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Zodiac Awakening

Page 26

by Drew Smith

  “Do yourself a favour Kontaminate, stay down.” As Lumus stared into the dust a small needle flew out of the debris, and hit Lumus in his neck. He quickly pulled it out, then fell to the ground once more.

  “Ha-ha, you fell for it. Thought you had me beat did you? I cannot be beaten.” Kontaminate began to laugh. He raised his arms to the air.

  “Now I just have one of you left. I already have my army of infected ready to attack Lears. All they need is a general.” Kontaminate turned back to Lumus with a smile.

  Lumus grabbed his neck in pain, he immediately began to sweat as his body began to change. Lumus was on his knees screeching in pain. His body began to form spikes from his shoulders, then another pair burst through his elbows. Lumus began to swing his arms violently. He ripped his shirt off, and scratched at his chest.

  “The venom is taking over your mind. Soon Lumus, you will become fully infected.” Kontaminate crossed his arms, and turned toward Aquoise. Lumus fell to the ground with a twitch. Kontaminate turned his head to see Lumus over his shoulder.

  “Transformation complete Lumus. As your master I command you to stand up.” Kontaminate said with a serious tone.

  Lumus twitched for a moment his eyes dazed. Kontaminate picked him up by his hair with one hand.

  “I gave you an order Lumus.” Kontaminate said.

  (“I can hear him, but I can’t move my body. I can’t believe I have been infected. Is it all over? No. I can’t let it end this way. I won’t let it end like this. I will use every ounce of energy to free myself. I just need to find the way to the cores power from my mind. I need to hurry. Kontaminate seems to be getting angry. I just need to close my eyes and I can focus.”)

  Lumus hung from Kontaminate’s hand motionless. His mind was nearly under Kontaminate’s full control. Kontaminate looked into Lumus’ eyes closely.

  “Are you fighting the venom Lumus? Good for you, I see you have more will then the humans. You can try all you want, in the end the venom always wins.” Lumus slowly closed his eyes.

  “Ha-ha, I can wait all day Lumus.” Kontaminate tossed Lumus across the field toward Librine.

  (“Good at least I don’t have to look at him. Now I can focus. Twilight show me to the core. Show me the way. Guide my mind back to my body. I can’t allow Kontaminate to harm Twilight.”) Lumus thought to himself.

  “Lumus can you hear me?” A voice called out to Lumus.

  (“A woman’s voice, who are you?”) Lumus heard a voice in his head.

  “I am the West Zin. I am the creator of Twilight, and of Dystopia. You need to listen to me. The only way to defeat Kontaminate is to draw power from both Twilight and Dystopia. It is the only way to defeat him. If you draw too much at once from Twilight you will cause the planet to become unstable, and Twilight may summon the Zodiacs.”

  (“That’s right, last time the planet used too much positive energy, Lears was born. West zin what are the Zodiacs?”) Lumus replied.

  “I created them as a defence for the planet. Twilight was the most pure planet until the Dragon Wars. I created the Zodiacs to destroy anyone who disrupts the core’s balance. You and Lears have recently been agitating the planet. You cannot keep this up. When you were born, I was able to shift the balance, but Lears was born. We were lucky in a way though. The Zodiacs were held in confinement.” West Zin replied.

  (“I understand, but if I draw from Dystopia’s core would the negative energy affect me?”) Lumus said faintly. There was a pause for a moment.

  “I don’t know, I didn’t create you or Lears. I don’t even know what the limit of you power truly is, but I can tell you that the planet will not be able to give you enough power without Dystopia’s help.” West Zin said. Lumus went silent. His body still laid on the plains just outside of Librine. Kontaminate waited with his arms crossed, and a smile on his face facing Aquoise.

  (“West Zin, I know what I must do.”) Lumus created an image of himself in his head. He stood in a white space. There was nothing in sight. Lumus was floating he noticed. He looked down then up. Still there was nothing.

  (“It seems I did it, now to test this out.”) Lumus used his imagination to move an image of himself within his mind. A road appeared under Lumus. He slowly floated to the road then looked ahead. A town appeared further up the road, then an old man morphed from the town gate. Lumus began to walk to the old man.

