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Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4)

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by Annie Buff

  “I’ll think on it,” and with that he turned back towards the door. Mosh was almost through the doorway when he turned back around to ask, “Why me?”

  “Why the fuck not man ? You’re huge! You shoot like a goddamned sniper, and I have a feeling you’re loyal. In my book, those things make a great brother.”

  Mosh gave him a nod before

  disappearing behind the shop’s door. Then he pulled it shut. Ren sat on his old Harley, smoking a cigarette and

  wondering about Mosh.

  Renegade had met him years back sitting in a jail cell. Ren had been

  arrested, again. For no license. Mosh, for starting a bar fight and pretty much demolishing the bar.

  The bar in question was Handlebars. Smoke loaned the owner the money to repair the damages. As the bar owner got his restitution, he paid back Smoke but he never forgot the debt.

  Handlebars b ecame the Devil’s hang out. They ate and drank for almost free, but always left a fat tip for whoever waited on them.

  Renegade headed out towards home, Reagan was there and he needed to see her. He also needed to have a

  conversation with Smoke, after waking his President up in the middle of the night. Ren wouldn’t have even thought about making that call if he didn’t think it was of the utmost importance.

  He made a pit stop at the liquor store for vodka, all he had was beer and gin. Reagan liked the vodka cranberry so he would make sure she had what she liked in his home.

  When he pulled up in front of the main house he saw the ladies on the front porch laughing. He had a bad feeling his Queen was telling all of his secrets. He wanted to tell her his story, but at his own pace. Peyton was the only one who knew it all. Smoke never asked, and he assumed it wasn’t important. Loyalty, Honor, Respect. Those were the important things in their world. Peyton saw him coming and excused herself to give them some privacy.

  “Hey Doll, you look a helluva lot better than when I left. Shower help? I stopped and got you that stuff you were drinking last night. The vodka and cranberry juice?”

  The thoughtfulness he showed her had her smiling. No man had ever made her wants and needs important. Here was Renegade, doing just that.

  “Let’ s head to the clubhouse and we can work some shit out Doll.” He held out his hand and Reagan took it assuming they were getting on the bike.

  When Ren just pulled his duffel bag from the saddlebags, she was overly confused. He knew it immediately and stopped what he was doing. “I was just gonna leave the bike here. Unless you wanna go for a ride. The lake isn’t far, and it’s a nice ride.”

  Reagan thought he would laugh when she told him about going on the bike but again Ren surprised her. “I’ve never been on a bike before. I’m kinda scared of them.”

  “ I promise to take it easy. Doll, I would never do anything that would hurt you. Will you trust me? I’d love you to ride with me.”

  She agreed. Still apprehensive about the motorcycle, but he did promise to go slow.

  “You’re gonna want to tie your hair back, I can braid it if you want. Used to braid mine when it was long.”

  Reagan let him braid her hair, trying to picture him with long hair. She just couldn’t see it. But having his hands in her hair made her mind race. Renegade had very short hair and it fit him. So did the week’s growth on his face, the scruff made the man look that much more handsome. Even the scar on his left cheek didn’t detract from his looks. Reagan thought he was absolutely gorgeous.

  Braiding Reagan’s hair had Renegade all kinds of turned on. His cock was twitching, and had turned to steel. This was probably one of the sexiest things he had ever done.

  The roads to the lake were winding, which caused some concern to her but the scenery was breathtaking. She had always hated the desert, but seeing it like this was different. Reagan relaxed about ten minutes in. It could have been

  because Renegade was being careful. She had a feeling it was from having her arms and legs wrapped around him. When they stopped by the marina he grinned at her.

  “You did good, I like how you feel behind me. Only other woman to ever ride with me was the ex-wife. The Queen rode my bike once cuz I wound up in the back seat of Bones truck. Got shot and couldn’t ride, so she rode my bike for me. Wanna take a walk, or go over to the Marina restaurant? They have good food if you like fish and stuff.”

