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Page 12

by Lisa L Wiedmeier

  Daniel chewed his lip. A cold breeze stirred, and I shivered.

  “You don’t need to be scared, Chey,” he said. “It’s going to be fine.”

  “But what was it like? I just want to understand it better.” I kicked the snow in my path.

  Daniel sighed. He looked out into the forest, organizing his thoughts. “Mine was easy compared to yours. None of us have gone through what you have.”

  “What do you mean easy?”

  “I couldn’t walk for a few weeks.”

  “You couldn’t walk?” My brows rose. “Geez, Daniel, I wouldn’t call that easy.” I remained silent for a moment. “So you received your powers right away, and that’s why you couldn’t walk?

  “No, actually, Callon thought I had polio to begin with. There was a huge outbreak in Europe at the time.”

  “Polio, seriously? Then what happened? Were you scared?”

  “Not really. What stands out the most to me is that, even though they thought it was the illness, I knew deep down it wasn’t. I don’t know how to explain it other than I felt a presence about me that was different. Within a few weeks, I was suddenly able to jump.”

  I swallowed. A presence about him...

  “Did you want this?” I asked.

  “To be Timeless?” He chuckled. “We don’t have a choice, Cheyenne. We’re born into it, and we can’t change it. It’s a gift.”

  “But you knew about it your entire life. I didn’t. Until my parents’ death I thought I was normal.”

  “It’s a gift you’ve yet to accept.”

  I looked away, pondering his words. A small grouping of white hares was sitting by a large boulder, staring at us. I was so mesmerized, I didn’t pay attention to the ground. My foot caught on a loose rock, and I stumbled. On instinct, I latched on to Daniel, and my knees hit the frosted ground. The hares scattered, and I slumped against the boulder.

  Wait…but the boulder had been fifty feet away…

  Then I realized.

  “Daniel, what are you doing?” I snapped. “Why’d you jump me? We aren’t supposed to be off the road!” Maes was going to kill us…

  “I didn’t do anything!” Daniel replied, helping me to my feet. “I think you did!”

  “You didn’t jump us?”


  I stared at him. Was he just teasing me again?

  I began replaying the event. I’d been looking at the rabbits when I tripped, and I had wanted to stop myself from falling, so I grabbed on to Daniel. Then the next thing I knew, we’d ended up fifty feet from where we were. Yet Daniel denied he’d jumped.

  My eyes widened. Did that mean…

  “Cheyenne!” Daniel was grinning. “If I didn’t do it, then it must mean you did! You can jump!” He was bouncing like an excited toddler. “Do it again!”

  I looked back at the road. I wasn’t sure how this was supposed to work, so I simply thought about where I wanted to go. In the blink of an eye, we were back. Daniel grabbed my arm; I was still not used to keeping my balance. A smile spread on my lips. I could jump!

  Just to make sure, I stepped away from Daniel and focused my eyes on the boulder once again. I disappeared almost immediately. This time I landed abruptly, and my cheek scraped the side of the rock. I cringed. Obviously, I’d need to practice…

  Daniel remained on the road, staring at my position. A perplexed expression crossed his face.

  “What are you doing?” I called out.

  Daniel looked uncomfortable.

  “I can’t…I can’t jump.”


  How strange…

  Behind me, the snow crunched; Maes was approaching. I caught my breath. He mustn’t know! Frantically twisting towards Daniel, I pictured myself standing next to him—but nothing happened.

  Maes paused in the middle of the road in his Tresez form, sniffing the air. His coat gleamed, and I admired the glossy sheen. I’d never noticed before how his black fur had a bluish tinge to it.

  He glared at Daniel, snarling, then wildly whipped around until he found me. Suddenly Maes ran full tilt towards me, and I squeaked. At the last second, Daniel appeared, stepping in front of me as Maes skidded to a halt. His jade-rimmed eyes were clouded with anger. He growled, showing his teeth. I gulped. Playtime was over.

  Daniel grabbed my hand and jumped us to the road. I clung to his wrist, as we were marched back in silence. What just happened? How had I jumped, and why couldn’t Daniel until just now?

  Maes shifted and stormed in front of us, blocking the way to the porch steps. I held on tighter to Daniel.

