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It All Started With a Lima Bean

Page 17

by Kimi Flores

  Abby put both hands up in front of her and shook her head. “I’m not even thinking about that. You are jumping way ahead sista.”

  “You know I’m kidding. Me of all people wouldn’t tell you to jump into sleeping with him, but dang chica, he is supa fine, in a respectable manner of course.” Leah continued to bust up.

  “Well yes, he is really hot.” Abby joined her friend in laughing, “But there’s so much more to him than his handsome looks. His heart and soul are also beautiful. When he told me about the story with his wife, I freaking melted. I am dating the bad boy gone good, every nerdy girl’s book boyfriend fantasy.” She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face if she tried to.

  “Girlfriend, you and your book boyfriends. I’m sure you have one you can compare him to don’t you?” Leah knew her well.

  Shyly, Abby glanced at her, pursed her lips, and said, “Maybe.” Then beamed.

  “But the best part is that I didn’t have to put up with his crap to get the noble guy. I simply get Prince Charming off the”

  Rolling her eyes, Leah added, “If he has a friend that’s already the good guy, toss him my way. I’m currently in need of a Prince Charming too. All of the pendejos I’ve dated lately only want one thing and you know I’m not giving up the goods.”

  “I’m sorry, but yeah, you are right; you’ve dated some doozies lately.”

  “It’s not my fault that only jerks like girls with big booties.” She smacked her own behind.

  “You do not have a big booty. Why do you always say that?”

  “Because I do, and I’m not complaining about it. I’d rather have real woman curves than be a stick figure.”

  “I hear ya, and my wide hips agree.” Abby rubbed her palms down the sides of her hips.

  “Don’t forget about those huge knockers you are sporting my friend.” Pointing at Abby’s chest, Leah cracked up.

  “Hey leave ‘the girls’ out of this.” She covered her chest, pretending to be offended.

  “There is no way they can ever be out of anything when you are around girlfriend. They are here five minutes before the rest of you arrives.” Leah laughed a belly laugh and noticed Abby’s disapproving glare. “I’m just jealous; don’t mind me.”

  “Don’t be; at least you can buy your pretty bras at any lingerie store. As you saw, I have to get mine from the old lady or porn star department, and most of those bras are not cute.”

  “I’m sorry to have to drag you into my office Abby, but it’s come to my attention that you and the parent of one of your students have been seen out in public together quite often lately. I know your personal life has nothing to do with work, but when the two cross and others bring it to my attention, I have to bring it up.” Abby had been dreading going into Principal Hanson’s office all day since she got a slip from the office saying that he needed to see her after school. Crap, what was she going to do now? A million questions ran through her mind. Would she have to stop dating Caleb? She couldn’t bear that thought. They’d only been officially seeing each other a few days, but she knew he was the one. He was engrained in her heart. Would she have to make a quick decision right then and there, and quit the job she loved so much?

  “Just so I know exactly what we are talking about Dan; who was I seen with, and where?” She was not about to open her mouth about something that he may not even be referring to, but what else could he be talking about?

  “Are you denying something is going on?”

  “I can’t deny anything if you haven’t told me what we are talking about.”

  Huffing, her boss said, “I was called to a meeting by a couple of parents concerned that you’ve been seen around town several times with Madison Hunter’s father. A few parents are concerned that you may favor her as your student because you are possibly dating her father. Is this true?”

  Although she was in a tight situation, she would try to avoid answering in a way that sounded unfavorable, but bottom line, she wouldn’t ever deny her relationship him. “Our families are very close, so the times we’ve been seen, we were either out as friends or just ran into each other. I’m assuming one of these concerned parents was Tiffany Zuckerman because she saw us in a group having lunch together at the Chowder Festival a couple of weeks ago.” She really hated that woman. Why couldn’t she just mind she own damn business?

  “No, she actually was not part of the meeting. Other parents have observed you guys. Specifically, the two of you together. Alone.”

