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Page 11

by Lisa L Wiedmeier

  I could only hear bits and pieces of conversations, so I clung to his words, something to keep the darkness at bay.

  “Can’t we do anything more?” Maes asked, his accent showing through. “Isn’t there something we haven’t tried yet?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know what else I can do.” Callon’s confidence was failing, weakening. “I’ve done everything. If the fever doesn’t break soon…I just don’t know.”

  “She’s strong,” Daniel said. “I know she can make it. I just know it.”

  “I can’t live…I can’t live without her,” Colt’s low voice cracked.

  I wanted to open my eyes; I wanted to give them hope. They needed to know I was still here. “I’m here,” I said just above a whisper. “I’m not leaving you.” Colt’s fingers touched my brow. They heard me…I knew they did.

  Dreamless, an empty void was before me. I was hardly aware of my own breath. The fire was gone—I was comfortable, safe, and warm. I looked at my hands. It was as if I were glowing—a light was shooting from my body and spreading out. I moved freely, weightless, with nothing to bind me down. Tranquility flowed. Every burden I had was gone—vanished. I was whole again; every hurt in my heart was healed. I was at peace; I could be still and listen.

  The sweetest, most angelic voice I had ever heard touched my ears. At first, I thought it was Lilly, but it was far more magnificent. It was distant…but calling out to me. I heard my name. I began moving towards the sound, but it began to grow faint. Desperation set in. I needed to hear more—I wanted it to touch me. Frantically I listened; I had to have it close to me. But it came in waves, and I found myself twisting around, trying to locate it. Suddenly, I heard it clearly, but the angelic voice had changed. It was screaming my name!

  A jolt of electricity shot through me, and the voice shrieked louder—it was as if I was being hit by a bolt of lightning. I fought to move, but I couldn’t get away! I pushed my hands forward to stop it, and the stabbing pain returned. I began running with everything I had within me, trying to get away—it kept finding me, pulling me back.

  My lungs were hurting—I couldn’t get enough air. Someone was pounding on my chest, knocking me into a hard surface. An aching, tingling sensation filled my arms and legs.

  “Stay with me! Don’t leave!” Callon screamed.

  I gasped for air—I couldn’t catch my breath. I shot my eyes open, and Callon hovered just above. His hands compressed my chest, one…two…three times. His mouth covered mine—a force of air came in. I was motionless—watching in horror. I was dying, and they were fighting to save me.

  A deep warm breath filled me—from the inside out. I gasped for air. Wheezing, I sucked in every bit of life I could. I gulped in air and closed my eyes as a few tears fell, oxygen finally satisfying my lungs.

  “Cheyenne!” Large fingers cupped my cheek. “Cheyenne! Can you hear me?” Callon said, his words shaking in uncertainty.

  As I weakly looked up, all four were kneeling close by, and Callon was straddled over me.

  “Callon,” I whispered. Relief flashed through Callon, and he sagged onto his hands.

  “You came back,” he murmured. “You came back to us.”

  Slowly, I scanned the room. I was on the floor, and a defibrillator was lying next to me. That’s why I felt the electricity…they had used it to bring me back. I was breathing easily now, and my pulse was slowing. I glanced up and met Colt’s eyes filled with love. If he could have wrapped me up in his arms, he would have—and I wanted it.

  “How long?” I asked, my voice crackling from the lack of moisture. By the looks of things, I had been under for a number of days.

  “Five days,” Callon replied, his fingers still cupping my cheek.

  “Did I die?” I asked in earnest. Is that what I had felt?

  Callon hesitated, his eyes searching mine.

  “Your heart stopped.”

  “Is it over?”

  “I think so. Your fever’s lowering.” His thumb was stroking my cheek.

  “I’m so tired,” I said weakly as a chill swept over me. “Can I sleep now?”

  “Go to sleep, sweetheart. You’re going to be fine now.”

  I glanced at Callon’s neck before my lids fell closed. “You’re wearing the necklace I made you,” I murmured.

  “We all are.”

  “I didn’t get to tell you.” It was becoming hard to speak, my lips slurring the words.

