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Scars & Bars: The story of Renegade (The Devils Apostles MC Book 4)

Page 4

by Annie Buff

  She shook her head. He had left over an hour ago. “He said something about needing to see Mosh, whatever that is. And something about a side of beef for lunch for the Mosh.”

  That had Smoke laughing, big Mosh could probably eat that much. He was just about to excuse himself when the picture window behind them exploded. It

  scattered shards of glass everywhere including into both Smoke and Reagan’s flesh.

  “Down! And stay there!” Smoke yelled as he pushed Reagan to the carpet behind the pool table. He had his weapon in his hand, belly crawling through the glass to get to the vacant window and began to return fire. He had no idea what direction so he shot into the trees hoping to hit his mark. He unloaded his mag, listening to the silence. Whoever shot at them was gone for now. Smoke did hear boots crunching in the rocks of the walk.

  “ Prez! What the fuck?” It was Krispy yelling out of worry for his President. Bones and Slinger weren’t far behind him along with Falcon and Jace. Everyone was hollering for their President, making sure he was alive.

  Smoke had his phone out calling Renegade to come back ASAP. Ren hadn’t quite made the tire shop yet.

  “Jace you’re the cop,” Slinger told him. “We need to know who the fuck shot at us. Do your thing man.”

  Jace went into detective mode, blocking everything else out and just concentrating on the scene. Smoke loved watching as the Prospect worked. Jace was a bloodhound, he would find

  something; he always did.

  It wasn’t long before Renegade came screeching down the gravel drive letting his bike slide and bailing off. He ran the rest of the way to the clubhouse. Reagan was in there and he just knew she was hurt. He found her and his President, getting checked over by Bones. Having their cuts cleaned and butterflied.

  “What in the fuck happened?” Ren almost screamed. “God dammit! Reagan Doll, how bad are you?”

  Smoke jumped in before Reagan did. “I’m fine, thanks for asking.” He just had to bust his VisePrez’s balls. It was entertaining to see Renegade in such a panic-stricken mess. He got the expected response, that single finger salute. Smoke let out a deep belly laugh, he remembered being just like Renegade in days past.

  “Wyatt I’m fine,” Reagan assured him. “Bones is just checking me. The worst is this one,” she pointed to her leg. In the top of her thigh was a four-inch chunk of glass.

  Ren just shook his head. There would be hell to pay for this one. He could see Jace through the empty window frame. He was already being Jace. The cop in him was one of his best attributes, even though he had retired because of a gunshot.

  Once Reagan had her second set of stitches in as many days, Renegade felt okay to leave her for a few minutes to converse with Smoke and Jace. As Vise Prez he was privy to these conversations. He had noticed Jace digging at something in the exterior wall of the Clubhouse. Ren assumed it was a slug.

  “ What you find Prospect?” Smoke began, “Please tell me you can make out what fired that bullet.”

  Jace couldn’t exactly , but he could tell what didn’t fire it. “All I can say right now is that this is a fortyfive so it didn’t come from the usual Mac Ten the goons carry. Wish I had more to give you, but right now that’s all I got. I’ll run this over to my buddy at the ballistics lab, see what he says.”

  Smoke gave the famous nod while Ren went to Reagan’s side. He was still fuming about an attack on Devil’s soil.

  Krispy stayed tight to Smoke. Since Knuckle’s demise, the President noticed the young Patch was always offering his assistance. He was even helping Peyton with the children when she needed him. He was still turning wrenches at the local garage, but anytime he wasn’t working he was at the clubhouse. Peyton had talked Smoke into buying him a one bedroom mobile home, the movers would have it set up that coming week. And in Peyton’s words ‘justin time for his birthday’

  Ren held Reagan’s hand as Bones talked and stitched. The sewing went faster as the Doctor’s words grew shorter.

  “This isn’t good Ren. Even if it’s not Raul, someone shot at us. Whoever it is has damn big balls, brass ones. Thankfully Red sent Ajax ahead of them, we need all the extra hands we can get.”

  Ren agreed on that, plus he liked Ajax. “Who’s Ajax? That’s kind of a funny name.” Reagan giggled even with

  currently being sewn up, she was able to laugh. That relaxed Ren somewhat. Now he had to find the son of a bitch that shot up the clubhouse and almost killed his woman, not to mention his President.