  “You have entered the realm of realms. As you requested I am here to guide you.” Lumus looked up to the town gates.

  “I need to get inside the gates.” Lumus said.

  “I warn you young master. Inside is the world of shambles.” Lumus turned to the old man. “The world of shambles? What do you mean?” The old man turned away from Lumus. He went silent.

  “Old man what is behind the gate?” The gate turned into a keyhole where the gate once was. A voice radiated from the white space as if it was coming from everywhere at once. “You are the key Lumus.” The voice faded after repeating a few times.

  “I am the key?” Lumus turned to the keyhole, the large gate had turned into a large keyhole big enough for Lumus to walk through. Lumus looked into the keyhole to see purple light shining out.

  “He is taking his time with his transformation. Hurry up Lumus!” Kontaminate gave Lumus a swift kick to the gut. Still his body lay lifeless on the plains. Kontaminate turned back to Aquoise.

  “Ah, the whole place is shaking.” Lumus turned to see the road he was on began to crumble.

  “I am losing focus, something must have happened to my body. Okay, now or never.” Lumus ran toward the purple light to appear back on the farm in Dystopia. The shack was on fire, and Lumus noticed a boy run into the flames.

  “That is me? I tried to save Orson’s other self. I couldn’t help him. Huh? Who is that? Scarlette? What is that in her hand?” Suddenly the old man appeared beside Lumus. “That is the hourglass she received from West Zin in the realm of the dead.” Lumus jumped back.

  “Why am I here, why would the door bring me to this place?” The old man walked over to a tree, and walked behind it, as he walked behind the tree he changed into Lears, then walked back over to Lumus.

  “This is all in your mind Lumus, you see what you’re mind wants to show you. This is your memory of the first person you couldn’t save. Strange isn’t it? Scarlette was there so quickly yet she just stood there. Why would she not help you?” Lumus unclenched his fist and turned to Scarlette. She watched the farm burn, then turned into the woods.

  “How can I see this? I wasn’t outside to see this.” Lears turned to Lumus.

  “Your eyes are only the gateway to your soul; they can see what is physical. Your mind however can sense energy. That is the real eyes of your being. If you can feel the power of something around you it is just like seeing it with your eyes.” Lumus shook his head. “What does any of this matter?” Lears laughed.

  “All of this matters, you are trying to regain your mind right? How can you have what you don’t understand?” Lears walked over to the shack.

  “Remember Lumus what you see is not always what you can see.” After a pause Lears smiled then walked into the shack. The flames engulfed him, but he didn’t make a sound. Suddenly the shack blew up with a flash. Lumus closed his eyes, and he quickly covered his face. He noticed nothing had hit him, nor did he feel the heat from the flames. Lumus opened his eyes. He looked around to see himself in Capaz Palace. Lumus looked out the window, it was dark, and the streets were silent. He turned to the bed beside him to see himself sleeping.

  “This is Capaz, I slept here many nights. What is special about this night?” Lumus turned to the window, then turned back to himself sleeping, but when he looked back it was Scarlette. She got up and stood beside Lumus.

  “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised about this realm anymore.” Scarlette pointed out the window down to the palace steps.

  “Do you see?” Lumus turned to look outside the window he blinked as he turned his head. When his eyes opened again
he was now standing outside with Scarlette beside him at the bottom of the steps.

  “What does this matter? What does any of this matter? Scarlette faced Frostear and Concy as Concy spoke.

  “I suppose I would live based on my will to help others. If I knew I was going to die, I would help anyone I could before my time was up.” Scarlette turned to Lumus.

  “Would you?” Lumus stood speechless for a moment. Scarlette turned back to Frostear and Concy, and Pointed to them. Lumus turned to look.

  Frostear and Concy argued then they both walked off.

  “We are a few feet away, but I can’t hear them.” Scarlette points once more. A man in a hood stood outside the palace.

  “Who is that?” Scarlette walked over beside the hooded man.

