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Under a Warlock's Spell

Page 13

by Ann Cory

  A wide jagged crack raced along the floor, leaving Minna alone on the other side. She wanted to get to Derik but it was too wide for her to jump. Behind her, Blagden's ashes circled around until they formed one large stone mass in the shape of the evil warlock.

  "I thought Syrina said you were gone for good," she cried.

  The stone replica of Blagden came at her quickly, grabbing her arm. She looked for a place to run but had nowhere to go.

  "You took away the powers I was given but I am still left with the powers I was born with," he growled.

  Minna screamed as his stone grip tightened around her arm.

  "Let her go," Derik shouted.

  She could see his jagged wound and feared how much blood he was losing.

  "I will rescue you, Minna."

  "You cannot make it that far across. Your leg…"

  He took a running start and went to jump, but his foot slipped. His fingers gripped the edge, and he hung onto the loosening gravel.

  "Lessier, help him please."

  "Without him in the way, things will be much easier. Blagden, I'm prepared to find that amulet and get it back if you will spare both her life and mine."

  "I believe you're only out for yourself," the warlock challenged.

  "From here on out, I'd be honorable and loyal to you."

  Blagden sneered. "The only person I want loyalty from is this tramp here."

  She struggled against his tight grip, her eyes never leaving the crack in the floor. Minna watched helplessly as Derik fought to pull himself up, but the ground only crumbled more.

  "I cannot hold on," he called out. "Minna, my sweet angel, I cannot hold on."

  "Derik, no!" Tears streamed down her face. She had come too far to lose him now.

  Blagden dragged her away and headed toward the way out. "Seems to me like you have a way of destroying those who care about you. Both Derik and Graff are gone and it is just a matter of time before Lessier is gone too."

  "I would rather you kill me," Minna said.

  "If I didn't think we could live happily ever after, I most certainly would."

  From inside the pit, a soft voice started to sing. Syrina rose up from within the fissure, and a beam of light helped pull Derik up.

  Her face was stern and her voice deep as she spoke to Blagden. "I had a feeling you would return. I am here to take away the last of your powers. You will be nothing more than ash buried underground."

  "I defeated you once, and I can do it again," the warlock chided.

  "Not this time. There isn't an ounce of goodness within you. You won't be missed."

  The sorceress shot a bolt of light straight for his heart and broke his stone body into millions of tiny pebbles.

  Syrina turned and faced them. "You must all leave right now. This place will collapse into nothing and burn. It is the only way to rid the black magic for good."

  "You said before he was gone, but he came back."

  "I told you I believed he was gone. I did not stray far, just in case. Now please, you must go. I cannot help you with any more magic."

  The walls shook fiercely and everything started to crash around them. There was no time to think, they had to leave. Minna grabbed Derik's hand and pulled him toward her. A torrent of rocks closed up the way she had come in.

  "Where do you think you're going?" Lessier cried. "We are not finished here."

  Derik slammed his fist into Lessier's stomach. "Yes, we are."

  Minna tugged his hand. "Come on, we have to hurry."

  They raced up through the corridors until they were in the castle. The foundations shook, sending marble stone crashing to the floor.

  "We will never make it out in time."

  Minna squeezed Derik's hand. "Do you trust me?"

  "Implicitly. There's no one else I could ever trust more."

  "Good, because there's no time to explain."

  She placed one of the pieces of stone into the palm of his hand and pulled him over to the window ledge.

  "Say that you want to be an owl and just let your mind go. Believe in it. I promise, you won't fall. Our love won't allow it."

  She looked into his eyes and they opened the window.

  Together they spoke the words and jumped. She squeezed her eyes tight, feeling the air against her face. Lessier's voice echoed behind them, shouting how they were both witches as she heard the castle crumbling. For everything that had happened, she was sorry things had to end the way they did. Most of all she was sorry Graff would never have a chance to see Lillian again.

  When Minna opened her eyes, she could see glorious white wings extend from both her arms. She was even more excited to see Derik, soaring beside her, his majestic wings proudly flapping. Side by side, they took to the skies with the moon illuminating their way.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Minna had hoped they would make it all the way home, but she started to feel a strange pressure inside her body. Derik noticed it too and suggested they land and rest. Within minutes, they changed back into their human forms and sprawled on a patch of soft grass. Derik dragged himself to her and embraced her tightly.

  "Are you okay? I can't feel my legs."

  She rested her head against his. Oh how, she'd missed him. "Yes, I am fine. The magic takes some time to fully leave your body. Because of the transformation, it saps your body and leaves you weak. The only thing is I don't know where we are."

  Derik nuzzled her with his nose. "We'll find our way home."

  "How is your leg?"

  He chuckled warmly. "The wound disappeared, along with my energy."

  Minna sighed. She wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere. All she wanted was within arm's reach. "I guess the magic of the stones doesn't last as long when broken in two."

  "All that matters is that we are together. I have waited an eternity for this moment."

  "I think we have lived one."

  Derik caressed her cheek gently. "Oh, my sweet, I have dreamt of this moment, of having you close enough to touch, but I thought it would remain a dream."