  “Ajax is an ally,” Renegade tried to explain, “he’s a Cleaner, which means…” She held up her hand. Reagan

  completely understood what the job was. She assumed her brother had an entire crew for cleaning up the messes he ordered.

  After dinner, they sat around the fire pit discussing the events of the day, Smoke was infuriated that they were attacked on the home front. He was just about to go on one of his rants when they heard the deep throaty roar of a Harley coming up the road to the clubhouse. Everyone was on their feet, weapons drawn. With the attack earlier, nobody felt at ease.

  Ajax rode up to an arsenal pointed his direction and he had to laugh, he already liked it here. As he turned off the key and dismounted he was still laughing. “Hello to you too Devil’s.”

  He said with a smile. Smoke walked over and extended a friendly hand, Ajax took it and shook. “Stand down men, this is Ajax.”

  He gave a small nod towards the group then went to say hello to Peyton. When he found her, Ajax hit his knee in front of Smoke's wife. They had met already and he had the utmost respect for this woman.

  “Queen Peyton, it’s good to see you again.” She laughed and made him stand so she could have her hug. Her acceptance of Ajax made the others stop and think. Even Smoke was rethinking his original impressions of the Cleaner.

  “I’ve missed you Noah,” Peyton told him, “are you staying out of trouble? And I’m glad you’re here. We need all the help we can get.”

  Ajax sat listening to Smoke tell the tale of the day’s events, flabbergasted that anyone would try to take out the Devils on their own turf. That move was suicidal, even Ajax knew that. He had never pledged to a club but he knew and understood their bylaws; and more than that he understood the fierce loyalty of a club. Lately it was something he had been doing a lot of thinking about. That was due to Poppy, his best friend.

  Poppy was the fiancé of Pretty Boy, one of the few people in the world he called friend aside from Poppy. She was very much like Peyton, always seeing the good in people. They were coming too, it would just be a couple of days before they arrived. Red, the club President had some business and Poppy had a baby to pack for.

  As everyone sat around the circle talking and passing around Smoke’s favorite bourbon, Renegade was thinking. This attack didn’t feel like a Raul move. Two bullets weren’t a Cartel move, that felt more like somebody wanting to get their attention. The Cartel would have come equipped with automatic weapons and blown the clubhouse to smithereens.

  He had Reagan on his lap. After all this, he couldn’t believe she hadn’t run from him too. Ren had his arms around her and she had her head on his shoulder. After all the chaos she had dealt with this past week she was just exhausted. He could feel that in her body. Reagan was relaxed into him, almost like she was physically a part of him. He heard a faint sigh, one that said she felt safe and content in his arms.

  Ren wanted to take her to his bed, have a repeat performance of the night before, but this time maybe be a little rougher. Some nipping, possibly a fist full of hair and those beautiful lips. All he had been thinking about was how sliding his cock along her tongue and down her throat would feel. How incredibly sexy it would be to watch her lick him. Tonight wasn’t the night for that, but soon.

  Reagan was completely wiped out, wanting to go back to Renegade’s room and just fall asleep. He must have known because he stood with her cradled to his chest and said goodnight to the brothers and Queen.

  Renegade took her back, ge
ntly laying her down and finding one of his shirts for her to sleep in. As he undressed her he paid special attention to her leg, Bones put eleven stitches in and Ren knew she hurt.

  “Wyatt,” how he loved hearing his name pass her lips. It was the sweetest music he had ever heard.

  “Whatcha need Doll?” She was

  struggling to sit up the pain was hitting hard.

  “Did Bones leave anything for me to take for pain? My leg is just throbbing.” Ren knew there were a few pills in a cup in the kitchen, but his mind was stuck on the throbbing in his jeans. He turned to go retrieve the pill when she stopped him.

  “Maybe there’s something we can do to take my mind off the pain.” She said as she pulled up the shirt he gave her to wear and spread her legs. That gave Renegade a view of heaven. She was pantyless, and her pussy was there just begging for his attention.

  “Fingers, tongue or my cock Doll? All I want is to hear you scream, make you come so many times we lose count.”

