‘rumors’ that are generally built on nothing more than pure speculation, Mia. A journalist should surely always seek out the truth,” he whispered almost seductively in her ear.

  Her skin tingled from his warm breath as she stood up desperately searching her mind for a sharp reply; her search was in vain as no reply came.

  “I’ve got nothing, no smart-arse comment, no retort, nothing. I do want to know you, the real you. That’s my angle here, and to know you, I’ve gotta ascertain whether the rumors are true or not,” Mia was struggling to find the words but was quite satisfied with her reply.

  She stood looking down at him with a false feeling of holding all the power because, for once, she was above him in height.

  “Yeah, that I get, Mia, but perhaps you should simply ask me rather than basing your opinion on assumptions. If we actually talk, I’ll be happy to tell you the truth.”

  His words both surprised and silenced her.

  “What nothing to say? I can talk to you as a civilized human being you know.” He smiled up at her. “To be honest, I hate journalists, Mia, but you’re not like the others—you seem less intrusive. I’ve watched you around the teenagers, and you’re good with them, I like that, a lot.”

  Cody’s words flattered her.

  “So in the beginning when you were so arrogant, you were what, testing me?” she asked, still looking down at him and now with her hands placed on her slim hips.

  “No, I’m simply just arrogant Mia!” he replied. “God, lighten up, I’m messing with you. Yes, I was testing you I guess, but nothing was planned that way.”

  “So you were upset with me for making assumptions, and yet you assumed just cos I’m a journalist that you’d hate me?”

  Cody laughed now. “You’ve got me there girl. Clever little minx, aren’t you?”

  Mia felt dead chuffed. She’d used his own words back on him, and he’d no answer. Teach you to mess with someone who uses words every day of their life!

  “Listen, why don’t you sit down again, and we can talk now if you like while we eat a snack. Sound like a plan?”

  She had to admit that sounded like a really good plan and plonked herself down on the grass beside him once more. Mia opened her backpack and removed her notebook and pen to which Cody sniggered.

  “Tools of my trade, I’m afraid.” Mia smiled.

  “So where do we begin?”

  “At the beginning, Cody. So tell me how you became as wealthy as you are today?” she was straight in to work mode now; this was when Mia shone, this was what she did best.

  “You don’t coat it in sugar, do you? Straight to the friggin point or what.” Cody smiled, looking straight into her eyes. Mia was sat cross-legged and felt younger than her twenty-four years.

  “This is my career, Cody, and I’ve learnt over the years that it’s always best to reach the point quickly, it avoids confusion.”

  Cody lowered his eyes to the ground and began speaking quietly, as though he didn’t want the rest of the group hearing their conversation.

  “My father left me all of his wealth from his estate and many businesses that he owned.”

  “Is it true that you’ve got an older brother?”

  Mia wondered if she’d pushed him too early when he paused, but he soon continued, “Yes it’s true. His name’s Callum, and he’s 38-years-old; we’re not close. I figured he resents me as he got nothing from our father and always blamed me for being father’s favorite.”

  “And were you? His favorite?”

  “I dunno maybe, but I never really knew it at the time. I thought he loved me and Callum equally, to be honest, Mia.

  He sounded genuine. Did he truly believe his own words?

  “You must’ve been shocked then when he left you everything, Cody?”

  “Yes, for sure. I’d no idea until the will was read, and of course, Callum was there for the reading; that was awkward, I can tell you. His wife was with him, Sophia. I remember her crying when they discovered they weren’t going to receive anything, not even a dollar.”

  “Did you offer them anything?”

  “No, I couldn’t, Mia, as all the wealth was tied up in my name now. There wasn’t anything I could do. Of course, they didn’t believe me, and that’s when the bad feelings started.”

  “And then you used the money to set up your business? You sold everything that your father left you.”

  Cody’s pale blue eyes met hers for a brief moment, and Mia thought she saw genuine sadness in his gaze.

  “Yes. I thought my father would want me to use the money for something dear to my heart. The media jumped on it and, here’s the word ‘assumed’ again, thought I’d only done it to get in good favor with the public.”

  “And you didn’t?”

  “Seriously, you need to ask?”

  “Cody, I hardly know you. I wanna believe you, truly I do; I like you and respect the work you do at Thrill Seekers, but that said, I hardly actually know you.”