  They decided to have dinner first and then take a walk. Reagan ordered the Fisherman’s platter and Ren did the Cajun Catfish. When the food came he had to laugh. This tiny Reagan was never going to eat all that food on her plate.

  When she ate everything on her plate, and then ordered a dessert he was blown away. He laughed, loving the fact that she wasn’t afraid to eat in front of him. The giant brownie ice cream sundae she was devouring was another reason to laugh.

  “What?” She asked with a mouthful of ice cream. Renegade just shook his head. Reagan had no idea how crazy he was about her already. He was feeling things for her he hadn’t even felt for the ex-wife. So much that it should scare him away, but it didn’t. There were so many things he wanted to tell her but he chose not to. Not yet anyway. There would be time for all that once she felt safe.

  The walk around the lake after dinner was refreshing, they actually talked. No interruptions this time. Just two people discovering each other.

  “How did you get that scar? It looks like it really hurt.” She finally had to ask. Renegade hadn’t given the scar much thought over the years. But he vividly remembered the day he got it like it was yesterday. “Prison yard fight. Wasn’t my fight, but when a big mother fucker comes after you with a shank. You do what you have to do, so you live through it. I ain’t proud of that time in my life. It’s part of me though. Can you handle all this? I mean, I’m not like your brother. I don’t just hurt people. I do protect what I love.”

  She nodded and they walked. It was nice to have him so open and honest. Reagan grew up on lies and deceit. This was a whole new ballgame and She really liked it.

  Brother Dearest

  Raul sat on the deck of his boat with a mojito in hand. He was letting his

  employees know just how disappointed in them he was. “So Puto, she is a tiny woman. And she got away from you? A woman! You got outsmarted by a woman? I pay you both more than you deserve and this is how you do your job!” He was yelling, but generally when things didn’t go his way this was the result.

  “ Jefé, she walked out with us, she didn’t fight. So when she fled we were not expecting it. I know where she went if that is helpful.”

  “I know where she is too Puto, but I will not be able to get to her there. I will wait until she goes to work and then I will bring her here. Smoke McAllister and I may have taken up against a common enemy but we are not friends.” Really Raul had no friends; no real ones. He had spent his whole life being groomed to be the Jefé so there was no time for friends. Plus friends tended to screw you over, that was a proven fact; so he stayed alone.

  Raul stood and walked over to the rail, looking down into the blue water of the gulf. Pedro, his muscle was by the rail. He was near the Jefé. He never saw the blade Raul had palmed until it slit his belly from button to throat. The look of shock was almost comical to the Kingpin. The gurgling was almost music to his ears as the intestines spilled out onto his boots. Raul pushed him over the side, so he could finish his last few minutes of life in the salty sea.

  “ Now Jaime, there is blood on my deck! I do not want blood on my deck; get my meaning amigo?” Raul knew he did by the way he scrambled to find something to clean up the crimson mess.

  Raul sat thinking about his sister, and about Renegade. He had intentionally gone after Sherry, Renegade’s ex-wife. He could get any woman he wanted in his bed, and at the time he wanted Sherry. He knew she had a husband, Raul hadn’t known who he was. He flat out didn’t give a shit. He took what he wanted, and the repercussions weren’t a concern. Now those actions had him thinking.

  Reagan was twenty-three and
she was definitely a grown woman. But the need to control who she was with overrode everything else at this point. He had set up many dates for her with men he deemed good for her. She refused every time. These were good men. Men who worked for him, and men he felt were worthy of her. Renegade was the furthest thing from worthy in his mind. He was a biker. They had little to no morals and when it came to women, Raul had heard enough tales to not want Reagan

  anywhere near them.

  He k ept thinking this couldn’t just be a coincidence. Renegade had to have known she was related to him. That had to be the reason he was pursuing her. A little payback for destroying his marriage. It was the only thing that made sense. Unless it wasn’t.

  Moonlight Kisses

  Reagan and Ren walked the docks looking at all the boats, laughing at some of the names. It was mind boggling at what people named an inanimate object, just because it was theirs.

