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Zodiac Awakening

Page 27

by Drew Smith

  (“He is hiding something. I need to see what is happening underground.”) Lumus made his way to Penelope’s shop. As he made his way around the corner he noticed a lot of Gerald’s guards roaming the area.

  (“I need to slip inside unnoticed, maybe through the back door.”)

  Lumus went the long way around the shop toward the city wall, and grabbed a cloak off a clothing line. He wrapped himself in it to conceal his face, then headed down the alley behind the shop. Lumus waited in the shadows as some of Gerald’s men marched by. Quickly he leaped into the street, and opened the window to climb in, then shut the window behind him. He waited for a moment then covered the window.

  “There I don’t think I was seen. I really hope I am just being paranoid.” Lumus opened the hatch to Neutral City, and climbed down the ladder.

  “Orson, is everything okay with Lumus? He seemed a little distracted.” Gerald asked. Orson moved over to the window.

  “I assume he has a lot on his mind. If you had a twin regardless of how he entered this world would you find it easy to kill him?” Orson replied. Gerald laughed.

  “Kontaminate was a monster in a skin that resembled Lumus, nothing more.” Gerald protested. Orson turned to Gerald.

  “Never the less, the situation would be easy to no man. If Lumus seemed distracted, then I say leave him with his thoughts for now. This is something he needs to deal with on his own. You have to remember Gerald. Lumus is still new to this world. Everything that happens to him, happens to him for the first time. Even his power is relative.” Orson made his way to the door.

  “Are you leaving Orson? I have much more to talk with you about.” Gerald called out. Orson reached for the door.

  “It will have to wait, the councillors have arrived.” Orson made his way through the doors leaving Gerald alone.

  “Master do you have new orders for us?” Gerald turned to the shadows behind the throne. “Have the soldiers watch Lumus and Orson closely Tearus. They are up to something and I want to know what it is. Orson took two of your men correct?” Tearus stepped forward. “Yes My Lord, they are currently with him. They did not know the location in which Orson was taking them. I will have them give you a full report as soon as they return.” Tearus turned back into the shadows, and disappeared with the others as if they were never there.

  “These fools think I won’t find out what they are up to, I own this world. Lumus and Lears will soon see why the Drayhelm are to be feared.” Gerald walked down the throne steps, and slammed the doors behind him. After a moment Lady Concy came from behind the banners by the north windows.

  “So that is your plan Gerald. Well you are not the only dragon with an agenda. You can show yourself Tearus, I can still smell you.” Concy said with a grin on her face.

  “Ah, lady Concy. I am surprised me nor master Gerald was able to catch your scent. Maybe being around humans has worked out for you, but I cannot let you leave here alive” Tearus said with a laugh.

  “You underestimate me Tearus. I have not come alone.” Concy turned her back to Tearus. He used the opportunity to dash at her, but Frostear leaped out, and thrusted his sword through Tearus’ chest.

  “You would betray your kind too!?” Tearus fell to his knees. Frostear pulled his sword from Tearus, then turned to the doors to the main hall.

  “Lumus isn’t to know of this.” Frostear barked.

  “I shall keep the council out of this as well. I wouldn’t want the council to think the Drayhelms are coming for them. This was an act of a small group.” Concy added, but Frostear just walked away.

  Lumus made his way through the tunnels in a haste to catch up with Orson. His cloak blocked his light from revealing himself. As he made his way down the tunnel he continuously checked behind him to be sure no one was following him.

  (“Finally I found you Orson. I just need to sneak in front without them noticing.” Lumus concealed his face, and crouched as he tried to sway by Orson and Gerald’s men. The guards looked at each other than down at Lumus. For a second Lumus stopped as he waited for them to look away hoping they hadn’t caught him. After a pause they looked at each other again, then continued with Orson. Lumus quickly passed them, then began to move quicker to make some space between them.

  “This should be far enough. This may set us back, but it is better to be cautious rather than sorry.” Lumus let out some of his light, it reflected off the walls blinding Orson and Gerald’s men. Lumus threw a punch at the roof in front of him to cave in the tunnel. He quickly ran behind the others before they regained their sight, and hid in the shadows once again.

