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Zodiac Awakening

Page 17

by Drew Smith

  “Zelkem, did Orson say anything to you about Lumus? Is he going to be okay?” Zephry whispered. Zelkem was leaning on the front desk looking out toward the front door with his head down.

  “Zephry I know as much as you do, from what I saw he didn’t look good.” Zelkem didn’t look up to answer Zephry. She knew that meant things were bad.

  “Dyne, did Scarlette tell you when she was coming back? I’m worried about Brinx too, he didn’t return to the inn, so he must be with her.” Zephry whispered again. Dyne and Zynx were behind Zelkem also looking out toward the front door.

  “Scarlette just told me to check on Lumus, I think she is too scared to find out if Lumus is okay. It doesn’t take a genius to realize she cares for him.” Dyne replied. Orson stepped out of Lumus’ room with a smile. Everyone looked up at simultaneously.

  “Orson how is he?” Zelkem said as he rushed over.

  “Look we have a few problems. I think it’s in our best interest to have everyone present. Zelkem I need you to find Scarlette, and Brinx too, he seems to be missing. Gather them, and we can start.” Orson demanded. Dyne stepped forward.

  “Orson I’ll go, I know this town better then Zelkem plus I know where Scarlette is. I’ll try to find Brinx before I return too.” Dyne interrupted. Orson nodded.

  “Agreed, Zephry could you calm down the people outside. Let them know Lumus is alive, and he will be on his feet in no time.” Zephry shoot up quick as light with a perky smile.

  “You got it, I’ll tell them right away.” Zephry smiled. Zelkem was restless.

  “Well what can I do? I feel useless.” Zelkem yawned. Orson put his hand on Zelkem’s shoulder.

  “Look I was going to do this myself, but I fear for Lumus, he should be fine, but I do not want to leave his side. I want you to find Lady Tilza. I don’t think she is in danger, but I still need to know she is okay. Losing a Councillor would cause problems we don’t have time for.” Orson proposed. Zelkem was confused.

  “Problems? You know I don’t understand you knights, and what you do or how you work, but if she dies would another not be elected to replace her?” Orson tightened his fist.

  “There are things you are unaware of Zelkem I need you to do this for me, and I need you to go now.” Zelkem didn’t say another word. He knew Orson was serious. He turned, and left the inn.

  Scarlette stood alone east of town near Nuran Cape. She was left looking into the sky as the faint rain dropped upon her. She saw a rainbow in the sky, and began to shut her eyes. “(Lumus you’re okay, I don’t know how, but I can feel your life force. I am glad you’re okay.”) Scarlette thought to herself.

  (“Scarlette I am just fine. I knew I would be okay, I’m sorry that I worried you, and I’m sorry that I was so reckless I have been wanting to test my limits since I arrived on Twilight, and I will be able to recover quickly, so don’t worry.”

  (“Lumus how can I hear you in my head?”) Scarlette replied.

  (“That’s a good question; I don’t have all of the answers though, so I don’t know. Orson sent Dyne to find you and Brinx, so come back to town, and meet up with him. Tell Dyne, Brinx will be back with Zelkem shortly after you return.”) Lumus added.

  (“Lumus how could you know this, are you psychic all of the sudden?”) Scarlette said in confusion.

  (“Hardly, I am getting flashes of visions, but we need to hurry Lears has sent his Lords to Librine, we need to gather now. It seems Ged was able to transport Coldblood back to their lair instantly. I felt their star energy briefly disappear, then return just as fast as they left. I feel like this is something my mind can do when I harness so much star energy, or maybe this telepathic communication is an ability I am yet to learn. ”) Lumus explained.

  (“I imagine they have some tricks we don’t know about just like we seem to have some they don’t know, but I’m on my way to meet with Dyne. I will see you soon.”) Scarlette opened her eyes to see Dyne making his way to her, quickly she ran to meet him.

  “I don’t have time to explain we need to get back to the inn Dyne. Please follow me quickly.

  “Sometimes I wonder what goes on in Orson’s head. He seems to just power trips the moment Lumus is out of the picture. Blah I’m the golden knight. Blah blah blah respect me, blah blah blah. He just thinks he’s so much better than everyone else.” Zelkem reached the palace as he spoke aloud to himself.