  “Come Lumus.” Scarlette said as she pointed up. Lumus walked over to join her, he turned to see Brinx on the palace roof, glaring back at them. Lumus turned to the hooded man.

  “Brinx was watching over us as we slept.” The man reached for his hood, and pulled it back. Lumus gasped as he took a step back.

  “Lears was here? How did he get past the guards?” Scarlette laughed.

  “You know that Lears could take a few guards down it was Brinx that stopped him that night from killing you. The question is, why did he tell no one that he was there in the first place?” Lumus looked up to Brinx.

  “I know Brinx, I know he has his reasons.” Lumus turned to Scarlette, but she was gone. Lumus looked all around, but no one was there.

  “Brinx wouldn’t betray us, he has fought by our side this whole time.” Lumus said to himself.

  “Very well, if you believe then it is as you will.” Lumus ran up the steps then turned to yell back.

  “So whatever I think I can make reality? Then I want all of my friends to appear before me!” With a flash Scarlette, Orson, Zelkem, Dyne, Zynx, Frostear, Brinx, and Zephry all appeared at the bottom of the steps.

  “What do you will of us?” They all said at once. Lend me your strength; show me the way to beat Kontaminate. Lumus looked up to the sky the core of Twilight was high above glowing brightly, when he looked back down he was no longer in Capaz. He was back in his body on the field outside of Librine. His body had changed into one of the infected. Although he kept some of his normal features, his elbows and shoulders had spikes coming from them. Around some parts of his face and torso was purple from the venom, but he kept his mind after all.

  Lumus stood up, and he closed his eyes. He clenched his fists, and began to illuminate.

  “Oh, Lumus so you are ready for your first orders. I want you to head to…” Lumus raised his hand, and just as Kontaminate did, Lumus hit him with a flash in the back sending Kontaminate through the land, and rocks like it was nothing.

  “Lumus opened his eyes. They were glowing a bright blue. The skin around the spikes began to heal. The spikes fell as if they weren’t attached, and his skin turned back to normal. Kontaminate got back up in a hurry to see Lumus was back to normal.

  “Impossible, nothing has ever been able to fight the venom! I will kill you, you abomination. Kontaminate ran at Lumus as fast as he could. Lumus dashed toward Kontaminate. At the last second Lumus noticed his sword he threw at Kontaminate, just as Kontaminate reached Lumus, he bent down grabbed his sword off the ground, and slashed through Kontaminate. Lumus slid along the rocks then turned to Kontaminate.

  Kontaminate began to cough up blood.

  “I guess you have won Lumus. My master told me to tell you this if I was to lose. He said a hero born from the planet shall be the only one able to defeat the monster born of the planet, but only if he was to find himself. Kontaminate dissolved into energy, then blew away in the wind.

  “This…This was all a test? Omega Zin never wanted to destroy the planet.

  “No, he didn’t Lumus. The Omega Zin only wanted to test your mind and spirit. I speak to you now from my world, and I have a favour to ask of you.” Lumus looked up to the sky, night had fully set in while he was in his mind. The moons had returned to normal as they went their separate ways in the sky.

  “What could I do for a god?” “Lumus I need you to defeat Lears, and rebuild Twilight to normal. I know this will be no easy task, but I beg of you. Please restore Twilight for me.” Lumus closed his eyes.

  “I will, I won’t stop until Lears is defeated.” Lumus turned back to Capaz with a smile on his face.

  Chapter Sixteen- Twilight rebuilds

  Day had finally come over the hills on Nuran region. Lumus limped toward Capaz. He looked back over his shoulder, paranoid that Kontaminate would be behind him. Lumus made his way to the bridge in front of the East side of Capaz. The town’s people had returned, and they had begun to clean the streets. Lumus looked over to the palace to see Orson. As Lumus passed the corner house to the palace entrance he noticed Zelkem leaning against the palace walls. A smile struck his face as he fell to one knee. Orson saw Lumus collapse, and ran to his side.

  “Lumus I knew you would win! So you ended up sending Kontaminate packing after all. We kind of figured that you did since the infection wore off. I have to say it was close too.” Lumus looked up and smiled.

