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Zodiac Awakening

Page 16

by Drew Smith

  “So what are you saying? Our lives are lies?” Coldblood replied.

  “No, but we have been misled. I left you to find answers. Do you know what I found? The world is full of people that want nothing but peace. People fight for even a chance, a hope. We were attacked as monsters, because of a human who felt like we were threatening that peace. I stand to help the human’s understand that the Drayhelms are not their enemies. Now I fight to maintain that peace. Even against my own son if need be.” Frostear threatened.

  “Hahaha, yeah that does seem like quite the story. None of that matters to me. I don’t share that love for the humans as you do, father. I will continue to fight them till my last breath. I have grown to love the hunt, and I have found a new employer.” Frostear clenched his fist.

  “Lears.” Frostear responded.

  “Yes father that’s right. I don’t care who I kill, I enjoy doing it. I will prove to everyone that they were right to fear the Drayhelms.” A single tear fell from Frostear’s cheek.

  “Father you will be the best hunt of all. That is why I have joined Lears. To kill you. You are the only one stronger than me. So I have made it my life to kill you. Well not to mention Lears set a bounty on your head to make it official. Your death will leave me the strongest of the Drayhelms.” Frostear turned to get a better look at Coldblood’s face.

  “I will do whatever it takes to free you from this way of life. You have lost your way, and now I stand in front of a monster.” Frostear added.

  Coldblood reached for his sword as Frostear did.

  “I’m sorry I failed you boy.” Frostear added. Coldblood laughed.

  “Enough talking! The hunt begins.” Coldblood laughed.

  Frostear and Coldblood circled each other with their swords held at the ready. Neither made an attempt for the first move as they circled the alley.

  “You always taught me to never make the first move. It helps to read your opponent, but I have learned a few tricks of my own… try to read this!” Coldblood stuck his sword into the ground, and let out a monstrous roar. His arms shot out from his sides with his palms open wide. Slowly he pulled his arms forward and brought his palms together. Black energy began to form into a ball. Coldblood’s roar grew louder, and louder. Frostear placed his sword in both hands to protect him from Coldblood’s attack.

  “Come now father, I would suggest avoiding this one.” Coldblood began to laugh with such evil in his eyes. Frostear closed his eyes as the dark energy began to shoot around like lightning. He gripped his sword tightly, and put one leg back to brace himself. Suddenly the light and noise was gone. Frostear still with his eyes closed pulled his sword down enough past his face to look upon Coldblood, but Brinx stood behind him with Coldblood at his feet.

  “Brinx?” Frostear looked up with surprise.

  “We have more pressing things to attend to. Lumus and the others have made their way to the inn so we should meet them there.” Brinx informed. Frostear sheathed his sword on his back.

  “This is important to me. You must leave…, I need to finish this.” Without hesitation Brinx kicked Coldblood aside, then took a step toward Frostear.

  “On my way over here I have seen something that we cannot ignore. It seems Lears has somehow foreseen that we would come here. There is a massive army of demons on their way to the city as we speak.” Brinx added. Frostear cringed. Brinx jumped off into the night leaving Frostear behind.

  “(This isn’t over, my son. We will finish this another time.”) Frostear followed into the dark alley after Brinx, Coldblood was still unconscious on the ground.

  “The inn is locked, aren’t places like this usually open all the time?” Scarlette said in a panic. Orson stood beside Scarlette outside the Serpent inn with Lumus in his arms. She held her arms tightly around her body trying to keep warm. Zephry had an eye out behind them hoping for Frostear to catch up to them.

  “Zelkem check around back, maybe its open back there.” Orson commanded.

  “So breaking and entering is part of the knight’s code now?” Zelkem replied with a smirk. Orson glared at Zelkem.

  “In time of crisis the knights are authorized to use any means possible as long as the people are not brought into harm’s way.” Orson smiled back at Zelkem.

  Zelkem turned to the alley behind the inn. He looked over back at Orson.

  “So you guys make your own laws too? Just like the knights to think they’re better than the people.” Zelkem muttered.

  Zelkem made his way into the alley, and as he did Brinx returned from the housing district, startling Zephry as he landed.