  “What were the two of you doing?” Maes’s voice was shaking with fury. He muttered something in French. “Don’t you understand how dangerous it is for you to be off the road?” His hands flew up in exasperation. “Not all the Tresez are happy with me being here. One slip up from you, and they will turn over our location without a thought!”

  Daniel opened his mouth to answer, when I pinched him. He glanced at me in curiosity.

  “It’s my fault, Maes,” I replied. I had to think up a convincing excuse. “Daniel was just trying to cheer me up.” I paused briefly, hoping to read his expression. “He just wanted to take me to the rabbits. I’m sorry. We won’t do it again.”

  Maes’s eyes bored through me, dark, piercing, intimidating. He was searching for the truth.

  “Maes, I wasn’t thinking,” I repeated, squeezing his arm. “I promise it won’t happen again.” His eyes traveled to my fingers. Inside I was trembling. He had to let this go…he had to.

  Eventually, Maes grunted and spun around to enter the house. It was all I could do not to sigh in relief. For a moment, I thought we wouldn’t get away with it.

  I waited until he disappeared before facing Daniel.

  “Not a word to anyone!” I whispered.

  “Cheyenne,” Daniel said. “You can’t ask me to do that. They’ll want to know.”

  “No!” I snapped. “I don’t even know what happened yet. This has to be between you and me. You can’t say anything.” I touched his chin as he tried to look away. “Look at me, Daniel. Not a word! Promise me!”

  Daniel’s face twisted.

  “Cheyenne, you know I should tell them…”

  “Please don’t!” My voice almost cracked. “Let me figure it out first. So I know better how to explain it.” I grasped his hand.

  At last, Daniel’s gaze softened, and he squeezed my fingers.

  “All right, I promise to keep it a secret.”

  I hugged him. “Thank you.”

  The front door opened, and Daniel drew back. I turned as Callon stepped onto the porch. He was glaring at Daniel. I sighed; Maes must have told him everything. I could only imagine what they were saying inside their heads.

  Callon headed straight for Daniel, a dark glint in his eye. I swallowed; he looked more than mad. I had to get his attention off his anger. As Callon stepped onto the snow, I pushed myself into him. He tensed in surprise, and I lay my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist. His breathing quickened, so I held on tight. If he forced Daniel to spill the beans, he’d question me until they figured out what happened. And I was more than willing to bet they wouldn’t want to share that answer with me.

  “I’m sorry, Callon,” I said. “This was my fault. Daniel was just trying to make me happy.” I nuzzled closer. Callon stiffened, uncertain how to react. “Don’t be mad. I promise it won’t happen again.”

  Callon rested his hands on my back, and I remained still. I knew he was scolding his brother. I had to try harder.

  “Callon,” I breathed. “I haven’t seen Mandi in a while. Can you take me to her? I’ve missed her.” I was really laying it on thick, but I had no choice. I needed to figure out what had happened before my guardians did. Inwardly, I sighed. This was going to be my best performance yet, but I didn’t feel good about it. Even if they lied to me all the time. Though they didn’t call it that; they said it was withholding information to keep me
safe. I was only doing the same thing…to protect me from them.

  Callon didn’t reply. Gritting my teeth, I snuggled in even closer and slid my hands under his shirt. Callon twitched, shivering as my nails lightly brushed his skin. Slowly he lifted my chin up. I smiled warmly.

  He cupped my cheek as he replied, “Let’s go. I think she’s been missing you too.”

  He gently tugged my arms away and held my hand as we headed for the corral. Daniel’s gaze was downcast. Callon must have been harsh—I could only pray he didn’t cave under Colt’s pressure as well.

  I stepped up on the rail. Mandi’s caramel eyes met mine, and she galloped across the field. Callon stood directly behind me, his arms locked on the rail on either side of me. I rubbed Mandi’s mane and whispered to her. She nodded as if in agreement. She nuzzled her head to mine, eventually pushing me back into Callon’s chest, before walking off.

  We watched her depart. Callon drew me closer, bringing my head into the crook of his neck. I remained facing forward, trying not to think about his warmth. He skimmed his right hand over mine, and my eyes narrowed. I knew what he was up to. I’d brought this upon myself by trying to distract him. This was quickly running out of control, and soon he’d be the one distracting me.

