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Under a Warlock's Spell

Page 12

by Ann Cory

  Minna stepped out and tried to regain her composure. The back of her head throbbed and made it difficult to keep her balance. She made like she was going to fall and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

  "Thank you," she said with a sweet tone that made bile creep up her throat.

  Whether she liked it or not, she would have to play into his game. Being tough and unruly wouldn't work with him—he saw it as too much of a threat. It was time to play the demure, soft damsel.

  "Might I share a kiss with the man who is soon to be my husband?"

  Just to look at his sneering mouth repulsed her. She would have to close her eyes and pretend she was kissing Derik to go through with it.

  "I see you have had a change of heart. How very lovely. If I kiss you, I will want more of you and be unable to wait until we have wed. Don't mistake my desire for being stronger than my own will. You are a temptress, dear Minna, but you are not my weakness."

  She let her torn dress slip a little to reveal her breasts and pressed against him. "Are you certain?"

  "I will say again, you are tempting. My lips hunger to devour your flesh. However, I am of strong mind and body, and I can resist you."

  "Beneath this dress is a portal to my soul," she whispered. "Tomorrow night you will learn more of it. Until then, leave me with something to dream about."

  "I suppose one kiss won't hurt."

  With shaky hands, Minna trailed her fingers along his face and closed her eyes. Even his breath smelled foul. Her heart pounded as he drew nearer. She had one last chance, and she hoped it would be enough. Her hands slid down to the amulet and she jutted her breasts further into him. If she reached just right, she could break the amulet off and make a run for it.

  His lips were so close; she could hear the jagged sound of breath. She took a deep breath and tugged at the chain around his neck.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Blagden grasped her hand and thrust her to the floor.

  "You manipulative little tramp. I have run out of patience with you. I could have given you anything you wanted, but now you leave me no choice. I knew better than to trust you."

  Minna turned and grabbed a sharp piece of wood from the broken crate. She aimed for his heart and lunged. Blagden caught it in his hand and was about to turn it on her when Graff burst into the room.

  "Don't you dare touch her or you'll have to deal with me."

  Blagden paused a moment and then roared with laughter.

  "Playing hero, are we? I should have known you would trade your loyalty in for a chance to sniff between her legs. Remember, I could have done away with you long ago. It was by my good graces that I allowed you to live. After all I have done for you, this is how you repay me?"

  "She's done nothing to you. Let her go. I helped her escape, so your quarrel is with me."

  "How very gentlemanly of you, but I think not. The only thing you are going to have a quarrel with is the way I decide to torture you."

  Minna looked around for something to use against him when the beast bounded in, followed by the wolf, their faces set for attack. Derik ran up and knocked the warlock flat on his back while Lessier's open jaws hovered above Blagden's throat.

  "You must not kill him while he wears the amulet," Graff interrupted. "It must be destroyed on its own."

  Derik stared into Blagden's eyes, his claws splayed.

  "I could kill you right now and not feel an ounce of guilt," he seethed. "You taught me that."

  Blagden smirked. "Go ahead and kill me, but enjoy the rest of your life as a beast. You will never have Minna the way you want, and everyone will be terrified of you. The children will never forget what you've done to their families, and they will hunt you down as time passes. Don't forget, you killed a king, and you will pay dearly for it."

  Minna came up beside Derik and rested her hand on his shoulder. "Don't listen to him, my love. The only words he knows how to speak are laced with vengeance and hatred. They mean nothing."

  Blagden reached for his amulet and chanted three words repeatedly. "Messitha cobrahm mehiyastal. Messitha cobrahm mehiyastal."

  Graff held out his hand. "Stop him!"

  A procession of deadly weapons floated in the air, hovering over their heads. Knives, swords, axes, hammers, bludgeons, each one looking more barbaric than the next.

  "Let me up or you shall feel the sting of defeat many times over."

  Minna backed away while Derik stood in front of her, shielding her with his body. The warlock shoved the wolf off him and got to his feet. Out of the corner of her eye, Minna watched Graff lunge at Blagden, his hand poised to grab the amulet. At once a sword unsheathed itself and struck into Graff's chest. As he collapsed, he ripped the amulet from the chain and fell to the ground. The weapons disappeared from over their heads. Minna knelt, trying to get a look at his wound.


  "Here. Take this and turn it against him now. Don't worry about me. Remove his powers. It's your last chance."

  Blood soaked his shirt in a red pool.

  Minna stood and faced Blagden, holding the amulet tightly. "How dare you!

  "Come now, you don't know how to use that properly. Hand it over to me and I will set Lessier and Derik free."

  "Do you know how to say anything other than lies? You are the last person I would hand this over to."

  "Ah, but you don't understand. Only I can undo the spell that keeps Derik a beast. You know in your heart you can never love him the way he is. He will hunt for blood and flesh. You cannot take that away from his animal instinct. It is ingrained in his thoughts. One day he may come after you."

  Minna didn't want to believe him, but she feared some of it was the truth. As much as she loved Derik, regardless of the form he was in, they could never be together the same way if he stayed a beast.

