Built For A Tank (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 2)

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Built For A Tank (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 2) Page 14

by Belle Winters

  I waved at him on my way out. “Well, look at the time. I’d keep my phone handy if I were you.”

  “Stupid fucker.” He spat behind my back. I laughed the whole way down the hall.

  Chapter 11


  I rang Siarra’s bell.

  “Coming!” she called out.

  I looked over to Angie. I was worried about her. I tried talking to her again after Tank left but it was no use. She was being tight-lipped and that only worried me more. What could be so bad that she refused to talk to me about it? She said she wasn’t exactly living anywhere and she barely had anything and nothing of consequence… she was alone. That much I do know. It didn’t take rocket science to figure that one out.

  Then there were the drugs. She was definitely on something yesterday, and she was too small. Too frail to be clean, I don’t care what she said. I asked her what she was using, but she denied being an addict. I discreetly tried to find some clue, but there was none. She had nothing in her clothes either from what I could find. Not a wallet, ID, or even a dollar. How the hell had she been surviving and where the holy hell is Max and Jenny?

  I noticed Siarra eye Angie’s outfit curiously but made no comment. “Danny.” She greeted me pulling me into a hug.

  “Sia, this is my sister Angie. Angie this is my friend Siarra.” I introduced them.

  Angie gave a wave, and Siarra pulled her into a hug. “Oh, none of that.” She said, and both women laughed.

  “Come on in guys…”

  We followed her inside into the kitchen. “Do you guys want anything?” she asked.

  We both declined. “So, what brings you over? Here just to hang out or do you have an ulterior motive?” she asked playfully.

  I laughed. “Both actually. My sister is going to stay with us for a bit, and she needs some stuff.” I gestured to her outfit, and Angie blushed.

  “Ooooh… shopping. Yes!” she turned her attention to Angie. “I would love to come if that’s okay with you?”

  Angie nodded. “Sure. I’m not really good at it myself. Not too much experience.” She admitted.

  “Well, then it’s settled. We can pick up Addie and head out.” Siarra informed us as she wiped down the counter. “If you want, I can give you something to wear instead of Danny’s clothes.”

  Angie shook her head. “I uh… I’m not ready to part with this yet. I want to keep his stuff on if you guys don’t mind.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I need to feel close.”

  I reached out to her and pulled her into me. “I’m right here Ang, I’m not going to leave you.” I tried to reassure her.

  She tucked herself even closer into my embrace. “I know.”

  “Well, then how about shoes?” Siarra offered.

  I’d admit, she did look a bit odd. She was swimming in my sweat suit and had them paired with the high heels she had on yesterday. Angie looked down at Siarra’s feet and frowned. “I would say yes to that, but your feet look tiny. What size do you wear?” she asked.

  Siarra blushed. “four and a half.”

  Angie scoffed. “I’m a six. There’s no way I’d be able to squeeze into your shoes but thanks for the offer.”

  Siarra shrugged. “Doesn’t matter, you still look hot.” She said to Ang with a wink.

  Angie laughed. “Flattering yes. The truth, absolutely not… but I appreciate the effort.”

  “I meant it. You’ll learn that I don’t lie. “

  We picked up Addie and headed to the Loo mall. As soon as we entered, Addie beelined it to the pretzel station to get her a large cinnamon one and me a smoothie. From there, we walked around a bit until Angie saw a store that she figured she might find something she liked.

  When we got inside, we split up. I stayed with Angie as she fingered through the racks while Siarra and Addie went to the other side to see if they could find anything. As we walked around, Angie’s eyes kept darting behind us. The store was practically empty, and I began to become concerned. Was this one of the side effects of the drugs? Hallucinations? Paranoia? When I built up the courage to ask her, she spoke suddenly.

  “Is there a reason you’re following us?” she asked not taking her attention off of the shirt she was looking at.

  I spun around to see who she was talking to, and the only person I saw was a store worker. “I’m sure you heard me. I would like to know why you’re following us.” Angie spoke up again.

