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ZetaTalk: Rules

Page 3

by Nancy Lieder

  Needless to say, incidents during the pole shift will have a more leisurely time frame, and can be dealt with ahead of time. However, in that the hands of man can free the aliens in attendance during the Transformation, aliens who will have demands on their time assuring that the worthy survive the shift, to assist other humans in need after the shift, we appreciate all the help we can get from the hands of man in these matters. Humans should not rely on kind hearted

  visitors to arrange all, for them, but consider themselves team members in these matters.

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  ZetaTalk: Contour Probe

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  ZetaTalk: Contour Probe

  Note: written during the August 17, 2002 IRC Session

  Lately NASA has had a series of setbacks, back-to-back and seemingly without stoppage. It this a coincidence, or the hand of interference?

  We have stated since the start of ZetaTalk that a quarantine exists between humans on Earth and the inhabitants of the 12th Planet, a.k.a. Planet X. The reasons for this quarantine are that the heavy hand of the giant hominoids from Planet X, who were mining for gold on Earth, were disrupting what the Council of Worlds considers a balance in the Service-to-Other/Service-to-Self nature of the world emerging souls are presented with. The giant hominoids were more

  technologically advance than the humans of the day, who were no more advanced than Third World countries not yet

  in contact with what mankind terms modern civilization. They were essentially hunters and gatherers, though

  intelligent, living in huts and hunting. The giant hominoids arrived on rockets, had lasers, could ride high on personal rockets and land at a distance, thus seemed to command the skies. Humans were terrified, enslaved, abused, and the

  giant hominoids sent down for long mining missions determined to keep them there. The quarantine was imposed in such a way that the giants did not discern that this was occurring by an outside hand. They had technical difficulties, sudden weather that swamped their ships, attacks by carnivores on the road that were hard to explain by history and experience, and, finally decided to leave Earth for the relative quiet of Mars.

  Now, does this not seem similar to recent problems NASA is having? Technical difficulties, and among those we will


  1. the cracks in the shuttles, causing them to be grounded until inspected and repaired.

  2. the similar cracks found in the vehicles used to position the shuttles, as takeoff and landing are touchy times and no one wants a repeat of the fireworks caused by a simple O-Ring years ago.

  3. the lost probes that went seeking to peek at Phobos, the moon of Mars being currently mined by the giant


  4. the destruction, without explanation, of the current reputed comet chaser, Contour, which was not simply out to check the comets reported to the public, as many suspect.

  What is the reason for these disasters, outside of the quarantine, and what was the true missions the equipment

  disabled were upon?

  The Shuttles were disabled to make the message clear to those hoping to leave Earth, hopping to Mars or outside the influence of a pole shift on the surface of Earth, that escape will not be allowed. We have stated this, years ago, and now you see the force behind those words. Up until the present, the apparent accidents NASA was having were given

  as warnings to them and their masters, but this message was not heeded. We and the Council allowed success, as this tends to pull the motivations of those conducting such campaigns out where they can not only be surmised, but proven.

  You might call this a form of bait and switch, where they were led to believe they could succeed, while being given the message that accidents could happen, and not by accident. As with 911, where the Bush Administration was aware that they were being warned, were being told just what would happen, and ignored this, likewise they ignored these

  warnings. Thus, their successes were not an indication of the future, but to demonstrate their motives to all, and this time is at an end. The gloves are off now. Do they think they will go aloft, get the space station operational as a landing spot, and actually make Mars habitable until a return to Earth post-shift? Should this scenario be sold to the dumb, rich, and frightened, it will no longer fly. No one save the utterly gullible would buy into the statement that NASA can succeed, now.

  It is obvious that the probe failing at Mars was disabled so that mankind could not see what was going on, on Phobos.[2/5/2012 11:36:44 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Contour Probe

  Left in the dark, they could only assume no activity there. This was directed by the Council of Worlds. This moon was chosen by the giant hominoids for its mineral composition, which is rich in Gold. Why does mankind suppose that

  Gold is present only in small amounts, elsewhere, as is the case on Earth? On Phobos it was the major component.

  Thus, the giant hominoids were content to mine there, and the quarantine was secure. Where the Phobos probe was

  destroyed by the giants mining Phobos, this was assisted to succeed. Had they not succeeded, we would have, and thus, it was not simply the efforts of the giants that determined the outcome. And why disable the Contour, which ostensibly was only going out on a probing tour. This probe, as you might imagine, was not going to head for some silly dirty snowball, but was heading straight for the beef, Planet X. There it was to report all manner of information, destined to alarm mankind as to the habitation of this inbound planet, the technology of this inbound planet, and there you are with mankind having their balance between Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other influences disrupted!