  She caught the tear that slid down his face.

  "Shh, my love. We never gave up. No one will ever separate us again."

  He pulled her into him again and wrapped his arms tightly around her body. No amount of magic from the stones could equal the magic she felt right then.

  "I love you, Minna."

  "And I love you."

  "Those words are music to my ears."

  She ran her fingers through his hair. His eyes didn't hold as much darkness as they had when he was a beast, but she wondered how deeply he was affected. She dared not ask and spoil the moment. "We truly lived the story of the fairies."

  "Almost. We're not home yet."

  "We are close. Because of our bond we were able to fly to one another and reunite. You couldn't have given me a more fitting gift if you'd tried."

  "Their story fascinated me. I hadn't expected it to be anything more."

  "Now it is our story."

  Minna tried to stand and found her legs had regained most of their strength. She reached for his hands and helped him up. "Are you okay to walk?"

  "Yes. I will need to take it slow."

  "Then let us journey for home, my love. Our home. The bed has been empty without you."

  His musical laugh rang out in the night. "Ah, just the bed?"

  Minna laughed with him. "The house has been empty. There, is that better?"

  "Um, no. Now you have me thinking about the bed."

  Minna held his hand and swung her arm. Things were beginning to feel better with each step closer to home.

  "I am curious. Since you've been away so long, what is the first thing you want to do?"

  Derik gave her a sheepish look. "I am still thinking of the bed."

  She swatted him and then took off running up ahead.

  "No fair. My legs aren't strong enough to catch you."

  With a giggle she turned and went back to him. "It doesn't matter. You have m
e whether you like it or not."

  They walked holding hands, stopping every once in awhile to embrace each other.

  As they reached the bend, Minna squeezed Derik's arm.

  "We're home. It hasn't felt like one since you've been away."

  As they came up the walkway, a little blonde girl stood outside the door, waiting patiently with a big grin.

  "Isn't she the little girl we saw back at the…"

  "Yes, it is." Minna ran and picked the child up, hugging her tightly.

  "You are welcome in my home," she cried and led her inside.

  Not even two feet inside the door, the girl turned into Lachlan.

  Minna's heart was overjoyed. "It's wonderful to see you. You don't know how much."

  She pulled Derik in to introduce them.

  "This is Lachlan, the wizard responsible for helping me find you."

  "It is a true honor to meet you, sir." Derik reached out and shook his hand. "I hold you in the highest regard for bringing us back together."

  "Now, now, I didn't come here to listen to all this praise and nonsense. I simply wanted to be sure you two made it back home alive and in one piece. I was getting…concerned."

  Minna knew better. "Is that why you sent someone to help us?"

  "Help? No, no, my dear child, of course not. Only to check on how things were progressing. Good thing that I did, too." He winked and then stroked his beard. "You ought to be proud of yourself, my dear, you saved many lives and returned your true love home. I knew you were a strong woman, but I underestimated just how strong. Your mother would be proud, too. She smiles down on you even when you cannot see it."

  Minna wasn't about to let him get away without accepting some of the credit. "I would never have found Derik if it weren't for you. And the stones, how it broke in two, it was your magic that saved us in the end."

  "I beg to differ. I merely pointed you in the direction of one way to look for him. The rest was up to you. Not just anyone possesses the ability to shape shift. The magic has to be inside your heart in the first place for it to outwardly work. Your faith in one another helped guide you."

  "You're much too modest, Lachlan," she laughed.

  "I speak the truth."

  Lachlan turned to Derik, a serious expression streaked across his face. "I expect you have a lot of things to work out. The advice I offer is to not let it overwhelm you. Allow yourself the time to heal. You have brought a lot of pain with you."

  "As much as I want to forget, I don't see how I can. I am a murderer. Of innocent people…animals. And worst of all, I murdered the king in front of all the people of Bramstead. I did that."

  "My boy, you are being much too hard on yourself. You did not commit these acts by your own free will. Do not let the darkness that has been infecting you allow you to let go of what you know to be true inside yourself. You are a good man, with an equally good heart. These actions do not make up who you are today, they made up the beast. That skin has been shed. You have a loving, caring woman by your side who will do all she can to help. Do not shut her out."

  "I won't."

  Lachlan patted his arm. "Then you are on your way to healing. The only magic you need to concern yourself with is the magic of love. It can heal faster than anything else in this world. Remember that there is light in the darkness. Minna is your light."

  "I am thankful for her light. The darkness…it is hard to forget."

  "Then don't forget. But make peace. Trust yourself again. It will lessen over time."

  "I have left an entire village a wreck."

  "Bramstead is on the mend as we speak."

  Derik drew in his breath. "How can that be?"

  "King Villaire's son, Henry, has returned. After his mother's untimely death several years ago, he wanted nothing to do with the life of royalty and took to living as a recluse in the woods. No one could find him. Upon hearing about the passing of his father, he has come to take his rightful place on the throne and oversee his duties. Henry will see to the people and the rebuilding of the kingdom."

  "That is very good news indeed. I am sure he will do a fine job."