  He stopped his hand over the top of my rings and pushed my fingers apart—my heart skipped a beat. I wanted to close my eyes, to take in the moment, but I didn’t dare. He kept his hand locked over mine and twisted me so I was facing him. His arm remained securely around my back, drawing me close and causing me to step off the rail. To steady myself, my left hand rested on his chest. I slowly lifted my eyes and saw his satisfaction. He knew he was affecting me.

  “Cheyenne, I never gave you your Christmas present.” He searched my eyes. “I want to give it to you now if you’ll take it.”

  He placed a small silver ring on my index finger. Four silver bands that wove together to form one ring—each intricately entwined together. Four strands connected together just as I, Callon, Daniel and Colt were; our lives bound eternally.

  I stared at the ring for a long moment.

  “Callon, it’s…thank you,” I whispered. He lowered his head, his lips barely brushing mine, hovering, waiting.

  “Close your eyes, Cheyenne,” he said tenderly. As much as I wanted to fight it—I just couldn’t. The rings had done their job, and I was powerless. My eyelids closed involuntarily. He floated above my lips for a long time, his warm breath flooding my senses. His fingers lingered on my neck, his thumb caressing my cheek, torturing me until I wanted nothing more than his lips covering mine.

  It started slow, his mouth gliding over mine, the heat of his tongue touching my lower lip. He pressed me closer, tilting my head to deepen the kiss. His lips drifted across mine freely, twisting, parting, as he moved them under his complete control. My heart was racing, and an overwhelming desire was taking over, sending shivers down my spine. Passionately, he sought more, so much more that I hadn’t known could exist. Every part of me was tingling, yearning for even more, and it was all radiating from the rings on my right hand. The rings joined to his…

  With all the willpower I possessed, I managed to push him back. I had to stop this before it went too far. He seemed to get the message, slowing his kiss, until he lingered above my mouth again.

  He rested his chin on my shoulder, and then gently whispered, “I love you, Cheyenne. You know this.” My heart raced. “I’d go to the ends of the earth for you. We’re bound together deeper than these rings. You’ll always belong in my heart.”

  He caressed my neck in a soft kiss, and I bit back the moan that tried to escape my lips. I couldn’t let him do this!

  “One day you’ll say these words in return. One day you’ll say I love you and mean it as I do. One day.”

  Callon drew back after one last kiss and repeated “I love you” but he didn’t let go.

  I couldn’t move. I was adrift in a sea of emotions. What could I say? I’d allowed this to happen…I knew both he and Colt had such passion for me, such devotion to me. But I couldn’t allow myself to be sucked in again. Callon had sliced through my shield, and I was struggling to pick up the pieces. No more pain, I kept reminding myself. No more heartache. I wouldn’t let him break me down, not when I’d been fighting so hard.

  A tear trickled down my cheek. It was tearing me up, keeping all these feelings bottled inside. I had no one to talk to, no one to turn to when I needed guidance the most. I had no mom or dad to ask for advice, nobody who wouldn’t try to force me to their way of thinking. Daniel offered, but he wouldn’t understand. Nobody understood the pressure I was constantly under, the painful choice I was being forced to make. Nobody.

  We stood in silence as Callon held me close, trying to prolong the moment. He was waiting for me to say something, but I couldn’t. I was still caught in the rings’ thrall. I didn’t want his touch, or his arms around me…yet my body simply couldn’t get enough of it. I stared out into the woods as the snowfall began again. I watched each flake delicately float to the ground. It was a welcome distraction for me—something to focus on in order to keep what little control I had left.

  “You must be cold,” Callon said. “Let’s get you inside to warm up.” He released my right hand and began to rub my shoulders.

  I kept my gaze down, thoroughly shaken up. I needed to remember the hurt and the pain. I needed to remember the suffering he and Colt had put me through. If I looked into those hazel eyes once more, I was a goner.

  We meandered back inside, Callon’s hand remaining on my shoulder. Daniel had the fire going strong, and Maes and Colt were standing nearby. I glanced at Maes, who appeared calmer than earlier. Colt, however, was clearly irritated. Daniel looked at me sheepishly through his black locks. Had he squealed? As we neared the couch, I pulled away and headed for the bathroom. I had to clear my head.

