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ZetaTalk: Rules

Page 2

by Nancy Lieder

  newly forming in this incarnation. This also means that the resulting orientation of these older entities went into the vote, so that an entity who had evolved toward the Service-to-Other orientation would cast his full weight in

  this direction, and likewise one that had recently moved into the Service-to-Self might cast his full weight there, regardless of past positions on these matters. It is the present position that counts.

  The Transformation to physical 4th Density, at 89% operating in Service-to-Others, will be aided by

  incarnations from entities originating from other worlds. This vote represents the current population of Service-

  to-Other entities, and is not weighted by past lives. Increasing numbers of incarnations by entities from other

  worlds, what is termed a Star Child, are occurring at this time. Due to the Earth's orientation vote being Service-

  to-Other, only incarnations by those in the Service-to-Other are allowed. The Service-to-Self entity from another

  world must arrange for a walk-in or possession in order to incarnate. Were the Earth to attempt to reach this

  89% figure without the decimation that will occur during the pole shift we would not be anticipating the

  Transformation for some time. The future population will become solidly Service-to-Other by a combination of

  Service-to-Other entities that have evolved on Earth, Service-to-Other aliens such as ourselves and the hybrids

  currently awaiting the time when they can migrate to the Earth, and Star Children incarnating now and after the

  pole shift.

  The pole shift will savage incarnated humans of both orientations, sparing no one. Where those humans

  operating solidly in the Service-to-Other orientation will be offered a temporary lift, few have accepted this

  offer, choosing instead to stay with those they feel a sense of responsibility toward. Thus, the pole shift will

  decimate the current population equally, resulting in no net difference. The net orientation leaning will soon

  begin to change, however, as Service-to-Other groups will fare better than those of mixed orientation or the

  roving gangs of Service-to-Self oriented individuals.

  Thus, the decimation caused by the pole shift will simply affect the voting population by reducing the number of

  undecided or Service-to-Self individuals, causing the net effect of migrating hybrids and newly born Star Children to trip the balance toward Service-to-Others for the Transformation.

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  ZetaTalk: Mixed Setting

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  ZetaTalk: Mixed Setting

  Note: written Oct 15, 2000.

  There is often a great deal of confusion over alien rules, such as those the Council of Worlds administers, as they apply to visitations and the alien presence on Earth or within its solar system. This confusion has its base in human rules, those in operation and in place as a result of human society or human nature, and mixing the two sets of rules together. They don’t seem to fit, and indeed they do not fit, as they are two separate sets of rules.

  The 3rd Density lesson, as we have explained, is to determine one’s orientation - Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other.

  This is a brief density, as densities go, usually involving only a few thousand incarnations before the entity makes its determination. The determination evolves bit by bit, as life circumstances place the entity in situations where the self would have to be sacrificed in some way for the betterment of others. As incarnations pass, the entity experiences

  various situations and gains the capacity for empathy, having been there and so able to imagine what another is

  experiencing. Self sacrifice for another also takes many forms, from a momentary hunger or a bruise to complete loss of life, from allowing another to take credit for an accomplishment to being exiled and expelled from the clan for a crime one did not commit. The many nuances of being Service-to-Self or to Other are explored, testing the gradually emerging orientation of the entity. Should this process be interfered with, and would such an interference speed the process or be of benefit?

  The Rule of Non-Interference here is akin to examinations that students take, to determine their level of understanding or knowlege. During such school exams, students are not allowed to speak to one another or pass notes, nor are

  outsiders allowed in to confer with the students. This is a test, to determine readiness to move onto another level. In a like manner, interfering with 3rd Density experiences by swooping in to save an entity from a bad choice or a

  circumstance they should, in fact, experience, delays the evolution of the lesson. 3rd Density entities are supposed to experience distressing circumstances, so they are put to the test both for their own self examination as well as for those spiritual guides watching the process. When visitations are allowed, due to The Call being given, or where confering with the birthing guides occurs between incarnations, this is not considered interference but a review and a discussion of what has occurred. This is akin to talking over an emotionally charged situation with a friend over coffee or a beer, or seeking a consultation over a problem one has already experienced. The entity is still making the decisions on their own life.

  Where alien visitations or the close proximity of other 3rd Density groups interfer with the entity being allowed to make their own decisions, based on a level playing field, the Council of Worlds steps in an institutes rules governing visitions or a quarantine. This is akin to allowing a student to go to the toilet during an exam, but not allowing

  conferences or discussion in the hall during such a break from the exam. A balanced playing field is one in which the 3rd Density entities decision, in the main, affects the outcome, not where the outcome has been skewed to influence their decision. Thus, a decision to hord food and not share, during starvation periods, means only that others weaken and sicken and die, not that the hording one becomes king and can rule because alien visitors are arranging this setup.