  “What? How is that possible? We’ve not been together alone anywhere in Santa Barbara.” Then she remembered and caught herself. “Oh wait. Caleb gave me surfing lessons a week ago when we were off school. I wonder if someone could have seen us at the beach.”

  “I wasn’t given details of where you were seen, but several parents have voiced their concern.” Dan clicked his pen open and shut several times. Abby was aware of this nervous habit of his. He wasn’t enjoying this conversation any more than she was.

  “What am I supposed to do with that? I can’t be friends with my students’ parents? How is that even possible? I grew up here in Santa Barbara, as did most of my student’s parents. It has to be the Power Moms that are causing such a stink. They all have a noticeable infatuation with Caleb.” Grr, those Power Moms. Abby was irritated with every single female that could even remotely be involved in this. She knew they were female because men didn’t worry about this petty crap. Abby folded her arms over her chest, and her crossed leg bounced up and down as her irritation increased.

  Dan paused his persistent clicking and looked at her with his eyebrows raised. “Abby, that’s not very nice of you, and completely opposite of your personality. Where did that come from?” He sounded surprised but not upset with her, so she didn’t hesitate to answer honestly.

  “I’m just tired of people pushing me to fulfill their agendas, and not thinking about me as a person and what could make me happy.” She didn’t even realize how true this statement was until it came out of her mouth. She really was fed up with being pushed around.

  He let out a resigned breath before asking, “So, I have to ask you officially. Are you and Mr. Hunter dating?” He leaned back on his leather chair, looking as though he hated every question he had to ask her.

  “Dan, why couldn’t you have asked me this question on Friday?” She slumped further into the uncomfortable office chair that sat directly across his desk from him. “We went away together this past weekend, and decided to give us a shot. So to answer your question, yes, I am now dating Mr. Hunter.”

  “As your friend, I am very happy that you’ve finally found someone to date, but as your boss, I’ll need to figure something out.” He leaned forward again placing his elbows on top of his desk.

  “Are you going to fire me?” She felt her bottom lip begin to quiver.

  “No, nothing like that. You’re one of our best teachers, and one of my best employees. I’ll have to remove Madison from your class though.” Abby’s heart fell. What had she done? Madison wasn’t going to understand this. “I’ll have her remain in your class for the rest of this week, and then when we return from fall break, she will need to be transferred into Melinda’s class. It works out well because one of her students is moving and won’t be back. Hopefully that will call off the mob.”

  “I really didn’t want to make any announcements. We just started dating. Madison doesn’t even know. I don’t want to share this information with anyone, especially since I just denied it in front of everyone when Sofie asked last week.”

  “We don’t have to announce anything. We will just make the transition, and hope all will go smoothly. There won’t be an issue once she is no longer in your class.”

  “I hate when people talk about me behind my back.”

  “Don’t worry. Nothing bad is being said. Parents are rightfully concerned. I would be too if my child’s teacher was dating another’s parent.” That actually made a lot of sense.

  “I guess you have a g
ood point when you say it like that. I looked through the policies and saw nothing about it, but I figured it would be frowned upon.” Abby stood preparing herself to leave the office.

  “One other thing, I noticed on your attendance sheet that she wasn’t here today.”

  “Yeah, she has the stomach flu. We had to come back early from our trip because she got sick.”

  “Okay. Go enjoy your evening. We’ll get this squared away as quietly as possible.”

  “Thanks Dan.” She exited his office with the feeling that something significant was going to go down. This was not the end of it.

  Caleb had just brought Madison home from the doctor’s office, and was walking down the stairs when Colbie Caillat’s “Fallen for You” song rang on his cell. He’d just changed Abby’s ringtone the day before, and loved hearing it knowing she’d be on the other end.

  “Hello Beautiful.” His heart actually felt like it did a flip, and he would argue that no, that didn’t just happen to girls.

  “Hi,” was all she said.

  “Everything alright?”

  “Yes and no. Can I come see you?”