  “This place looks messed up, the guards are dead…” Zelkem kneeled down to inspect the body.

  “Claws, Lady Tilza is missing along with her followers.” Brinx jumped from a window overlooking the palace garden.

  “Brinx why are you here?” Zelkem replied. Brinx began to make his way to the inn. He paused, and turned to Zelkem.

  “I heard screams during Lumus’ light show, when I got here they were already gone. The fight was a distraction, or had a dual purpose.” Zelkem stood up.

  “Do you think Lears was after lady Tilza?” As Brinx walked away he yelled back

  “That’s a good question, though its one I do not have the answer for.” Zelkem raced to catch up to Brinx.

  “Hi everyone my name is Zephry, Lumus sent me out here to tell you he is fine. There is nothing to worry about.” Zephry spoke to the townspeople as she began to go red in the face. A man, and his young son stepped forward.

  “Ma’am my son and I have come to offer our thanks. If you all didn’t come when you did then the demons could have destroyed our town.” The small boy approached Zephry with flowers.

  “Hello miss I picked these flowers from our garden my mother use to look after, and I know she would want you to have them. Zephry kneeled down to thank the boy; it took her a moment to pick up on the past tense the boy spoke about his mother.

  “I am sorry to hear of your mother, I will take very good care of these flowers in her name.” Zephry replied. The street went silent as people started to head back to their homes. As the crowd thinned out Zephry noticed Scarlette and Dyne coming from the east wall.

  “Scarlette! Hi!” Zephry shouted out. As she waved to them Brinx and Zelkem appeared from the south path from the palace.

  “Oh hello Brinx, Zelkem you were quick! I take it things are okay at the palace.” Brinx walked past Zephry into the inn with Dyne.

  “Are they okay?” Scarlette didn’t respond as she slipped in behind the others leaving Zelkem to be the bearer of bad news.

  “Zephry maybe we should wait until we get inside.” Zelkem held the door open for Zephry; she paused for a second puzzled then entered the inn.

  “Orson, Zelkem called out. Everyone is here.” Orson opened the door from Lumus’ room and looked to see everyone waiting in the lobby. The room was very tense he knew everyone had questions.

  “Lumus is awake, he’s still in bed, but he asked for everyone to gather inside.

  One by one everyone made their way into the small room finding a place to sit. Lumus struggled to sit up. He smiled to let everyone know he was okay.

  “Hey guys, I’m sorry to worry you with my actions. I have a few things to say, so just hear me out. Also what I have to say may not make sense, but I’ll try to tell you what I know. First I guess I’ll talk about what just happened, the fight with the demons storming Librine was not just an attempt to kill us. Before I powered up to attack I could…feel Lears. His thoughts, and mine almost felt like we became one. Lears was planning on the demons to distract us so they could assassinate Lady Tilza.” Lumus declared.

  “Orson and I were talking about that briefly, why would they do that? What threat could she be to Lears?” Zelkem’s fist clenched tightly as he spoke.

  “Lumus, I feel I need to tell them. Allow me. Zelkem…everyone I was told in Capaz by the council, that each council member knows a secret about the twelve guardians of Twilight.” Orson said with a faint voice. Then took a breath Lumus sat up, and put his hand up to stop Orson.

  “Lears plans to awaken them to harness their power to his needs. Only he and I could face a beast of such strength
, that’s what Lears thinks anyway.” Lumus added.

  “Lumus is right about one thing for sure, Lears is trying to harness their power, and Lady Concy warned me before we left Capaz. She said the council will handle themselves while we dealt with Lears.” Orson added.

  “I think our plan of action is to reach Councillor Cinnus in Aquoise, then head to Sagnet for Geare. If Lears failed here, he may try to get the information out of other council members.” Orson’s face turned red.

  “And what of Lady Concy and Gerald?” Orson blurted out.

  “From Lear’s thoughts I know he doesn’t know where either of them are, which means neither do we if they didn’t arrive at Piscyst. Gerald left Capaz in a hurry. I don’t know where he is either.” Lumus added.

  “Lumus he’s in Scorpial. I remember him saying he had business there. We need to find him.” Orson added.

  “Even if he is Orson, he will not be a target.” Lumus sat up from the bed.

  “Frostear is right Orson. Our priority is Cinnus and Geare since we do not know where Concy is.” Lumus said. Frostear stepped forward.