  I grabbed her arm and turned her to me. “Who are you talking to?” I asked her. “Are you alright?” maybe I needed to take her to a hospital.

  “I’m talking to her…” she said pointing at the store worker. “She’s been following us around the store since we walked in.”

  I turned to the women who could no longer pretend as though Angie was talking to her. “I’m sorry ma’am, but I can assure you I haven’t.”

  “I’ve watched you the entire time. Yea, you have… what do you think I’m going to steal?”

  I frowned. What the hell? Siarra and Addie chose that moment to come back to us. They were walking up behind the saleswomen when she spoke again. “It’s my job. It’s just that your type – “

  “What is my type?” Angie cut her off angrily finally releasing the shirt and turning around to face the woman. “You don’t know me. You’re looking at me and judging me. I may be a lot of things, but I ain’t no thief.”

  “What’s going on?” Sia cut in.

  The women turned around and spotted Addie and Siarra who she didn’t seem to have paid any attention to. “There is just a slight misunderstanding. I apologize if this is disrupting your shopping.” The worker said to Siarra.

  Siarra ignored her and looked at Angie and me. “What happened?” she asked.

  Angie shrugged. “She assumed I was gonna steal because I look like trash.” She practically spat.

  Siarra frowned and turned towards the woman. “How dare you? Where is your supervisor so I can report you? You can’t just go around putting labels on people. How the heck do you stay in business?”

  She put her hands out as if to calm Siarra and looked to Addie. “I would love to get my supervisor, but unfortunately you need to leave. There’s no eating or drinking in here.” She stated smugly.

  Siarra took a step forward. “How funny. She’s been eating that since we came in here. Had you not been so concerned about my friend you would’ve noticed that…” she shook her head. “You know. You sit there and snub and judge people because you think highly of yourself. In reality, you’re the trash.” Siarra looped her arm through Angie’s. “We don’t want to waste a dime of our money in here.”

  We began to leave the store when the lady had to go and push another button. She scoffed. “Like you actually have any… look at your present company. You can keep the credit cards you probably stole and scam somewhere else. Just think about what you’re teaching that child is all…”

  Siarra stopped dead in her tracks and turned. “What did you say?” she asked. Tone low, eyes narrowed.

  The woman too cocky for her own good crossed her arms. “You heard me.”

  Siarra nodded. “I just wanted to make sure.” She turned like she was going to leave but instead grabbed my smoothie. It was like everything went in slow motion, but it was really too quick for anyone to react. The contents of my cup went flying through the air landing mainly on the worker and splashing around on some of the clothes. The cup went next hitting her upside the head. Siarra took a step forward and pointed at her angrily. “Too far bitch.” She took another step forward. “You still got something you wanna say?” she asked.

  I snapped out of my haze and grabbed Siarra. She wasn’t trying to go so I had to lift her under my arm like a sack of potatoes. The woman was shrieking, and apparently, someone else in the store saw the whole thing. Because the next thing I knew, store security was coming into the store for us. Addie was laughing hysterically, Siarra was pissed, and Angie was in awe. I just had a headache, what was with women?

Addie looked up at Siarra and grinned. “Daddy is totally going to beat you.” She warned.

  Siarra sniffed and pushed up her glasses. “Your daddy can bite me.” She grumbled.



  I opened the door to the holding room and strolled inside. It fucking wrecked in here. I looked at Misty and had no guess why. She was tied to a chair, legs bounded to the legs and wrists to the armrest. The bitch done pissed and shit on herself and is apparently going through withdrawal.

  “Hello there Misty.”

  Her head snapped up noticing she was no longer alone. “Tank…” she said in relief. “Finally. I didn’t know how long you was gonna keep me here.”

  I tsk’d her. “You’ve been a bad girl… know that?” I asked her.

  She rolled her eyes. “I learned my lesson, I won’t bring no bitches here again.”

  I shook my head. “It ain’t that easy. You chose to have the wrong bitch, and that’s why you’re here.”

  “But I mean I know she ain’t have no family so the fact I bought her to Danny count for something right?” she asked hopefully.