  "Don't listen to him," Derik interrupted. "He's just trying to play with your emotions, like he has done with me all this time. There is no telling what he will do once he has the amulet back. It is up to you. Remove his powers, Minna. My fate is in your hands."

  She played it over in her mind. The warlock was helpless without his source of power, and she was weak without her love by her side. Only one thing stopped her.

  "Derik, I want things to go back the way they were. If there is no other way to break the spell, how can we be together?"

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Blagden move and pull the sword out of Graff's chest. With it raised high above his head, he brought it down, just barely missing Derik.

  "No," Minna cried.

  "You stupid fool. She can't take away my powers. I still control you even without that piece of jewelry."

  Lessier took a running jump and knocked Blagden down to his knees.

  "Now, Minna. Whatever you feel inside, use that strength and save us all," Derik shouted.

  She stood above the warlock and pointed the amulet at him.

  "Give back the rightful forms to these two men and forever rid Blagden of all the powers that have been bestowed upon him."

  The ceiling above them opened up and a black spiraling cloud appeared. Minna froze. It was her dream, only this time she was wide-awake. The cloud hovered over Blagden and a dozen deformed creatures leapt out, panting and growling. She recognized the sounds as the ones that were just outside the trapdoor when she was sure she was being followed.

  Blagden's eyes grew wide. "Stay back. I have taken care of you all these years. You cannot harm your master."

  An eerie voice cracked and hissed loudly. "You will nourish us a hundred times over."

  The others joined in, hovering closer, sniffing at his feet.

  Minna watched in horror as the creatures turned into flames, lapping at Blagden's flesh. His cries echoed among the dungeon walls and she tried but couldn't look away. The flames grew into a blazing inferno and didn't let up until his body turned into a mountain of ash. The black cloud faded and disappeared. The warlock was gone.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

/>   Lessier circled the pile of ash, sniffing at it warily.

  "I am still a wolf. I was supposed to change back and I didn't."

  Minna looked at Derik and saw the anxiety in his beautiful brown eyes. "I am sorry. I thought I did the right thing."

  A strong white light started up from the ground and spread out all around.

  With her hand to shield her eyes, Minna tried to make out the figure coming toward them. A stunning, raven-haired woman dressed in emerald green robes stepped out. Her skin was as pale as the light she was bathed in and long black lashes framed brilliant violet eyes. In a soft voice, she chanted a series of words that sounded almost like a lullaby.

  Minna watched in awe as streams of shimmering blue light draped over Derik and Lessier. She held her breath, afraid to make even the slightest movement. The wolf howled and fell to its back, revealing a stomach that was swelling up fast. A slit formed in the center of its belly and the fur fell away. Lessier climbed out and checked over his old cuts. Minna pressed her fingers together, hoping the transformation would go as smoothly for Derik. He had been under the spell longer, and she worried that would make a difference.

  The beast let out an ear-piercing shriek and also fell to his back. Like the wolf, his stomach stretched beyond its normal capacity, creating a slit where the fur separated and folded down. She waited, her heart pounding fiercely in her chest. He had to be okay. He just had to. The tension was almost too much.

  "Why is he taking so long?"

  The woman smiled. "Be patient. He has been through many perils."

  Minna turned back in time to see Derik slowly climb out and find his footing. He stumbled toward her, in all his manly brilliance, the Derik she thought she'd never see again. The blue light faded and the mysterious woman stretched her arms out wide on either side of her.

  "Greetings to you three. I am Syrina. Please do not be alarmed, I mean you no harm. Your request was heard and answered. In reciprocation, I request that you return to me what is rightfully mine and allow me to walk whole again. Blagden stole this magical amulet from me when my defenses were down. I mistook what I thought was love and misjudged his actions. Once it fell into his hands, I became powerless to stop him, but not before using what little I had stored away on him. It was never meant to be used out of greed, nor was it meant to cause so many innocent deaths."

  Minna bowed before the woman. "Is Blagden gone for good?"

  "I believe so. You have done a very brave thing in defeating him. It takes a lot of courage to stand before darkness and banish it away."

  "I had to do it. I did it for love."

  "I know that. You are pure of heart. By standing up to him, your inner strength fused with the magic of the amulet and that's what destroyed him."

  Minna traced the amulet in her hand, examining its raw beauty. She could sense a strong pull emanate from it, and she knew right then that it was too dangerous to keep.

  "It's stunning. Isn't it?" The sorceress looked at her intently with her violet eyes.

  "Yes. Too pretty for me and too powerful to have in the wrong hands."

  Carefully, she handed the amulet to Syrina.

  Lessier strode over and tried to snatch it.

  Minna frowned and pushed him away.

  "Why did you give it to her? Think of all the things you could do with it."

  "It isn't mine to use. The amulet of magic was stolen. I have returned it to its rightful owner."

  The sorceress smiled, her eyes sparkling bright. "You are very wise. My family and I thank you for returning this to us safely."

  "What happens now?"

  "Things will start to return to normal. The gloom that has hung over these villages will lift. Peace will once again reign throughout the kingdoms."

  "Is there anything else we need to do?"

  "No. You have saved the lives of many. You are all free to leave. I bid you farewell."

  The bright light slowly dimmed, and then vanished along with her.

