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Zodiac Awakening

Page 25

by Drew Smith

  “Stand back.” Lumus raised his hands in front of his chest. After a small pause he let out a yell, and a gust of energy flung the woman into the stone wall by the door.

  “Let’s go now!” Lumus yelled out. He raced toward the door. Orson and Zelkem didn’t hesitate. They made their way back to the hall and ran down the hallway that had the tunnel to Neutral City. As they ran past the last corner a man jumped out and grabbed Zelkem.

  “Ah, Orson!” Zelkem cried out.

  “Zelkem!” Orson raced back, but before he could make it to Zelkem the man stabbed Zelkem in the back. Zelkem’s face went faint. He dropped to the ground grabbing at his body as if he was on fire. When Orson looked back up to the man with tears his face went to shock.

  “Councillor Brunius? You bastard!” Orson raised his sword to Brunius, and dashed at him. Lumus jumped on his back, and pulled him back.

  “Orson he is infected, he doesn’t know what he is doing.” Lumus shouted.

  “But Zelkem…” Orson said faintly. Lumus pulled Orson back, and threw him behind, then raised his left hand with a flash, throwing Brunius through the air. Orson ran to Zelkem.

  “Brother I got you. You’re going to be okay.” Orson cried out. Zelkem rolled back and forth on the ground screaming in pain.

  “Orson move back from him.” Orson stood up. As he backed away Zelkem began to change. First his hair slowly turned purple then two spikes shot out of his arms. Zelkem was on his hands and knees with his head down.

  “I think he has fully changed Orson.” Orson was still staring at Zelkem.

  “Changed into what Lumus?” Lumus looked over to Orson then back to Zelkem. Zelkem raised his head, and opened his eyes slowly. They had become completely purple, his pupils were gone too. He smiled back at Orson and Lumus as he rose to his feet. Lumus rushed at Zelkem with his fist clenched. He jumped in the air as he punched forward. Zelkem tried to punch but missed, Lumus hit him directly in the face knocking him out cold.

  “Orson we need to go.” Orson’s face was overwhelmed with tears.

  “Not without my brother. I will not leave him like this.” Orson cried out. Lumus grabbed Orson by his armour.

  “We don’t have a choice, I don’t want to leave him any more than you, but we can’t take him through the tunnels. We can’t risk the safety of everyone. Zelkem would do the same thing, and you know it.” Lumus stared into Orson’s eyes.

  “I know what you’re feeling right now, but until we know how to reverse this we have to leave him. Let’s go!” Orson kneeled. He put his head down for a minute, then stood up once again.

  “I will be back for you brother.” Orson turned and rushed off. Lumus followed behind him. He turned back to Zelkem after a moment. A tear slowly ran down his face, after a short pause he raced off down the palace hallway behind Orson.

  Chapter Fifteen- Lumus Vs Kontaminate

  The tunnel to Neutral City seemed darker then before Lumus thought. He felt like he was running as fast as he could, but even so he could not catch up to Orson. Lumus began to slow down. Finally he came to a stop, and began to gasp for air.

  “(I must have tired myself out with those attacks. If those little attacks can wear me out then I really need to watch it. Maybe I should practise with my power more. Come to think of it, the last training I did was almost two weeks ago now. I didn’t really get to train too much either.)” Lumus thought to himself.

  “Lumus?” Scarlette said faintly. Lumus looked down the tunnel.

  “Scarlette is that you?” Lumus replied. Scarlette came walking up the tunnel with Frostear.

  “Lumus are you okay? Where is Zelkem” Scarlette asked. Lumus stood up straight.

  “I take it you saw Orson run by? He ran ahead of me earlier” Lumus said with concern Frostear shook his head.

  “He ran up to the waterfall cave. All we heard was Zephry cursing like crazy, and yelling about him trampling her flowers.” Lumus leaned up against the tunnel wall.

  “After I left you Scarlette, I went back to find Orson and Zelkem, when we were heading out Zelkem was grabbed by Councillor Brunius. He stuck him with one of his spikes, and Zelkem transformed into one of them. We had no choice but to leave him behind.” Lumus explained. Scarlette fell to the ground.

  “Penelope told us about the infection, she told us about the people. Nex and his men are digging to the farthest towns first. We all decided the farther the reach the more we can save. If Penelope is right and this happened yesterday, depending on what way Kontaminate went, we could have a day if he goes to Aquoise, or if he went south, well there are a few ways he could have gone, but we have about four days to reach anything past Sagnet toward the West.” Frosted interrupted. Lumus nodded.