  “Frostear is on his way, but we have something else to worry about now. As I went to look for Frostear I saw an army of demons making their way for the city. They will reach the gates in a matter of minutes. I saw maybe a hundred or so” Brinx added. Zelkem came running out of the alley.

  “The back is locked too.” Zelkem said as he caught sighed. Lumus groaned as he woke. “We have to warn the people. Get everyone to gather in the ally where I fought Ged. The hole I made in the wall can be their escape. I will go to the gates and hold them off.” Lumus demanded. Orson’s jaw dropped.

  “Are you kidding me Lumus? I don’t care how strong you think you are they will kill you out there alone.” Orson replied. Lumus looked up at the sky as the Red moon began to set and the blue moon began to rise.

  “He won’t be alone.” A familiar voice called out. Frostear stood in the dark alley behind everyone with Dyne, and a strange creature. Zephry had already noticed him arrive before the others, speechless upon seeing see he was safe.

  “Don’t be frightened of my friend here, his name is Zynx. He doesn’t talk, but he is quite the listener, oh and sorry for shutting down my Inn. Zynx and I went out to see what all of the commotion was about. Seems you guys have been busting the city up on your visit.” Dyne announced.

  Dyne stepped into the light in the street. He wore a light green tunic with a purple vest. His arm guards covered the ends of his sleeves. At his waist he carried a small fencing blade with a steel handle. Zephry stared at Zynx.

  “Whoa, you’re one big kitty. What are you, like seven feet tall?” Zynx grunted at Zephry, and then stood beside Frostear. They were just as tall as each other. Zynx wore a dark green tunic that only covered his left lower half. He carried a large spear on his back with a chain holding it to his body. It looked like it was carved from a fully grown tree.

  “Okay, go warn the people, and head to the west opening we made earlier, Frostear lets go.” Lumus ordered as he turned to the North Gate. Lumus began to make his way to the gate as the others took off in all directions.

  Zynx ran after Lumus and Frostear.

  “Hey Zynx, don’t be a fool. Be careful.” Dyne muttered knowing Zynx wouldn’t hear him anyway.

  “Our priority is to keep the towns people safe, we can’t let this town fall as Taurald did. These are not knights like in Taurald, so we can’t let anything through. I’ll take the left and you take the right. If anything makes it past then you go back.” As Lumus spoke he gazed at what looked like a swarm of demons flowing down Nuran Mountains.

  “Lumus we have a visitor.” Lumus turned to see Zynx with his large spear in his hands. He was silent as he walked up beside Lumus on his left side.

  “Alright, I’ll take the middle waves. Frostear and Zynx, do everything in your power to hold off the sides.” Lumus demanded.

  Lumus drew his sword from his sheath. Frostear pulled his from his back. Whatever happens, it is an honour to fight with…both of you.” Lumus laid both hands on his hilt as his white cape waved in the wind.

  “Everyone head this way, and don’t bring anything with you. There is no time for luggage. Scarlette is the market district empty yet?” Scarlette looked over her shoulder to count

  “Yes Dyne, Zephry and Zelkem moved on to the houses at the rear of town.” Scarlette replied.

  “We need to hurry. Scarlette I need you to go out with the people, and lea
d them around the back of town.” Orson added. Scarlette paused to think.

  “We will be cornered if we go to the cape. Isn’t there another way?” Scarlette replied. Orson took a moment to think.

  “No, farther south is also a dead end, and we can’t cross the river to Torson region…the current is too fast. At least at the cape we can defend them as a last resort.” Orson sighed. Scarlette paused again.

  “Okay I’ll take them.” Scarlette said with a shrug. Orson turned to Scarlette once more.

  “Scarlette I will have Zephry and Zelkem follow after you when they return.” Orson added. Scarlette pushed her way through the panicked people.

  “Zelkem that’s everyone I think. Let’s go meet with the others now.” Zelkem turned to the small palace near the rear of town.

  “Zephry the Councillors left before us from Capaz right?” Zephry turned to the palace. “You don’t think Lady Councillor Tilza is inside, do you Zelkem?” The dust from the people panicking out of the city left the streets cloudy, Zelkem could barely see the palace doors to see whether or not they were open. He figured if people from the palace left they wouldn’t take the time to shut the doors behind them.

