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Interview with a Billionaire: Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 5

by Brooks, Sarah J.

  Cody said nothing but started to massage her thigh slightly harder. She moved her foot from his chest downward to his crotch and heard him moan quietly. Mia closed her eyes once more and tilted her head back while slowly rubbing her petite foot up and down his bulging crotch. Cody’s hand movements on her thigh became firmer and faster, and Mia groaned softly as she moved her foot quicker.

  His crotch felt swollen with his throbbing hardness.

  “God, Mia we better stop before the group come back; I’m so turned on right now that I feel like I’m gonna explode. I wish we could do more. All I wanna do is feel your beautiful breasts and kiss your soft lips.” Cody was breathing with short, harsh gasps almost to the point of panting.

  “Sounds good to me, but you’re right, we should stop,” she whispered, now opening her eyes to see his pale blue eyes inches from her face.

  Mia acted on pure impulse, lifting her mouth toward his and kissing him softly, and he reacted by fiercely kissing her back, no softness, no hesitation, just a hungry kiss. His tongue repeatedly darted inside her wet mouth, and hers slipped between his lips; Cody moaned loudly, holding her head now and pulling her into him.

  Mia’s pulse was racing. God, if only we could fuck right here and now, hard and fast, that’s how I want you. Your huge shaft thrusting into me. Mia held his head and plunged her tongue even deeper into his welcoming mouth; Cody moaned and then pulled sharply away.

  “Mia, we can’t not here,” he breathed, still holding her head tenderly. “If the group see us, I’ll be in a whole lotta shit with their folks. I want you so badly, God knows I do, but not here,. If we were alone, I’d rip your pants down and fuck you hard again and again.”

  She held his head softly. “Hey, I understand, it’s okay. I’m sorry I got carried away.”

  “Don’t apologize. We’re both adults, and we both want each other, it’s not a crime. I was attracted to you at the beginning, Mia, but I couldn’t tell you that,” he said slowly, letting her go and kneeling up straight.

  “Hey, we’re back!” came Dwayne’s voice, and as he and the others came into view, a look of puzzlement came over their young faces as the two adults in front of them burst out laughing.

  6. Chapter Six

  Mia was nearly crying through laughter, and Cody wasn’t much better.

  “I thought you were meant to be the sensible ones in the group?” Eliza grinned down at the pair.

  “Yeah, so did we.” Cody laughed loudly, which made Mia laugh even more.

  “Crazy friggin adults!” Dwayne said, rolling his eyes skyward.

  “Enjoy your stroll?” asked Mia, hunting around for her sock while Cody passed her boot to her.

  “Not as much as you two enjoyed staying here, apparently.” Toby chuckled.

  Mia willed herself not to blush and to make it blatantly obvious that the couple had something to be embarrassed about.

  “Right, anyhow, back to our hike folks; I wanna do a headcount first to ensure everyone’s back from your stroll,” Cody was back in leader mode now as he quickly began counting the teenagers. “Can you all keep still so I’ve got half a chance of counting everyone.”

  Cody’s expression was so pensive as he tried to count them. “We should all be here mate, we didn’t exactly wander off too far,” Dwayne said.

  “Here’s the thing, Dwayne—when someone’s trying hard to concentrate, you don’t wanna interrupt them; now I’ve gotta start again,” Cody whined.

  “Here let me count them,” Mia offered as she finished tying her boots up.

  “I can do it!” snapped Cody, making Mia recoil.

  “Only offering, jeez, wish I hadn’t bothered now,” she replied, standing up and straightening her clothes.

  Cody walked over to her and whispered words that sent a cold shiver down Mia’s spine, “I think we’re one friggin short Mia; one’s missing, I’m sure of it.”

  She looked at him and smiled softly trying to calm him down and diffuse the situation. “Cody, they’re fidgeting everywhere, you probably just miscounted; let me try.”

  He agreed, “Right, Mia’s gonna just double check my counting, so stay still guys.”

  “Is someone missing?” Eliza asked, which began whispering throughout the group as fretful faces searched to see if they could work out who was gone.

  Mia walked over to Cody, “You’ve only got 11 when there should be 12, Cody, but I’m not too sure who’s not here.”

