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Dirty Angel (The List #2)

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by N. K. Love

  Dirty Angel

  The List Series

  Book 2


  by N K Love

  Novel Kind of Love

  Now that you’ve read Lost Angel (#1), you’re ready to don your running shoes for Dirty Angel to take you away on the continuation of Beth’s steamy journey.

  All you need is a face for fanning, a cold shower at the ready and a finger to flick through the pages!

  (although your nose works too—trust me, I’ve tried it)

  This is the next instalment of The List Series and will be followed by Fallen Angel (#3) and Always Angel (#4).

  Dirty Angel, book two of The List Series, All Rights Reserved.

  Published by Novel Kind of Love – N K Love

  © 2016 Novel Kind of Love

  Cover design by Lauren Austin

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews and teasers, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or part by any means existing without written permission from author.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is entirely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  All rights reserved worldwide. This book is licensed for your personal use only. No part of this work may be sold, manipulated, or reproduced in any format without express written permission for the author, except for brief quotations embodied in or reviews.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  What’s Next?

  The Author


  The List

  Chapter One

  Saturday 4th April 2015


  Well, that was certainly the dirtiest bath I’ve ever had. After losing my sexting virginity through such an intense barrage of filthy messages that resonated directly between my legs, I’m still bringing myself back down to planet earth.

  I find Wills meditating in the lounge so I take my empty wine glass to the kitchen for a drink and a think. I must’ve disturbed her because she appears at my side shortly after and wraps her arms around me. I crane my neck back to see her face, she’s red eyed and clearly been crying.

  “Oh no, Wills what’s happened?” I pull her in tighter.

  Wills tells me that her grandfather on her mom’s side, passed away earlier today. He was 86 years old and it happened peacefully in his sleep. I open another bottle of wine and over a glass, she talks some more.

  Her grandfather moved from England to Valencia when his wife passed away, wanting to live out the rest of his time in the country that held so many dear memories from his marriage. Willows mother, Sonia, had been his full time carer for the last year or so, when she’d moved out there for that very reason.

  Willows parents split up when she was really young. Her father, William, travels around a lot so his presence has always been sporadic but they’ve always remained close. He randomly turns up at her house for unannounced visits and stays over when he’s in-between travels.

  We don’t know exactly what he does for a living but we do know it’s illegal—very illegal. When he met Wills’ mom he was a successful cage fighter, built like a warrior—I’ve seen the photographic evidence. When he retired he went into managing up and coming fighters, which is what he officially does now—if anybody’s asking.

  Over the years spent in the fighting world he apparently built up a close trusted network of people. Everybody from bankers to arms dealers, from doctors to drug lords. So it’s anybody’s guess as to what shady business he conducts himself but Wills has confided in me more than once about her concerns for his lifestyle and who he rubs shoulders with.

  I’ve met Will a few times. My first impression was that he could charm the pants off a nun and then have her believing she seduced him—he’s that good. He looks like a handsome gent in a bespoke tailor-made Italian suit but with a dangerous edge, whereby if he ruffled his hair and flexed his muscles, his clothes would tear off and reveal a killing machine in combats. Credit where credit is due because the guy must be nearly fifty years old. He nicknamed me ‘Smiler’ when we first met and it’s stuck ever since. He’s really easy to get along with, just like Sonia was when I met her before she left for Spain. I speak to them both on the phone but more so Will. Whenever he’s been at Wills’ and she’s on the phone to me he always makes a point of having her pass him the phone so he can stay hi. I think making an effort with me is another way of him trying to be more involved with Willow’s life.

  Overall though, he’s always come across as a warm, generous man who clearly dotes on his daughter. Wills’ attitude is to never ask more than she’s willing to hear. Perhaps worried that if she finds out too much it’ll taint her relationship with him and she seems to have a similar unbreakable bond with him as I do with my dad.

  Sonia left him when things started getting too heavy because she had baby Willow by then and didn’t want to put her at risk. She didn’t meet anybody else or have any more children. Apparently, neither did William so as far as Willow knows, she’s an only child like me. Although she’s joked before that she ought to do DNA testing before sleeping with anybody just to be on the safe side. But it’s all hearsay because she doesn’t actually know of any other siblings, just of her father’s player reputation.

  Sonia asked Wills to contact her dad to let him know because the two men were fond of each other in years gone by. Wills is expecting to fly over next week to support her mom and help plan the funeral and said I’m more than welcome to go with her. Once I’d made sure that she was asking as a way to look out for me and not for herself, I reassured her that I’ll be fine staying here. At a time like this, this girls beautiful selflessness never seizes to amaze me.

