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Under a Warlock's Spell

Page 7

by Ann Cory

  "You have been a great friend to me. I shall see you soon."

  With the cape tightly wrapped around her, she made her way back out into the night. She turned and watched Lillian wave before closing the door. A renewed sense of strength washed over her. The stone would have made her journey easier, but she knew her heart would lead the way. Minna silently prayed that she would find Derik before he killed again.

  Chapter Twelve

  Blagden watched through his amulet with interest as Derik conversed with a bird. The beast had finally gone completely mad. His longtime servant, Graff, busily set the table so he could eat and drink to his heart's content.

  "What a stupid fool." His voice echoed throughout the vast, tomb-like walls of his decaying old castle.

  Graff looked up and nodded his head in agreement.


  "The poor excuse for a beast I've trained. He sits in the forest and talks to a crow as if either brainless twit understands one another."

  "Maybe they can."

  Blagden waved his hand in the air. "You sound as stupid as he acts. When I first followed the man, I thought him full of wit and muscle. I was sure I had found the right one to carry out my orders of destruction. It has been my dream to turn men into my slaves and take away their dignity. Now I feel a small tinge of something…I guess you could call it pity."

  "Why is that?"

  "Because I have completely destroyed his mind. I thought he would be strong enough to sustain the thoughts of the beast, yet still retain some common sense."

  "How can you be sure he still has human thoughts, my lord?"

  "He cries about some woman each night. It is really quite pathetic. Instead of sleeping, he gazes up at the sky, calling out to her, sobbing about the love they once shared. Disgusting. She would never love him now, not if she had any taste. Still, I have grown curious."

  "Curious, sir?"

  "Yes. She must be something special if he still thinks about her. I have been meaning to visit her and see what she might have to offer. Perhaps after my feast I shall do just that. I am feeling somewhat restless tonight."

  Graff served up some potatoes and ladled gravy over them. "It is quite late. Shouldn't you wait until morning, sir? She may be sound asleep."

  "Ah yes, asleep in her bed. All alone and, with my luck, stark naked."

  Blagden grew excited thinking about her tender flesh sliding along his eager loins. He imagined her womanly body chained to the walls, writhing against the cold gray stone, and his hands roaming wherever he wanted. His stomach growled for something more sustaining than food. He was hungry for a goddess bucking beneath him.

  "Your meal is ready now, sir."

  The warlock gave his servant a cold stare and then replaced it with a smirk.

  "Yes, you are right, it is quite late. I shall pay her a visit in the wee hours of the morning. My day will be full. Tomorrow afternoon I will give old King Villaire a blood bath like he has never seen before. I imagine by the end of the week, I shall rule one kingdom and be on my way to obtaining another. You know, one can never have too many kingdoms, can one, Graff?"

  "I would say not, my lord." The servant bent down and tied a large white cloth around the warlock's neck.

  Blagden laughed. "Like you would know. You are nothing but a fool yourself. Never mind, though, you have never given me problems, and for that, I spare your life and allow you to live rich. I am terribly generous, aren't I? I amaze myself sometimes. Now, fetch me a barrel of wine. I feel like celebrating the victory that I know will be mine."

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lessier stormed home and kicked his table and chairs. Damn that woman. Damn her! How could he have been so dim-witted as to fall in love with a witch? Was he so blind as to have not seen it earlier? He wondered if Derik already knew. Perhaps there was more to his disappearance than one would have thought. Maybe she was angry with him and had made something terrible happen, but didn't want anyone to know. It would make sense. Derik might have realized he had been harboring a witch, and he had decided to leave. Or maybe he took his own life so he wouldn't have to bear the shame of knowing the woman's true identity.

  It frustrated Lessier to think Minna was flawed. She was supposed to be the symbol of perfection. An angel, he could believe, but a demon in disguise? Outrageous. How could he even think of marrying her now? If anyone found out what he knew about her, his good name would be ruined.