  “Zephry everyone from this area has cleared out. Head back to the others while go on ahead to check out the palace.” Zelkem said. Zephry coughed from the dust.

  “Okay Zelkem be careful, and hurry back to us okay?” Zephry shot Zelkem a smile. Zelkem turned back to Zephry with a smile, and a thumb’s up.

  “Don’t worry, I can handle myself. I’ll catch up soon.” Zelkem ran off into the cloud of dust, Zephry turned, and made her way in back to the east wall.

  Demons flooded toward Librine gates wave after wave. Lumus looked to his right to see Frostear grinning. At first it scared Lumus, but as he thought about it may be having someone with the love for battle was a good thing to have fighting alongside him. To his left Zynx pointed his spear toward the demons, his expression was abnormally calm for what they were about to face, although Lumus felt that wasn’t a bad thing either.

  “(Lears must be desperate to kill me. There must be hundreds of demons racing toward us. I have to stay calm like Zynx. If I panic the others will most likely panic too. I need to preserve my energy as well. Twilight prison, and the fight against Ged wiped me out before. If I use too much energy I might collapse again, and then I would be adding to the problem. Maybe I can use all of my energy to blast through them all. I still don’t know my limitations though. I might not have the power to finish them all.) Frostear it looks like you are anxious for this fight, but I have to try something. You and Zynx might have to finish this without me if it doesn’t work, think you’re up to it?” Lumus called out.

  “I have a feeling you have made up your mind already. Fine, work your magic. I’ll clean up your mess.” Frostear replied. Lumus looked over to Frostear.

  “Hahaha thanks. Let’s hope this works then.” Lumus threw his hands in the air as Frostear took a few steps back.

  “Hey Zynx, I suggest you step back a bit, you might not want to be too close to Lumus when he launches his attack.” Frostear shouted, but Zynx didn’t budge an inch. Lumus began to glow as his body tensed. The ground beneath him began to crumble, small rocks started to shake then lifted from the ground around Lumus. He distorted gravity around him to prevent any sort of blast, or kick back attack on himself as he charged. Slowly Lumus’ body grew brighter and brighter. His hands shot out in front of him, and Lumus let out a monstrous roar.

  “What is that?” Orson yelled out. Orson was knocked to the ground as the shaking intensified. Orson looked toward the city gates to see a bright light illuminating the sky above the North Gate.

  “That’s too much power he’s going to kill himself. Lumus don’t do it. Damn it, he’s going all out.” Orson made his way to his feet.

  “Orson! What’s happening? Is that light and shaking coming from Lumus?” Scarlette cried out. Orson’s eyes didn’t move from the sky.

  “Yes it is. I think he is going to try and take them all out with one shot.” Orson replied. Zephry’s jaw dropped.

  “Can…can he do that?” Zephry added. Orson finally looked Zephry in the eyes.

  “Lumus is the most extraordinary person I have ever met, I think if he wanted to he could destroy the planet with his power.” Orson said with a serious look in his eyes. Zephry tried to shake her head as if she was in a dream.

  “Scarlette?” Dyne called out. Scarlette stood completely still staring at the sky.

  “Dyne it’s Lumus he’s about to attack.” Scarlette whispered. Dyne turned to the city. Everyone stopped to look at the blue light Lumus emitted across the city. Even though they were scattered around the city, they could all see Lumus’ light forming near the North Gate, and hear his voice for miles. The villagers all stared in amazement at the beauty of the light from Lumus.

  “It…it’s time. Frostear if this doesn’t finish them off it is up to you and Zynx.” Lumus said with a grin. Before Frostear could respond Lumus let out a final yell as he released a devastating blast of energy. The power from Lumus formed into a wall of light wider than Librine, and it stretched from Librine to Nuran Mountains. The beam obliterated everything in its path and at the last second Lumus pushed his palms toward the sky, and the wave’s path shifted from the mountains safely up into the sky. For a few moments Twilight was silent. Lumus turned his head to look over his shoulder, and before he could say a word he collapsed to the ground. Frostear rushed to his side.