  How would this information be used, by those on Earth, to the disadvantage of the average emerging soul? Not unlike the movies ID4, and Signs, wherein mankind was to cling to their government, who would save them, this information would be used to allow Service-to-Self governments virtual power to do anything to their public, in the name of their protection. Look to how the US, the Bush Administration, has used the WTC attack to attempt to remove all civil rights, the right to trial, the right to charges made public, the right to an attorney, and substitute decisions made solely by a handful of power mad in the White House alone. The Supreme Court acting like a Kangaroo Court, in putting

  Bush in the White House. The Congress not to be saved in the event of an attack on DC, only those in the White House considered to be important. What does this say, regarding what an even greater threat would allow? The horror is not what is approaching, as survivors will survive in spite of being uninformed, and those in control of the Contour information would not be any more considerate of the public's needs than they are today, during their cover-ups. The horror is what the public would allow, going into the pole shift, should such Service-to-Self dominated governments, who desire world domination, be empowered with information.

  Thus, the probe, which would have returned information that could be used to these ends, was zapped.

  Note: added during the September 14, 2002 LIve ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  The trajectory was to head straight out toward the inbound Planet X, and are sorry that more firm proof of this is not in hand, and unlikely to get in hand. Much talk in the media about Contours demise, but no discussion about the planned path! Now why is that?

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:36:44 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Protection/Healings

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  ZetaTalk: Protection/Healings

  Note: written on Sep 15, 2002

  There is much desire among mankind, those who are contactees or not, for some sort of protection during the coming

  times. They look to their gods, to their governments, to their circle of family and friends, and see these will
be lacking.

  Hearing of some protections, or healings, being given to humans by aliens, hope leaps into their hearts. We have, as other valid alien channels have, explained that some healing is done, and some protections given. Where is the line drawn, and how can one apply for this? Healings are done under two circumstances, only.

  1. because the person needing help as someone who loves them so intensely, is willing to sacrifice themselves for

  that person, and is aching to do somethihg, anything, to help. In this circumstance, it is an Service-to-Others call, of the highest order, and may be answered by Service-to-Others aliens who step in and give that person their

  wish. Healings are never done because the person needing help begs for themselves. A theoretical Service-to-Others requesting to help a Service-to-Self person would not be honored, as Service-to-Others aliens could

  hardly interface with a strongly Service-to-Self person. To be effected, the person must be willing to allow the aliens wanting to intervene to assist, and an Service-to-Self person would shrink from such contact.

  2. because the person needing help is in a position, during this Transformation, that their demise or disability would be considered detrimental to programs the Council of Worlds considers of highest importance. ZetaTalk is an

  example of this, certainly not the only such program, nor the highest importance, but known to those reading it

  so will be used as an example. Should Nancy take sick, and be unable to respond to interview requests or

  answer email, what would the impact be? She may not be asking, but those considering the wide range of

  Tranformation activities dependent upon her message reaching certain populations, are concerned. Thus, her

  potential cancer or heart attack is corrected, should it arise.

  Protections are done in a similar manner, prevention of illness, but most often prevention of assassination. This has been done in the past, as the Oahspe mentioned, during the birth of the US as a democracy, as a major influence in the world. The Oahspe states that bullets were caught in the hands of angels, rather than proceeding to the assassination attempt goal. In like manner, many, many individuals during the Tranformation are being protected, unbeknownst to

  them. This is not because someone giving the Call desires to be protected, which is in almost every case a self focused request, but because someone else has determined that their activities are of key importance to others. Thus, the best hope of being protected, or healed, is to not think of oneself, but of others, intensely, and take action to help others.

  This is the Service-to-Others hallmark, as when the person is doing this, they think not of themselves.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:36:45 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Moving Planets

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  ZetaTalk: Moving Planets

  written June 13, 2004

  If the Zetas claim they moved Venus to fool the public on Earth, why do they not move Earth beyond the

  reach of Planet X? Why provide even more reasons for the public to not take the message of a poleshift


  We have stated, early in ZetaTalk history, that the Council of Worlds considers a pole shift in the same category as tornadoes or hurricanes or exploding volcanoes or starvation or disease epidemics, as an opportunity for mankind to grow spiritually and help each other. The Earth is, after all, your schoolhouse, and this is the lesson on your plate.

  The Council interferes when this schoolhouse for learning will be utterly destroyed, as when an asteroid

  sufficient to destroy life on Earth were approaching, and would be deflected so the schoolhouse can continue. In

  this instance, the Council would interfere as man is not able to intervene. It would be a loss without purpose, thus.

  The Council interferes when the environment is not balanced so as to allow real choices. We mentioned a past

  such interference in the Quarantine between man and the giant hominoids of the 12th Planet, aka Planet X.