  Oh no. This didn’t sound good. They’d just started dating. She couldn’t be breaking up with him already could she?

  “Yeah come over now if you can. Madison just went down for another nap.”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking about her being sick.”

  “Abby, it’s okay. Come over.”

  “If you say so; let me go home to change, and then I’ll be over.” She hung up without a goodbye. Either she had a lot on her mind, or she actually was coming over to break up with him. Well, he’d have to change her mind because he’d fallen head over heels for her, and wouldn’t let her go without a fight. Then he had an idea. Dialing a number from his cell memory, he listened to the rings. “Leah? How quickly could you put a spectacular bouquet together, and then deliver it to my house?”

  Caleb spotted Abby pulling in next to the silver Range Rover that he knew she adored. She then got out of her car, somberly strolling to his front door. He opened it before she had a chance to knock, and then pulled her into an embrace that spoke volumes. He was telling her that no matter what she had to say, he was there for her. He would support her and be her partner in any way he could. Relieved, he felt her melt into him. He wasn’t just falling for this woman, but was, in fact, already in love with her. It felt amazing to open his heart, and let her fill all of the hollowness. If she hadn’t asked for them to take baby steps, he would have loved to pick her up, take her to the closest church, and marry her on the spot. He knew she was it, the one that he would get to spend the rest of his life with. The one that would be his child’s mother. The one that would relish in it. His chest filled with an emotion he hadn’t felt in so long: happiness, pure and unadulterated happiness. How was he ever going to let her leave his arms? He would do anything for this woman.

  Not holding anything back, she exposed her soul to him as the tears poured from her eyes. “What’s wrong? Please don’t cry. It breaks my heart in half to see you so upset.” He pulled away, and then held her face in his large hands.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not normally a big sissy la la crier, but I seem to shed all my tears in front of you.” She wiped her eyes to catch the fallen tears, and then pulled his palm to her lips to kiss, but the waterworks didn’t stop.

  “I don’t mind. It says that you feel comfortable around me, and I actually like that. Well not that you are hurt and crying, but that you are at ease with me.” Directing her into the living room, he backed up and closed the squeaky door. “Have a seat.” He led her to his large leather couch and sat beside her. “What’s going on?”

  “Well, I was pulled into Principal Hanson’s office after school today. Parents have complained about us dating.” Her lip was still slightly vibrating, and it looked like she was trying to avoid a full on boo boo lip.

  “What? How do they even know? It’s only been a few days.”

  “I know, but I guess we were seen by a few parents around town a couple of times, and assumptions were made.” Those damn moms from the coffee shop. What the hell did they do?

  “Wow, they knew we were dating before we even did.” Not wanting her to sense how pissed he suddenly was, he faked a chuckle, triggering her to snicker. Well that was a good sign.

  “So, the bottom-line is that Madison,” another tear escaped her eye, “can’t be in my class anymore.”

  He was overwhelmed. This beautiful woman was devastated because his little girl could no longer be in her class. If he hadn’t loved her before, this right here would have sealed it. He was lost in Abby and her tender heart. Without a doubt, he was in love with her. Overtaken by emotions, he was unable to utter a word. Instead, he had to show her. Caleb scooted as close as possible to her, placed his palms on the side of her face again, and ran both thumbs along her tear-streaked cheeks. He was entranced in her eyes that were still glossed over with tears. Closing the gap between them, he kissed her like never before. Parting her lips with his own, he darted his tongue into her mouth and deepened their caresses. Feeling his libido start to take over, he knew they had to stop. It had been a very long time since he’d been intimate with a woman, and he was a starving man. They needed to take this part of their relationship very slowly. Afraid that she would feel like he was rejecting her, he gradually and tenderly broke their kiss before he no longer had restraint.

  Mesmerized by her beautiful face and freshly kissed lips just inches away, his words just came out. “Abby Sullivan, I am so in love with you. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. Please don’t worry about these little things, or people that try to steal your joy. Madison will be just fine in the other kindergarten class. I’m sure she would rather have you around here all the time anyway.”