  Cody gave a small smile. “Sorry, I know you don’t. No, I set Thrill Seekers up to help the kids out that hadn’t been as lucky as me and Callum in life. We’d rich parents throughout our childhood, and then when our mother passed away, we still had a rich father. My aim’s simply to give kids with next to nothing the opportunity to experience the adventures that perhaps their folks can’t normally afford for them to do.”

  Mia blushed. He sounded so sincere. Perhaps he was speaking the truth after all, and the stupid media had interpreted it all wrong: they were experts at twisting people’s words. Mia hoped she never did that; she always tried to give an honest account and adhere to the facts that people told her in her interviews.

  “Cody, sorry to interrupt, but how long are we staying here? Only Shane suggested taking a stroll,” Toby asked, smiling at Mia as he spoke.

  “Seriously, haven’t you guys done enough walking already? We’ll be here for another half hour or so mate but don’t wander too far, okay?”

  “We weren’t going to go far, just that it’s cooler under the trees, so we were heading back to the forest,” answered Toby.

  Cody nodded, and Toby took off.

  “They seem a good bunch of kids,” Mia said now stretching her legs out in front of her. “Shit, cramp!” she squealed rubbing her right leg.

  “Here let me,” Cody said laughing and leaping quickly to his feet.

  He took her delicate ankle in his strong hands and lifted her right leg up; Mia winced, and he giggled, telling her to toughen up. Cody’s hands felt strong but gentle as he began massaging her slender calf; her Capri pants had ridden up so the soft skin of her calf was exposed. God, so sexy girl, thick socks, hiking boots and slim calves, nice!

  Cody didn’t seem at all bothered by her appearance, though, “Excuse the non-sexy attire,” Mia whispered.

  “Can’t say I’d noticed. Is that any better?” He smiled, looking down at her.

  “My thigh’s cramped too,” she lied biting down on her bottom lip in a very provocative way.

  “Hmm, now let me see,” Cody said, winking at her. He’d a really cheeky smile, which she hadn’t noticed before. It gave him an air of mischief.

  He knelt on the ground in front of her, and still holding her leg in the air, he now rested it against his shirt clad chest. Slowly, he began untying her boot, “It’s my thigh that hurts, not my foot.”

  “I know, but without your boot, your whole leg will cool down quicker and help with the cramp, trust me,” he replied, removing her boot and then gently peeling her thick sock off.

nbsp; Mia had to admit the cool air lightly kissing her dainty foot felt incredible, but not as incredible as Cody’s hands massaging her aching foot. Mia threw her head back and relaxed; she sighed softly.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Cody’s soft voice asked as Mia closed her eyes.

  “Yes, it feels wonderful,” she replied, feeling as though she were about to explode with sexual tension. So glad I painted my toenails before this trip.

  Her peach Chantilly lace panties were growing moist, and Mia almost felt embarrassed by how sexually excited she felt simply from a foot massage. But it felt so good.

  Cody’s strong hands moved slowly up her right leg toward her thigh, and Mia couldn’t help letting a soft moan escape from her lips; her eyes were still closed, and as Cody began massaging her thigh through the thin material of her Capri pants, she opened them and looked at him.

  He was smiling down at her as he knelt before her. His blue eyes crinkling at the corners and his handsome face dimpling. “Hey you,” was all he said.

  “Hey you,” she smiled.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “God, no! I mean no not yet as it feels lovely—unless you want to of course,” she said hoping that he’d carry on.

  “Nope, I’m more than happy to help a pretty lady in distress, just don’t ask me to stand up as there might be a giveaway bulge within my jeans about how I’m feeling right now.” He laughed awkwardly, and Mia couldn’t help herself as her green eyes dropped down to his lap.

  There was definitely an aching bulge in the crotch of his jeans, and Mia mentally noted the impressive size of said bulge. The evidence of his arousal was clear, and Mia felt quietly satisfied as she’d manage to excite him as much as he’d excited her.

  She couldn’t think of anything to say, so she simply smiled up at him, and without thinking, licked her lips.

  “So I guess we’re both equally excited then,” she said quietly, still smiling up at him.

  “Hmmm, that’s good to know, as a girl’s excitement isn’t always as clearly seen as a guy’s,” he said with a grin.

  “Oh, trust me, my panties weren’t this moist when we left this morning,” she said huskily, feeling incredibly horny for him. She couldn’t believe she’d just spoken to him like that, but it made her feel even hornier.


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