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Zodiac Awakening

Page 29

by Drew Smith

  “You two wait a moment. I have a special job for you.” Aire glanced at Levitz, who stood silently waiting orders. “I want you two to remain hidden. When the battle starts I want you to abduct the girl with pink hair.” Aire crossed his arms.

  “What use is the girl to us?” Aire asked. Lears stared at Aire. He raised his hand to Aire, then shot a quick blast of energy towards him, causing him to fall to his knees.

  “Aire, the next time you speak, remember that I do not care for your opinion. The girl may know some things that I want to hear for myself. You don’t need to know more than that. Don’t fail me; I will not tolerate failure. Lears loomed over Aire as he spoke, as Levitz remained silent. Aire glance back at Levitz once more, who remained unmoved. He nodded at Lears, then turned for the door. Aire turned to look over his shoulder then staggered to his feet, following Levitz without a word.

  Ged led the Lords across the fields from the southern mountain line toward Lake Twilight. He didn’t turn back to see if the others were following him. Instead he watched the sky, thinking that he is knowingly walking under the path of Lears’ attack. The energy flowed like lightning in a transparent ball with dark light spewing out like little volcanoes.

  “Everyone stop. Zuul is above us.” Ged yelled out. Coldblood looked straight up. For a moment he scanned the sky.

  “He is silent, but he knows we are here; that is certain.” Coldblood added. Ged glanced over to Coldblood.

  “Are you sure he knows we are here?” Coldblood was still staring at the sky.

  “He is circling the area, waiting for a chance to strike.” Coldblood replied. Ged took a moment to think. He looked across to the fields.

  “If we were to have entered the plains he would have attacked us. While we are under cover of the cliffs he can’t get a good enough chance to strike. We must find a way past without Zuul attacking.” Coldblood moved past Antsos and Jol.

  “Our best bet is to follow the cliffs back and…”

  “And what?” Ged interrupted.

  “If we go back how do you think Lears will greet you? Only gone a few minutes, and already we have failed the mission. No, we find a way to press on, and we do it without returning to Lears.” Ged looked up to the sky. After glancing between the field and the sky once more he turned to the cliffs.

  “We take the cliffs all the way to Lake Twilight” Ged demanded. Antsos laughed.

  “Lord Ged, there is no path along these cliffs. We would be climbing the whole way.” Antsos added. Ged turned to Antsos.

  “I know, but unless you have a better idea we follow the cliffs.” Coldblood put his hand up to stop them.

  “Wait, Zuul is leaving. I think he has gone.” Antsos finally looked up. After a pause he turned to Ged.

  “Zuul has flown above the dark energy. I can no longer see him.” Coldblood said as he continued to stare toward the sky. Ged jumped off the small cliff onto the grass below. “He means to push the attack into us?” Coldblood turned to see Jol already fleeing back toward their headquarters.

  “ Jol has the right idea. If Zuul brings that attack down on us, then we are done for!” Coldblood didn’t wait for a response from Ged. He quickly turned and followed behind Jol.

  “Ged, it would be wise to flee.” Antsos agreed.

  “We are supposed to be the dark Lords of Lears, and you all act like cowards. I will not flee; I shall complete the mission.” Ged shouted.

  He dashed as fast as he could across the plains. Antsos turned toward the headquarters. He glanced toward Ged, then the sky.

  (“Fool, you are going to get yourself killed.”) Antsos thought to himself. Ged made his way to Lake Twilight, he peered down into the lake from the cliffs. As he looked from side to side for a place to wait, he noticed Aire and Levitz climbing the cliffs to the West. “I guess they are taking the high ground… smart. I shall stay low then.” He thought as he ran over to a couple of rocks with a small gap in between them. He climbed over into the gap and hid in the shadows. He looked up to the sky once more, but couldn’t sense dragons like Coldblood, nor did he have the cat-like sight like Antsos.

  “I suppose if Zuul does push the dark energy down I can just enter the shadow realm, but my power is currently weak from transporting the other Lords here. I can’t enter the shadow realm for some time. Maybe this wasn’t as well planned as I had thought.” Ged said to himself.

  “Lumus… Lumus! You should come see this.” Scarlette stood by the window in disbelief. Lumus turned from Orson and Frostear.

