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Heart of the Highlands: The Beast (Protectors of the Crown Book 1)

Page 14

by Holthaus, April

  Leaving the room, Keira went to search for Ian. Once downstairs, she found him outside saddling the horses.

  “I hope I did no’ make ye wait long on my behalf,” she exclaimed.

  “Nay. I was just finishing packing our supplies I purchased from the innkeeper. His wife prepared us several hearty meals for our travels.”

  “That was verra kind of her.”

  “Ye must’ve slept well last night, for this morning ye were sleeping like a bairn,” he said with a smirk on his face.

  Embarrassment caused her to suddenly lose her voice, so she was unable to respond. The way the other two looked at her she could only imagine that this morning Ian had boasted about his evening giving them every detail of their kiss, unless he’d lied to them as well. Had they too believed she had bedded him, as the priest did? Even though she was his wife, she still felt the shame of a disgraced whore.

  Approaching her side, Ian held out a fruit pastry. Keira eagerly accepted it. Ian helped Keira onto the saddle as he mounted behind her. Being forced to sit so close wasn’t as uncomfortable as it had been before. She rather liked the way he wrapped his arm around her and snuggled her close.


  They rode hard over the next several hours. Ian wanted to cover as much land as possible, as Inverness was a full two days ride away. Allowing Keira short breaks to tend to nature’s call and stretch her legs, they continued to press forward into nightfall. Ian would have ridden the entire way had it not been for the horses needing to eat and rest. Ian could go days without sleep. A useful practice he’d learned from his days in battle.

  Leaving the road, they rode into the woods to find a secure place to camp, though their choices were limited. As the clans continued to feud in these parts, it was getting harder to tell where a safe spot would be. It wasn’t just rogue Highlanders they had to worry about. There were also highwaymen, gypsies, and English troops roaming these parts as well, that would not hesitate to start a fight whether they were provoked or not.

  Ian settled on a spot near a group of tall pines. It wasn’t an ideal place, but it would have to do. Reining in his horse, he called out to the others to stop.

  Ian got down from his horse before helping Keira down as well. He decided to send Leland and Rylan out for wood and to search the area. Leaving Keira alone as he had done last time was not an option. He remembered all too well what happened the last time he left her alone and undefended. A mistake he was not going to make again. Unbuckling his pack, he pulled out a large tent from his sack and grabbed two rolled up plaids. Keira stood by quietly as he began setting the tent up. Once finished, he grabbed onto the bag tied to Rylan’s horse and walked over to the burning fire Leland had built.

  “Compliments of Lady Aggie, the innkeeper’s wife,” he said, as he pulled out portions of dried venison, bread and sliced cheeses, placing them on a small platter, and handed it to Keira.

  “Thank ye,” she said tiredly.

  The four of them sat around the fire, eating and talking for what seemed like hours. Leland entertained Keira by way of stories of home including a particularly embarrassing one of Ian when he was a younger lad. He would have insisted Leland keep his foolishness to himself, but the sound of Keira’s laugh was the sweetest sound in the world, so he bit his tongue. That, of course, did not stop him from staring daggers at his younger brother who was immensely enjoying poking fun at his older brother while he could get away with it. This was one of the few times, Leland could by all means get away with it, but Ian would have to remember in the future when Leland met his own future bride, to share a few stories of him as well.

  Watching Keira’s bright smile was like witnessing the stars for the first time; bright and radiant. He was astonished by how she managed to have such an effect on him. He found himself caring deeply for her and her safety. And unlike any other woman, he cared about what she thought and how she felt. He had learned a long time ago the mistakes he’d made with Sarah. Mistakes for which he had spent the last eight years trying to atone. But he promised himself that with Keira it would be different.

  “There is a loch nearby,” Rylan announced. “I think I am going to take a swim and cool off. The water should be warm enough fer ye lass if ye wish to do the same when I am through.”

  “I would verra much like that. Thank ye,” she replied.