  The whole sexting conversation can wait for a more appropriate time. Plus the delay is probably a blessing anyway. At least until I’ve had chance to see Jax tomorrow and make my own mind up as to whether or not I’m going to pursue this sexy craziness further.

  Chapter Two

  Sunday 5th April 2015



  I have no idea if she’s going to turn up but I’ve been thinking about her on and off since last night—I’m hooked. Maybe I should regret sending those text messages but she did say she was up for it and I enjoyed myself a helluva lot more than usual. The only time I’ve actually got off when doing something like that before, involved the girl picture messaging me throughout and my involvement was pretty much giving her explicit one liner instructions. Like I told Beth last night, I’ve never done anything like that before. Those intimate visions of mine were worth sharing with her—or so I thought. It gave her a taste of what I want to do to her and I think that was probably half the problem.

  Getting her digits was completely spur of the moment. I was doing some sales analysis here at work and came across a new members’ file with a stamp detailing Willow Sedgwick as the member who’d recommended them. I obviously knew it was Beth then and couldn’t resist putting her number in my phone. As soon as I’d shut my front door at home
I sent the first message, just to put the feelers out. I only planned to tease her a little and flirt like she suggested. But when she started to play ball and went on to plant that image of her sinking that lap dancing ass of hers into the bath; how could any red-blooded male not react?

  Admittedly, I wasn’t thinking straight, still suffering with pent up tensions from the night before that I didn’t quite manage to get out of my system. So yeah, I was thinking with my dick but I thought she’d enjoy it too, so not a completely selfish dick for once. When she didn’t reply afterwards, I re-read my messages and came to the conclusion that she either enjoyed it and laid me off afterwards or—and more likely—I crossed her flirting line and freaked her out. She made it clear she just wants flirting and friendship, which I’d agreed to. Sooooo in hindsight being so explicit then telling her how I’d wanted to fuck her from day one was probably a bad move. Maybe I took it too far for her and scared her off.

  The fact is I only ever fuck and forget. Nothing more, no exceptions, ever. I never intentionally set out to screw with people’s feelings, that’s too messy. The girls I fuck, get out of it just as much as they give, if not more! I never lead them to believe it’s anything more than fucking—simple. My life doesn’t need any more complications.

  Overthinking is not a pastime of mine, never has been. So why was I still letting this mysterious girl get under my skin. I thought that maybe it was because she’s unattainable but I know it’s something more... Regardless, she told me straight what she wanted, which gave her the control, putting me on the back foot. She turned me down at Tricks and after the lap dance so after last night’s silent treatment, I’m not making the same mistake a third time, that’d be considered a habit—a bad one.

  It’s just after six now and she’s still not shown up. I’m set to leave straight after her appointment anyway so I’ll just go and push some weights instead, that’ll help. If I push myself hard enough I might be able to sweat her out from under my skin.

  Emma radios through and lets me know that Beth has arrived. I find myself relieved because at least now this’ll give me the opportunity to show her I meant what I said about being respectful of her wishes.

  Even though Emma saw Beth do that lap dance and saw us together for a bit afterwards, she—and the rest of the staff—know better than to gossip about me so I have no qualms about that. They’re a good trustworthy crew—they wouldn’t be working for me otherwise.

  I tell Emma to send Beth down to me in the main treatment room. I get my oils back out of the cabinet and I’m washing my hands when Beth knocks and opens the door. She peeps inside and sees me at the sink. Without walking in, she just leaves her head and shoulder in view and hides the rest of her body behind the door. Her lovely face looks fresh, wearing a quirky smile with her eyebrows raised in anticipation.

  “Hey G!”

  I return her smile and ignore the voice telling me to study her face more. I dry my hands and turn to lean back against the sink, folding my arms across my chest. “Hey B… you do know your whole body will have to actually enter the room in order for this to work?”

  “Only if you promise this isn’t going to be Awkward City. I would rather leave than lie there cringing, please.”

  I like a girl that speaks her mind. Especially when she gets flustered and waffles like Beth. It adds to my theory about her being perfectly contradictory.

  I fake a frown. “First you deaf me out and now I make you cringe?” That innocent giggle of hers wakes up my dick. “Just get yourself in here and put that lock across. I don’t want any interruptions—and I don’t want anybody seeing you half naked—again.”


  I go over to the cushioned treatment bed and she comes over, perching herself on the edge. Not looking out of place in her training gear, her physique doesn’t fails to knock me off kilter but this time it’s wrapped up in the familiarity of how she can wine these hips and how her snug chest filled out that bikini top… her hard nipples. For fucks sake, this is work. I’ve got to get a grip so I’m grateful when she interrupts my wayward thoughts.