  “What is it? Is something the matter?” He replied with concern. She didn’t say a word, or even turn to face him. She just stared out the window. He walked over to join her at her side.

  “What is it?” Lumus turned to the window beside her. His eyes widened.

  “How did I not sense this energy? Orson ran over to the other window with Frostear. “This must be Lears, right? What could he possibly gain from something like this?” Orson asked. Frostear looked up into the sky.

  “It’s Zuul. He is trying to push the energy from above.” Frostear added. Lumus opened the window. “I don’t understand. Is Zuul attacking us?” Scarlette asked in confusion.

  “This is star energy from Lears. I think he is fighting Zuul. It looks like they are just past Lake Twilight. Zuul has now shown us where Lears is hiding. Orson, have everyone meet us at the city gates; It’s time that we end this.” Lumus demanded. Scarlette turned to him, surprised.

  “Are you crazy? Look, we can’t go out there. If we all head over there now Zuul could drop that massive ball of energy on us too.” Scarlette shouted. Frostear made his way to the door, and quietly said “Then we go aerial. I’ll call my father. He can fly us up to Zuul.” Lumus turned and made his way toward the door.

  “Lumus are you two really going to go? Don’t be crazy! This, for once, is not our fight so please don’t go looking for trouble.” Scarlette cried out. Orson walked over to Scarlette’s side.

  “I agree with Scarlette. We don’t need to fight. It would be wise to let our enemies battle each other, then we can move in on them once they are weakened. It may be a low tactic but when your enemy fights dirty, you must fight dirty.” Orson added.

  “I don’t care that they are fighting, and I don’t care who wins between them. That massive ball of energy could kill hundreds or even thousands of innocent people. Frostear, please call your father.” Lumus demanded. Scarlette looked out the window once again. Orson crossed his arms facing Lumus.

  “I understand. Scarlette and I will continue overseeing the construction. Do what you feel is right Lumus.” Orson replied. Frostear left the room. Lumus watched him walk outside, then he turned back to Scarlette.

  “I won’t do anything foolish, I promise. I will stop the attack, then I will return here.” He looked Scarlette in the eyes. She didn’t say a word. She just turned back to look out the window.

  Lumus left, shutting the door slowly, and made his way down the main hall to the palace lobby. He noticed Frostear by the main gate. He walked down the road toward Frostear. He turned to see Scarlette watching him. He smiled, and after a pause he turned back and made his way toward the main gate.

  “Frostear, are you ready?” He asked.

  “I think it would be best if we got a good distance from the city before I call my father to us. People may not react well toward a dragon near the city.” Frostear added. Lumus smiled to agree.

  “You’re right. We can make our way to the forest line by Lake Twilight. That should be enough cover from the city.”

  Coldblood and Antsos returned to Aster Mountains. He stopped just outside the passage to their new lair.

  “Go ahead Antsos.” Coldblood said faintly.

  “Are you not coming?” Antsos replied.

  “I can feel Zuul’s rage, we must warn Lord Lears. Antsos entered the lair with Coldblood just behind him. Coldblood looked up to see Jol had already arrived.

  “Lord Lears, Zuul has come back. He seems to be pushing the
energy toward us.” Antsos announced as he bowed.

  “What did you say Antsos? Lears said in a rage. Coldblood, you said Zuul wouldn’t return.” Coldblood shrank back from Lears. “My Lord, Zuul is much stronger than normal dragons. With age we Drayhelms grow in strength.” Coldblood added.

  Lears stood beside his throne with a look of worry on his face.

  “My Lord, what will you have us do?” Lears turned to Antsos.

  “I will have to deal with Zuul myself. I was hoping to avoid fighting him.” Antsos laughed.

  “My Lord, you can destroy Zuul with ease. Why do you think so little of yourself?” Lears turned fast hitting Antsos with the back of his fist. Antsos flew across the room slamming into the wall.

  “Don’t be a fool. I know I can destroy Zuul, but if I was to use my energy on him; it would take time to recover. With Lumus so close to finding us I need to stay at full power.”

  Antsos coughed up blood as he tried to stand. Jol took a step back with fear in her eyes. Coldblood headed toward the door slowly.

  “Are you going somewhere, Coldblood?” Lears said maliciously.