  The alien visitors, if of the Service-to-Self orientation, can only suggest that a contactee do this or that, not arrange the setting or affect the outcome, directly. This is why a mass landing, which would terrify humans, will not be allowed.

  This is why an escape to Mars by the elite during the coming pole shift, which would allow those humans to avoid the life circumstance before them, will not be allowed.

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  ZetaTalk: Mixed Goals

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  ZetaTalk: Mixed Goals

  Note: written Oct 15, 2000.

  The confusion over alien rules vs human rules extends to the goals of both groups. As is natural, humans assume the Universe operates under the same rules as their world, having little basis of comparison. In 3rd Density worlds, where the entities are allowed to affect each other without restraint, murder or nursing to health can occur, slavery and freedom from burden or restraints can occur, as the entities on the 3rd Density world allow. The entity, during their many incarnations, experiences these settings and either experiences or observes what happens when steps are taken by humans to effect change. Humans thus imagine that the Universe operates in like manner, but it does not. 3rd Density existence is limited to the 3rd Density world, and not allowed space travel or access to technology that would afford that. Graduation past 3rd Density involves having more power, through technology, and thus new rules. Those in the

  Service-to-Self would endlessly enslave weaker cultures, if allowed to do so, and thus are restrained.

  Given the confusion that humans have about alien rules, and the mandates that are enforced so that aliens cannot simply have their way with humans, there is confusion about lies. Lies are allowed, as this is an extension o
f the

  conference that The Call is considered to be. Any two humans who confer on an issue find colored impressions,

  withheld information, or frank manipulation of the facts as a normal part of the conversation. Even good hearted folk can fool themselves, such that their own personal agendas are not clear to them, being a matter of shame, perhaps.

  Those in the Service-to-Self, whether human or alien, lie without compunction. They lie to influence another, to

  avoid punishment or repercussion, or just as a result of a power play, to feel more powerful and self-agrandized.

  Thus, aliens, those in the Service-to-Self, do lie to humans, but beyond the influence that the conference that is The Call can effect, it stops there. The human is still free to discover the truth.

  Aliens in the Service-to-Other orientation avoid lies except in the white lie category, to avoid hurting another

  with facts they do not need to know. This is why the Pleiadians do not talk about the pole shift, as they view this as an occurance humans can do little about, so why distress them with this news and ruin their day. We, the

  Zetas, are considered humorless and blunt, without emotion, as we avoid these types of white lies, almost


  Another point of confusion revolves around why we, or other aliens, are here on Earth. With the advent of the

  approaching pole shift, there is a human assumption that aliens are here, as benign space brothers, to rescue and save humanity. The assumption that aliens are here to rescue and save humanity, or that this should be the alien agenda, is wrong on several points:

  In human society, there is a great rush to salvage not only human life but also great art, species subject to

  extinction, national monuments, pristine sites of great beauty, and the pool of knowledge that support

  technological advances. If a hurricane is approaching, then there is a great rush to move whatever can be moved

  to safety, so it will not be lost. This assumes, of course, that human cultures can and will resume as before,

  which is not the case with the coming pole shift, which will devastate human cultures simulataneous to the

  Transformation, so a different culture will emerge as dominant on Earth.

  Reincarnation exists, and as such the knowledge of past experiences carried forward by the soul is more

  important than the pleasant playing out of any given lifetime. Each soul has had pleasant lives and lives of

  hardship, in its memory banks, so that is not the issue. The experiences during the forthcoming pole shift, which

  can lead one to lean toward self-serving practices or empathetic practices, is the issue, the battleground, and the focus of all aliens visiting Earth at this time.[2/5/2012 11:36:42 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Mixed Goals

  During the forthcoming pole shift, Service-to-Self aliens seeks to increase a sense of hopelessness and

  abandonment in humans, as this leads them to lean in the direction of a self-serving orientation. They are

  seeking converts. Service-to-Other aliens are seeking to encourage caring behavior between humans, as they

  likewise are seeking to influence humans toward their orientation. Caring treatment of one another does not

  necessarily mean sustaining the lifestyles of today, or even sustaining life. It may mean a quiet and quick death,

  with acceptance of what is at hand.

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  ZetaTalk: Enron

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  ZetaTalk: Enron

  Note: recorded during the March 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The Rule of Non-Interference states that aliens cannot interfere in mankind's affair unless The Call is given so that consultation with a human results in action. Thus, for instance, ZetaTalk, composed of thousands of pages now, answering thousands of questions from humans, which are considered The Call. In that our arrangement with MJ12

  was allowed by the Council, to balance a trick maneuver the Service-to-Self aliens visiting the US military just ahead of the Earth Vote which resulted in a "not conscious" rule re visitations, our open discussions with MJ12 were allowed. Balancing the environment for Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self deliberations among 3rd Density entities is not new, as for instance the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet were put into quarantine, removed from Earth, to effect this balance.

