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Under a Warlock's Spell

Page 8

by Ann Cory


  "Yes. I take it you two are not friends. I don't blame you. He's even more of an idiot than you."

  Derik was stunned by the news. He wasn't sure if Blagden was playing mind games or not, though he wouldn't put it past him. Lessier was a filthy traitor who had been his enemy since they were young. It was Lessier who killed Derik's brother in a so-called "game" of knights and thieves. Not once had he ever expressed a sense of sorrow. Instead Lessier mocked how weak his brother had been. Even at the funeral, Lessier spat into the grave before it was filled with fresh soil. Derik hated him more than anything and would never forgive him. The last thing he could stand was the thought of his beautiful Minna with such a senseless killer.

  Blagden tightened his grip of the amulet. "Did you hear me? Go. I command you to carry out my orders."

  "Yes, master, I will do as you ask," he replied through clenched teeth.

  Derik shook his head. All thoughts of his past vanished. The killing machine inside had made the switch. He barreled towards the castle walls, ready to tear up anything that got in his path.

  * * *

  A low deep growl echoed through the narrow streets as the townspeople hurried to clean up after a long market day. The beast had arrived. He growled again, eyes full of rage. Chaos broke out as villagers ran, fleeing the wrath of the monster they had been warned about. Upturned carts were flung and windows were smashed. Glass and debris littered the walkways.

  The cries rose all the way to the king's sitting room in the castle. He watched from the window, heartbroken. He had tried to find an alternative to battle, but the sad realization was, there wasn't one. The time for peace wouldn't come until the beast, Blagden, and his soldiers were all dead. Possibly even himself. Had his wife still been alive she would have supported his decision and stood behind him. Tonight he missed her even more.

  King Villaire trudged down the steps. He had given the order for his men to suit up and prepare for battle. If Blagden wanted to attack, he would be more than ready. First the beast and then the warlock would have to fall. In that order. When he came to the bottom of the steps, he smiled. There they all stood. Fine young men, full of courage and bravery.

  "I would like a word with you all before I send you out."

  His loyal guards and soldiers hovered around him in a circle, their faces showing youth and fear.

  "Men, I want you to know that this isn't easy for me. Sending you out to tackle this beast was not my first choice, but I cannot have the people be afraid to leave their homes. Tonight will turn ugly if I don't take matters into my own hands. In doing so, I must extend my faith into you. Each one of you is a fearless warrior; I can see it in your eyes. This isn't about bloodshed or death. This is about preservation of a land that was created before any of us were ever on Earth. My father oversaw this land and would not want it mucked up by enemies. I cannot in good faith step down from my throne and hand this kingdom over to someone whose only intention is to cause innocent people harm."

  He watched the young men's faces and saw a spark of confidence radiate inside them.

  "Most of you I have watched grow up right before my eyes. I count all of you as my family and I think that is what saddens me most. I do not care to lose those I consider family. But we have been left with no other option. My father would have chosen war, as would his father, and his father before him. I cannot ignore that. There is no choice now but to fight."

  Villaire strode up to each of his armored men and kissed their hands, an act he'd seen his father do before he sent off his men. "As of right now we are equals, all fighting for the good of this land. No one is better than the other. We all win or we all lose. There is no in between. Take down that savage creature any way you can and then destroy his creator."

  "Yes, your highness," the men shouted in unison. "Hail King Villaire."

  The king watched them set out and cross the bridge, their armor and weapons clanging wildly. He hoped their lives would be spared.

  Down the streets they marched, passing a slew of innocent victims. The king held his breath and watched from the tower. They approached the beast and raised their weapons. He could hear them shouting and demanding its head as a trophy. With one blow, the beast sliced a villager in two and piled the other victims into a lifeless heap. Carnage lined the streets and stunk up the air. Horrific screams echoed from every corner.

  Villaire watched as his men ran forward and collided with the monster. Half of them fell to the ground and didn't move again. The creature's fury made him as deadly and powerful as thirty men. Their bodies went flying in all directions. Blood splattered the motionless armor. Villaire realized none of the soldiers would return this evening, and if they did, not in one piece. His heart ached to watch the sad, one-sided battle. He hadn't wanted any of this. The people cried out in the street, shocked and begging for help. They knew that once the beast had slain the soldiers, they wouldn't stand a chance.

  The king couldn't take it any longer. He stormed out of the castle and made his way down to the streets to face the heartless beast himself. Villaire chanted words in his head, building up his adrenaline. For Bramstead. For his father. For this land. Tears welled in his eyes as he passed the slaughtered victims. These were his people and he had let them down. These men were his family and he'd decided their fate. What kind of king would he be if allowed this insanity to continue? He followed the trail of his severed and ravaged men and came upon the seething creature.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Derik had a group of small children huddled in a corner, pinned with nowhere else to run. He snarled and growled, thick drops of blood oozed from his mouth and claws.


  He turned around and was surprised to see the king standing there, his face set in a defeated manner. Surely the man knew he was no match for the likes of Derik. Part of him wanted to bow down and show respect, and he would have until Blagden's voice thundered inside his head.