  “If ye are leaving, I will take first watch,” Leland said as he stood up and strapped his sword to his belt.

  Ian was grateful the two of them were leaving. He had been waiting impatiently all day for a chance to be alone again with Keira. He didn’t know how much longer he could wait until he could kiss her again.

  He knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her last night. Though she tried to resist, the way her body responded to his touch made wooing her all too easy. But he didn’t just want to bed her. He wanted her to want him. With those two dimwits gone, he would steal himself another sweet kiss, if she’d let him.


  “I really like yer brother Leland. He has a gift of storytelling.”

  “What do ye mean ye like him?” he asked dryly.

  “I only meant that he seems to be a good mon. He would get along rather well wit’ my sister Alys. She has the same kind of humor that he does.”

  “Good. I dinna like hearing ye say that ye liked him.”

  “And what if I did like yer brother?”

  “Then I would have to live wit’ the regret of killing my own brother.”

  “Surely, ye jest!”

  “Nay. Ye are my wife and I dinna like ye talking about another mon in such a fashion. Whether he be my own brother or no’.”

  Keira gave him an annoyed look.

  “I am only stating the fact that I know more about yer brother from just in the last hour than I know of ye in the past several days. And besides, he would be best suited for Alys.”

  Had Alys been there now, she would have died from embarrassment at Keira’s prejudgment but she would have heartily agreed. Leland was just the type of man Alys had been seen swooning over and probably the first man of whom Keira would approve. He had good character and a sense of honor to him that would make him a good husband. Much like Ian, she supposed.

  That realization surprised her. She had been so bent on wanting an annulment she’d thought nothing about what she would do once she returned to her home and her family. There was no doubt she would be forced to marry another man and one not of her choosing. Keira looked to Ian. Perhaps staying married to Ian was not as bad as she’d thought. After all, he was a kind man.

  “So, ye want to get to know me, aye?” he asked.

  “Must I repeat myself?” she answered.

  Ian shifted on the ground, turning to face her.

  “What is it that ye would like to know?” he questioned.

  Keira bit her bottom lip. There were so many things she wanted to know, but she couldn’t possibly learn everything about him in just one sitting. There were things she would have to learn over time. There was one question; however, burning in the back of her mind and that was of Sarah.

  “I do no’ mean to pry but I was wondering if ye were willing to tell me about Sarah,” she asked cautiously.

  Unable to gauge his reaction to her question, she winced; worried she was opening old wounds. She had hoped he could be just as open and honest with her as she had been with him. She was his wife after all and if they were to stay married, she would like to know more about the woman who clearly still held his heart.

  “Where did ye hear that name?” he asked; his voice dry and brazen.

  “The barmaid that escorted me to my room mentioned her.”

  Ian ran his fingers through his hair and let out a long, deep sigh. Perhaps, she should not have asked but it was too late to take back her words.

  “Ye dinna have to tell me,” she began to say until Ian interrupted her.

  “She was my wife,” he said.

  Keira could hear the sorrow in his voice.

  “What happened to her?” she asked softly.

  “Our village was attacked. Twas nearly eight years ago when my Sarah was taken.”

  “Was it by the Sutherlands?”

  Ian nodded, wiping his hand down his face. His brows tightly knitted together as if he searched his memory of the events of that awful day.

  “I’m sorry. I dinna mean to intrude. Tis yer past and if ye no’ wish to tell me, I understand.”

  “Nay, lass. I will tell ye what happened.”

  “Twas my fault she died,” he whispered.

  Keira’s mouth fell slack but she quickly closed it, clenching her jaw. She wanted further explanation but was unsure how much he was willing to share. It clearly pained him to talk about it. Suddenly, her mouth went dry. Licking her lips to moisten them, she thought carefully about what she should say. But how did one respond to that?

  “I dinna understand. How could ye possibly be to blame?”