  Cody put his head in his hands and began repeating the words, “Oh no!” over and over again.

  “That’s not helping the others, Cody; you’re scaring them,” said Mia, touching his arm gently. He was shaking. “Listen, go and fetch the register from your backpack, and we’ll check it off together.”

  Cody walked over to his backpack and began searching through it for the scrappy piece of paper that somehow called itself the register.

  Mia could tell he wasn’t handling the situation very well at all, which in turn, worried the group of youngsters.

  “When I’ve said your name, go and stand by Mia,” he ordered.

  One by one, the group joined Mia, that was until he reached the name Shane. There was no movement, no Shane.

  “Has anyone seen Shane since you left on your stroll?” Cody asked, his voice wavering slightly.

  The teenagers all shook their heads and looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders.

  “For fuck’s sake guys, Cody asked you a question, this is serious,” Mia couldn’t help herself; it annoyed her to think they weren’t taking it seriously. Shane was missing, and although she didn’t know him personally, he seemed like a nice enough guy. “You wouldn’t like it if you went missing and nobody gave a shit about you, would you?”

  The group looked horrified. They weren’t used to Mia having an opinion, let alone actually swearing. Cody was staring at her as well, “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing, nothing at all.” Cody smiled at her. “Mia’s quite right. This is serious. Shane will struggle out here alone, especially tonight, so think guys, when was Shane last seen?”


  “I think he was in front of Dwayne and me when we all left here,” Alice muttered, glancing awkwardly at Dwayne and looking for support.

  Dwayne simply shrugged. “Jeez, Eliza. I’m not sure; I can’t remember.”

  “I thought he was toward the back of the group,” Toby spoke up now. “Cos I’m sure he was behind me and Alice.”

  Alice nodded her head and bit her bottom lip nervously, “Yeah he was Toby, cos remember he asked us which way we were all going?”

  “She’s right; Alice, you’re right,” Eliza squealed excitedly. “I heard him asking that; he was worried we wouldn’t find our way back to here, and he kept asking which way, which way.”

  “Good guys, this is good. Anything you can think of is good,” encouraged Cody, standing beside Mia now in front of the group.

  “I remember thinking he was a bit of a jerk cos he kept repeating the same friggin thing.” Alice smiled, looking embarrassed.

  Mia spoke now, “Okay so do any of you remember seeing him later on?”

  “I do,” a quiet voice said from the back of the group. “He was with me.”

  Everyone turned around. Mia peered through the others to spot a small framed girl with mousey colored short hair and huge dark sunglasses.

  “Emma isn’t it?” Cody asked, sounding awkward that he wasn’t sure of her name.

  “Yes,” Emma replied.

  Mia noticed how incredibly shy Emma looked. Her face was flushed, and her small body was all hunched over as though she were attempting to make herself as small as possible.

  It was like a scene from a movie as the group all stood aside to let Emma walk through the middle of them, this made Emma blush even more, and by the time she reached Cody, her face was literally glowing red.

  “Shane was with you?” he asked quietly.

  She nodded her head and then glanced toward Mia, “We’ve b
een sorta dating before coming here; we came to Thrill Seekers together cos we’re both from broken homes.”

  “I see,” Mia couldn’t think of anything else to say to her; she could see Emma was obviously embarrassed by the whole situation.

  “Did he seem different to you in any way Emma?” Cody asked, overhearing her conversation with Mia.

  Emma shook her head and smiled shyly. “No, not at all. He was the same as always, but he did keep banging on about which way we were going; like it was so important to him.” Mia noticed Emma’s hands were shaking as she tried to fish something out of her backpack; it was an e-cigarette. Mia suddenly realized she’d not seen any of the group smoking throughout her stay.

  “Emma, I told everyone to leave their friggin vaping gadgets back at the center,” Cody snapped.

  “Where’s the harm, Cody? Come on, the poor girl’s stressed, and it’s not like it’s a real fag,” Mia said, feeling empathy for the young girl.

  Cody relented and allowed Emma to vape, much to the disapproval of the others.