  "Make him give up his throne and then take him down. Follow my orders or suffer the consequences."

  Villaire held his arms up and looked toward the beast with pleading eyes. "Please, I beg of you. Enough killing and bloodshed. Tell the warlock he has won. The kingdom is his. I don't want any more violence or harm to come to the people."

  The king turned and looked toward the villagers. "I have let you down. I have let you all down. Some of you feel I am a weak king because I abhor battle, and alas, tonight I am showing you that I am. Weaker than the last four kings before me. I am sorry, and for that I am prepared to die. It is what I must do. I step down from the throne and surrender my life."

  The townspeople gasped and cried out for him to reconsider.

  "I cannot watch any more fall prey to this beast. I have failed you as a king."

  "Finish him, do it now," shrieked Blagden in Derik's head.

  Derik paused—he knew he was being asked to do something wrong. Damn the black magic of the amulet. He placed his mangled paws over his ears, an attempt to drown out his master's hateful order, but it didn't work. The voice only raged louder.

  "I said kill him. You cannot escape from the will of the crimson gem, destroy him," he seethed.

  Derik hesitated, but the power surged through him. He thrust out his arm and sank his claws into the king's stomach. He took a sharp breath in, stunned at what he'd done. Had it been his thoughts or the beast's? He'd never harm a soul. His stomach turned as he released his claws and watched the king slump to the ground, his eyes open, body motionless. The men, women, and children cried out in shock and pain. Derik took a step back. Bile rose along his throat, and his vision blurred from a film of tears. What had he done? He was a man, and he killed a king!

  Derik roared in anger and beat his chest. The children, still together in a heap, screamed and squirmed closer into one another. He watched a pool of blood build from the king's body and puddle around their little bare toes. This wasn't how he wanted it to be. This had to stop.

ran from the streets, never stopping to look back once, and headed to the safety of the forest. Tears streaked his ghastly face and mixed with his blood and the blood of others that slathered his body. This was not who he was. This was not how things were supposed to be. Inside beat the heart of a man who was brave, strong, and true. Outside he was someone's toy of destruction. He couldn't kill again. He would take his own life first before his butchery spilled another drop of innocent blood.

  He needed to get away from Blagden, but the tyrant was always watching, always controlling. Derik feared that if he didn't do something, Minna's life would also be in danger. To think of her brought a tinge of happiness to his numb and broken heart. He had expected her to come to him before Blagden sent him off to do his bidding. So far he hadn't seen her and hoped the warlock wasn't the cause. Remembering that their last meeting had been beside the north side of the lake, he decided to go there and wait.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Minna was exhausted from the long walk. She dared not stop to rest a second time, needing every bit of daylight to help her see the way. The sound of trickling water nearby taunted her with a promise of a refreshing reward.

  A burst of energy pushed her on until she was at the water's edge. She flopped her body down and drank in huge, hurried gulps. The water splashed on her dirt-covered body and cleansed her skin.

  Off to her right, a form appeared and crept toward her. Red eyes burned deep into her soul. Its razor-sharp teeth could rip her apart. Slowly she backed away and tried to soothe the wolf with her voice.

  "Hey there, pretty one, I'm not going to hurt you."

  The wolf didn't falter, intent to make her its source of food. Strings of saliva dripped from its jowls. Scared, Minna didn't know what to do. The look in the wolf's eyes reflected intense hunger, and she feared what it would do to her. It circled around her, blocking her from a chance to run. It growled and bared its unsightly teeth.

  "I will not be a very satisfying meal," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Without warning, it pounced and knocked her to the ground. Minna blocked her face from the sharp fangs and claws. The weight of its paws on her chest threatened to crush her collarbones. Its mouth drew close to her throat and opened its jaws wide.

  "Please, I beg you to leave me be," she cried.

  A second growl resonated from deep inside the bushes. Minna feared it was a whole pack approaching, ready to tear apart her flesh and limbs. She continued to struggle, refusing to give up without a fight. The weight of the wolf released and she moved to her feet. She sighed in relief when she saw her rescuer.

  Derik lunged between them, claws erect and eyes full of rage. The wolf backed up, unsure which was to be its prey. The creature hurtled the wolf into a nearby tree. It yelped and then got up, turning on the beast. It sank its teeth into the beast's arm, and Derik sent a ground-shaking roar through the forest. Thoroughly angered, the beast took a nasty bite from the wolf's hindquarters. Blood soaked the fur on its back legs and pooled on the forest floor. With his claws, the beast slashed away, leaving deep gouges all over the animal's body. Unable to stand, the wolf lay still, panting heavily, blood saturating the ground beneath its legs and belly.

  Minna wrung her hands together. The wolf no longer posed a threat.

  "No, Derik, don't kill him, please," she cried.

  He turned to look at her, tilting his head from one side to the other.


  She shook her head. "No. You have injured him enough. He still has a chance to heal. Don't kill him, please. I beg you."

  Blagden stepped out from behind the trees with a smug look and applauded.

  "Bravo, wonderful, I am enjoying myself immensely here. Let's see, there are two men fighting over a beautiful woman. How quaint. You must truly be something, dear Minna. Tell me, does this act of violence entice you? Does it make you wet between your thighs? I know it turns me on."