  “Before we start Jax, do we need to say anything, you know, about last night? I don’t want an elephant in the room—I mean a proverbial one—not you with your—horny sexting trunk!” Smirking, she gestures without looking down at my dick. I like this playful mood. It’s yet another pleasant layer of hers revealed.

  “Horny trunk? That sounds—painful.” I sigh to shake off the humour so she knows that I’m taking her concern seriously. Let’s clear the air so we can get back on an even keel.

  “B, what’s to be said? It was just a bit of fun, that’s all. I’m sorry if I’ve overstepped the mark… As you can probably tell, I’m finding it difficult keeping away from you, which isn’t like me at all. But as long as I know you’ll be there to make me toe the line, it should be cool. This could be fun, if we let it. God knows I could do with some light-hearted fun at the moment.”

  “Yes, I think so too. Okay. Thanks for not being a dick about this… I will happily try to bring some light-hearted funshine into your dull, serious life.” She lightly punches my shoulder. “Sorry about last night, for leaving you in the lurch. I did enjoy it—trust me—how could I not? The things you wrote were just mind-blowing and of course I’m attracted to you, look at you. I mean, I’m female and you’re—well, you’re you. Just gorgeous and massive—”

  Beth’s getting flustered but I can’t deny that it’s pleasing to hear that I have a similar effect on her too. I’m just better at concealing it than she is. She’s been here a few minutes and whilst I’ve been listening to her, I’ve already imagined how it’d pan out if I were to fuck on this bed right now.

  Her cheeks are flushed because she’s tripping over her words but it’s as though she’s reading my inappropriate thoughts. I take pity on her and bail her out.

  “Massive? Damn, is it that obvious? What, even in these trousers?” I reach down and pretend to shield between my legs, which I’m only able to do because my dick is actually behaving around her for once. There’s still plenty of time for that Jax.

  “Har har, so you’ve got jokes huh? Okay, well then this friends-that-flirt tag is working out just fine. You’re totally ticking all my boxes; friendly, fit, flirty, free massages, funny—”

  “Whoa, hey, who said anything about free? I’ll have you know that my skilful hands are highly sought after and ludicrously expensive. But don’t worry—for you—I will compromise and make an exception. Payment in kind will suffice. Hope that’s not going to be a problem?”

  “I appear to always be open to compromise when it concerns you G. Right then, where do you want me?”

  I shake my head to resist the obvious comebacks.

  “Okay, I’m now going to be Jaxson the professional sports masseuse.”

  I’m not sure if I’m telling her or chastising myself but my tone’s changed into work mode. As much as I’m not really that much of a people person, I do enjoy this part of my job, the customer interaction. Knowing you’re helping someone. You’re giving them a way out. If somebody comes to us because they’re overweight, I thrive off seeing that person transform physically and mentally from our guidance and their hard work. I can help them escape the part of them they don’t want to be. Help them escape the pain.

  “Can you remove the clothing from your top half and lie on the bed—face down—obviously?” But not preferably. “Just call me when you’re done.” I pull the privacy curtain around her and go over to the paperwork I’ve left on the counter, jotting down some notes. “Talk me through your aches too so I know what I’m dealing with please.”

  And just like that the air is cleared.


  My warm oiled hands push down firmly over her skin, I’m doing my best to block out all the raw sexually provoked thoughts. It’s fucking testing, I didn’t realise I’d actually got that much self-control.

  Thankfully the professional side of me has pulled me through, keepin
g me focussed… For the most part. Okay, aside from the occasional semi, which was inevitable—I’m only human.

  Beth said she’s been in pain on and off for years now and she’s never had treatment. I’ve surprised myself by going easy on her, causing as little discomfort as possible but still managing to do her some good. Her breasts on this frame probably instigates a lot of the trouble. Beth has a textbook hourglass figure and then some. More curves than a Monte Carlo race circuit. Her waist is tiny, then out pop her hips. She has this defined arch at the small of her back where her bottom rises up like an inviting shelf.

  Once she’d gotten over the initial feeling of me touching her during the effleurage, she knew I wasn’t going to overstep the mark again and that I was serious about my work. As soon as she let herself trust me, she visibly relaxed and let me do my job. Straight after petrissage I started to strip her upper gluteal muscles, focusing on that arch at the top of her bottom and hips. This is where she’s felt the most benefit. As have I.

  We’ve barely spoken but I haven’t needed to ask her whether the pressure’s okay or if she wants me to work longer on certain areas because she’s been telling me everything without speaking. Her body is so responsive to my touch. Letting out micro movements that are subtle but I haven’t missed a single beat.


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