  Being giants, and Enslaving Man, a tone of hopelessness and despair ruled, throwing young souls inordinately toward a Service-to-Self orientation. In this instance, likewise, man was not able to effect this quarantine.

  The Council interferes when a world has voted, during a Transformation, but the Losing Side continues their power grab. The Earth, voting to be Service-to-Other as expected, is not to be plunged into Martial Law. Thus

  weapons of mass destruction, though planted in Iraq, were never produced. Thus continuing terrorism in the US,

  the prime rationale for Martial Law there, was squelched. The Transformation, being at heart decisions of

  individual souls, thus continues as planned, and is not hijacked.

  Contrast these instances of interference with normal life on Earth, where man is able to effect change by taking action.

  Even in the face of a tornado or exploding volcano, there are choices to offer aid to others, put oneself at risk, or behave in a self centered manner. The Golden Rule can be applied or not, and these are spiritual choices. This is also the case with a pole shift, certainly not the first time for Earth or man, always an opportunity to made spiritual choices to assist and aid others or not. Thus, no different, in the view of the Council, from starvation in Chad, immigration restrictions in Australia, unmitigated greed on Wall Street, or the brutality of the oil grab in Iraq. Man, in the main, is doing poorly in handling the coming pole shift. The elite are informed, the common man denied the facts. The wealthy elite, self centered and greedy, who rule the world by virtue of the great clout their wealthy wields, are concerned only so that their worker class can survive intact to serve them in the future. This is considered an unbalanced situation, by the Council.

  The Council does not interfere when the schoolhouse will simply be rearranged, as happens during every pole shift. New opportunities for spiritual choices are vastly increased during times of great change, with established

  leadership collapsed, need and hardship everywhere, and little to stand in the way of helping others. In the

  words of Wall Street, these are growth opportunities, spiritually speaking.

  The Council interferes when the opportunities for spiritual growth are being restricted to a handful of individuals operating the cover-up. They agonize over whether to help or abandon others, while the common man is told

  only that the weather and skies are normal, and a return to shopping is in order. Imagine the difference if the

  coming pole shift, the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system, were a reality for the common man. All

  would weigh their life, their choices, live with their choices for some days and perhaps have regrets. A larger growth opportunity, for more individuals, for a longer period of time.

  Thus, just as weapons of mass destruction were removed from Iraq as quickly as they were planted by the Coalition,[2/5/2012 11:36:45 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Moving Planets

  and just as terrorism attacks against the continental United States were Thwarted repeatedly to suppress Martial Law from being invoked, the Council moved to prevent the cracking cover-up from returning to rigidity. Had tens of

  thousands of amateurs astronomers not seen Venus transit, after the loud announcement that this would occur, and had these amateurs made demands upon the establishment, doors would have slammed and resistance to open discussions

  would have increased. For those who say that the Venus transit, or the Venus appearance, a more accurate phrase,

  detracts from the validity of ZetaTalk, we say that most of mankind is unaware of ZetaTalk or even of the Planet X

  concept, most amateur astronomers included. Rather than battering the doors of the cover-up with demands for an explanation, they are asking about anomalies around the Sun, the type of open discussion that w
ill allow the cover-up to dissolve. Thus, the Council allowed Venus to be pushed where it was reluctant to go, and make an appearance, and to return, a small matter in the scheme of things.[2/5/2012 11:36:45 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Apparent Precision

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  ZetaTalk: Apparent Precision

  written Dec 22, 2004

  At the start of ZetaTalk we introduced the concept of an Element of Doubt whereby those unable to deal with the thought of an alien presence could take comfort in denial. A way out of the discomfort that would otherwise cause

  them to attack those speaking warmly about their visitations or excitedly about their UFO sightings or enthusiastically about what this might mean for mankind. A way out that would avoid panic turned inward that might result in severe

  depression or suicide or madness. A way out, whereby the person unable to comprehend the Earth being visited by

  beings from other planets, coming in all shapes and sizes and with intellects far superior to man, could deny. They would have facts they could cling to, wave about, and declare that all is normal. During the decades since Roswell, mass sightings have been few, and photographic proof debatable, and this is still the case. Explanations contrary to the obvious are still floated by the establishment, for those who have this need. They can cling to the comfort that man as the center of the Universe, and the only intelligent creature, provides. For those strong enough to face the facts, the mass of evidence is overwhelming, and the debunking done by the fearful pathetic.

  How would an element of doubt help mankind prepare for the coming cataclysms, and would such an element of doubt

  be mandated by the Council of Worlds? Why would it not, given that the options are a mass panic if the Earth changes are undeniable, resulting in the imposition of Martial Law to control the panic, and the premature slaughter of


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