  “That seems like the most logical decision.” Scarlette stood up in tears.

  “Everyone is worried Lumus. These aren’t just monsters. This is our family and friends. We have to do something more than digging.” Scarlette cried out. Lumus shook his head. “What else can we do? If we go by foot, then we would just be guessing. At least with Frostear’s plan we can really save people.” Lumus replied. Scarlette tried to wipe some tears away.

  “We can’t just give up that easily. It will take them some time to dig those tunnels right? Couldn’t we at least go to Aquoise, or to Librine, they are the closest towns. We can at least check to make sure they are safe.” Scarlette retorted. Frostear nodded.

  “She is right. We can break into two parties, and check them both in half the time.” Frostear added. Lumus closed his eyes.

  “I can feel Lears. I think he is on the move. He is leaving Aster Mountains.” Lumus said faintly. Scarlette shrugged.

  “Who cares about Lears right now!? It’s Kontaminate that’s the huge threat right now.” Scarlette interrupted. Lumus opened his eyes to see Scarlette staring back at him.

  “I know Scarlette, I’m just curious about their plans. I wonder if they might help.” Lumus suggested. Frostear laughed, then turned to head back.

  “I’ll meet you guys back at the cavern.” Scarlette didn’t stop staring at Lumus.

  “Lumus you know we can make a difference if we go to those towns. We have to stop Kontaminate, and he could be out there.” Scarlette had a look of worry in her expression. Lumus crossed his arms.

  “Yeah I know, but we can’t fight the people, he is using them to fight. If we go out there we will be fighting the very same people we are trying to protect.” Lumus replied. Scarlette turned toward the cavern.

  “I know that. I know it is dangerous, but if it means that we can take out Kontaminate then we have to try. If we go out there, we don’t have to just walk in the front door you know. I’m saying we can just go see from afar. If it’s too late we turn and head back to plan other strategies. Until we figure out how to cure the infection we should avoid any unnecessary fighting with the people.” Scarlette tried to convince Lumus. Lumus walked over beside Scarlette.

  “You’re right. Let’s go ask the others who will come with us then. If we just do surveillance, and nothing more. If we find Kontaminate, then I will deal with him.” Lumus smiled. Scarlette smiled too. “Thank you Lumus.” Scarlette said as she hugged Lumus.

  “(That bastard, using our own people against us. Ah…Zelkem. You are a pain in the ass, but you are family, as much of a head ache as you are, I still love you, and I can’t let this monster get away with what he has done)” Orson thought to himself as he paced in the chamber behind the waterfall.

  “Orson I’ve found you.” Scarlette stood at the cave door with a sad smirk on her face. “Lady Scarlette.” Orson stood as he wiped his face dry.

  “Is there something the matter?” Scarlette walked over to the waterfall, and reached her hand out to catch water.

  “Orson, Lumus told us what happened to Zelkem. I promise you Kontaminate will pay. Lumus has taken Dyne, Frostear and Zephry to Librine. You, Zynx, Brinx and myself will travel to Aquoise. We are going to find Kontaminate. If he has been to either of the two towns
we will help anyway we can.” Orson joined Scarlette’s side.

  “I understand. I am ready to leave at once my lady.” Scarlette turned back to the tunnels entrance.

  “We leave immediately. Kontaminate has maybe a day on us. There is no time to waste. We can help Zelkem, and we will stop Kontaminate at any cost.” Scarlette turned away, and faded into the darkness of the cave.

  Lumus closed the hatch to the tunnels behind him, Penelope’s shop was quiet. Dyne leaned on the wall by the door. Frostear and Zephry were already outside scouting the streets. Lumus walked over to Dyne, and gave him a nod. They made their way out into the street to join the others. A purple light from the eclipse lit the streets. Frostear and Zephry noticed Lumus and Dyne exit the shop. Frostear nodded at Lumus to signal that the streets were empty.

  “We need to head South East across the bridge east of here. No stops, no detours, if Kontaminate is there I don’t want him to escape. If any of you don’t want to go speak now, there will be no turning back. Penelope mentioned the eclipse last time Kontaminate showed up, He must be close.” Lumus looked around to the others, no one made a sound. “Then I’ll set the pace, keep up I won’t be stopping for anything.” Lumus began running toward the south gate with Frostear behind him.

