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Lone Star Joy

Page 18

by Kathleen Ball

  Smiling she looked at Stamos, whose eyes were closed. A deep throaty moan of pleasure escaped his lips as she moved her hand along him and Joy knew a woman's power.

  Stamos leaned down and took her bottom lip into his mouth, sucking on it. Joy jumped at the jolt of electricity that burst throughout her whole body.

  "Stamos, please," she begged.

  Stamos looked at her and smiled. Lifting her, he settled her over him.

  Putting her arms around his neck, she drew him close to her. Laying her cheek on his shoulder, she experienced such closeness to Stamos.

  Joy started to pull away only to have Stamos hold her close to him. It made her feel loved, special, and very sexy. She'd been a fool, time and time again, pushing him away.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Joy watched the sunrise, holding Dillon, rocking him back and forth. Today her father was to be laid to rest. Part of her mourned for the little girl inside of her that had loved and trusted her father. She really thought he'd hung the moon. Joy also mourned her innocent soul, scarred by her father's deceit.

  "Dillon, you don't know how lucky you are to have a man like your daddy in your life." Kissing his forehead, she continued. "He's a decent, loving, honest man."

  "That you love to pieces," Stamos said, from the doorway, causing Joy to turn.

  "You scared me," Joy said smiling. "I do, you know, love you to pieces."

  "Who couldn't love me? I have all my teeth and I own horses and..."

  Joy laughed, loving the sight of him. His hair was rumpled and he had a light beard. He was one sexy man. He only wore low-slung jeans with the button undone. The muscles in his chest and abs made her stomach flutter. Just remembering last night, being in his strong arms, made her blush.

  Stamos smiled a slow sexy smile. "It's the teeth, I can tell. That's why you love me."

  "Yes you are right. I love that you have your teeth. Now go get dressed while I get your son dressed."

  Stamos approached them and kissed Joy's cheek. "Our son. I'm so sorry I said he wasn't. It will never happen again. I promise."

  Joy looked at him and her eyes teared up. "Thank you," she whispered.

  "It's Dillon and I that are the lucky ones. Right Dill?"

  Dillon reached out and grabbed Stamos' hair, laughing all the while.

  Joy handed Dillon over to his father, laughing herself. "I'm going to get dressed while you two work this out."

  "Payback, Joy," Stamos said, in a very suggestive voice.

  "You can pay me back around noon, cowboy," Joy said as she left, hearing Stamos first laugh, then talking to Dillon, encouraging him to let go of his hair.

  Yes, she was the lucky one. She was safe and well loved, if last night was any indication. Joy smiled as she thought of their lovemaking. Stamos was insatiable and she hadn't minded one bit. Things were just going to get better and better.

  To Joy's great disappointment, their noon date didn't happen. Instead, she looked out the front window, watching her brother drive up. What he wanted she couldn't imagine. She hoped he didn't think they'd be a family again. The thought disgusted her.

  The look of rage on Jaime's face worried Joy. He stalked to the door and pounded on the door. Taking a deep breath Joy opened the door.

  Red-faced, Jaime pushed past Joy. It surprised her but she could take care of herself. The look of fury on his face, she hadn't seen before.

  "What is it now?"

  "As if you didn't know, you bitch."

  Joy watched Jaime clench and unclench his fists. She was concerned that he meant to hit her. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Bea peek into the room. Bea nodded and left.

  "Jaime, I'm not in the mood for your games."

  "How'd you do it, Joy? Was I put into protective custody so you could get on father's good side?" he yelled.

  Joy shook her head. "Father didn't have a good side, Jaime. You know that. I wouldn't have gone near him with a ten-foot pole."

  "You are cut from the same skin -- skunk skin. You lured him here to kill him. If it hadn't been so diabolically sneaky, costing me everything, I would have applauded you. Now I have no choice. I have to kill you and that meddling husband of yours."

  Joy put her hand to her throat as she drew in a sharp breath. "I have no idea what you're talking about. How dare you come to my house and threaten my family."

  Jaime grabbed her by the shoulders and shoved her hard against the wall. "You are going to give me the money you stole or the Walker clan will be dead."