  Still, he wanted her, and hated himself even more for it. Hated himself for seeing the truth but ignoring it. Her essence was that of an apple hanging from a forbidden tree, just waiting to be snatched up and bitten into. He knew he should turn her in; it would be the sensible thing to do. But around her he found it near impossible to keep an ounce of sense in his head.

  How could he possibly watch her beautiful form hang from the rafters, fear streaked across her porcelain face? Minna wasn't the kind of woman to die in such a crude, vicious manner. Her exquisite face would haunt him every night, just as it did now. Only not laced with passion, but with anguish. She wouldn't be crying out his name in pleasure, but screaming it in pain.

  He banged his fists against the table and shouted out loud, "No! I couldn't live with myself."

  There was no other woman who stirred him the way she did. He would have to keep the witchcraft a secret and make sure no one else ever found out.

  Then his mind really started to work. A new plan was hatching itself. One that put him back in control and would see to it that she relied on him for everything.

  If he spared her, she would have to repay him. In fact, if she didn't want him to tell a soul, then she would have to do what he wanted in exchange for silence. Anything he asked of her. Marriage, thousands of passionate nights, offspring, and a constant companion. He would have her all to himself. If she tried to leave him, he would gently remind her that a noose could easily fit around her neck.

  As thoroughly excited as he had been to relate his original story of Derik's death, he felt this plan would work more to his advantage. It would reduce the grief and make it easier for Minna to give herself to him without guilt.

  Lessier thrust his hand into his pocket and removed the tiny pouch. He turned it around and around between his fingers and then looked inside it. There was nothing there. A moment of concern flowed in his stomach. Why was there nothing inside it? Had there been at one time? He fumbled through his pocket, but didn't come across anything unusual. It made him nervous the more he thought about it. Perhaps there was an invisible potion or herb inside and he'd touched it? What if his hands were now covered with some poison that would slowly kill him? If she had done away with Derik, then what would stop her from killing him before he told the authorities her dirty little secret? Had it been her plan for him to take it from her, to taint him with her darkness, to possess his mind and have her own way?

  Everything inside shouted that he was being toyed with and it angered him further. Lessier thought about the last conversation they'd held in town and wondered if this was why she hadn't wanted him to come to her home. It made sense if her friend was a witch as well. What if they were both plotting something heinous against the village? Lessier fumed. What an idiot he'd been. She'd lied to him, right in front of his face. Minna had played him for a complete and utter fool.

  "You've messed with the wrong man this time," he cried out as he sent a dish crashing against the wall. "Damn you, Minna!"

  He wasn't about to fall into her trap. He would set things straight and show her who was the one in charge of her fate. In the early morning, he would go back to her and explain how things were going to be. One way or another, she would be his.

  * * *

  Minna walked for hours before her feet gave up on her. All the flying earlier had sapped her energy. Sinking to the cold, muddy ground, she tucked her knees up under her chin. Being miles out of town, she felt she could afford a couple hours of rest and still make it in time—she had to think that or she'd wallow in self-doubt.
br />   The rain had let up and changed into a light mist that made the journey tolerable. Not only was she tired but emotionally she was a wreck. So many things had happened over the course of a couple of days. Before that, she had spent months enduring the loneliness and giving into depression. Now she was caught up in a whirlwind. She was close, yet she was still very far.

  Not only was there a battle of good and evil taking place, but truth and lies, honesty and betrayal. She knew her enemies, but she was questioning her friends. Why did some people believe she was strong while others looked at her as though she were a fragile flower?

  Her hopes and dreams included Derik, but not all the things she would have to face in order to rescue him. Was she that strong? Lachlan told her not to lose hope or give up, but sitting there in the cold mist, shivering, fatigued, everything felt hopeless. She didn't want the burden on her shoulders anymore. At least not tonight.