  I sat on the floor, resting against the cabinet and struggled to regain my wits. Callon’s kiss was more than I’d planned on…a lot more. I knew it wasn’t over—Colt hadn’t had his say yet, and I didn’t know how much more I could endure. I was positive he’d be waiting outside the bathroom door to grill me on where I’d been and what had happened.

  Gathering my courage, I opened the door. As expected, Colt stood against the opposite wall. His face was cold. I now knew how Daniel had felt earlier. The bossy parent about to tell off the naughty child…

  “Cheyenne.” Colt towered above me, his arms crossing over his chest. “Do you know what kind of danger you put yourself in by pulling that little stunt?”

  My heart froze. Had Daniel caved and told them everything? My palms grew sweaty. What would they do?

  “Maes has been working hard to keep your scent mixed with the traffic on the road and then you decide to have Daniel leap you to a boulder to look at rabbits?” Relief quickly washed over me as Colt continued. They didn’t know. “Even something so simple can cause you harm! Do you even understand?” He pressed his fingers to his forehead. “We’re trying to make it comfortable for you, allow you to run or walk, but you have to help us out in return.”

  He stepped closer, taking my hands in his. His voice lowered.

  “Sweetheart, don’t you understand how much I love you? How I want to keep you safe?” His thumbs stroked the inside of my wrists. “I can’t handle the thought of you getting hurt. Every time I see you in pain, or suffering, it breaks my heart. I won’t allow it to happen again.” He shook his head. “I can’t go through this anymore.”

  I stared into Colt’s icy blue eyes. That alone told me he’d do everything within his power to protect me.

  “I’m sorry, Colt,” I said. “I won’t let it happen again.” I had to look away. My heart was softening, my defenses cracking.

  I drew back, trying to distance myself. Colt touched my chin, and our gaze met. He was so deep in thought, so uncertain. He was hurting too, and I couldn’t turn away.

  “I was such a fool.” His voice was full of remorse. “I had your
love and lost it because of my own stupid pride, my possessiveness. I thought if I kept you in the dark about everything, you’d blindly trust me—love me unconditionally. I was so wrong.” His face tightened, and his shoulders slumped forward. “I’ve made such a mess of things. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to make it right again. I’ve been so selfish.” He hesitated. “Please, Cheyenne, I know I don’t deserve it, but tell me one day you’ll forgive me.”

  I wavered, uncertain of what my heart was aching for. I was no longer the actress—I couldn’t hide my true feelings from him. I couldn’t stand to watch him suffer when I knew I could give him hope…when I could give myself a speck of hope, too.

  I stepped closer, and he drew me into his arms. My heart was thumping against my chest, pounding out the love I still had for him. My lips pressed to his ear, breathing everything I felt inside.

  “I can’t forget what you’ve done, Colt. Your actions changed everything, but I do love you. It’s just not the same as before.” I paused, determination setting in. “I won’t be the fool twice. I—I need to find myself. I need to know who I am before I can truly love another again.” My voice began to quiver. “I won’t have my heart torn in two. It’s difficult being here with the two of you—I won’t be forced into making a choice—I can’t. Please understand. I love you, Colt O’Shea, and no one can take that away from you. You’re the light in my life as well—you always have been.”

  Colt’s uncertainty was gone. One arm remained wrapped around me, holding me close, as his fingers slipped into my hair. His lips met mine with such force, it took my breath away. There was no hesitation as he pushed his way forward. No matter how hard I fought to push against him, I couldn’t stop what was happening. I couldn’t stop him from desperately trying to show me he loved me more than life itself.

  What had I allowed? Why did I love him so? Why did I love them both? I was being careless; and they were being reckless, throwing out their feelings on the wind for me to catch. Both were there for me…but if I accepted one, the other would wilt.

  Colt began to slow, and finally the kiss ended. My heart ached—I longed for him. He lingered over my lips, his whispers like sweet caresses, “I’ll win you back someday, love. I’ll never stop trying.” A last warm tender kiss touched me, and I slowly looked up; his determination was set in stone.


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