  “I’m glad that everyone is okay. How is Zelkem?” Orson turned to look over his shoulder.

  “Well he is a pain in the ass, but he’s family. He will live. The others have gone to rest. I have to wait for the Councillors to return, so I stayed awake with Zelkem.” Lumus stood up, as Zelkem glanced in their direction and began to make his way over to them.

  “The councillors are coming back to Capaz? It seems like we were all just here.” Lumus said. Orson laughed.

  “I suppose you are right. Although this is not just a meeting about their assigned cities, this will also be to congratulate your victory over Kontaminate. It seems we have also been getting false information from some of our cities. I suppose we have nothing to worry about, but this tells us Lears has more of a grasp on our military then we thought. It will be hard to trust anyone after this.” Orson sighed.

  Lumus looked up to the palace where Brinx once stood from his visions. The roof looked just as it did, but he couldn’t think of a time when he looked up there. Lumus closed his eyes, and tried to think why he had memories of something he had never witnessed. Could he have glanced up at the roof and had forgotten he thought?

  “Lumus is something the matter?” Orson turned to see Lumus with his eyes closed, and his head tilted back.

  “No it’s nothing. I am just relieved that things have settled down. After a rest we can continue after Lears, I just hope we still have time to reach him, before he moves again.” Orson shrugged.

  “It would be best if we focus on rebuilding first. We have much to do still. Also I have sent some soldiers to aid our friends down below with the tunnels.” Lumus turned to Orson quickly.

  “Orson if there is a leak in the military do you think it is wise to have sent them?” Orson laughed and replied “I knew you would say that. I thought about that too. I asked Brinx to watch them, he is down there now. They don’t know that he is watching them though.” Lumus replied as Zelkem joined them.

  “Welcome back, Zelkem!” Lumus said as he walked away toward the palace doors.

  “Thanks! You too” he replied.

  “Zelkem, I’ve been meaning to talk to you properly since you, well, transformed back. I just want you to know, I mean, well…”

  “Orson, are you gonna get all mushy and sentimental on me!?” Zelkem laughed.

  “Aw, hell, you know what I mean. I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t got you back”. Orson awkwardly grabbed his brother in a quick hug, and then stomped off

  “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll deny the whole thing” he said over his shoulder.

  Orson followed Lumus to the palace doors and made his way down the main hall to the throne room. Lumus stopped at the doors as Orson proceeded inside. The throne room was decorated for the celebration. Lumus looked around to see long ribbons fr
om wall to wall. Flowers lined the walk way to the throne as Orson walked down he checked each one for perfection.

  “Is this all for us Orson?” Lumus finally followed behind Orson.

  “Yes, this is going to be a big celebration I hear.” Orson replied. Lumus stopped once more.

  “You mean you didn’t plan this?” The doors shut with a loud thud behind Lumus. He quickly turned around to see Councillor Gerald standing behind him.

  “I thought our hero’s should be treated as such wouldn’t you agree Orson?” Orson continued to the seats at the end of the room.

  “Lumus as you can see Councillor Gerald is responsible for the preparations.” Orson sat down on the steps just before the throne chairs. Lumus turned to Gerald.

  “Councillor I didn’t know you had arrived in Capaz. Have you been here long?” Orson asked. Gerald walked past Lumus toward Orson. He turned to Lumus.

  “I arrived just as you engaged Kontaminate. It seems I was too late to lend a hand. I brought some soldiers, and had heard you were in the area from my scouts. By the time I arrived you had finished off Kontaminate. I secured the city, and sent word for all of the councillors to meet here. If I am not mistaken they should all arrive soon. Until then, I plan to fix the city to its former glory, and help the people as much as possible. Orson requested a couple soldiers for, what was that for again Orson?” Gerald turned to Orson.” Orson stood up.

  “I needed them for some repairs. Thank you again for their aid.” Orson replied. Gerald laughed.

  “I see, well regardless, if it is to help the city that is why I am here.” Lumus approached Gerald. I thank you for the assistance. I would like to take my leave to walk through the city. Excuse me.” Lumus said with a forced smile. He turned to the doors, and let himself out.


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