  “We know what it means. We understand,” he assured me. “Now rest. We can talk about it later.”

  I wanted to keep talking, but the heaviness overtook me, and I drifted into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 8

  The snow falling outside the balcony window sat thick on the railing. It was peaceful, perfect, as I lay there watching. Snuggled up under the warm covers, I stretched my arm above my head and found an IV still attached.

  “Callon will take it out soon, Cheyenne.” Colt was sitting on the edge of the bed, his shoulders rigid. His brow creased, and I twisted my fingers in the blanket, willing myself not to reach out and hold his hand.

  Colt brushed the hair from my temple. “You can’t go.” His icy blue eyes reached deep inside. “I can’t bear the thought of you leaving, the thought of you having another episode when we’re not there to help you through it.” He cupped my cheek.

  I didn’t reply as I lay still.

  He lowered his head and closed his eyes briefly. “I just don’t know if you understand all the guilt I’ve been bearing over this whole ordeal, Cheyenne. This was my fault…I’m the one who broke your heart. I’m the one who lied to you. I’m the one driving you away...”

  My eyes watered, and I reached out to touch his hand.

  “I need you so much more than you realize,” he continued. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I can’t take losing you. I don’t have the words to describe how I feel. It’s tearing me up inside, seeing you suffer so much. The pain in your eyes, the pain I’ve brought you. If you were to leave, and I couldn’t find you…I can’t bear to think about what would happen.” I was trapped by his gaze, his emotions pouring out for me to see. The pain and misery from what he’d done were evident. “Promise me, Cheyenne. Promise you won’t go until you’ve transformed.”

  I looked away. Not leave until I was transformed and fully Timeless… Much as I didn’t like the idea, all the proof was before me. I wouldn’t have survived unless my guardians had been there. I had to hold on a little longer, until I knew for sure I was no longer human. Until I knew beyond a doubt I was Timeless.

  Colt leaned closer, his breath warming my face. “Cheyenne?”

  His low voice sent a thrill down my spine, but I kept my gaze averted. I was not going to undo all my hard work.

  “All right. I’ll stay,” I said. “But only until I become Timeless. I still have to leave. I have to.” The words tangled on my tongue. I didn’t want to leave Colt, but if I ever wanted to figure things out, I couldn’t stay around him. I couldn’t stay around any of them.

  Colt sighed. He hadn’t quite won, but he seemed satisfied that I’d given in a little.

  “I won’t ever give up,” he said. “I’ll always look for you, no matter how far we’re driven apart. I’ll win you back, someday.”

  His words were sincere. All the doubts I’d tried so hard to push back came rushing forward. I didn’t want Colt to give up; I wanted him to fight for me. I wanted what we had before my life changed, before I knew I was Timeless. I wanted to be with him so much—even though he’d hurt and betrayed me. I knew it was wrong to feel this way, but deep down I couldn’t deny he had always been there for me. Why was I forced to give him up for the sake of a promise I didn’t understand?

  “I know,” I whispered as a tear fell.

  I hung my head. I couldn’t look at him; my heart just couldn’t bear any more pain. Wordlessly Colt wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into him, closing my eyes. I’d missed being in his arms…but nagging thoughts told me to pull away
. As much as I wanted to give in to his comforting hold, I couldn’t submit to it. Not now. Otherwise, I’d never be able to tear myself away.

  Footsteps neared, and Daniel and Maes appeared. Colt released me, letting Daniel lift a tray towards me.

  “Callon said you needed to eat when you woke up, or he wouldn’t pull the IV out.” He glanced down. “I made you some chicken noodle soup,” he chuckled. “Well, I made it from the can. But I still heated it.”

  “Thank you, Daniel,” I replied. “It’s perfect.”

  Despite my words of gratitude, though, a bitterness rose in my throat. I looked around, but I couldn’t see any sign of Dr. Callon. I frowned. Why wasn’t he here? It shouldn’t have bothered me, but it did. Wasn’t he worried about me? I’d been so close to death, yet he didn’t even have the patience to check up on me…

  I snorted. Well, it wasn’t like I was going to stick around long; why should I even care? Callon could do whatever he wanted.