  “Hey, I’ve not noticed any of the group smoking,” Mia said to Cody. “Is it banned at the center?”

  “No, we do allow them to use their dumb e-cigarettes if they insist, but only outside. To be honest, smoking’s not so much of a trendy habit anymore. What am I gonna do about Shane?”

  Mia could see he was stressed; she led him over to a boulder and made him sit down, “Look there’s not a lot you can do now. We’ve gotta get this lot back safely, and then I guess come back out and search for Shane.”

  “I guess you’re right. Okay guys, here’s the thing, there’s not much we can do about Shane for now, so we’re gonna head back to the bus and get you back to the center,” Cody spoke to the group.

  “But shouldn’t we at least try to look for him?” Emma asked with tears in her eyes.

  Mia felt the tears pricking her own eyes as she heard Cody answering her, “No Emma we can’t. My responsibility is to all of you, and although it’ll be light for a while yet, if we’re lost out here, what help’s that gonna be to Shane?”

  “Shit man, you’re responsible for Shane, too. If you hadn’t been so wrapped up in your interview with Mia, no offense Mia, perhaps we wouldn’t have even taken off on a stroll,” Eliza snapped. The rest of the group nodded their heads in approval: Eliza had basically just said aloud what everyone else was thinking to themselves.

  “Oh, come on, you’re not turning this on me and Mia!” shouted Cody. “You all decided to wander off, that’s on you, not me, and certainly not Mia.”

  “Hey, this isn’t helping anyone, least of all Shane,” Mia raised her voice to be heard. “Let’s just head back to the bus and on the way shout Shane’s name. Shouldn’t you call it in or whatever it is you’re supposed to do, Cody.”

  For once I’m being in control. Mia wasn’t used to taking charge of a situation, but she felt someone had to try and calm the group down, and Cody wasn’t the person to do that as he was too emotionally charged himself.

  “Shit, you’re so right, Mia; fuck, I should’ve done that by now!” He picked up his backpack and took his cell phone out. “Barely a signal, but I should just be okay for a quick call.”

  He wandered away from the group. Mia heard him mentioning Shane’s name and the word ‘missing’, then he began talking about a search in the morning. Emma started sobbing, so that’s all Mia caught of Cody’s conversation.

  She comforted Emma, and Cody joined them. “Right, all reported. Hey, it’ll be okay. Emma, this isn’t the first time people have gone missing up here on this trail.”

  “And, and have th-th-they been found?” stuttered Emma, catching her breath as she stammered the words out.

  “Sure they have. Some in not such good shape, but yeah, they’ve been found.”

  Mia punched Cody’s arm, and he winced, “For fuck’s sake, Mr. Insensitive.”

  “Sorry Emma, I was trying to be realistic and prepare you, that’s all. Look, I’m sure Shane will be fine, he’s a tough guy.” Cody smiled, but Mia could see she wasn’t convinced.

  “He’s no tough guy, you arsehole, not at all. Shane’s a gentle soul, and if you’d got to know him, you’d have found that out for yourself,” Emma had found her voice and wasn’t afraid of using it on Cody now.

  Get out of that one! Mia couldn’t wait to hear his reply.

  “I’m sorry, Emma, there’s nothing more I can say,” he whispered. “With his spiky hair and all the piercings, I assumed.”

  “You should never assume, thought you’d have learnt that one by now!” Mia smirked, it just had to be said after their interview earlier regarding assumptions.

  “Yeah, yeah, what is this, gang up on Cody hour? Right gang, come on, let’s head back to the center.”

  The teenagers were reluctant to leave the Ink Pots, but eventually Cody managed to persuade them it was for the best. They’d begin searching for Shane at first light tomorrow; with their heads hung low, they started their descent back to the lower canyon.

  “Shane! Shane!” they kept calling to no avail.

  “Do you think he’s hurt?” Mia asked Cody quietly so as not to raise alarm.

  Cody slowed down so he could walk beside her, “He could well be, and simply hauled up resting somewhere Mia, but probably best not to mention it to Emma.”

  Mia glanced ahead and saw Emma walking along with Eliza and Dwayne; she was obviously upset about Shane but seemed to be chatting away okay.