  Even without the New MJ12, the Enron revelations might have occurred via contactees. f a contactee is distressed,

  wringing their hands, over a situation, and give The Call, and we inform them as a result of what information might be most damaging, when given to whom, then a contactee might have effected the Enron scandal. As it happened, the humans within the New MJ12 effected this, by a computer snafu whereby information supposedly deleted was instead

  mailed and broadcast. This was done by humans hands, and thus we, the Zetas, did not interfere.

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  ZetaTalk: Interfering

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  ZetaTalk: Interfering

  Note: recorded during the September 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Rumor Mill News Reading, Aug 25, 2002

  God Has Canceled War on Earth

  On Friday, August 2, 2002 Arial Sharon had ordered 100 Israeli tanks to attack a Palestinian town in an attempt to start a major conflict that would escalate into WWIII. As the 100 tanks approached the town, three Starships of the Forces of Light, each fifty miles in diameter, appeared in the sky above the tanks, and the Starship crews vaporized three Israeli tanks. The tank crews were left unhurt and standing on the ground.

  This is a rumor that has both truth and fiction attached to it. Indeed, many alien groups in the Service-to-Others are attending the Transformation, and concerned about keeping a balance before the populace for their 3rd Density lesson, the orientation decision. There are many just as concerned about the Israeli conflicts as they are about the Bush

  Administration attempts to incite world war so that they can build up their military. Intervention can occur in countries outside of the US, and does. In what countries is intervention occurring in, at this time?

  We, and our brethren, were very busy on the 911 anniversary, preventing terrorist attacks predicted by the Bush

  Administration, as this would have given them a stage to stand on for the UN bully session, when they in fact had no facts to stand on in demanding an attack on Iraq. Thus, they downstaged the UN speech to a demand that the former

  UN sanctions be honored. Were terrorism attacks in Indonesia, and Europe, planned? Indeed, and many hundreds of

  steps stopped dead in their tracks, to prevent this. Thus, they emerged with Mula Omar in Afghanistan, as a poor

  showing of strength, ahead of when this was actually planned to be announced.

  So was intervention done in Israel, in an attack against the Palestinians? Absolutely, today, yesterday, and probably tomorrow. However, something like a large ship in the sky vaporizing tanks did not occur, but we suspect this was a poetic description of what some sense it occurring. Should they say they expect behind the scenes intervention is

  occurring, it is so boring, so something dramatic was described, so the story would get passed along.

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  ZetaTalk: Chernobyl

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  ZetaTalk: Chernobyl

  Note: recorded during the September 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Chernobyl was allowed to occur, as we have stated, as the elite in those days, in particular the elite of Russia, were out of touch with th
e reality of nuclear disasters. They needed a reality touch, so the normal brakes we and our brethren in the Service-to-Other had been applying were taken off, an accident that would have happened without these brakes, allowed. This affected, horrifically, those in the immediate vicinity. This also affected many in the European arena, as the dust blew about and panic was high in the populace. The effect was that Russia was horrified, drawn up sharply in their aggressive plans, and the leadership hardly casual about reining in the war mongers among them. There have

  been reports in the Russian Press, recently, that UFO's were sighted above Chernobyl, and a suspected intervention in the complete meltdown of the reactors done. This is true, but more than a complete meltdown was part of the

  intervention. The extent of poisoning in the immediate arena, such that deaths were limited and illness limited to that which could be treated, in the main. Also, the degree of poisoning of areas outside of the Chernobyl arena was limited.

  The point was, a lesson that would have occurred by the hand of man, was allowed to occur, but intervention in this occurrence also occurred. Thus, Chernobyl, and many incidents like this, would have been worse had mankind been allowed to proceed, but intervention by Service-to-Other visitors, in concert with rulings from the Council of Worlds to breach the Rule of Non-Interference, were in place.

  The readership is wondering if such intervention is in place now, and to what extent, as it is now the Bush Administration that is war mongering, ambitious, and without care of injury or deprivation to the populace of the

  world, save themselves, the narrow little group of power mongers in the White House. At present, no nuclear incident appears likely on the horizon, and thus no intervention is scheduled. This intervention can be very quickly arranged, by human terms, as the Council of Worlds does not need sleep nor have rigid rules about scheduling order, and priority issues get moved quickly in front of the Council. To explain with an example, if a nuclear bomb were launched, in the air, and about to land, the Council could be called into session, rule, and intervention applied before it would land.


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