  They wound up on the beach, watching the tide under the moonlight. As she was looking up at the stars Ren leaned close and kissed her cheek. Reagan felt the softness of his lips, closing her eyes and letting out an accidental sigh. That’s when Renegade knew she was as attracted to him as he was to her.

  Reagan tilted her head just slightly so her lips would meet his. The combination of the softness of his lips and roughness of his face was exactly what she had always craved. She felt his tongue on her lips, asking for permission to enter. Reagan gladly gave it. It was a slow, intimate dance and when they finally broke for much needed air both sets of lips were swollen.

  “We should go, ain’t no need for indecent exposure. We both know that’s what was about to happen. Reagan, Doll! I fucking want you so damn bad but not like this. Damn sure ain’t having our first time on a God damned bench.”

  Reagan felt it too, the sexual tension was thick between them. It was so much more than a physical attraction. This was something on a much deeper level. Just one day, and she already knew.

  The ride home was faster, but he didn’t frighten her. Reagan knew no matter what, Ren would never hurt her. It was in his eyes. They were the window to the soul. What she saw in his was not only terrifying, but it was exhilarating. She saw her future.

  When he parked the bike and they got off, Renegade scooped her up and cradled her to his chest. “We’re doing this right?” He asked her as he lightly kissed her lips and carried her inside. He set her down in front of his bed. “Don’t move, stay right there.”

  She did as he asked watching him hang his cut and shoulder holster on a hook and unload the rest of his weapons before turning to her.

  “ You ready for this Doll? No turning back after this. You’re gonna be mine. I’m going to lay claim to you Reagan, do you understand what that means?”

  She didn’t, not entirely . What she did understand was she was going to be his girl. Reagan was about to become an old lady. As funny as that sounded, she loved it.

  Ren took his time, removing each article of her clothing until she stood bare in front of him. He stood back and just looked.

  “Fuck Doll, you’re beautiful! Just perfect! God damned perfect!” He removed his own clothes and let her admire him like he did her.

  Reagan ’s jaw had to have hit the floor. He was gorgeous. Rippled abs, the ink went from the waist up. Below the waist had her eyes popping out of her head. She had never seen a man as blessed as he was. The one thing she really liked was that he wasn’t shaved. She had seen pictures of shaved men and she didn’t like it. He was neat, trimmed nice, but still looked like a man should.

  Ren pulled her to him, letting his lips trail kisses behind her ear and down her neck causing shivers. He lay her on his bed, hovering over her. He had so many things to say, but they would wait. His mouth moved down her body, finding her breast. With one hand, he gently pinched the nipple. He rolled it between his finger and thumb. The other nipple, he drew into his mouth. Reagan moaned as Renegade sucked and bit on her hardened nipple. It was pure bliss, or at least she thought so. Until he moved further down and settled himself between her legs.

  Reagan was shaved almost bare, aside from one small patch of dark curls and she was so beautiful. He could smell her arousal and that just made him harder. That and seeing her pussy glisten from her own excitement. He let a finger slide up her from opening to clit, listening to the soft whimpers. He wanted more of that sound. He let that single finger enter her. He got what he wanted.

  Reagan couldn’t stop the noises coming from her mouth. Somehow

  Renegade knew just how to touch her. Sliding his finger in and out of her pussy like it was his dick. He was paying special attention to her wants and her needs. She had never experienced sex like this and they hadn’t actually had it yet.

  “More.” She choked out trying to keep breathing and Ren did as she asked. He added a second finger and watched her body shake. He wasn’t in a rush to make her come. For the first time ever he wanted this to be all for her.

  She smelled so good he had to taste her flavor. Snaking his tongue up and finding her clit, he flicked it. Then he put his lips on it and sucked her taste in. Reagan was going to be an addiction, one he never wanted to kick. Between the motion of his fingers inside her and his mouth on her, she couldn’t stop her body from sailing over the edge.