  With wide eyes, Abby replied. “What happened to taking things slowly?”

  “The cat’s out of the bag anyway, so I figured what the hell; I’ll tell you how I really feel.” He leaned back to give her a little space.

  Abby followed, leaning into him with her hand on his chest. “I’m in love with you too, Caleb, and have been for a while.”

  “Thank God!” He threw his head back, and then pulled her in for another kiss. Knowing that his hormones wanted his brain to take a backseat this evening, he decided to break it quickly.

  “You hungry?”

  She nodded.

  “Good, because I made you a special dinner. Well, it’s the first time I’ve ever made it, so let’s hope its special at least.” Still seated on the couch, he motioned toward the centerpiece on the dinner table. “Those are for you.”

  Peeking around him then smiling, she asked, “How did you know that hydrangeas are my favorite flowers...wait, when did Leah deliver those?” Naturally, she knew her best friend dropped these flowers off for her.

  “Like two minutes before you walked up to the door. I’m surprised you didn’t see her pulling out of my driveway.”

  “After my awful day, I wouldn’t have noticed if Adam Levine himself pulled out of your driveway.”

  “Adam Levine? From Maroon 5?”

  “Yeah. What can I say? I kinda adore him. He’s my free pass.” After seeing his expression change, she lifted her shoulders then giggled nervously.

  Confused, he asked, “What does that mean?” There was no way she was referring to what he thought.

  “You know, the celebrity I’m allowed to be with no matter who I’m actually seeing.” She didn’t look so sure of herself or her answer once the scowl on his face expanded and audible growl rumbled in his chest.

  The inner Neanderthal came out of him. “Abby.” Slowly, he moved their bodies down until her back was flat on the couch, and she was under him. With his face mere inches above hers, he looked her dead in the eyes. “You are with me, and there are no free passes. I would beat the hell out of any son of a bitch who would even think he had a chance with you. I hope you are kidding. I would not stand for t
hat.” Continuing to hover over her, his urge to claim her mouth with a deep, passionate kiss took over.

  Caleb’s lips were demanding against hers until a little voice asked, “Daddy, why are you on top of Miss Abby kissing her?” CRAP!

  Caleb wished more than anything that he could celebrate Thanksgiving at his home this year instead of at his parents in Chicago. Grace and Robert decided to join Abby’s mom and step-dad on a Thanksgiving weekend cruise, but Caleb couldn’t help but feel as though they would have rather been anywhere other than his parent’s house. He understood completely and only came here out of courtesy himself.

  Separated for only one day, he couldn’t believe how much he missed Abby already. She truly held his heart. When he’d asked her to come with Madison and him, she said that she had already promised to go with Leah to her mom’s house. Reading her body language, he knew it probably had more to do with all of the unsavory stories he’d shared about his family. Then again, it could have something to do with the fact that she was still uneasy about Madison catching them making-out on the couch. He was not overjoyed about it either. Madison hadn’t even been aware that they were dating. Caleb did not want his little girl to grow up thinking it was okay to kiss someone that passionately in the beginning of a relationship. However, if Abby had decided to come with them, Caleb would have insisted on separate rooms anyway.

  It had only been a couple of weeks since they were officially together, but he knew. She was the one for him. Still trying to take it slowly because of her past, he prayed she felt that he was her forever. He understood that she had some baggage to unload, and longed to be the one to help her unpack her hurts. Once she did, he knew in his heart that Abby would offer a deeper commitment to him.

  Madison played in one of the upstairs bedrooms with Bri while Caleb and Stefen hid out in the formal lounge, trying to avoid their parents as long as possible. They sat on the uncomfortable white Chesterfield leather couch that was all for show, just like everything else in his parent’s house. Although they had talked on the phone and had texted each other often, the guys hadn’t been in the same room with each other since the previous Thanksgiving at Caleb’s house.


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