  Colt helped me to an upright position and fluffed a pillow behind my back. Daniel placed the tray on my lap before he retreated to stand by the windows with Maes. I ate about half the soup, then pushed it away—I couldn’t stomach any more. Weakness was quickly overtaking me, and I could hardly hold my head upright. Daniel removed the tray, and Colt attempted to help me lie back down. I was too tired to protest as he tucked me in his arms. Daniel and Maes quietly left the room, while I laid my head against his chest. He smelled so good; I hadn’t been close enough to appreciate it for a long time. I closed my eyes, and allowed his tender touch to lull me into a deep sleep.

  Sluggishly, my lashes opened, taking long blinks to focus. A silvery light filled the room; dawn was breaking. Warmth surrounded me as I lay beneath the fluffy blanket. Callon was leaning against the wall, watching. He didn’t look very pleased. Yawning, I tried to sit up, when two very blue eyes smiled down upon me.

  “You’re looking much better this morning,” Colt said. He was perched on the bed beside me. I frowned. He’d moved while I slept. “How are you feeling?”

  Before I could answer, Callon strode closer, his hazel eyes set on mine. He sat on the bed, waiting my reply.

  “I feel…okay,” I said.

  “Do you think you can eat something more, Cheyenne?” Callon’s voice was tight with worry…or was it something else? “How about some eggs or oatmeal?”

  “Where were you?” The words slipped out without much thought.

  Surprise rippled through his eyes, soon replaced by warmth at the thought I’d missed him.

  “There were things that needed to be…taken care of.”

  “More important than me?”

  Callon’s lips narrowed, and the warmth disappeared.


  I waited for further explanation, but it never came. He was firmly in “Mr. Evasive” mode.

  “I need you to eat, Cheyenne.”

  And now he was changing the subject too…

  The thought of eating was not appealing; although I knew it had been several days. But if I said as much, Callon would only push further to get some food down my throat. I needed an alternative strategy.

  “I want to shower first.” I was sure I looked hideous, not that I was here to impress anyone.

  Callon’s face twisted. I thought he was about to refuse me, when he sighed and glanced out the windows.

  “You’ll need to be extra careful,” he said. “You’re going to be unsteady on your feet. You haven’t eaten much for the last seven days.”

  My eyes widened.

  “I thought I was only down for five days with the fever?”

  “Yes, but you weren’t eating before that. You had the fever for five days and slept for the last two.”

  I shuddered. A whole week gone, just like that…. If the boys hadn’t been around to keep an eye on me…I didn’t even want to think about it. What mattered now was regaining my strength.

  Callon assisted me to the side of the bed, and he and Colt each took an arm. My feet touched the cold floor, and a shiver ran up my legs. They helped me to stand. Instantly, the room began to spin, and I had to close my eyes.

  “Cheyenne?” Callon’s voice was riddled with anxiety. “Don’t push yourself.”

  “No, I can do this.” I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I believed my own words. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be fine.”

  Patiently they waited. I took each step slowly, cautiously, until I made it to the bathroom. Callon and Colt left me by the shower and stepped out. The hot water was warm and soothed the aches. I started to get dressed again and almost toppled over. I had to hold on to the vanity to maintain my balance. The weakness was far worse than the past episode…

  At last I opened the door, leaning against the frame for support. Seconds later, Callon pulled me closer and scooped me up, carrying me into the great room. I didn’t protest. I couldn’t.

  He set me on the couch and wrapped a thick blanket around me. I began to shiver, and Callon sat beside me. Colt stoked the fire until it was roaring and sat across from us, his gaze not leaving mine. I sighed, cold and once again trapped in the middle. Why did it always have to be like this?

  Daniel arrived with water, hot chocolate and oatmeal, breaking my gloomy thoughts. He had formed a smiley face of raisins in an attempt to brighten my morning. “Thank you, Daniel.” I looked into his dimpled cheeks.

  “You’re welcome.”