  Lessier reached for the sword still bloodied with Graff's blood and swung it at Derik.

  "Lessier, what are you doing? Hasn't enough blood been spilt?"

  "We are not through yet. It seems that everything that I want gets taken away from me." He sauntered up to Derik and raised the tip of the sword to his neck. "I want Minna and I will fight to the death to have her."

  "I don't want to fight you. We worked together because we both cared about what happened to her. Let us leave here and discuss this in a more civilized manner."

  "Only one of us is leaving with her, and it won't be you."

  Minna wanted to scream out with rage. "What about what I want? Do you hear yourself? I don't love you and I never have. You took advantage of me in a dark and lonely time, but I never would have betrayed my true love. My heart has always and will continue to belong with Derik. I am tired and wish nothing more than to start on the long journey home. All of us together."

  Lessier shook his head.

  "No, my dear, try to recall those lonely nights. It was my shoulder you cried upon, my company you requested, and my visits you looked forward to."

  Minna couldn't believe the way he lied in front of everyone. "That is not the way it was and you know it."

  "Fool-hearted woman, you were too lost in your grief to see what was really going on. The only thing that kept you going was a mere mention of sending men out to look for him. You were dependent on me. Do not lie."

  "Not in the way that you think," she cried. "You are a very selfish man, Lessier. If you wish to take my feelings into consideration then you will stop this madness and let us get out of here."

  "Your actions toward me spoke volumes. Each time you touched me, my skin was on fire. I watched you pace inside your home, wringing your hands, all the while listening for the sound of my footsteps. Your face lit up when I came within ten feet of you."

  "You misinterpreted my actions, as I have already explained."

  Lessier shot her a wicked grin. "Derik has a right to hear the truth from you."

  Minna looked toward Derik with tears in her eyes. "I admit I cried on his shoulder but as a trusted friend, and nothing more. He told me you were good friends. I had no idea you were enemies. If I had known, he never would have been allowed inside our home. I have not been unfaithful to you in any way. Deep inside I knew you were still alive and I never gave up hope."

  Derik smiled. "I don't care what he says, Minna. I trust you with everything in me. You don't have to explain anything."

  "You lying witch," Lessier snapped.

  "Watch your tone," Derik warned and took a step into the point of the blade.

  Lessier refused to stop. "I don't think you are even aware, but I saw her with my own two eyes. She changed from a bird to a woman. She is a witch. There are many things you do not know because you weren't there."

  "I know all about her transformations. She did it to look for me. As I said, she doesn't need to explain anything. Your hotheaded temper has gotten the better of you and has you rambling on like an idiot. May we please be on our way home? I haven't slept in a bed for such a long time. I am sorry, but it is Minna who should decide who she wants as her love."

  "I almost had her," Lessier shouted. "I was so close to having her all to myself. I was all set to tell her that you were dead."

  Minna stared at him, wide-eyed.

  "You wouldn't have done that. Lessier, tell me you wouldn't have hurt me like that. How can you call yourself my friend? To hear that would have destroyed me."

  "I am afraid that I had every intention to do so. I believed you would have no choice but to fall into my arms. I am through with waiting to get what I want. I will do what I must in order to see my wants and needs met. You had a strong hold on me. I found myself unable to think of anything else. I love you. Come away with me now and I will spare Derik's life."

  Lessier swung the sword but Derik backed out of the way.

  "Stop it now, Lessier, please let us part as friends," Minna

  "It's too late for that."

  "I don't want to fight you."

  "I only used you to get me out of the crate. I never planned on you walking out of here alive."

  "Well, I guess plans change," Derik retorted. "This is senseless."

  Lessier swung at him again. Derik jumped and caught his leg on the crate. He fell back and scooted as far as he could until he found himself stuck in a corner. Lessier hovered over him, with the point of the sword at his chest.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Minna put her hands to her head and screamed in rage. "Stop it, stop it! I want all of this to end right now. I will not be ordered about like some child."

  She crumpled to the ground and sobbed. Red flames shot up from the ground where the sorceress had stood and it filled the dungeon with its piercing light. A young girl emerged from the fire and stood between the men holding a white stone in her small hands. Minna recognized the dimple-faced child immediately and smiled. The little girl walked up to her and gave her a hug.

  "It is good to see you, old friend," she said and took the stone.

  The child curtsied and vanished with the flame.

  She fingered the stone in her palm and sighed with relief. There was a way home now.

  Lessier crinkled his forehead. "What is that you have?"

  "Something of mine that I lost. It is of no concern of yours."

  "It is more of that black magic, isn't it? You truly are a witch. I could have gone to the authorities and you would be dead to the world, but I spared you, all because of my love for you."

  "No, Lessier, you do not love me, you only wish to own me. To you I am property, something of Derik's that you don't have. Blagden thought the same way. Rather than finding something of his own, he wanted what others had. It's not the way to live, and you'll never find happiness that way."

  She stroked the smooth stone in her palm. Energy radiated and spread throughout her body. All of a sudden, the stone broke into two small pieces.

  "Witch or not, I will have you." Lessier turned and plunged the sword into Derik's leg.


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