  “Lumus seems a lot more serious than usual. I know a lot is happening, but he seems to have changed.” Zephry said with a chill.

  “You remember what Lumus said before, we are like family now. I’m certain Lumus is thinking of Zelkem. What happened is terrible, and I am with Lumus with anything he decides. He has proven time and time again that he really is the hero Twilight needs.” Dyne said with a smirk. Dyne turned to catch up with Lumus.

  “I understand all of that, he just doesn’t have the same look on his face. He reminded me of…Lears.” Dyne stopped without turning around, he paused for a moment then continued to run. Zephry lost sight of Lumus and Frostear; Dyne had almost reached the gate. Zephry looked up to the sky holding her hand in front of her eyes to block some of the light.

  “I wish Twilight would go back to the way it was.” After a moment Zephry began to make her way toward the gate.

  “Everyone wait a moment.” Lumus stopped suddenly just after the gate.

  “I know that the others are going to Aquoise, the thing that keeps going through my head is if Kontaminate is there, will they be able to face him alone? I have decided to go to Librine alone.” Lumus announced. Frostear smiled.

  “I know Zynx is lost without me so I’ll do as you ask.” Dyne turned toward Aquoise, as he did Frostear shot Lumus a nod, then turned to follow.

  “Hey where are you both going?” Zephry finally caught up, she was out of breathe, and dripping sweat already.

  “I need you to go with them Zephry. I know Orson isn’t in a clear mind, and he may do something reckless without all of you with him.” Zephry looked over to the others walking toward Twilight forest.

  “You don’t think I’m going to just let you go off alone. I haven’t been with you as long as the others, but I know you can sense Kontaminate. That seems to be something that everyone is overlooking here.” Lumus turned his head.

  “They are all fully aware that I can feel his star energy. That is why they left Zephry.” Lumus replied. Zephry sighed.

  “So, you are really going to face him alone. Why send everyone to Aquoise?” Zephry seemed eager to hear his response. Lumus turned back to Zephry with a smile.

  “I just want everyone to be at a safe distance for the battle. I don’t think Kontaminate will just let me win.” Lumus replied with a soft laugh. Zephry laughed too.

  “Okay, I won’t stop you. Good luck Lumus.” Zephry smiled for a moment before she turned to follow the others.

  Lumus turned to Librine. He clenched his fists as he powered up. The air around him blew in a spiral, his head was down, and he had closed his eyes. After a short pause Lumus raised his head, and dashed toward Librine.

  Scarlette, Zynx, Orson and Brinx reached Capaz. Everyone made their way to the main street near the palace. Scarlette made her way up the ladder in Penelope’s shop.

  “I wonder if Lumus and the others are okay.” Scarlette walked out of the storage room. She noticed everyone was waiting outside. She opened the door and walked outside to see Frostear, Dyne, and Zephry.

  “Hey, where is Lumus? Why are you all here?” Scarlette began to panic. Frostear stepped forward.

  “He means to fight Kontaminate alone. He won’t take us along because he knew we would just be in the way.” Frostear replied. Scarlette began to cry.

  “Why? Why would he go alone?” Zephry ran over and hugged Scarlette.

  “I think Lumus knows Kontaminate is here for just Lumus, this is something he has to do alone.” Zephry backed away from Scarlette. She looked around to notice everyone was looking at her.

  “We may not have Lumus with us, but we still have a mission to complete. Until Lumus returns we need to focus on that mission.” Zephry protested. Brinx became interested. “What mission is that Zephry?” Brinx asked. Zephry looked around.

  “We need to go to Aquoise to find Zelkem, and help him return to normal.” Frostear cheered. Orson finally had a happy look on his face.

  “Zephry how do we know Zelkem will be in Aquoise?” Orson asked.

  “Like we have been doing since the beginning, best guess. Kontaminate said in Sagnet that Lumus and Lears are abominations right? So if he is going after Lears why not send his infected to distract Lears while he fights Lumus?” Zephry declared. Scarlette whipped her tears away. Frostear was in shock. Finally Brinx walked over to Zephry, and rested his hand on Zephry’s shoulder.

  “That is a brilliant plan. Listen up everyone we have wasted enough time here. Let’s get moving to Aquoise. Brinx jumped off into the sky, Dyne Zynx and Orson made haste toward the North Gate. Scarlette turned to Zephry before they left.