  From the far corner, Maes was carefully watching, as always. He’d been oddly subdued and hadn’t given his usual running commentary on what I was doing. That both confused and worried me. I was touched by his concern, but I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his head. He had to be plotting something…

  A loud snap from the fire caused me to jump. I leaned into Callon and stared at the fire, watching the flames dance over the wood.

  “Cheyenne, you need to eat something now,” Callon instructed. “You need to rebuild your strength.”

  He handed me a spoon and the bowl of oatmeal. I ate a few bites, then stopped when the room began to spin once more. I couldn’t hold the spoon, and Callon snatched the bowl away before it spilled everywhere. He glanced at me, his hazel eyes filled with worry. I sat back in the couch, managing a few sips of water, before my lids closed and sleep claimed me.

  My strength was slow to return, and my guardians were growing concerned. Something serious was taking place. It had already been a week since the episode; and it was worrying that I still needed help to stand up. Resting on the couch, my eyes closed, I overheard them talking when they thought I was asleep.

  “Give me an update about the Trackers and Tresez, Maes,” Callon said.

  “It’s getting harder to keep them away,” Maes said. “This last group came closer than I’d like. It is only a matter of time before they locate us. We’re going to have to move soon.”

  “How much time do you think we have?”

  “It’s hard to say,” Maes replied. “Not only that, but her powers are going to be greater than we imagined. I’ve only seen someone live through such torturous transformations once before, and that wasn’t even close to what she’s been through.”

  “I don’t know, Maes,” Callon replied. “It’s disconcerting that she isn’t recovering as quickly as before.” He sighed. “I don’t know if her body can handle another go around. This is twice now her heart has stopped, and I don’t know if it’ll cope if it stops again.” He paused. “If I wouldn’t have…” He trailed off, unable to complete his sentence.

  “She’s the one they’ve written about. She’s the prophecy, Callon.” Maes’s accent deepened. “We need to watch her closely. When her powers come, they may cause us troubles. She’ll be quick to figure them out, and when she does, I guarantee she won’t hold back against you.”

  I was so tempted to open my eyes and start firing questions, but I wanted to hear more. They’d clam up the moment I spoke… Where had all of this come from? A prophecy? It was the first I’d heard
of it.

  “Don’t speak about the prophecy, Maes. It’s an old tale that doesn’t hold any truth. Cheyenne doesn’t need any more confusion in her life right now. We’ve already caused enough to last a lifetime.”

  “You’re not going to tell her?” Maes growled. “You haven’t told her many things, Callon, things Cheyenne should know already. Her ignorance will only hurt her in the end.”

  “That is none of your business, Maes!” Callon’s tone was deadly. “She is my responsibility, and I will tell her what she needs to know, and nothing more.”

  “Your hatred for Marcus is clouding your vision, Callon!” Maes rumbled. “She doesn’t hate him as you do. He is faceless and unknown to her and will remain that way until she sees it for herself. You can’t impress your feelings upon her.”

  It was so hard not to butt into the conversation. A whole new host of mysteries was unraveling. I was a part of some sort of prophecy? A prophecy Callon thought was untrue, so he didn’t think I needed to know. And then there was his hatred for Marcus…what had Marcus done that Callon felt was so unforgiveable? Even knowing Marcus murdered my parents, he was still a blank shadow to me. I knew nothing about him other than what Callon and the others had told me.

  What was beneath the surface that I couldn’t see?

  As the weeks progressed, I became stronger. My appetite wasn’t the same anymore. I didn’t feel hungry. I was able to do more, required less sleep and felt more aware. It was as if a presence surrounded me, protecting me from things I otherwise wouldn’t think about. However, my main concern was keeping this from my guardians. If I was now Timeless, my powers would show up, and I couldn’t let them find out. I needed something to give me an edge once I figured out my final escape plan.

  I was out walking with Daniel when I got my first taste of being Timeless. Maes had run ahead to secure the area, and we were just taking our time through the snow.

  “Daniel, can I ask you something?” I asked.

  “Sure, what?” Daniel replied.

  “What was it like for you when you turned Timeless?”


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