  The trail was busier now with happy-go-lucky tourists looking at the teenagers as though they’d gone mad. “Hey, can we help? You’ve obviously misplaced one of your group!” a jolly looking man of about fifty asked Cody.

  Cody smiled at the man. “Yes, we have a young guy around 17-years-old with numerous facial piercings and short, spiky blond hair. He’s called Shane. A few of the group went for a stroll, and he never returned with them.”

  “Okay, well I’m heading up to the Ink Pots, so I’ll keep an eye out for him; where are you from? In case I find him I’ll need to know where he belongs!”

  “Sure, we’re at the Thrill Seekers Adventure Center in Banff.”

  “I know it, oh, of course, you’re that billionaire Coby!”

  “Yes, I am, but it’s Cody sir, not Coby,” Cody replied awkwardly.

  “Sorry mate. So nobody’s heard much about you since you opened the center,” the man was obviously now more interested in Cody than hunting for Shane.

  “I’m still around, just been keeping a low profile, that’s all.”

  As soon as Cody had nothing exciting to reveal to the jolly man, he wandered off on the trail.

  “See that’s folks for you, no gossip, and they’re bored with you,” Cody said to Mia.

  “I don’t find you boring, gossip or no gossip,” she answered, touching his arm gently and smiling up at him. As far as she was concerned, there was nothing boring about Cody. He’d totally surprised her by showing her so many different sides to his character.

  The public didn’t see him for who he really was, and Mia hoped her interview and report would help change that; Cody was funny, hot, kind, and gentle. I’ve just described my perfect guy, better not let Mom know!

  7. Chapter Seven

  When they arrived back at Thrill Seekers, Mia was amazed to see media everywhere; there were cameras and police.

  “Jeez, they certainly don’t do things by halves do they?” she said to Cody who was already making his way over to the media.

  Mia noticed how he instantly lit up, being in the limelight once again.

  A very worried couple were standing with the police, and Mia assumed they were Shane’s parents. “Emma, are they Shane’s folks?”

  Emma glanced up and then nodded her head slowly, “Yep, that’s them. More people with no time for Shane.”

  Not a lot of love lost there then. “We’ll find him, Emma, it’ll be okay,” Mia said, trying to comfort the young girl, but her words were wasted as Emma had walked awa
y to go inside the center.

  “Do you truly believe that Mia?” a familiar voice asked, and as Mia turned, she stared straight into the eyes of one of her colleagues.

  “Izzy, what the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Covering a story within your story by the looks of things, Mia,” she said sarcastically. The girls had never got along, probably the competitive journalist in both of them.

  “Stuart knows I’m here, so why did he send you?” Mia thought she’d won favor with Stuart for accepting the Cody job, but now she wasn’t so sure.

  Izzy was slightly bigger built than Mia with long wavy red hair and brown eyes; she was a stunner for sure and used her looks to gain access to the best stories around. Mia often thought she’d caught the odd seductive look exchanged between her and their boss Stuart, which she wouldn’t be surprised about.

  Izzy’s curvaceous figure was enough to turn any guy’s head. Her jiggling firm breasts were nearly brazenly exposed in her low-cut shirt; she’d give Alice a run for her money in the breast department.

  “So that’s him then? Mr. Billionaire, he’s hot, Mia!” Izzy purred, pushing her throbbing breasts up even further so they nearly spilled out of her bra.

  Mia felt strangely jealous. Cody wasn’t her property; they’d fooled around a bit, but nothing had actually happened between them, so why the feelings of envy? She was certain Izzy wasn’t his type, but she didn’t know that for sure. Just because he seemed to like Mia didn’t mean he couldn’t also like other girls with different body shapes to hers!

  “Yep, that’s him, the arrogant piece of shit that he is!” she retorted, doing her best to come across as totally nonchalant about Cody.

  Her attempt completely backfired though as Izzy whispered, “Arrogance can be super sexy, Mia. Have you interviewed him yet?”

  “Yes, I’ve interviewed him, not much to report as he doesn’t give much away.”

  Izzy unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her magnificent cleavage even more and said huskily, “Not many guys can refuse these gems, Mia, watch and learn honey.”


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