  “Actually I know where she could be. I think she is on West Islands Southeast of Fargon region.” Frostear interrupted.

  “How could you know where she is Frostear?” Scarlette asked.

  “She is Drayhelm, and my ex-wife.” Frostear walked to the window to gaze outside. Zephry walked behind him, and put her hand on his shoulder.

  “She is Coldblood’s mother isn’t she?” Zephry asked. Zephry shed a tear as she asked.

  “I was going to tell you Zephry it’s just…complicated.” Frostear added. Zelkem turned to Frostear.

  “Ex-wife? Sorry, just hard to take in, you didn’t say anything this whole time.” Zelkem sighed.

  “I was the reason she left Fargon, not many humans know that Fargon was the Drayhelm’s homeland. Over one hundred years ago the dragon war began, I was a young dragon with a wild spirit back then. Concy and I met on the battle field surprising since we were only an army of less than four hundred or so. As you probably know from your stories the Dragon War lasted about ninety years, in that time we fell in love, and had Coldblood. Our leaders let her leave the army since she bared a child as for me I was in the front lines. Concy became more and more scared of humans making it to Fargon, so she decided to flee to Piscyst in hopes of giving Coldblood to the humans.” Frostear explained. Zephry moved her hand from his shoulder.

  “She tried to give Coldblood to the people in Piscyst?” Zephry became confused. “Before the war Concy use to travel to Piscyst a lot, it was her get away from home. Sometimes she told me it was a very peaceful place. So much so she somehow became the Councillor of the town. If the people of Twilight knew she was Drayhelm…” Frostear smiled uncomfortably.

  “I see now why you didn’t say anything Frostear.” Said Orson.

  “If anyone found this out, someone other than me, then she would have been executed.” Orson turned away from Frostear.

  “I would like to think we have bigger problems these days where something like this will not confuse your judgement Orson.” Frostear turned to look at Orson.

  “Frostear, I’m sure I can say for everyone in this room, we are all like family now. One would not betray his brother.” Zelkem grinded his teeth as Brinx put his hand over his shoulder. Zelkem looked back to see Brinx shaking his head. Zelkem realized now is not the time for his temper, and he nodded back to Brinx.

  “Look I don’t want to rush things, but Lears has sent his Lords to finish the job here in Librine, I think it’s time we think what we need to do next.” Said Lumus.

  “Damn Lears, always sending something after us…coward can’t fight his own battles?” Zelkem muttered under his breath.

  “I vote we leave now, warn the villagers then head out. We can’t fight them now not with Lumus out of the fight.” Orson announced.

  “I agree with Orson, I believe we have a greater purpose then to stay and fight with the small fish, also they could be distractions to stop us from helping the other Council members.” Orson added. Brinx walked over to Orson showing who he sides with. “Lumus, I think you should decide. What we think doesn’t really matter. You are our leader. So why don’t you decide.” Said Scarlette as she sat at the end of the bed.

  “Truth is I am no leader, we are all equals in this with a common interest, Lears. I feel we need to do everything we can to prevent Lears from finding the other council members. We leave for Sagnet to find Cinnus. Then to Aquoise for Geare.” Lumus stood up from his bed, and made way for the door.

  “Let’s go, we can’t waste any more time.” Lumus said with a smile.

  Everyone gathered their things, and left the inn. Orson, Zelkem and Frostear went out into the city to spread word they were leaving, and that Lear’s Lords were coming back. Scarlette and Zephry waited at the city gates with Brinx.

  “Zynx has shown your friends to the city gates Lumus, I must say my goodbyes here, I have a business to run after all.” Dyne smirked.

  “You two aren’t coming with us?” Dyne sat in a small uncomfortable chair behind the front desk, and put his feet up.

  “You know, even if I am the best fencer in all Twilight my skills would help you guys. Zynx and I would just get in the way.” Suddenly the inn door slammed open, Zynx came running past Lumus grabbing Dyne’s arm, and pulling him into the street.

  “Alright, alright old friend we’ll go, man I was setting him up to beg us to come, now how will I hassle a pay day out of going with them?” Dyne whispered. Zynx pointed to the city gates with a grunt.

  “Fine, but when you run out of kitty treats, don’t come barking to me.” Dyne added. Zynx turned to Lumus, and pounded his fist to his chest with another grunt, then began to make his way toward the city gates after Dyne.