  Joy rubbed the back of her head, trying to figure out what to do. If she weren't pregnant, she would have jumped him and fought back. "Jaime, you can have the money. Just tell me where it is," Joy said, in a dead calm voice.

  "Don't play coy with me, little sister. You snuggled up to father and had him change his will and his life insurance. You get everything."

  "And I believe that is a motive for murder," Ida Perkins accused as she walked into the house. Her mousey brown hair was pulled back so drastically it gave her a look of a gargoyle.

  Joy gasped looking at the other woman. Ida shot Jaime a smile of adoration while she pulled out her gun. "We'll make her pay, Jaime. The justice system won't punish her."

  Jaime seemed genuinely surprised to see Ida. He quickly went to her side, sneering at Joy. "That's right, she needs to be punished."

  Ida gave him a wide smile. "She hasn't finished paying for killing Daisy, but she will."

  Jaime laughed loud and hard. "Funny thing, she didn't kill Daisy. I did."

  A loud gasp came from the doorway causing everyone to turn. There stood Bailey, her eyes blazing. Her face grew red and her mouth contorted. "You lied to me. You said that Joy killed your stepmother," she screeched. "I believed you. I love you. How can you make me the fool?"

  Jaime took a step toward her. "Now, honey, you know that all I want is the best for us."

  Ida laughed. "Oh give it up, Jaime. You might as well tell this little tart that you've been using her. Tell her that she is indeed a fool. The biggest fool of all." Ida smiled at Bailey as she put her arm through Jaime's and pressed herself against him. "Listen, honey, men don't always tell the truth. Jaime lied to me, but we love each other. We have for over ten years. That's right, I knew Jaime before Daisy was even killed. Daisy was my sister."

  Joy didn't know what to think. She never heard that Daisy even had a sister. At this point, she didn't much care who tricked whom. She needed to get out of there. Taking one-step back, waiting, then another, Joy inched away. If she turned and ran, she might be able to reach the front door before they caught her.

  Bailey provided the distraction by launching herself at Ida, kicking and biting. The screaming between the two was loud. Joy didn't stay to watch. She turned and fled. Sailing out the door, she didn't even look back. If they were going to kill her then they'd have to shoot her in the back.

  She ran toward the barn. Hopefully she'd be able to grab a rifle there again. She was almost there when she was suddenly blocked from entering. Long arms grabbed her and hauled her into the barn. Joy was momentarily stunned and her whole body began to shake.

  Taking a deep breath, Joy sighed in relief as she smelled leather, horses, and balsam. "Where's Dillon?" she asked, turning around.

  Stamos stepped back and looked Joy over. "He's off the ranch with Bea. I told her to take him to Callie's house."

  "She made it," Garrett told them as he entered the back of the barn.

  "Good to have you here, Garrett," Stamos said seriously.

  "So what's going on?" Garrett asked. Both men looked at Joy.

  "Jaime, Ida, and Bailey are all in the house. They'll be right behind me any time now. They plan to kill me, Stamos, and Dillon. My father left everything to me when he died and Jaime thinks if he wipes us out it goes to him."

  "No offense, but your family is loco," Garrett said in disgust.

  "Believe me, I know." Joy grabbed a rifle from Stamos.

  "Up to the loft with you," Stamos t
old her, kissing her forehead.


  "No, I need to know that you're safe. I can't have a clear head if I'm worrying about you."

  Joy gave him a long measured look. She nodded and scurried up the ladder. Once again, she'd brought danger to this ranch. She felt sick to her stomach. Lying down behind a few bales of hay, she could still see most of the barn. She'd have their backs if it came to it.

  A shot rang out. It came from the house. Joy wondered which one of the three was shot. It didn't really matter. Bailey deserved it the least. Jamie really did trick her.

  Loud voices could be heard, then silence. It was a chilly day, yet Joy could feel sweat on her brow. The echo of the door slamming got her attention. They were coming.

  Joy looked down and spotted both Stamos and Garrett hiding in the horses' stalls. Looking further, she became aware of Corny, Arlo, and Shep, all armed and waiting. It was a relief to have backup.

  Jaime came running in and the wild look in his eyes disturbed her. He looked as insane as her father did. Ida came in breathing heavily right behind him. Both looked around frantically.