  When the early morning hours came, she found herself refreshed enough to walk a good distance. Sunlight dried her black cape and made her footing easier. Negative thoughts still buzzed around in her mind, but at the same time, she knew things would work out. Love was at stake here, and she wouldn't give up without a fight. Derik was worth it. The only thing she could do was put one foot in front of the other and hope for the best.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lessier broke into Minna's home after several attempts to call out to her were met with silence. He noticed some of her belongings were missing and stomped around, fuming mad. What had he been thinking? He should have returned in the night and assured her that the authorities would not get involved. She'd run off for fear of him turning her in, and now he'd have to track her down. Where would she think to go? Who would offer her a bed in the middle of the night? He quickly brushed that thought away. He didn't want to know which men would willingly take her in and have their way. It would have to be someone she trusted implicitly Besides Derik, that was hard to say.

  He paced around, checking under her bed, smelling her clothes. Then it came to him. Lillian. If anyone knew where she was, it would be her. They were good friends and used to do things together all the time. He was aware that while Lillian thought the world of Minna, she was still hurt by the way she'd been discarded once Derik took up all Minna's time. If he had to, he could use that piece of information to his advantage.

  Lessier raced all the way to town, ignoring the relentless raindrops hitting him in the face and the amount of mud that caked his new boots. Without a greeting, he stormed into the jewelry shop and made his way up to the counter where Lillian stood polishing a silver necklace.

  "I must speak with Minna. It's urgent," he demanded.

  The pretty blonde looked up and smiled.

  "Ah Lessier, how are you doing today? You seem impatient. What was your question?"

  "Minna, you fool woman. Where is she?"

  Lillian shrugged. "I haven't seen her since last night."

  Lessier's eyes widened. "Last night? I knew she came in here earlier in the day, but I didn't realize she'd come back in the evening."

  "She came to my home. She was only there a short time."

  "Did she say where she was going?"

  He could tell she was stalling by the way she hesitated. Lillian was not known for keeping secrets well, so he decided to try a different approach.

  "My apologies for my gruffness, it's because of all the rain. I only ask about Minna because I have important news about Derik that she will want to know, and I must speak to her at once."

  Lillian bit her lower lip. "About Derik? Hmm. I see. Well, I know she considers you a good friend. I am sure she wouldn't mind me telling you."

  He leaned forward, pleased with himself. "Very good friends, indeed. I have been doing my best to comfort her during these harsh times. Poor woman, she's had it rough."

  "Yes, poor thing. Make sure that what I tell you stays between us. All right? She asked me not to tell anyone. I doubt that includes you."

  "Yes, ma'am. I will guard the secret well."

  Lillian put the necklace down and then looked around the store before continuing. "It was very peculiar. She came to my home late last night and said she would be away for a little while, something about a trip she had to make. She left all of her important mementos in safe keeping with me. I am not sure why, but I imagine in case someone tried to rob her. I don't think she is well in the head these days. Wherever she is going it is on foot. That much I know. She will be drenched by now with it raining the way it is. I hope she doesn't catch herself a terrible cold."

  "Did she mention where she was headed? You two are such good friends, I am surprised that she didn't tell you."

  Lillian nervously twisted the silver chain around her neck. "Minna was in a hurry and didn't have time to go into details. Honest. She promised to tell me when she got back. All I know is that she was very determined about something. I have a strange feeling she was on her way to go find Derik."

  He frowned and stroked his chin. Why would she go out looking for him on her own after all this time? It didn't make any sense at all.

  "I see."

  "I am sorry I cannot tell you more, but she was very elusive."

  "Yes, it seems she has been keeping a lot to herself lately." He tipped his hat at her and started for the door. "I thank you for your assistance and hope you have a profitable day."

  Lessier stepped out of the store and closed the door behind him. He looked around. The ground was covered in water and mud, and it didn't appear that the rain was going to stop anytime soon. Stupid woman. He should never have threatened to call the authorities on her. She was likely hurt or on her way to falling ill after being out all night. It didn't make sense that she would go looking for Derik in such miserable conditions. Lessier headed back to her house to see if she had left any clues to her whereabouts.