  “Those two will strangely fit in with the rest of us.” Lumus thought.

  “Lumus!” Shouted Orson.

  “Hey, we warned the villagers, every one of them said they would just continue with their lives. I think they are going to stand up to the Lords. Either your actions gave them courage, or they are still blind from your big flash earlier.” Frostear began to smile.

  “It is their choice Orson, we did all we could. Dyne and Zynx seem to be joining in our travels. I just had an eventful chat with them.” Lumus laughed to himself. Orson took a look toward the city gates, Zynx was kicking Dyne’s backside as if to speed him up. Zelkem noticed Dyne making a lot of hand jesters to Zynx.

  “Look we have limited time, the councillors could be in danger as we speak.” Orson turned back to Lumus.

  “Your right Orson, we should head out. Everyone is waiting for us at the gates.” Lumus added. Orson began to make his way to the others as he noticed Lumus drop to his knees. “Lumus what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Lumus held his head in pain throwing his head to the dirt.

  “I…feel the planet it’s…crying. I can feel its pain. It’s telling me to…stop.” Lumus let out a scream.

  “Lumus, stop what. What is it telling you to stop?” Lumus shot a foot into the air levitating where he stood. His eyes opened wide glowing brighter than usual.

  “I am Omega. The planets voice, the planets soul. You and your friends have caused this planet to suffer. As the keeper I will not allow this to continue.” Orson took a few steps back; he looked back to the gate to see the others have not noticed Lumus yet.

  “If you’re the keeper of this planet you would know that Lumus, me and everyone that is with us fights to save you.” Lumus’ body began to shine a light so bright it engulfing his body.

  “Natural species of my planet are the only ones valid to fight for their home. This Lumus is an unnatural being. His actions are threats I will not ignore. In time a warrior of my making will make my point clear. All that follow the unnatural being will be targets, if you choose to fight this warrior. I will be forced to unleash the ancients of the world.” Suddenly Lumus’ body shot light in all directions throwing Orson across the
street. Lumus fell to the ground hard.

  “Lumus! Wake up Lumus.” Slowly Lumus rose to his feet with Orson’s help.

  “What the Dystopia happened to you? Are you okay?” Lumus grabbed on to Orson to help himself to his feet.

  “The planet, it spoke to me, and it is very angry. Twilight thinks I’m unnatural, a threat to it somehow.” Orson looked back at the others once more. They still seemed to be unaware of Lumus and Orson.

  “Orson, let’s keep this from the others for now, we have too much on our hands to worry them about this. If the planet sends something, then I will face them if I have to. Lears is our priority.”

  The light rain began to fade, clouds started to vanish. Orson and Lumus didn’t say another word until they met with the others. Scarlette and Zephry had got new supplies while the others were warning the village. Brinx, Frostear and Zelkem stood farther down the path leading toward the North almost impatient to continue.

  “Listen up everyone. I’m sure this is obvious, but it is always good to recall plans before setting off. We need to head North through Nuran plains, then cross the main bridge into Torson Region near Capaz. Lumus would agree that it would be best to avoid main cities for now. It seems we cause more problems when we visit anywhere. Taurald, Capaz, and Librine were all attacked while we were there.” Orson announced. Lumus stepped in front of Orson.

  “Also we won’t be stopping until Sagnet. We have never traveled through the night. Orson tells me it can be a lot more dangerous so we need to keep an eye open. If we split up at any time we meet in Sagnet.” Lumus started to walk away, but then he paused once more.

  “One more thing, if I saw into Lears thoughts there is a chance he saw mine. If this is true we cannot afford to stop. Orson has told me this trip will take about three days, we have planned to stop at the half waypoint, but that’s it. If any of you don’t think you can make this trip, it may be best for you to stay behind once we reach Capaz.” Everyone looked at one another, after a short moment Scarlette stepped forward.

  “Lumus we all know what’s on the line here. We all have something to offer in our own way. We all need to stay together, because together we are a team…we are stronger. Truth is we all have been brought together for a reason. There is no chance, and no mistakes with us all being here.” Scarlette announced. Lumus walked on ahead to look out toward Nuran Mountains. Orson came up to his left, then Zelkem to his right.


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