  A blast of red sparks shot through the air and hit the wolf, sending him reeling into a fallen tree. The wolf changed into Lessier. Cuts covered his body. He tried to say something but coughed up blood instead. Minna could only stare.

  She rushed over to him, looking over his wounds. Minna could only stare. "I don't understand. Lessier, what are you doing here? You could have been killed playing these sorcery games."

  "Blagden brought me here. I was at your house looking for you when I ran into him. When he told me that Derik was still alive, I was sick about it and didn't want it to be true. I didn't want him to ruin my only chance with you. My only thought was to find you. I never expected to get caught up in anything else. I didn't realize what I had gotten myself into."

  Minna backed away. "Lessier, you threatened to turn me in to the authorities, claiming that I was a witch. You didn't give me a chance to explain what had happened. And where would you get a notion that I would return any affection toward you? You know my heart belongs to only one man. How could you have ever misconstrued my feelings? You were my friend."

  "I have wanted you for a long time. Why do you think I was by your side?"

  "You said you were comforting me. Was that a lie?"

  "No. At least that was how it started out."

  "You led me to believe that you and Derik were good friends. You never cared for him at all, did you? Every night, coming to see if I was managing, and all of it ploys to get closer to me?"

  Lessier groaned as he tried to sit up. "I am afraid so. I fell in love with you a long time ago but couldn't have you then. With Derik out of the way, I thought I had a chance. I am not sorry. I cherished every moment I was alone with you. I changed my mind about turning you into the authorities once I arrived home. I couldn't bear to watch you hang. I came to find you and win back your love."

  She didn't know what to believe. "You never had my love to begin with."

  Blagden clapped his hands together again and moved closer to Minna.

  "So much tragedy, it is amazing. Minna, you must be a fine woman to have three admirers fawning over you at once."


  "A wolf, a beast, and myself." Blagden walked over to Derik and spit in his face. "I have to hand it to you, your craving for blood is far greater than I expected. Before you were killing as a beast, but now, you almost killed as a man. I had no hold on the power of your attack on the wolf. That was all you. You may have been in a beast's body, but I can assure you that all thoughts of vengeance were your own. You could have completely done away with him."


  "You have grown accustomed to the taste of blood. Why do you struggle to keep your human thoughts? You are a beast in every way, through and through. Don't fight it anymore. Allow yourself to be at peace. As the murderer you are."

  "I cannot make peace with myself if I am a beast."

  Minna ran over to Derik and took his paw in her hands. "Don't you listen to him. You are a good man. He is using you and playing games with your mind. You are not a murderer."

  He looked at her with sorrow in his eyes. "But, I am. I killed the king. Villaire is dead by my own hands."

  An eerie chill went through her body. She feared he would live a lifetime with these demons. "Oh, Derik. Please, no. You would never have done something like that on your own. You are a good man."

  "Derik?" Lessier's eyes went wide. "This beast is Derik?"

  The warlock bowed theatrically. "Yes. The plot thickens. I decided I wanted someone strong and wise to torture and kill the kings of my choice. I may have made a mistake in judgment, but what's done is done."

  Lessier glared at Derik. "You nearly killed me."

  "I didn't realize the wolf and you were one in the same."

  Lessier smirked. "Don't apologize. You are as weak as your brother, what was his name? Oh yes, Gabe. The two of you are most certainly made from the same weak stock."

  "Leave my brother out of this. I am merely trying to explain I had no idea you were an animal or I would have fought a fairer fight."

ssier engaged in several moments of a coughing fit, blood splattering down his chin.

  Blagden gripped the red amulet in his hands and chanted out a string of words. "Bocha som deea morande chlorl!"

  The ground rumbled under their feet, and a jagged line formed, splitting the earth between Lessier and Derik.

  Minna tried to find something steady to hold onto. "What's happening?"

  "It is time to break up this happy family. While it has been enjoyable, I have grown bored."

  She watched in horror as Lessier's body fell between the crack. The ground rippled and Minna lost her balance. Blagden grabbed hold of her arms and held her against him. His tight grip almost crushed her small bones.

  As quickly as it had begun, the ground stopped quaking and the place where Lessier had lain was now empty.

  Derik stood on the other side of the wide separation. He stood as a beast, but she could see into his heart. A beast would not be afraid to jump. A man would. The warlock threw his head back and laughed, his voice echoing around them.

  "You poor pathetic excuse for a man. I no longer require your services. You are not the right man for this beautiful young woman. No, I believe she needs someone who can offer her the world."

  "No. Derik, I love you." Minna's eyes filled with tears. She knew the truth and that was all that mattered. It was what was in her heart that came first.

  Derik's face was long and drawn. "I am sorry I have disappointed you. I am a monster and not the man I once was."

  Minna started to disagree when a dark cloud hovered over him. She recognized it from her dream. Hands with daggers for claws reached out and wrapped around him, slowly hoisting him into the air toward a gaping mouth with jagged teeth.

  She screamed and fought the warlock's tight grip. "What are you doing to him?"


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