  “We were married less than a month. I went away on a mission to Dun Au Noon wit’ my clansmen to sign a peace treaty with a neighboring clan. I went to prove myself as a mon. I was young and foolish. While we were gone, our village was attacked by the Sutherlands; they killed thirty of our men and women. When we returned, they had burned our village. When our Chieftain confronted Laird Sutherland he denied any and all wrongdoing on the part of his people. But I know it was him. He killed our people but was never convicted. Sarah’s death is on my hands. Had I been there to protect her, she would still be alive.”

  Keira’s heart sank. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for the guilt he bore. She now understood why his heart seemed cold and protected at times. Keira felt an unnerving urge to reach out for him and hold him in her arms. She wanted to comfort him and lift his pain. No man should carry such a burden. Her eyes glossed over with sympathy as he spoke.

  “I am sorry, Ian, that ye bore such pain and sorrow.”

  “I dinna need yer sympathy Keira. It was a long time ago. I made my mistakes and must live wit’ them. But ye are my wife now and I will no’ make that mistake again. Tis my duty to protect ye, and I will wit’ my life.”

  Ian’s declaration sent Keira over the edge. She was pleased to hear he cared for her so much. Overwhelmed with emotion, she leaned toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. No one had ever made her feel the way Ian had. In just the past two days, he had stirred emotions inside her that she could not explain. It both confused her and excited her.

  Leaning back slightly, Ian placed both hands on the side of her face. Looking down into her eyes, he captured her lips in a warm, sensual kiss. Keira melted against him as she opened her mouth willingly to him, allowing his tongue to enter.

  “God blessed, woman! Ye are making me mad from the want of ye,” Ian said, murmuring against her lips.

  Chapter 19

  In the back of Ian’s mind, he couldn’t help but wonder how his luck had changed. God must be smiling down on him to have blessed him with such a woman as Keira. She was everything a man could ever want in a wife. Not only was she beautiful and smart but had honor and a brave heart, similar to any Highland warrior. He took pride in her ability, the way she had handled herself thus far. Most women would have broken into a fit of tears. But she was nothing like any other woman he had ever met, nor what he had expected from a Sinclair lass. She was stubborn to a fault, of course, but even that did not bother him. She was perfect; his wee, fierce bride.

  Rylan and Leland returned from their trip to the loch and boasted about how warm the water was. Keira expressed her eagerness to wash the day’s sweat and grime off her skin.

  “I dinna have any soap fer ye lass,” Ian said.

  “That is alright. The water will be fine, I am sure.”

  Ian stood. Grabbing his plaid off the ground, he rolled it up in his arms.

  “Are ye ready then?”

  “Ready for what?” she asked, expressing utter confusion.

  “Fer yer bath.”

  “I am, but where do ye think ye are going?”

  “To join ye.”

  “Ian MacKay, I will no’ share a bath wit’ ye!”

  “Aye, ye will. Ye are my wife. And I too need to bathe.”

  “Then I will wait right here fer ye to finish. T’would be indecent!”

  Out of earshot of Leland and Rylan who looked as if they were positively enjoying their banter, he leaned towards her and whispered, “Listen to me wife, for I will only say this once. Ye are no’ leaving my sight. So if ye wish to bathe, yer gonna have to accept that ye will no’ be doing it alone.”

  Keira huffed in frustration.

  “I dinna like ye ordering me around, Ian. I am yer wife, and I have no’ denied that. But I will no’ be treated like I am yer chattel.”

  “That is where ye are wrong, lass. Do ye always question authority?”

  Ignoring his question, she asked one of her own. “Do ye always order people about and tell them what to do?”

  “Aye, I do. And they listen.”

  “Well, if we are to be married in truth, I would like to have a say in certain matters.”

  “Are ye trying to compromise wit’ me?” he asked, finding humor in her sudden display of confidence.

  “Aye. I am.”

  “Alright! I will listen to what ye have to say, but only in our private quarters and ye are never to question me in front of my men.”

  “There is a verra big difference in hearing what I have to say and listening to what I have to say,” she stated.