  "He is a sturdy combination of his father and grandfather. I expect he will be exactly what the people of Bramstead need. Do not hold onto this burden. The healing has begun there. As much as I'd like to stay and hear about your lively adventures, I'm afraid all this travel today has seeped into my old bones and made me weary. I had better make my way home."

  Minna pouted. "So soon? There's so much to talk about. I'm not done thanking you. I promise to make you some sweet tarts."

  The wizard gripped his staff and laughed heartily. "You certainly know how to tempt."

  Derik smiled. "Yes, she does."

  She batted at him and ran up to Lachlan. "Thank you, again. I can't say it enough. I know you said that I was the one with strength and courage, but I was only able to find that because you came to me and told me he was alive. I don't want you to stay away too long."

  "I'm never far away, Minna. In fact I've always been nearby."

  "Please come visit us whenever you can," Derik said. "Our door is always open to you."

  "Much obliged. Now you two spend some time together, reconnecting and remembering you were meant to be. It is moments like these that remind me why I hold love and light in the same hand. They belong together."

  Lachlan walked out into the night and vanished.

  Minna wrapped her arms around Derik and pulled him close.

  "I owe so much to him. I shudder to think how things would be right now had he never come into my life. Our lives."

  "I owe the both of you my life."

  "He is the guide I told you about, the one sent by my mother. I wish she were still alive to meet you. She would very much approve. Though I have a feeling she does know how wonderful you are."

  Derik traced the knuckles of her fingers. "I wish I could have met her as well. If she was anything like you, then I know I would have liked her immensely."

  "Tomorrow I will need to go into town and pick up some of our precious belongings. I left them in safe keeping with Lillian. She will be surprised to see you. Did you know that she and Graff used to be together?"

  "No, I didn't."

  "He was always kind and treated her well. Someday I will tell Lillian what really happened to him, but I don't think it is the right time, yet. She deserves to know the truth."

  Minna touched his face tenderly. "How are you doing?"

  "I feel good."

  "Remember I am here for you. Even if you think it might frighten me to hear about certain things, I want you to be able to talk to me. Don't go through this alone."

  "I no longer feel alone."

  The agony of the months spent apart vanished as they talked. She couldn't believe he had been gone so long.

  "I talked to you every night. Did you hear me?"

  "I did. It's what kept me going. The fantasies I had of you almost drove me wild."

  "Is that so? You looked pretty wild to me." She smiled at him, pushing him closer to their bedroom.

  "See. You turned me into an animal."

  Minna undressed and threw her clothes to the floor. "I am feeling a bit like an animal myself."

  His playful smile only aroused her further.

  She helped him out of his tattered clothing and pushed him to the bed.

  "It was kind of sexy the way you saved me from the wolf. My big hairy hero."

  "That will be enough out of you, my sweet," he said and tried to tickle her.

  "I think I am going to miss hearing you growl most of all."

  "I can still growl. Now let's see how much you missed me."

  With her legs on either side of him, she stroked his cock, exhilarated by the way it grew within her hands. Heat traveled from her feet to her face in one single swoop. With her fingers, she outlined his body, remembering everything about it. This was the man she'd longed to touch for months. Even though everything about him was familiar in a comf
orting way, she kissed him as if it were new again. For it was. A fresh start for them both.

  "I have missed you so much, Minna. So many nights I thought I would go crazy insane waiting to hear your voice."

  She touched his face and her fingers tingled. "I cried. Every night I cried myself to sleep. I never gave up hope, but I felt weak and defeated. My heart was broken and my soul was shattered into a million pieces."

  A stray tear fell and he caught it.

  "You saved me. In every way, you saved me. Here I always considered myself the hero type."

  Minna laughed. "You are my hero. My handsome, dashing hero. Don't ever think differently. I am proud of you. More so now than ever before."

  "How can you be proud of a cold-blooded killer?"

  She placed a finger on his lips and shook her head. "Shh. You are letting the darkness in. It was not you. Somehow you need to come to terms with that, we will do it together. It was not you. Only time will heal you."

  "It is difficult to ignore the visions in my head. I close my eyes and see the pain I have caused others."

  Minna stroked his chest and shoulder, trailing her fingers down his arm. "My love, you must find a way to distance yourself from the beast's visions."

  He looked up at her, tears brimming in his eyes. "I fear they will never leave me."

  She feared the same thing but wouldn't voice it. Together they would work it out. He was home, and that was what mattered most. "They will. I promise that I will do everything in my power to ease the pain. Do not beat yourself up over things that you cannot change. We have a future to look forward to. The past is only a mere part of it."

  He reached forward and pulled her into him. "You sound so much older and wiser. Where's my timid, shy damsel?"

  "She is here. She's grown a little and battled her fears. It is funny but I feel as if I have lived a thousand years in the last few days. I feel like I have been through more experiences, though I'm not sure they are all my own. It must be from the shape shifting."

  "Could very well be. Your perception of things may have changed."

  "Shall we talk about the new start we have been given?"

  "I would rather let my fingers walk a path I've longed to revisit."

  His hands slid down her back and gripped her fleshy hips. "I want to make up for all the nights I fantasized about you and make them come true."


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