  “My Lord, Zuul has started to push the energy. It’s slow…but it is building up speed.” Coldblood said as he looked up into the sky. Lears calmed down as he turned, and he sat back on his throne.

  “I can also sense my father, he is flying not too far from here.” Coldblood added.

  “Your father is a Drayhelm? Does that mean we are dealing with another dragon?” Antsos blurted out from the ground. Coldblood laughed.

  “No Lord Antsos, my father does not yet have the ability to transform. He is riding upon another dragon. That dragon is my grandfather. Lord Lears, I believe he is coming to stop Zuul.” Lears had is eyes closed when Coldblood looked up to him.

  “Lumus is with him. I can feel his power coming closer. We will fall back for now. Coldblood, block the entrance. Jol and Antsos, light the inner tunnel torches.” Lears stopped as the others ran to complete their orders.

  “Antsos, where is Scar?” Antsos stopped facing the dark tunnel behind Lears.

  “My Lord I have already brought Scar to the lower tunnel. I have made him comfortable, I assure you.” Lears waved his hand as if to release Antsos.

  (“For now, Lumus, I will let you live. I have bigger plans for you to come. Zuul has done most of the work for me, but at least I was able to give you a small parting gift. I still have Ged, Hedree, Aire and Levitz to keep you company.”) Lears burst out in laughter as he turned to head down the dark tunnel behind the others.

  “Frostear, look down there. It’s Zuul!” Lumus held on tightly to Frostear. The wind was stronger than Lumus thought it would be. He could see Frostear calm without covering his eyes from the wind.

  (“How does he keep his eyes open at this speed? I can barely keep mine open at all.”) Lumus thought to himself. Frostear pulled up and to the right on the dragon’s neck. Suddenly with a roar the dragon flew up to the right side of Zuul. He was too busy attacking the energy to notice.

  “Lumus, now is your chance. Go!” Lumus managed to stand up. He faced toward the energy while holding onto Frostear for balance.

  “I’ll see you in a bit, Frostear. Thanks for the ride.” Lumus leaped into the air with his arms out wide. He fell just above the orb of energy. Just before he hit it he pulled his arms in to his sides, and dove straight into the energy. Zuul noticed Frostear as he made his way behind him. He turned, and hit his feet against the energy to push off toward Frostear. As Zuul pushed off of the energy, Lumus reached out and grabbed Zuul by a claw on his left foot. Zuul screeched as he looked back. Lumus pulled him into the energy with him as Frostear watched.

  (“How could Lumus have enough strength to pull Zuul in? The energy alone must be draining his power just from being in there.”) Frostear thought as he circled around the orb, hoping to find a way to help, but he didn’t see anything he could do. As he flew just above the orb, Zuul burst through and latched onto Frostear’s father. Zuul’s razor-sharp teeth sunk deep, but Zuul’s eyes opened wide as he was pulled back into the orb. Slowly Frostear was pulled in with his father. At the very last second Frostear jumped off into the open sky. A single tear rolled from his eye, and drifted into the air above him as he freefell back to Twilight. A bright flash of light forced him to cover his eyes as he fell. When he was able to see again; the orb of energy was gone, his father, Zuul and Lumus were nowhere in sight. As he searched for them he looked down to notice he wasn’t falling. Frostear turned his head to see Lumus holding onto him.

  “Lumus! How?” Lumus just smiled as the two of them slowly fell through the sky back to Twilight.

  They set down on the ground gently. Frostear noticed three claw marked across Lumus’ chest. Blood ran down his stomach under his shirt and began to soak through the fabric. He looked up to the sky. Nothing was there, no traces of Zuul or his father. He looked back at Lumus, and noticed the blood. Lumus was still standing, but his eyes were closed with his mouth open as if he was sleeping standing up. Frostear ran over to him as he fell forward, unconscious. Frostear caught him just before he slammed into the ground.

  “I got you Lumus. It will be alright. I will get you patched up.” Frostear stood with him in his arms He turned and looked off toward Capaz.

  “It may be a longer walk than I thought.” Frostear said to himself

  “I don’t think you will be heading back to Capaz just yet.” A familiar voice said from the shadows. Frostear turned to look over his shoulder.

  “Aire and Levitz. What are you two doing here?” Frostear asked with a faint smile. Levitz made his way around Frostear as Aire crossed his arms and stared at Frostear.