  When he arrived, he noticed an oddly dressed man with long, silvery-blond hair hovering in front of Minna's door. Lessier didn't recognize him, and the man looked like he was up to no good. Lessier ran up quietly and waited for the right moment. As soon as he was confident he had the advantage, he ran up and attempted to tackle the stranger to the ground. Before he knew what was happening, he was lifted into the air and thrown against the wall in front of Minna's house. The stranger hadn't even touched him.

  "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Lessier demanded, picking himself up off the ground. A sharp, stabbing pain shot through his shoulder.

  The stranger walked forward and glowered. "Who I am isn't of your concern. I could just as easily ask the same question of you. Why are you here?"

  "I happen to be a close friend of Minna's, and this is her home. In fact, she was expecting me. I doubt you two are acquainted, judging by your manners."

  "Let us just say that I am one of her gentleman callers, wishing to inquire about her company with me this evening."

  Lessier wondered if this was the friend she had spoken of earlier. Clearly he, too, was a witch of some kind. "She wouldn't be seen with the likes of you. I suggest you leave at once," he hissed.

  "And what of Derik? I thought he was Minna's beau. They seem very much in love to me. Where exactly do you fit into all this?"

  "Derik is dead and I came to tell her so. You can save yourself the pain of rejection, because I am the man she has chosen to take her fallen love's place."

  Lessier rubbed the back of his head. How was it possible for this man to know so much? If she were seeing him on the side, he would be devastated.

  "Actually, Derik is alive and well. In fact, he has been a visitor of my home for several months now. Does he know of your feelings toward his lady? He has been in a, shall we say, beastly mood lately, and I would think that hearing such news would set him off in an unforgivable rage. I, for one, wouldn't dare to tangle with the likes of him when he is in a fit of fury. But if you think I am in the way here, I shall leave."

  "This had better not be some sort of trickery of words to upset me, for
I'm not in the mood for it. If Derik is alive, I demand to know where he is."

  The stranger raised his hands and red sparks shot out. Lessier moved to get out of harm's way, ramming his shoulder into the door.

  "Whatever are you doing?"

  "I don't take well to threats or being told what to do. You are mistaken on many counts and I don't believe a word from your mouth. Why would you tell Minna that Derik is dead when he is indeed alive? I don't think she would take kindly to you lying to her, especially regarding something of that magnitude. You are not the only one wishing to be in Minna's naked company and I highly doubt she thinks anything more of you than as a friend, at best. However, if you want to know where Derik is, then please allow me to take you there and offer proof of his existence."

  More red sparks flew from his hand and hit Lessier squarely in the jaw. He fell to the ground and darkness came.

  * * *

  Lessier opened his eyes. Tall pine trees surrounded him and a light fog covered his body and ground. His vision was altered, objects appeared colorless, and his focus was somewhat magnified. Instinctively his hand went to his eyes to check for damage.

  He staggered back. His heart pounded as he stared at the horrifying change. Instead of hands he had paws. Ahead of him was the river and he ran awkwardly on all fours to reach it. He looked at his reflection, and it made his insides churn. Staring back at him was the face of a gray wolf. Lessier opened his mouth to curse and released a long eerie howl.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Derik bowed before Blagden, his mind too weak to ignore the summons.

  "Off you go, the kingdom awaits its blood bath tonight. This time I want you to take the lives of children and women until you hear King Villaire beg and plead to spare his people. Once he announces the kingdom is mine, I want you to strike him dead immediately. Do you understand your orders?"

  "Yes, master."

  "Good. Should you ignore my orders, I will tell Minna you are dead. I hear she has a new suitor. Lessier somebody, and he cannot wait to get his greedy hands on her. I went to visit your lover and found him snooping around her things. He is a very jealous man and is angered to hear you are still alive."


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