  Orson took a few steps back, his arm covering his face.

  “What happened? Is everyone okay?” Orson tried to open his eyes, but his torch had gone out. One of Gerald’s men stepped forward with his torch to light the path ahead.

  “There was a cave in Councillor. I don’t think we can proceed.” Orson crossed his arms. “This is solid stone, there must have been something to have set off the cave in.” Orson said with confusion.

  “Orson what’s happening down here?” Orson turned to see Lumus walking up behind him. He looked at the rocks in front of him, then back at Lumus.

  “Lumus why are you down here?” Orson asked, but he had a smile as if he already knew. “I heard you guys came down here so I thought I could lend a hand. What did you come down here for anyway?” Orson turned to Gerald’s men. You two are dismissed. We cannot proceed so there is no need for your services.” The soldier handed Orson the torch, then the two soldiers looked at each other. After a pause they passed Orson and Lumus to head out of the tunnel.

  “Lumus this was your doing I take it?” Lumus walked over beside Orson with a dim light around him.

  “I had to stop Gerald’s men from finding out about Neutral City.” Lumus replied. Orson looked at Lumus still with his smile.

  “I was trying to get some more help for the rocks in the North tunnel. How could that hurt?” Orson replied.

  “I was with Gerald earlier. I don’t trust him Orson. I can sense something about him. My gut tells me not to trust him that’s all. I wanted to be safe rather than sorry.” Lumus said as he looked back down the tunnel toward Capaz. Orson looked back at the rocks.

  “Now we can’t get back to Neutral City. How do you suppose we get back?” Lumus pushed Orson aside, and put his hands out in front of himself. His hands let off a bright flash as Lumus quickly pushed his arms out to his sides. The rocks blow into the cave walls like it was nothing.

  “There now we can get back. The stone roof is solid, but near the bottom it is just dirt and clay.” Orson laughed.

  “So what do we do now?” Lumus grabbed his cloak from the ground, and threw it over himself.

  “I will follow Gerald’s men. Head to Neutral City, and gather everyone back in town. I need to know what Gerald is up to.” Lumus replied. Orson turned as Lumus walked back to Capaz.

  “Lumus be careful.” Lumus turned, and gave Orson a smirk as he faded into the darkness of the tunnel.

  Lumus began to run down the tunnel to catch up to Gerald’s soldiers, he didn’t want to lose them before he found where they were heading. He came up to the ladder to the shop above.

  “They should be passing by the palace by now.” Lumus climbed the ladder to see Gerald and his two soldiers standing with him in the shop. He quietly jumped out of the tunnel into the storage room, then hugged the wall beside the door.

  “Lord Gerald the cave collapsed inside the tunnel, Councillor Orson told us nothing about what he wanted us for either.” Gerald was pacing.

  “So you fools learned nothing about Lumus and Orson while being with Orson for over three hours?” Gerald said with anger. The soldiers looked at each other.

  “My Lord, Orson didn’t speak to us at all after we entered the tunnel.” Gerald stopped. “Return to the others. I will deal with you two later.” Gerald ordered.

  Lumus heard the two soldiers leave, but then the pacing began again.

>   “Hmm.” Gerald paced from one side of the shop to the other. After several minutes he stopped, then Lumus heard the door to the street open once more.

  “Why is he so curious what we are up to? What does he care what we do?” Lumus pondered for a moment.

  “(Gerald must have left, I need to follow him.)” Lumus moved to the door to see someone covered by a black cloak in front of him.

  “Hello Lumus, I was expecting Orson, but this may work out better than I thought.” The voice said, but Lumus couldn’t see the man’s face. Just a devious grin. Lumus stepped back, and raised his guard.

  “Who are you?” Lumus called out.

  “You don’t recognize my voice? I thought you could sense me where ever I was?” The man laughed. Lumus gasped.

  “Lears!?” The man reached for his hood, and pulled it back.

  “Lears! What are you doing here?” Lears raised his head revealing his sinister grin.

  “I was in the neighbourhood, and thought I would drop in.” Lears replied. Lumus notice Gerald through the window. His arm rose, and pointed to the shop. His men looked like they were gathered around the entire general store.