  “Thank you Zephry.” After a quick hug, Scarlette followed the others. Zephry smiled as she watched everyone leaving.

  “Hey wait! Why am I always the one left behind?” Zephry yelled out.

  Lumus’ speed was ferocious, not even the fastest Zufore could keep up with him. Lumus noticed the eclipse getting brighter as he got closer to Librine. When Lumus glanced ahead he noticed Librine’s city gates.

  “Librine, I made it.” Lumus began to slow down as his light faded.

  “I can feel him, he is close.”

  “Ha-ha, you think you could sneak up on me Lumus? I am the ultimate weapon. I am a force used for centuries to clear planets of abnormal species. I am the last thing you will see.” Kontaminate called out. Lumus laughed.

  “I can feel your star energy. I have to say I’m embarrassed for you. You are strong sure, but I am not far off from you. As for Twilight, I won’t let you hurt anyone else. This is it Kontaminate I hope you’re ready for the end.” Kontaminate smirked back at Lumus. “Every time my creator wakes me to cleanse a planet I find it interesting to see what it is, and what it was. I can see these humans are the species that belong. There will be no harm to them unless you decide to neglect your makeshift fate. If you don’t my infected children will continue to go from town to town infecting the planet.” Lumus gripped his sword tight as he drew it from its sheath.

  “Enough, let’s end this already!” Kontaminate held his hand out, a purple light made the shape of a sword.

  “I see, so this is what your species calls a weapon on this planet. Very well.” Lumus shrugged.

  “I hope you know how to use it, because I have become quite good with mine.” Lumus said with a grin. Kontaminate laughed.

  “I do enjoy your species. I have not been a human in some time now.” Lumus looked at Kontaminate in confusion.

  “What do you mean you haven’t been a human in a while?” Kontaminate began to swing his sword around as he looked toward Lumus.

  “Simple answer for a simple person. You see I sleep in the cosmos up in the space that your kind has yet to fully learn about.
I have been to planets where they have become so knowledgeable that they were able to build ships to enter space. I have been to planets where there were no humans at all. My job is to kill anything my master has not created. You and Lears are two things created through the planet, therefore I was sent here to kill you both.” Lumus clenched his fist.

  “Your creator? Do you mean like a god?” Kontaminate laughed.

  “Your kind knows nothing of the gods of our world. There is Omega Zin, ruler of this galaxy. Under him are the North Zin, the East Zin, the South Zin, and your god the West Zin. Your planet falls into the west side of the galaxy. Then there are the Zodiacs of the twelve. These are the gods of legend. Not even my master has seen them. Anyway I have given you enough information. At least now you will have something to think about in the realm of the dead.” Kontaminate laughed.

  “Kontaminate dashed straight at Lumus, his sword just missed Lumus as he jumped over him. Lumus swung at Kontaminate, as he did Kontaminate turned to deflect Lumus’ strike with his energy sword. Kontaminate raised his hand to Lumus’ chest, a bright light flashed in Lumus’ face. Lumus was thrown across the field.

  (“Ah, what was that, he didn’t even move. He just pushed me with his hand.”) Lumus struggled to get up. Kontaminate walked slowly over to Lumus as he tried to get to his feet.

  “Seems I know your powers more than you do. Interesting, I will tell you this Lumus. Your true power is not this blade nor is it the star energy within you. Your power is drawn directly from Twilights Core. With a vast amount of power at your fingertips you could easily become a threat to the universe. Now you see why you are abnormal, and must be destroyed?” Lumus finally made his way to his feet.

  “So what do you draw your power from?” Lumus asked.

  “I draw my power from Omega Zin. So you can only imagine how much power I really possess.” Lumus laughed. He fell to his knees as he continued to laugh.

  “You think the god of our galaxy will grant you all of his power? Not even I am that naïve. Remember you are a copy of Lears and me. We can feel your Star energy. Oh and another thing, I don’t ask the core for its power!” Lumus began to glow brightly. He threw his sword threw the light at Kontaminate, but he just deflected it. Suddenly Lumus flew out of the light with his fist aimed at Kontaminate. He let out a bombardment of punches, then grabbed Kontaminate by his head. Lumus jumped with Kontaminate unable to fight back. He slammed Kontaminate into the ground with a loud crash.


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