  “I want all of that ! God Wyatt I’m nuts about you and you feel so damn good I can’t get enough.”

  That’s all he needed to hear, laying down next her and letting his fingers do the walking. Renegade kissed her deeply as the first brush of his fingers on her pussy made her shudder. He loved the reactions he could draw from her. With one hand he gave special attention to her clit, letting his thumb rub on it. The other hand rubbed her lips, spreading them open so he could see all of her. Then one finger slid in; starting a slow thrust, causing Reagan to moan.

  “Ahhh, fuck Wyatt! I love that, I want more!” Ren gave her exactly what she begged for, inserting a second finger and

  continuing the rhythm he had started with. The thumb from that had found her anus, gently touching. Ren was waiting to see what her reaction would be, not every woman liked that. When her soft whimpers became all out moans he knewsh eliked it.

  Reagan lay with Ren between her legs loving the attention, letting him do almost anything he wanted. He had her on the verge of orgasm but she was doing whatever she could to hold off, it just felt too good. Even touching her ass, which she always thought would be an off-limits thing was thrilling. Maybe one day it would be more than just a touch.

  Ren was as sexually aroused as a man could be, giving his woman the pleasure she needed. She was soaking wet, so much the sheets under her were

  drenched. His fingers glistened with her juices. It was time to feast as he pulled his hands away and his mouth replaced them.

  She had a sweet flavor all her own, like honey. If he could use her as nourishment, her pussy would be the only thing he ate. Ren licked her from clit to anus, up and down leaving her panting.

  “Like this?” he questioned her as he licked up her ass again, he could see her nodding her head. He needed no more confirmation. Renegade continued until Reagan started shaking and clawing at the bedsheets as she hit her peak. Reagan’s body kept shaking through each aftershock as it rocked her to the core. He crawled up her body “I need to be inside you so bad.”

  Reagan looked up at him with desire burning in her eyes. “What are you waiting for Wyatt? A written invitation?”

  He gave one push, with her being so wet his cock slid in with ease. She let out a gasp as he stretched her, one he was used to hearing and one he loved. As he thrust himself in her she met him at each push, causing Renegade to bite his lip just to keep from losing it and spilling.

  Reagan saw it in his face, her man was on the brink of orgasm and she wanted it. She needed to see him lose it, needed to feel him let go. He was fighting it, waiting for her but Reagan didn’t care. He’d already given her one incredible orgasm and she wanted him to have one, and one just as intense as hers.

  “Wyatt, let go,” she whispered in his ear. “Come for me Wyatt.” That’s all it took to help him lose it, his rigid body spilled his warm seed deep inside her. Reagan could see the guilt on his face, but she nixed that before it started. “Wyatt, that was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  He was blown away, she didn’t care that he didn’t wait for her and that meant something. It was her loving him, even if the words weren’t spoken aloud.

  The Devil’s Dawgs

  Pretty Boy, Poppy and Red showed up three days later with baby Noelle in tow. Poppy had already met Peyton, now she was meeting the other wives. Wisha, who was Bones’ wife had six-month-old twin girls. Rylee, Slinger’s wife had a fourmonth-old boy. It was funny to Poppy how this just felt like extended family, not a motorcycle club.

  Even though she had a girl too, Poppy was drawn to Rylee more than Wisha. She attributed it to her age since Poppy was just twenty-five and Rylee had just turned twenty-three, but she did like them all. Sitting around talking babies with someone other than Pretty Boy or Ajax was refreshing. Red was her surrogate father and Poppy adored him but she was sure he too was tired of all the diaper talk.

  The women took the children to Slinger and Rylee’s house that was a few hundred yards behind Smoke’s. She had spent days working on a play area for her own toddler and for Nora. The young ones could play safely and the mothers could talk.

  “Poppy, Noelle looks so much like Pretty Boy.” Rylee said not knowing about her biology. Poppy just laughed and started the explanation.

  “He’s not her biological father, but don’t tell him that. That man is completely in love with her, uncle Ajax and Papa Red are just as enamored with her.

  “ When Michael and I split up I had no idea I was pregnant, and when I found out I was already falling hard for Darius. He felt the same way, not caring that she wasn’t his. Then when Michael found out, the shit really hit the fan.”