  “You were expecting Orson? Why would you be looking for him?” Lumus replied. Lears crossed his arms.

  “If you must know I was told he was here. I was planning on killing him, but maybe you would like to play instead?” Lears laughed again. Lumus took another step back.

  “You really want to fight? Fine, but not here. If you want to do this, then we leave the city. Just you and me.” Lumus said while keeping an eye on the men outside the window. “What makes you think I’ll play along? If I wanted to fight you, I’d do it here, but I’m not here to fight you. Not yet anyway. I came to investigate Kontaminate, but Gerald convinced me to come here.” Lears turned his attention to the window

  “You are working with Gerald?” Lumus replied quickly. Lears quickly looked back to Lumus.

  “Not exactly, though he may think we are partners. Actually I came here to stage a fight with Orson to bring attention to Gerald. I’m sure you noticed his men surrounding the building. Well my little plan was to fight Orson in the street bringing you, and your friends out in the open. Gerald would then transform, and attack you by surprise.” Lears peered out the window.

  “Transform?” Lumus said under his breath.

  “You didn’t know Lumus? Gerald is a Drayhelm. One of the oldest actually. Oh maybe I shouldn’t have said that.” Lears smiled.

  “What do you benefit off all this?”

  “Nothing but questions today huh Lumus? I simply want to expose Gerald. He seems to think he runs this planet with his power of lead council, but when they all see he is a Drayhelm they will most likely kill him. He seems to think he can give me orders as if I will obey just because he has been leaking information of you, and your little gang.” Lears took a small step back from view of the window. Lumus lit up as his anger grew. “You can leave Lears I will expose Gerald, and you and I can settle this later.” Lumus said. Lears laughed once again.

  “You think you can tell me what to do too? Don’t be foolish Lumus. I have had plenty of time to train my power. You on the other hand are as useful as a lamb. How about a little show for the people of Capaz? They can see their hero in action.”

  Lears began to emit a black energy around him. His cloak swayed in the air like a flag in the wind. Lumus watched as Lears let out a yell releasing his energy into his hands. As Lears clenched his fist Lumus rushed at him. Lears dodge swiftly, and grabbed Lumus by the neck, then let out a barrage of punches to Lumus at random. One after the other Lumus was defenceless to guard, or break free. His grip on his throat was strong, and his punches hit with no pause. After a few more hits Lumus passed out.

  “Not yet Lumus, the people are yet to see how little hope they really have.” Lears stepped to the side throwing Lumus through the shop window. People in the street panicked, and ran from the area. Lears walked out, and smiled at Gerald’s men as he walked around to Lumus. Gerald’s men rushed Lears, but Lears had somehow improved his speed. He was able to dodge every attack, and slap them aside as if they were nothing. Lears Laughed.

  “Do you see? You have no hope. Your saviour is too weak to stand against me!” Lears turned to look at the palace. Gerald was at the foot of the steps. Lears seemed to have vanished into thin air. Gerald blinked, and he was gone. The rest of the council joined behind Gerald on the palace steps. The people looked at Lumus lying lifeless on the ground. Suddenly a scream came from Gerald. Lears had appeared in front of the council, and grabbed Gerald by the throat

  “Come now Gerald, show the good people what a monster you really are.” Lears yelled. Gerald let out another scream as Lears forced him to his knees. He held the back of his neck with such force Gerald was left with no choice. He began to transform into a Dragon.

  Lears leaped into the air, higher than any normal person could jump. Gerald’s clothes began to rip apart as he body changed. His flesh peeled revealing scales. Horns instantly grew from his head, and a massive tail sprouted from his lower back. A roar came from Gerald so loud, it could be heard across the land. Lears stood on top of the palace with a sinister grin. The council rushed away in fear of being trampled.

  “My work is done dear people of Twilight. I have unleashed a true Drayhelm upon you. Now he has transformed out of anger. As the legends go, Drayhelms that change of anger cannot return to their previous state. So now choose, kill the leader of the council you trust so very much, or die by the beast your people fought so hard to eliminate.” Lears still smiled as he watched the people panic below. Lumus was still lying unconscious, and Orson had not yet arrived with everyone. Frostear watched from a window inside the palace.