  “I understand. I promise to listen, but ye may no’ always get yer way.”

  “I can live wit’ that, fer now.”

  “Good, now that’s settled, I will escort ye to the loch where ye can bathe,” he said, having no intention of allowing her to bathe alone.

  Keira stood and stormed away in frustration which made Ian snicker all the more. He loved getting a rise out of her. He imagined she would be a wild cat in bed. Ian was unsure how much longer he could go without taking her into his arms and ravishing her. He had thought to wait until they reached his castle where he would properly bed her, but that was almost a week away and the ache in his groin was almost too unbearable. He was full of need, and a week was far too long to wait.


  After the hours spent atop the horse, walking had proven to be a challenge all its own. Keira’s backside ached from the hard ride and her thighs burned as if she had been marked by a branding iron.

  “Bloody Christ!” she yelped, falling to the ground and quickly grabbing her calf.

  Her leg muscle twitched and tightened. The pain felt as if a horse had just stomped on her leg. Vigorously, she massaged the tight knot but the pain in her leg did not abate. Ian rushed to her side and grabbed her calf in his hand. With his large, warm hands, he worked out the knot from her muscle.

  He was very tender with her as he caressed her leg. His touch was warm and pleasant. It appeared he had done this before as he successfully calmed her twitching calf. Though the pain had stopped, she held off telling him just yet.

  The intensity of the attraction she felt for him grew. It was as if just being near him wasn’t enough. She wanted to feel his hands upon her; for him to touch her, hold her. She wanted to feel the warm sensation she felt when he kissed her lips. God was she becoming a wanton woman!

  “It’s better now. Thank ye,” she said, pulling her leg away.

  “Muscle cramps are common when riding fer as long as ye have been. Best ye stretch yer legs before tomorrow as we have another long ride.”

  “How much further must we travel?”

  “Another whole day.”

  Keira sighed at the thought of riding again for so many hours. With her backside as sore as it was, after tomorrow, she would not be able to sit down for a week!”

  Keira followed Ian through the woods towards the loch. When they finally reached the shore, she felt a sigh of relief as she felt the cool water on the sore muscles.

  The surrounding lan
dscape was calm and serene. The reflection of the moon shone over the still water like a mirror. And lightening bugs danced and sparkled over the water as if she had stepped inside the realm of the fairies.

  “I’ll just be o’er there making sure no’ one comes upon ye,” he stated as he sat upon the shore, still in full view.

  He was true to his word. He really wasn’t going to let her out of his sight. The ignorance of him! Well, I don’t have to completely undress, she told herself. Removing her gown only, she kept her chemise on and walked into the water.

  “Do ye always bathe wit’ yer clothes on?” he asked amusingly.

  Just to spite him, she did not want to give him the satisfaction of ever believing he would see her naked.

  “Aye, husband I do.”

  “Yer jesting wit’ me, wife”

  “Are ye so sure?” she asked, keeping a straight face.

  “Aye, I believe ye are.”

  “Then ye have much to learn about me Ian MacKay,” she said as she sank further into the water.

  After dunking her head under the loch’s surface, she rose up and turned back to the beach, but Ian was nowhere in sight. Had he finally given her the dignity of some privacy?

  “Ian?” she called out, but he did not respond.

  Then, startling the hell out of her, Ian popped out of the water in front of her and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

  “And ye have much to learn about me as well, wife,” he said, pressing his lips hard against hers.

  Ian reached down, grabbed the back of her thighs, forcing her to wrap her legs around him. Deepening the kiss, he held his hands firmly on her backside, pressing his groin against her. Keira could feel his hard shaft pressed against her as it bobbed in the water. He was naked! Keira blushed and wanted to pull herself out of his hold, but her attempt was stopped by Ian’s hands moving up the outside of her thighs. As if her body had a mind of its own, her hips pressed harder against him. She wanted him in every way. Ian must have sensed her reaction to him, as he carried her out of the water.


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