  Reagan was shouting his name and digging her nails into his shoulders. Ren loved it all. He slowed his pace, letting her ride out the aftershocks of her climax before climbing up her body to kiss her. Her essence was still on his face, but neither of them seemed to mind. Ren reached for his nightstand to grab a condom. As much as he didn’t want anything between them, he figured she would want it.

  “No, don’t put that on. I want to feel you. All of you. Please Wyatt?” She had used his given name. The Queen had been talking. But when Reagan said Wyatt, it sounded like the sweetest song he’d ever heard.

  “You sure Doll?” He asked, then told her, “I don’t mind.” She nodded, Reagan had never been more sure of anything in her life. And when he pushed inside her, nothing had ever felt like that. He knew it too, the gasp said everything that she didn’t.

  Renegade stretched her in a way she never imagined. It was a pleasurable pain, one she knew she wanted more of. He didn’t move right away, giving her time to adjust to his size. Renegade knew he wasn’t small and the last thing he wanted was to hurt her.

  Once he started moving inside her it took mere seconds for him to read her and set the exact right pace, slowly drawing himself out and slamming back in up to the hilt. Reagan’s body gripped his like a custom fit glove, like she was made for him. He was in so deep he felt his balls touching her backside, that made holding off his own orgasm almost painful. But he managed for her.

  Renegade wanted to flip her over, take her from behind, but he knew if he did that her pussy wasn’t the only orifice he would be breaching. This wasn’t the time for that. Maybe one day if she was willing, but if not it wasn’t a big deal. If Reagan said no to trying anal sex it wouldn’t be an issue. Renegade knew he already loved her. Nothing else really mattered.

  Reagan wrapped her legs around his waist, doing anything she could to feel him. To become one with him, and he gave her what she wanted. He could feel how close to the edge she was once again. Her body language gave her away. Ren picked up the pace, pushing harder than he would have but she seemed to love it. Her moans, whimpers and incoherent babbling told him so.

  It took just three more deep thrusts to have them both giving in and letting their bodies have control. Their orgasms were simultaneous and each equally as intense. Once they both came back to earth Renegade had things he needed to say.

  “Doll, you’re mine now. No barrier between us consummated that. You’re my Old Lady Reagan.”

  She didn’t speak, just nodded against his chest as he pulled her into his arms. Reagan was falling, and doing it hard and fast. Her fears were dissipating in the arms of this Big, Bad Biker Man.

  Old Friends, New Partnership

  Smoke had made his
call to Red. Surprisingly enough, Old Red thought it was a superb idea. Both men would still be running their own clubs, but working together like one. Red told Smoke he was sending Ajax first, since Red had some business to wrap up before heading to the Junction. Smoke was still leery, but Peyton seemed to have all the faith in the world instilled in Ajax. He would too, unless Ajax stepped over the line. Red would follow in a few days, along with Pretty Boy And his girl Poppy.

  Smoke helped them out a few months prior and his old friend Red never forgot anything. When Smoke called asking for a hand, Red couldn’t refuse. Especially after Smoke mentioned Raul Paulo and the Eighty-eight. Red had his own run-ins with the now deceased Jefé, and had met Raul on a number of occasions. He thought Raul was an ass.

  Smoke needed a word with his

  VisePrez, and since it was noon he didn’t care if he was still asleep. Smoke had every intention of waking Renegade up, no matter what time he went to bed. Smoke tried the clubhouse door expecting to need his key, but it was open.

  “Ren! You up?” Smoke yelled in the direction of his room. It wasn’t Ren that appeared in the doorway, but a tiny woman with long black hair. This had to be Reagan.

  “You must be Reagan, I’m Smoke. It’s good to meet you.” She smiled and held out her hand then started to apologize. “I’m so sorry about all this mess, it’s my fault and I don’t know how to fix it.” She had tears in her eyes, threatening to fall.

  Smoke could see so much of Rylee, Slingers wife in her; the fear and

  uncertainties. This was something he needed to quash right now.

  “ Little woman, there is no need for an apology. That bastard would have done something sooner or later. Sooner is better for me, I’ve wanted to kill him for years. I’m actually here to see Renegade, he still sleeping?”


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