  I shrugged. “That this won’t be so gruesome?” I offered.

  “Come on Tank… this is crazy. Ain’t nothing even happen! Rip snatched her up and locked her up in his room.” She shook her head. “If Breaker woulda’ kept his mouth shut then this wouldn’t be an issue.”

  I walked up to her and couldn’t stop myself from backhanding her across the face. Her head swung to the side and blood spewed out as she whimpered. “You don’t think we would’ve fucking found out? That bitch is fucking family, and you tryna pimp her the fuck out. What did or didn’t happen don’t fucking matter because that wasn’t your intent.”

  She shook her head. “This ain’t about her though is it? It’s about Danny. Does the kid got some magic dick or something that you’ve been tripping all over him?”

  I laughed humorlessly. “You must know that you’re going to die having that much lip.” I took my knife from my back pocket. “I told myself, I wasn’t gonna have any bloodshed because I have to pick up the boy with the magic dick and I needs be clean, but for you… I’ll make an exception.”

  I walked up to her, and in one swift movement, I sliced off her pinky. She screamed until her voice went hoarse and she was gasping for breath. “Don’t you think this is enough punishment? You don’t need to kill me.” She pleaded.

  I grinned. “Now what kind of example would I be setting if I just let you go?”

  I dug into my pocket and pulled out a baggie with a needle. “What… what’s that?” she asked going a sickly pale color.

  “Oh, just something I found…” The needle was filled to the brim. “it’s called gray death. You’re just going to love it. It’s got a bit of everything you like.”

  Whatever color was left drained from her face. “Not at once! Are you crazy? That’s going to kill me! Look at how much that is… oh come on Tank, please let me go. I’ll never come back I swear.”

  I sighed. “Your begging is pathetic. I can’t believe you actually expect it to work.” I crouched down and tied up her arm exposing her vein. I grinned at her evilly. “Now you tell me if I’m doing this wrong. You’re the expert here.”

  Her entire body was shaking in fear. She licked her lips. “You know, I heard that certain batches can fuck you up just from the touch. Why risk that?” she asked.

  “I’m not touching it or you,” I said fully aware of that. I made sure that this batch was strong… or at least I was promised it was. We will see.

  When her vein became visible, I stuck the needle into her arm right through the plastic and drained it. I tossed it to the side and walked back to lean against the door. Her eyes drooped, and it wasn’t but a couple of minutes before her body started to shake and convulse and foam bubbled from her mouth. I waited until she was completely slumped in the chair and shook my head. That shit was as deadly as they claimed.

  I left the room and ran into Breaker. I threw my arm around his shoulder and smiled. “You know what the worse part of being a prospect is?” I asked.

  He frowned and eyed me cautiously. “No…”

  I slapped his chest. “You get clean up duty. Misty is in holding and needs to be disposed of. Be careful when you touch anything. I’d wear clothes that to throw away immediately and gloves. There’s a needle in there too… stay far from it as possible. Be careful with that shit… lethal.”

  He groaned and shuddered. “Fine…” he shook his head. “I was just about to eat too… I think I’ll wait. Who knows what the shit mess you made in there.”

  I nodded. “Good idea.”

  I’d just released him when Psycho came stomping angrily down the hall. As soon as he spotted me, he shot an accusing finger at me. “Let’s go you fuck.”

  I pointed to myself confused. “Moi? What did I do?” I had a good idea and couldn’t keep a straight face.

  “You know already don’t you, you fuck?” he asked as he shoved me. “Danny already called you huh?”

  “No…” the playfulness left immediately. “What the fuck happened.”

  Psycho crossed his arms and gave me a shit-eating grin. “Well how about that… it was funny a second ago.”

  I growled. “Just tell me you dick.”

  He shook his head dropping his arms. “What the fuck do you think? We gotta go bail their asses out of trouble.” He grumbled leading me towards the door.

  “What happened?” I asked mildly amused.

  He shrugged. “Who the fuck knows.”