  “The fear has just been reborn. This event will change Twilight forever. Will the people never escape our curse?” Frostear spoke to himself while watching Gerald.

  People ran from their homes, and into the streets. Gerald had fully transformed, and had started to destroy nearby homes, and shops. His size grew larger than the palace, and his wings spread half the distance of the city, smoke blew from his nose as his claws shredded building after building. Gerald’s eyes caught glimpse of Lumus lying on the ground outside Penelope’s shop. His crimson red eyes glared for a moment as if he remembered Lumus. He spread his wings wide, and blew a breath of fire from his mouth with a monstrous roar. As he looked back down Lumus was gone. Gerald’s rage grew as he searched for Lumus. Gerald walked a few steps searching for Lumus. Suddenly an arrow struck Gerald in the chest. Gerald looked over to Scarlette standing alone, with another arrow loaded into her bow. She lunched another arrow without delay, but as it flew toward him he threw his massive claws down to the ground, and lowered his head. Scarlette ran toward the outskirts of the city, then quickly turned a corner to take cover, for a quick second she looked toward Gerald just to see flames rushing at her. She quickly turned her head back around the corner, then raced off down the alleys. Orson made his way toward the palace. Frostear jumped from the palace window, and joined Orson. They ran behind Gerald each with their swords drawn. They quietly made their way back into the palace. Orson turned before entering, and made a signal by raising his sword above his head to Zelkem. Zelkem stood with Zephry on Gerald’s right side. They hid behind some rubble just out of sight. Zelkem turned to Zephry and nodded, then they separated around each side of the remains of the building. Zelkem ran, and jumped onto Gerald’s leg, then latched onto his wing to climb up Gerald. Zephry went around to his left side unnoticed. As Zelkem had his attention Zephry ran over to the inn, and climbed onto the roof. Zelkem lost his grip, and began to fall. As he fell Gerald swiped his tail sending Zelkem flying straight down the eastern street. Before Gerald could pursue Zelkem, Zephry leaped from the roof off the inn with her sword facing down. She stuck her sword in his leg making Gerald screech in pain. Zephry swung back then forward using her weight to leap up, but Gerald spun around causing her to miss him entirely. She hit the
ground with a roll, and turned back to Gerald quickly.

  “Frostear this way, the roof hatch is at the end of the hall.” Orson led Frostear down the west hall to the back of the palace with their swords still drawn.

  “Here you go first, and I’ll follow.” Frostear nodded then made his way up the ladder. Orson quickly followed.

  Brinx jumped down from the sky landing beside Zephry just in time to carry her off as Gerald slammed his tail down. Zelkem turned onto his stomach, and tried to push himself up. He turned to look toward Gerald, but his eyes were unable to focus. He began to shake his head, then his strength faded, and arms gave out as he fell unconscious.

  Zynx sprinted across the main road just in front of Gerald with his spear ready to throw. He leaped into the air, and launched his arm back. As he was just about to throw his spear Gerald flapped his wings hard, and shot a strong gust at Zynx. The sheer force instantly threw him through the air back the way he came. He fell on the main road rolling violently. Scarlette ran out as Zynx flew by, and caught Gerald’s attention with her bow loaded. Quickly she shot an arrow aimed for his face, then without a pause she disappeared into the alleys once again. The arrow hit Gerald on his nose. He let out a screech, and staggered back toward the palace. Orson yelled over to Frostear they both took a few steps back then charged off the edge hurling their swords at Gerald. Orson landed first, his sword pierced Gerald’s back. Frostear pierced just above Gerald’s wing. The two hung on as Gerald came tumbling down to the ground. When the dirt settled, Orson, Frostear, and Brinx stood in front of Gerald. Zephry ran to help Zelkem, and Dyne helped Zynx to his feet.

  “I’m sorry I’m late buddy.” Dyne said with a faint smile, but Zynx pointed to Lumus.

  Orson turned to the others, and looked around franticly.

  “What happened to Lumus?” Dyne came walking over to the others with Lumus’ arm over his shoulder.

  “Don’t worry he is still breathing.” Dyne yelled out. Orson turned back to Gerald.


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