  “(Lumus, you are abusing our power. You don’t know what you are playing with. I wonder what would crush you more; the fact that you think you are winning, or the fact that each time you use that kind of power the planet loses some of its star energy. You are like a child with a new toy. Simply lost in what you think is yours to use. It is almost time that you and I will face each other in a real feat of power. Until that time go ahead and waste all the star energy you want.)” Lears’ thought to himself as he stood outside a cave in Aster Mountains facing toward Librine in the south. In the distance the blue light from Lumus’ attack began to fade. Lears watched, and as Lumus’ light faded, Lears smiled as he turned into the darkness of the Aster Mountain caves.

  Chapter Eleven: Twilights Cry

  Light showered the Nuran Mountains as the new day rolled off the mountains, Librine slowly repopulated as the villagers made their way back to their broken homes. People in tears, and disbelief as they passed Dyne and Scarlette.

  “Dyne, Lumus could be hurt. I can’t bear to see him like this again.” Dyne stood still watching as the people re-entered the city.

  “I will find out what’s going on. Head back to the city, and regroup at my Inn. I’ll let the others know to meet there.” Dyne raced off from Scarlette’s side.

  “(Lumus why do you keep pushing yourself to your limit? If you die your just hurting more people than you would from saving them. We still need you.)” Scarlette’s eyes began to tear up.

  “Zynx grab Lumus’ feet we have to get him some help.” Frostear was in panic, Lumus wasn’t breathing, and he was scared Lumus may have pushed himself too far this time. Little time passed as Frostear and Zynx carried Lumus into town.

  “Hahaha, (Lumus you did just as I had hoped and now you have sealed your fate.) I Prince Lears can now take this world fully. My grasp on this planet will crush all of those that stand in my way. I will rule as king when the dust settles.” Lear’s laughter scared even his minions. Ged you and Coldblood worked the distraction beautifully.” Lears added. Ged, Coldblood and Tigra all stood with smiles behind Lears as he raised his fists in a freighting laughter.

  “My prince what will you have us do now?” Ged bowed as he spoke waiting for Lears to respond before he stood up again.

  “Gather all of the Lords. I am certain Lumus’ followers are feeling the burn for their loss. We will strike at once. Scarlette will be yours Ged. Coldblood your father awaits your return I imagine. Go now, and do not disappoint me. I will not acc
ept failure.

  Ged and Coldblood marched off with their orders in mind, both left with grins knowing their orders where the ones they both wanted.

  “Tigra did you complete your mission I asked of you?” “Yes My Lord, no failure as you commanded.” Good, wait for your new orders I will have something for you soon my friend.” Tigra left after a short bow to Lears. Lears stood alone in the misty mountains staring at the core of Twilight.

  “(This is where it all began Lumus, this core gave birth to us both, and in that time we were born we were linked as brothers. I may be a copy of you, but I have evolved to be much stronger than I could imagine. The link is broken now, so you are either dead or have found a way to break that bond. Either way I will still be the king of the two princes, Prince of Light and I the Prince of Darkness.)” Lears laughed aloud as he thought to himself.

  Zelkem ran hard toward Dynes inn, Zephry trailed behind him slowly. She was worn out as she struggled to keep pace with Zelkem. Suddenly as Zelkem predicted Frostear and Zynx came from the North Gate holding Lumus in their arms. Dyne appeared from the east entrance Lumus had blown open earlier with his fight with Ged. Zelkem quickly noticed Scarlette was nowhere to be found.

  “Dyne?” Zelkem said faintly. For a moment he paused wondering what Zelkem wanted, then as Zelkem looked back to the east wall Dyne realized he was looking for Scarlette. “She is fine; she is helping the people back into the city.” He yelled out.

  Everyone gathered at the inn with concerns for Lumus, town’s people began to gather outside hoping that Lumus was okay, even with the rain pouring down, they stood quietly with hope for his safety. Frostear laid Lumus upon a bed in the room beside the entrance of the inn, everyone sat outside his room in the lobby while Orson and Frostear sat in the room with Lumus.


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