  That was something they all believed after listening to the entire explanation. Peyton knew Smoke would have lost it and leveled the town looking for anyone who tried to hurt her.

  “ So, have you two set a date yet? I see a very big diamond!” Rylee had a thing for parties and to her a wedding was the ultimate party.

  “Not yet,” Poppy told her, “it just hasn’t felt like it was all that important. We will eventually figure it out, Darius knows I adore him so I don’t think he’s all that concerned about the legality.”

  That got Rylee thinking and a grin crossed her face. She had ideas and Peyton was going to help.

  Renegade had asked Reagan if she wanted to go hang out with the women, but she was still sore and was having a hard time walking without pain so she opted to stay behind. Plus, Smoke had mentioned taking everyone to Handlebars for dinner. Reagan knew that in itself would take all of her energy.

  Now that all the men were together, the plan to deal with Raul was in full swing. Smoke called it ‘Operation Bean Burrito’ which made everything just that much more relaxed.

  The discussion was about how they were going to either make Raul see reason, or eliminate the problem. Most agreed to eliminate rather than deal with Raul and the Eighty-eight. Then Krispy piped up, he had some questions for his President.

  “Prez I got an unrelated question, is the Queen pregnant? Because I helped her unload groceries, nobody but a pregnant woman would need that many jars of pickles.”

  Smoke chuckled out loud, the young Patch was very observant. “She wanted to be the one to tell you all but yeah, Peyton is pregnant again and it’s about damn time! Nora is almost three and I ain’t getting any younger.”

  That made Red laugh, he was almost fifty and had never been a father. It wasn’t that he didn’t want any, it just never worked out.

  “So anyway,” Smoke got back to ‘Operation Bean Burrito’, “Red and I have been trying to figure out a way to

  convince Raul that Ren is a good guy and will treat Reagan proper. We just don’t see him taking our word for it. I have a gut feeling we are fighting a losing battle with him. Anyone have any suggestions? I’d love some help on this one.”

  The suggestions came from an unlikely source, Pretty Boy. “The way I see it, Raul won’t believe anything any of us says. So why not let Reagan tell him ho
w she feels about Renegade. He might think we’re full of shit, but she’s blood, and trust me; blood always wins. I know this one from the fucking Snowman.”

  Red just sat mute, he hadn’t mentioned that Snowman escaped the chair with help from his sister. It was looking like Pretty Boy was about to spill.

  Pretty Boy explained to a group of shocked faces how when he went back to his warehouse the Snowman was gone. All that was left was a note scribbled on the wall in marker telling him he would come when they least expected it and then all hell would break loose. “So, with the shooting here I’m wondering if it was him coming after you, and if that’s the case we gotta deal with him andthe Mexican. Poppy thinks its him, she’s a smart woman, so I listen when she talks.” Pretty Boy addressed the group. This wasn’t news he wanted to bring with him but it was imperative that they knew.

  Smoke sat mulling over what he had heard, agreeing with Pretty Boy. The shooter had to be Snowman, that was a problem that none of them needed. If it had been Raul or his goons, two bullets would have been two hundred. “So, I think yours is a good idea if Reagan will go for it and Ren allows it. She’s his old lady so we run this by him when he gets here. That shouldn’t be long. Renegade just had to make sure she had her antibiotics. He’s turning soft and its fucking funny.”

  An Uninvited Dinner Guest

  Smoke took the crew to Handlebars for dinner and some down time. They all knew the shit storm that was coming and he was certain everyone could use a little fun. The calm before the storm, so to speak.

  The women were all trading diaper stories and laughing when the door chimed. Nobody expected the silhouette in the doorway, it was Raul Paulo. The new Jefé was flanked by two well-armed men. Smoke looked to his wife, and Peyton automatically knew to get the children out of harm’s way.

  “You armed sweetness? This might go sideways.” Smoke advised. Peyton McAllister was always armed, she learned that lesson the hard way. “Nero, I can’t believe you had to ask. And I got the girls. You go deal with this asshole, I am so tired of this already. Wyatt is happy and I am having none of this shit!” His wife had a point, she always did though.


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