  “Well, Levitz and I saw an opportunity to kill Lumus once and for all. We decided to abandon our mission to do so.” Aire announced. Frostear watched Levitz.

  “Levitz wanted to take you on. He doesn’t talk much, so allow me to formally introduce Levitz, assassin of the Dragon Wars.” Aire smiled.

  “You don’t need to introduce him.” Frostear said as he threw Lumus over his shoulder. “Ah I see you know him?” Frostear laughed.

  “No, I meant I don’t need to know his life story since I’m about to kill him.” Levitz continued to stare at Frostear without a move. Aire began to laugh.

  “You don’t think you have a chance, do you? Levitz has killed more of your kind than you can count. He has single handily put your race near extinction.” Aire added.

  Frostear took a deep breath. After a moment of silence he dashed over to Aire, in a flash punching him in the gut with such force that he coughed up blood on Frostear’s face. “I’ll deal with you in a minute” Frostear whispered into Aire’s ear. He pulled his fist back, and straightened Lumus on his back. Aire fell to his knees as Frostear turned to Levitz. Levitz’s eye were opened wide in disbelief.

  “I bet you are curious about my speed. You see the Drayhelms that you have killed in the past were probably younglings. Only elder Drayhelms have the ability to move as I do. I may not be able to use this ability often, but it will be enough to take you two down.” Frostear smiled with a glare. Levitz pulled a dagger from the sheath on his leg, and another from the sheath on his arm. He planted his right leg forward with his right arm up.

  “Still you think you can fight me. Even while I carry Lumus I can…” Levitz blinked for a second, and Frostear was gone. He searched the area, and even the sky, but he was nowhere to be seen. He realized he would have to be behind him. Slowly Levitz turned, but Frostear was already clenching his fist, before Levitz was able to fully turn; Frostear punched Levitz with such force in the centre of his back that he was paralyzed, unable to move. Frostear walked around him.

  “You won’t be killing any more Drayhelms. Though only a few of us remain.” Levitz fell to his knees. His body went limp, but he was able to hold his head up.

  “That was for my father, I’m sure he would have wanted to kill you himself, but I’m glad I get that pleasure.” Frostear grabbed L
evitz by his throat and lifted him into the air. He stared into his eyes as he squeezed tight. Levitz turned solid black like a shadow, and then vanished. Frostear wiped the blood from his face, but as he did the blood turned black and faded. It reminded him that Aire was still behind him. He had made his way to his feet.

  “I thought Lumus and his followers were soft.” Aire announced. Frostear smiled.

  “Who told you that? Maybe Lumus, and a few others would have let you live, but I think the only way to deal with a problem is to eliminate it for good.” Frostear replied with a smirk. Aire held his chest with one arm. His other arm hung at his side. Frostear’s attack had left him with no energy. Aire had trouble breathing, but still managed to stand.

  “I am surprised my son could tolerate working with Levitz in the first place, knowing that he killed so many of our kind.” Frostear said in disgust. Aire laughed.

  “Who do you think helped Levitz find all of the Drayhelms?” Frostear turned toward Capaz. Aire turned into a shadow, and disappeared just as Levitz had done.

  “Ged, you can tell Lears that we are coming for him. Your shadow clones are an insult. Next time try to fight me one-on-one and see what happens.” Frostear shouted as he walked away with Lumus still on his shoulder.

  Ged watched from the shadows on the hillside. After Frostear had made his way out of sight Ged showed his face with a evil grin.

  “I am impressed, Frostear. You were able to see through my shadows. It’s too bad he doesn’t know what Aire and Levitz are really up to.” He smiled as he turned into the shadowsand faded away.

  Chapter Eighteen- Orson’s Promise

  The light from the blue moon poured into Orson’s room as the day started without him. Outside his room was quiet. No one walked about, no voices whispered in the halls. Orson’s legs stretched to the end of the bed, then fell over to the side of the bed, causing him to wake up. He reached for his sword that lay beside him. His eyes shifted around the room until he realized where he was. He put his sword on the bed and began to slowly put his armour on. He gazed out the window to see that people had been working through the night. All of the debris was moved away and people had begun fixing the damaged walls and shattered windows in most of the homes and shops. He looked over to the right, and noticed a handful of people starting the foundation on a new home.


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