  "We have to find her before Stamos gets home," Jaime told Ida.

  "Well, don't kill her until we know where the little brat is. Then we'll take the truck and run Stamos down. I always wanted to shoot someone out of their saddle," Ida said, laughing.

  "Shhh, we need to find that vengeful bitch."

  Joy watched them slowly walk toward the stalls. Ida started sneezing. Hay fever, Joy mused. Jaime did not look happy about it at all. From the look he gave Ida, Joy figured she'd be dead before sunset.

  "Okay, Joy, just come out and we can talk about this whole thing. No one has to get hurt. I just need your signature," Jaime cajoled as he continued to inch forward.

  "Oh for heaven's sake. Get your ass out here or we will torture Stamos before we kill him," Ida yelled.

  "She's not here," Corny yelled from the last stall.

  "Bull," Jaime yelled, aiming his gun. He only got one shot off before Stamos leaped out and tackled him.

  Garrett grabbed Ida, who was kicking and screaming.

  Joy watched in horror as Jaime waved the gun around. Stamos and Jaime rolled once, twice, while Stamos tried to gain control of the pistol. A shot rang out, then a scream.

  "You shot me," Ida said in disbelief as she clutched her chest.

  Garrett immediately put her on her back and pressed hard on her wound, trying to staunch the blood. Jaime dropped the gun. All fight seemed to go out of him as he crawled toward Ida.

  As soon as Stamos had possession of the gun, Joy climbed down from the loft and hugged him tight. His shoulders were broad and he'd had the weight of her problems on them. She hoped that now that burden would be considerably lightened.

  "Ida, don't die. Please don't die," Jaime begged, with tears in his eyes. He grabbed her hand and held strong.

  "Jaime, Jaime, I love you. It was always you. None of this is your fault. Daisy was the evil one, not us. She shouldn't have seduced you. She shouldn't have taken you away from me."

  Joy watched in confusion. What the hell was going on? Jaime and Daisy were sleeping together? Nothing made sense anymore. Everything she knew to be true, wasn't. It threw her balance off. Leaning against Stamos, she realized that being off balance wasn't such a bad thing if she had the right person to lean on. It scared her, but she was learning.

  The death rattle that came from Ida was startling. There was an awful gurgling sound, and then nothing.

  Garrett looked their way and shook his head.

  Jaime took Ida in his arms and cried. Joy almost felt sorry for him, almost. It was a great relief when the authorities arrived and carted him off. Finally, the right person would be behind bars.

  Joy stood back and watched as Stamos walked Garrett to his truck. They shook hands before Garrett took off. Joy walked over to her husband, taking his hand.

  "Talk about a heck of a day," Stamos said, giving her hand a squeeze.

  "I'm worn out," Joy commented.

  "Come on, I'll put you to bed," Stamos said, scooping her up into his arms.

  "You don't need to carry me," she protested.

  "I don't want you too tired."


  "I thought maybe you'd want to spend some time with, The Stamos," Stamos said, giving her a slow sexy smile.

  Joy felt her face grow warm. "You know how much I love The Stamos."

  Joy wriggled out of his grasp. He put her down. "What's wrong?"

  "What about Bailey? I can't go in that house," Joy stammered, turning white.

  Stamos led her to the porch swing, he helped her sit. "I'll go in and find out what's going on. I'm sorry, I was just so relieved that you weren't hurt that I wasn't thinking."

  Joy gave him a shy smile. "For a moment there cowboy, neither was I."

  Stamos kissed the top of her head, and then headed into the house. His gut clenched when he smelled the metallic tang of blood. A police officer put up his hand signaling for Stamos to stop.

  "What's going on? Is she... Is she dead?"

  "No, it's a shoulder wound. Guess she played dead. Bailey is smarter than I ever gave her credit for," the young officer said.

  Stamos nodded. "So she's going to be all right?"

  "Looks like it. The house and barn are crime scenes. The sheriff wants everyone downtown to give statements."

  If it hadn't been so serious, Stamos might have smiled at the officer's last comment. Downtown Lasso Springs was a one-stoplight town. "I'll round everyone up."