  I trailed behind Psycho on my bike as he drove his cage to the Loo mall. They had them detained in an empty room. Mall security and the sheriff were there with them. Sheriff Johnson seemed nervous and put out at his being there. The truth is, whatever they did they probably would’ve been sent to jail had they not been who they were. Upon our arrival, he waved the security out of the room.

  Psycho crossed his arms and glared at Addie then Siarra. “What happened?” he asked.

  Siarra looked at anything and everyone but him. Bingo. Dead giveaway, she was responsible, or she incited it. The sheriff cleared his throat as the four people in question all tried for innocent and was failing horribly.

  “Apparently, there was some type of altercation in a store with a salesperson. She ended up bathed in smoothie and felt threatened.” He cleared his throat again. “Also, for having blatantly ignored store policies by bringing food and drinks into a store where it was prohibited.”

  Psycho shook his head. “And who was throwing smoothies.”

  Siarra instantly jumped up to that one and pointed an accusing finger at Danny. “It was his!”

  Danny’s jaw dropped in disbelief. I didn’t believe that shit for a second… Danny was harmless. “You lying hussy!” he said offended.

  Siarra was trying hard not to laugh and was failing. Angie and Addie, however, had no issues snickering. “it was your smoothie.”

  Danny rolled his eyes. “Semantics… sure it was but – “

  Siarra grinned. “There you go. A confession.”

  Psycho’s eyes narrowed. “I call bullshit. That has pissed off Siarra written all over it. You did it didn’t you, you little shithead.”

  Siarra suddenly found her nails intriguing and shrugged. “That may be what happened.” She looked up when he growled. “But it may not be. I am exercising my fifth amendment rights thank you.”

  “I’m going to kick your ass… swear to fuck.” Psycho promised. “Let’s go you heathens, time to get you home.” He turned to the Sheriff. “Can you just ban them from this place already? Put their pictures up and shit and save me the headache.”

  The Sheriff nodded, and Siarra gave him a deadly look, and he tugged on his collar. “She’s scary.”

  I laughed. “You don’t know the half…” I promised him.

  As we were leaving Siarra turned to Angie. “Sorry I lost my cool, and you weren’t able to get anything.”

e shrugged, stars in her eyes. “are you kidding me? That was awesome! Totally worth it.”

  Psycho groaned. “Please don’t tell me we have another crazy female around.”

  Danny laughed. “Probably.”

  “Can you guys stick to shopping online?” he asked.

  Siarra bounced. “That would be a great idea! You can come over and stay over with us today. I know Tank still lives back in the caveman days. I know he doesn’t own a computer.”

  I scoffed. “Bullshit.”

  Danny came close to walk beside me and idly brushed his fingers back and forth against mine as our arms swung. He seemed hesitant, but it was obvious he wanted to touch me. He wasn’t going to do it on his own, so instead, I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him into me. He instantly melted into my side when I kissed his temple.

  “You don’t though.” He pointed out.

  “Whatever,” I grumbled.

  “I would love to… plus I think these two can use some time alone.” Angie said waggling her eyebrows.

  “You’re cruising for a beat down little girl.” I threatened.

  “You don’t scare me.” She said and stuck out her tongue.

  “Holy fuck, she is a crazy ass brat too.” Psycho looked to Danny. “What have you done?”

  Danny laughed. “I’ve no clue.”

  Angie turned to Danny. “Is it alright if I stay with the girls?” she asked with wide puppy dog eyes.

  I felt Danny tense, and I knew that he wanted her close to him. After all the years apart and the circumstances… not to mention her state last night I couldn’t blame him. I squeezed him. “She will be fine. Prez will be there anyway.”

  Psycho scoffed. “So, I’m a fucking babysitter now huh?”

  I flipped him off. “Fuck you.”

  Angie came to us and wrapped her arms around the both of us. “Thanks!” she turned back to Siarra.

  We parted ways in the parking lot as Prez took the girls to their place and I took Danny home on my bike. As soon as the door closed, I was on him. I crushed him to me and devoured his mouth. It wasn’t until we got inside that I realized how much I missed him. In such a short time it’s like I breathed him.


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