  "Thanks. I'm sure that after we get the statements you can come back to the ranch. I have to warn you, there's a lot of blood in the study. It ain't a pretty sight."

  Stamos sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, thanks for that. Joy is pregnant and I'd hate for her to see it."

  Stamos walked outside and looked at Joy. His fierce, brave, wonderful, wife. His heart overflowed with the love he held for that spitfire of a woman. She'd been a hard nut to crack, but it had been worth it. He wasn't so sure in the beginning. He'd thought that maybe she'd been in prison too long and she'd grown too tough.

  He smiled realizing that it had taken some doing, but he'd gotten past all the tough prison mentality. Inside he'd found the most wonderful treasure. He'd found Joy.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Looking at Stamos' profile made Joy feel tranquil. She'd never experienced such peace. The car heater blasted as Johnny Cash's voice filled the truck. They'd given their statements to the police and to Joy's surprise they allowed her to walk away.

  Stamos' black whiskers were growing in heavy on his strong jaw line. He looked both tired and sexy. From the moment they got into the truck, he'd entwined his fingers with hers, not letting go. His hand looked bigger than hers did, but Joy knew they were both equally as strong.

  "I can't wait to curl up in bed with you," Joy said.

  "We can't go home, honey. The place is a mess and it's a crime scene."

  Joy's shoulder's sagged in disappointment.

  "Don't worry honey, we're going to Callie and Garrett's. Bea and Dillon are there. We'll spend the night and take it from there."

  Joy smiled at Stamos. "Keep your eyes on the road buddy," she teased.

  "I like the view inside better." He flashed her one of his sexy grins.

  "Me too," Joy said quietly.

  The anticipation of seeing Dillon filled her. Joy scrambled out of the truck as soon as it stopped and hurried past Stamos toward the front door.

  "I was going to help you down."

  "I want to see my son," Joy told him, knocking on the door.

  Garrett opened the door, took one look at Joy, and pointed to the family room. Joy brushed past him, taking off her gloves, hat, and coat in record speed.

  She stopped when she spotted Callie rocking Dillon, with a look of joy on her face. Callie extended her arms, giving Dillon to Joy.

  A wave of love rushed through her as she held Dill
on in her arms. His eyes opened and he smiled a toothless grin. Joy's heart melted. "Ma Ma," he cried in glee.

  A single tear escaped and trailed down her face. The horror of the day came pouring back, making Joy realize that because of her, Dillon had been in danger. Joy handed Dillon back to Callie. "Where?"

  "Your room is the last door on the right," Callie told her.

  Joy nodded her thanks and ran from the room, up the stairs and into her bedroom. She paced back and forth and then she suddenly ran to the bathroom where she got sick.

  Rinsing her mouth, Joy looked at herself in the mirror. Once bad luck, always bad luck. Her stomach still rebelled. Grabbing the tissues, Joy sat on the cold tile floor. She leaned against the wall, trying to staunch the continuous flow of tears. She was unsuccessful, which only made her cry harder.

  She wasn't surprised when Stamos entered the room. Joy tried to smile, but failed.

  Stamos helped her up from the floor and drew her into his arms. "Demons?"

  Joy nodded her head, and then rested it on his muscular chest. Wrapping her arms around him, she held on tight. "I can't escape them."

  "Shhh, I'm here. I'll help to keep them at bay," Stamos told her, kissing her wet cheek.

  Joy liked the thought of keeping them at bay. Only Stamos would understand that she couldn't vanquish them completely. Not after the hell she'd been through. "I still feel shocked at Jaime and Ida's confessions. It makes me sick to think about it."

  "I know, me too," Stamos assured her. He pulled her down on the bed. Tucking her head under his, against his shoulder, he rubbed her back.

  "I still can't make sense of it all. They were all sick, all four of them, my father, Jaime, Daisy, and Ida."

  "Yeah, I have to admit the whole Ida thing took me by surprise. I knew she had it in for you, but I had no idea she'd been involved."

  Joy sighed and snuggled against Stamos' side. "Oh," she said, surprised. Lifting her head, she stared into Stamos' dark eyes. "I can feel the baby move."


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